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    • #6417

      October 14th 2018

      Today I met a small white rabbit.When I saw the rabbit ,I ‘am very curiousness because the rabbit was wearing a beautiful shirt with some rad heart, and I ‘am amazed at the rabbit because he can talk and standing very straight like a human.So I followed the rabbit and I fall into a big dark rabbit hole.

    • #5625

      Roald Dahl wright the most scary part of the witch is at a chapter called 《Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker》. In there, I see the witches real face was very ugly and disgusting and very scary.So I think Roald Dahl wright the most scary part is that part.

    • #5061

      🚲 Bicycle

      ” Niya “ gasped Vita ,you are late for you drawing class.OK called Niya I will ride my bicycle to my class ok ,there are your bicycle Vita said bye bye Niya said then she went to the class.But on the way to the class Niya saw her friends was riding some beautiful bicycle then her, her friends Sophie, Kiki, Bali and musters.they langh at Niya’s bicycle,then they langh ha ha ha your bicycle is to rubbish Niya is very sad then she cry.Suddenly Vita came, she give Shophie a slap ( Sophie is the old in there. ) Vita shouted at Shophie she said “ Dare to bully my roommate,watch fist ” then Sophie shout I will came back soon,I will let you go today ” Then she run away fastly then Vita and Niya go to the drawing class happily.

      The End

      By Rita Huang

    • #4757
      1. The fighting

      Once upon a time,there lived a doctor called Ability Comakill,she Was a beautiful but a evil dentist. Even god also can’t do anything to her but only curse.God curse her that she only can live to 25 years old. (Dr.Comakill now is already 24 years old)but Comakill also curse that when people die then will be zombie s. Then Comakill’s curse was right,all the die people was all turning to zombies .Suddenly a good witch jump out, the witch shakes her heart, the curse said that from now all the zombies will turn back to human and all of the die people will never turn back to zombies.

      The End

      Remind:This is only the first part,there will also have second part

    • #4756

      The fighting

      Once upon a time,there lived a doctor called Ability Comakill,she Was a beautiful but a evil dentist. Even god also can’t do anything to her but only curse.God curse her that she only can live to 25 years old. (Dr.Comakill now is already 24 years old)but Comakill also curse that when people die then will be zombie s. Then Comakill’s curse was right,all the die people was all turning to zombies .Suddenly a good witch jump out, the witch shakes her heart, the curse said that from now all the zombies will turn back to human and all of the die people will never turn back to zombies.

      The End

      Remind:This is only the first part,there will also have second part

    • #4703

      Dear BFG

      The first time I saw you I am very scared of you until you say you were a gentle giant.I am very honered to meet you when you say you only like to catch all kinds on dreams then I was realy exiting to be your friend. I am also very sorry about those rude words that  bumpping out of my mouth ,because in that time  I thougt you are a man-eating giant and I thougt you will eat me.So I am very sorry about those rude things that I‘ve been tode you.So I am very honered to be your friend, I hope we can meet again the BFG !

      your little friend Sophie❤️

    • #4446

      The Worst Christmas

      Once upon a time in Cananda there lived a little girl called Pinky. One day Christmas came,she put on the decoration and waiting for her friends .She have invited 5 friends to her home. At 6pm all her friend were here,but they all looded angrey, so Pinky ask them why they were angrey. Her first friend Silky said:”Last week you came to my home and borrowed my book,you also said you will give me back my book today,then where is my book?” They didn’t wait for Pinky to speak the second friend Pepy start to talk ,she said:”Last day you borrow my 100 dollars and today you said you will give me back my money ,then where is my money?”Then the third and forth friends Blibli and Conaca started to talk and they told her that last three days she also said she will give back their toys.And her last friend Ankysaid Pinky need to give back 50 dollars to her.So they all go out from her home in that time.Pinky started to think that what happens that day. She said to herself what a worst Christmas!

    • #4310

      Once upon a time there lived a ladybug in the rain forest called Dotty.Her wings were are red as rose,the dots on Dotty’s wings are blank as ink. She want to ride on the dandelion and have an adventure ,the first place she went to is City! In the city,she find her friend Silly,so she lived with her a few weeks.The next morning she clime up to her dandelion and flew away,(Last night she tie up her dandelion)the next place she went is Volcano! But in there she is not really lucky,she didn’t even find her friends and she almost burned to death by lava. She saw things werein the bad way,so she flew back to the rain forest and lived happily  after.(The dandelion is a magic danelion, you tell him where you want to go and the dandelion will take you to where you want to go)

      Remind: The  dandelion will float forever,only if you say nothing to him

    • #4243

      My favourite part is when Charlie got the golden ticket because he is destined to get the golden ticket, Because he is a good boy.

    • #4156

      I think Willy Wonka is a good man because he give a chance let five children go to the chocolate factory .And before he closed his factory and he said he never opened it, and now he open it and give a chance for five children go to his factory.

    • #3920


      Today I went to Mr Wonka’s chocolate factory. In there have some chewing gum that can let you eat dinner lunch and breakfast once.And there have a room called televisions room can translate a chocolate into the TV. And they’re also have a beautiful room called chocolate room and all the things inside the room can eat.And they’re also have a room that has so many squirrels was biting a nut.And when I finished visit I thought mr Wonka is a funny happy man, but when Mr Wonka came to visit my home I just knew that he wasn’t a very nice man,I’am very disappointing in him.😓

    • #3849

      Suddenly a big , thin pterosaur flew to the eagle and want to eat the eagle  , and in time she just realised she crossed the dinosaur era, so she find a cave and live there.

    • #3797

      My favourite part is when Mrs Fox and Mr Fox and their four  children was in the supermarket and want to buy something back to the hall and give their friends.
      Film Version

    • #3550

      Coco and the gentle unicorn

      Once upon a time there was a kind little girl named Coco, she have a golden hair like gold,  her skin as white as snow, and her lip was rad as blood.She live in a little small dark treehouse.One day she clime down the hard treehouse and want to get some fruits, and when she clime down the treehouse she see a wound unicorn, at that time scared and worry about the unicorn, so she run to the unicorn and took the unicorn back to her treehouse as fast as she can and help the unicorn do the wound.And when the unicorn wakes up she saw that Coco was making some fruit to her, and in that time the unicorn start to like Coco.And when Coco look at the unicorn and she say to the unicorn “ Hi,you finally woke up,I guess you have no name so from now on I will call you Rolna ok? ” Rolna listened and went back to sleep.

      PS:My favourite book was《Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 》

      Rita Huang Siu Ning’s Home work

    • #3422

      Mr and Mrs Fox live in a small beautiful tunnel under a huge tree.They have four little clever hear foxes.But up in the tunnel there are three bad creepy nasty farmers and they called Boggis,Bunce and Bean.They want to kill the smart kind Mr Fox,so they use their plan 1.So they hind in the other side of the tree and waiting for Mr Fox came out, and suddenly Mr Fox came out and they shoot Mr Fox tail !

      AND NOW WANT TO SAY IS ( Oh dear my poor Mr Fox )

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