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at 18:02 #42845
ParticipantMy mock test for this lesson:
Was the Russian revolution the most important event of the 20th century in Europe.
The Russian revolution definitely deserves its spot on the podium as one of the most significant events of the 20th century not just in Europe but all around the world. This revolution marked the overthrowing of the Russian monarchy and stopping Russias involvement in ww1. But the most importantly, it led to the establishment of a superpower that would later cause tremors across the earth. However to claim it as the most important event of European history I’m the 20th century requires much analysis.
The significance of the Russian revolution can be seen in its immediate and long lasting effects On not just European but global affairs. One of the biggest effects was the building of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union started a wave of revolution fever throughout Europe leading to civil unrest in nations such as Germany, Vietnam, China and the two Koreas. The Russians success demonstrated the feasibility of a working communist state and gave the western powers a wake up call about the soviet states immense power but also the ideological battle between communism and capitalism. This battle became the foundation of the Cold War. The cold war was definitely the turning point of modern history. The proxy wars that Russia and America fought ravaged many nations economies and infrastructures and killed millions of people.
Despite the cold wars significance, you still cannot forget the effects of the revolution on the two world wars. Especially ww2. Ww1 altered European political from the foundations. But even more importantly, it made the base plate for ww2. The consequences of ww2 were more extreme. Nearly all of Europe and most of Asias infastructures were decimated . Even worse was the holocaust that killed millions of innocent Jews, among many others.but what I believe to be the most important was the establishment of the United Nations. A powerful association that keeps all people regardless of who they are safe and protects their human rights. All of this wouldn’t have happened if russia did not play its pivotal part in ww2 against the Germans. It was the Russians that defeated a large chunk of Germans army when Germany attacked them. It was also the Russia that took Berlin. A mark of the Germans defeat in ww2. Without the Russians who knows what could have happened to us.and without the revolution Russia may not have been powerful enough to defeat the germans.
In conclusion the Russian revolution was undoubtedly the most important event of the 20th century not just in Europe but around the world. The Russian revolution caused the Cold War, which ravaged the earth and it still rings on today, but also its involvement in defeating the Germans in ww2 to make sure that they didn’t win the war. These were both some of the most important things that they did. In conclusion, I believe that the Russian revolution was definitely the most important event of the 20th century not just in Europe but across the world.
at 16:43 #42787
ParticipantAmazing story of refugee child
A refugee child named Ahmet has been seen outside of bucking ham palace with a reported letter that he wanted to give to the queen. Him and three of his friends were reported to have been shouting at police and waving the letter at them. At first the police tried not to respond but eventually as the children’s acts became more desperate the police noticed. When the police asked the children, the said that they were on a mission to the queen. Police were very concerned as this presented an obvious security issue as well as the fact that these children were not in school. They were eventually taken to a police station and their parents were called. The police have contacted their parents but we are yet to know of the outcome of this incident.
at 14:46 #42552
at 12:51 #42551
ParticipantMy Homework For the third lesson
There were many changes to the ordinary Russian people after the revolution, including pros and cons. There were many different types of changes, some more important than others. The extent of these differences in the people’s lives can be summed up in four categories. Political, Economic, social and cultural and finally the impact of the multiple wars that ravaged the country. I will now go into detail of these categories and explain their causes and impacts.
Political changes.
The Russian revolution ended the tsar’s monarchy. The Tsars government had a solidified social structure that made becoming richer very difficult in past Russia. It also had many dictatorial and oppressive policies that when finally lifted gave the Russian people a breath of fresh air. This change was very major as the normal people were no longer subject to the rule of a dictator.
The rise of the communist state also was a large political change where the people finally had a government that represented them. The Bolsheviks promised to represent the ordinary people along with the peasants for things such as workers’ rights.Economic changes.
The Bolshevik land redistribution was one of the most important changes after the revolution. The Bolsheviks took land from the church and the noble and redistributed it among the peasants. This was a hugely popular move among the mostly rural people and heavily altered the structure of life for many people.
The nationalization of industry was also a very large change. In this the Bolsheviks took many businesses such as factories and banks and nationalized them. This was a move that was intended to help the poor, it led to significant disturbances in Russia’s economy turning it from a free market to a planned economy caused food shortages, poverty and inefficiency in work causing Russia’s economy to plummet.Social and Cultural Changes.
The Russian revolution had a target of cleansing the old class system. The nobility and the clergymen lost their status of privilege while the ordinary people were elevated. In reality the members of the communist party such as Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky earned so much power that they almost became dictators themselves.
The new government also pushed for women’s rights. Bolsheviks had a surprisingly progressive policy on women’s rights such as legalizing divorce, introducing maternity leave and giving women the right to vote. This meant that Russia was the second country ever that allowed women to vote right after New Zealand.
Now for the cultural side of the revolution, The Russian revolution also caused a revolution of education. The Bolsheviks goal was to eradicate literacy. This ended up too much more increased access for educations for the ordinary people as well as Literacy rates nearly doubling. In 1918 a year after the Bolsheviks took over, only half of the red army’s soldiers could read and write. Whereas in 1925, only six years after the new government 100 percent of the red army’s soldiers were fully literate and could both read and write.
The new government also created a new communist culture that would replace the old noble system. This included promoting communism in art and attacking religion. The Russian church was prosecuted while atheism was supported.The last category is war.
The Russian civil war between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks Destroyed the country. Many civilians suffered from mass violence loss of lie and losing workers from the war. WW1also ha a very large impact on Russia with its 2.5 million casualties and its army being heavily weakened. These two wars together caused widespread famine in Russia. Along with the Inefficiency of communism and poor harvests, famine fell upon the Russian people an example of this was the 1921 famine that killed almost 5 million people, (more than the war). In total there were estimated to have been 10 million people that died to starvation while the Bolsheviks were in control.In conclusion The Russian revolution Altered the lives of the ordinary people from the foundation. The old class system was dismantled, the government formed new ideologies. However, the revolution brought many hardships to the people of Russia. So, to answer the question, I believe that the revolution changed the lives of the Russia people so much that they could’ve become new people.
at 11:02 #42341
ParticipantThis my answer to the second homework
The question of if the revolution was inevitable has many different answers and reasonings.
In the 20th century Russia was a mainly agricultural economy stuck in the old feudal system. Most Russians were surfs, owned by their master’s and forced to workday after day. Even after the serfs were set free in 1861, they were still drowning in poverty as they had to pay redemption payments to the government and their owners for 49 years. When Russia was final industrialized in 1860 it was done awfully and unevenly. The workers were treated awfully with low pay and low workers’ rights being some of the main complaints.The Tsar.
Politically Russia was a monarchy ruled by the tsar who had absolute power. Despite the tsar trying to reform the government such as the Russian duma, (a temporary parliament that was held until the 1917 revolution). In the end the tsar still had most of the power. It was said that the tsar was an awful ruler. His people starved while he attended lavish parties in Paris. This ruling system caused the main population of Russia to be unhappy with how the country was led, (maybe in the future causing a revolution)
WW1 acted as a main opportunity for Lenin to gain power from the civil unrest. Lenin took the advantage of having a country with huge problems and turned it into his own. The first problem with Russia was its economy. The war effort along with its late industrialization made Russia a very poor country. Peasants would starve because of food shortages while middle class workers saw the wages decline or facing the risk of losing their job. Lenin used this perfectly with the slogan peace bread and land appealing to the peasantry and the middle class. Peace saw an end to the war which was decimating Russia, bread appealed to the starving peasantry and land showed that he wanted people to be wealthier.In conclusion, while it is impossible to say that the revolution was inevitable many major factors such as WW1 and the economy caused Russia to be a breeding ground for new political ideologies, and also hatred for the tsar and the current government. I believe that there was a very high chance that a revolution was going to happen.
at 17:11 #42333
ParticipantDickon Sowerby
Dickon has many traits such as his ability to calm and charm animals. Throughout the book I feel that Dickon is one with the Yorkshire moorland. He is described as someone that ,” has eyes like the moorland sky.” Or that he smells like heather and grass. When we first see Dickson he is under a tree while playing music to animals with his wooden pipe. He is seen as someone who is heavily Connected to the wilderness.
To Mary he is seen as strangely exotic with his Yorkshire accent with his difference to Mary not in race such as the the Indians at the start of the novel but in class. Mary talks about dickens tattered clothes and his rough hair many times and also about his rough diet.Mary describes dickon as beautiful and a Yorkshire angel.
At the start of when Mary tells Colin about dickon, Colin says that he hates people but he wants to be friends with things. But Mary says that Dickson is friends with anything. Colin also apologizes for threatening to send Dickon away. When mary says that Dickson is coming to see Colin he almost cries. When Colin wants to go outside dr craven says no but when it is said that Dickson would push Colin’s wheelchair dr craven relaxes further cementing dickens position as a trustworthy nice person
at 18:02 #42232
ParticipantHomework for last lesson :
Lenin was born into an upper middle class family and was born kn the 10th of April 1870.lenin became a revolutionary socialist after his brothers execution. He was expelled from school for taking part in anti tsarist protests. After he spent many years studying law. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 where he became a very well respected Marxist activist. He was exiled in 1897 for three years. After this he moved to Western Europe where he became a prominent member of the Russian social democratic Labour Party. (RSDLP)In 1903 he led the now split RSDLP leading his faction ( the bolsheviks against Julian Martovs faction ( The Mensheviks) after the 1917 revolution he became a major part of the October revolution where they overthrew the tsarist government. I believe that one of the main reasons that he hated the tsarist government was the execution of his brother . A fact that shows how much he devoted his life to Marxism was that even though he was born into quite a rich family he still advocated for more equality of the people and the government.According to Lenin’s view of Marxism he thought that humanity would eventually reach pure communism. To try and bring the people equality his thought was that he would make everyone a worker of the state so everyone was equal. I believe that the Russian revolution happened because of the tsars awful way of ruling. In Russia there were only three classes. The mega rich such as the tsars family and other high ranking nobles and generals. The second was the high middle class. They would own much land and would make serfs farm on their land. The last were the serfs they were practically slaves being owned by their overlords and this is what caused the revolution. Too many people were unsatisfied with their lives and wanted equality and this is also how Marxism became so popular with the poor serfs
at 18:01 #42230
ParticipantThis is the homework
Frances hodgson Burnett was born in Manchester, her father died when she was four years old and her mother died when she was 21. She moved to America after her father’s death. She started writing stories for magazines at 19 to help her impoverished family. When she was 31 she married Swan Burnett. The had two sons. In the 1880s she began to go back and forth from England to America frequently . In 1890 she bought a house in England. While she was writing the secret garden her eldest son died in Paris of overconsumption and this brought back her depression. Since she was young she had always suffered from depression. Before her son’s death she took him to many different doctors and also to Germany to visit spas. Her son’s death caused her writing to be almost psychotic and was almost like a way to compensate for her son’s death. In the book the secret garden I believe that the message of colin healing from an almost incurable illness was her way of compensating for her son’s death. She was reimagining her son in a story where he survived and that is how her sons death affected her writing
at 14:51 #42173
ParticipantIs this where we put the homework?
at 20:31 #30332
at 19:58 #29228
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at 20:07 #28803
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at 20:02 #28571
at 19:07 #23352
ParticipantThe Fire
the cave an empty shelter of smarts and wisdom was a mysterious killer of people hoping to leave but couldn’t
at 19:00 #23351
ParticipantThe Fire
It was a frosty winter night the moon sparkling bright, but the children camping were still cold and hungry some children had supplies for a fire. So, they all agreed to light a fire. But they were still hungry, so three of them went to find a deer. But all they found was a couple of rabbits strangled by them. So, they brought the rabbits back and made a rabbit carrot stew. The fire living ablaze, flames rising higher and higher the warmth filling all the children with a delicious bubbling stew the children happy and laughing talking like nothing happened. When suddenly the flame rose unlike before it muttered gently impeccably it mumbled you have made me big now, I will become great. And just as he said the fire and its flames were whisked away into the night sky . the children were sad, but they knew they created it and wished it their best.