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    • #22497

      Hi, Beth.

      this is my homework last week.  Thank you

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    • #22091

      Hi, Beth.

      this is my homework last week.  Thank you!

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    • #21999

      Hi Miss Beth, this is my homework last week thank you.

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    • #10153

      One day they were a nice camp sight and a warm cabin and—
      There were seven friends wearing under wear . And seven bags for sleeping there. And seven pillows to rest there heads and a bear in under wear good at tricks.so get free of tick and marshmallows on sticks good night pillow fight good night Miskito bites it can be a quiet night. Hi owls hoo hoo hoo hi birds chirp chirp chirp rock under bears back. hi iches Twitters and what’s that noise? Hi rain rain rain rain a scary game. Hello dry cabin cabin. Hello hello say from stormy weather

    • #9858

      chapter one Danger
      is coming.There is three cave mans they don’t live on a forest , they live on a big great and beautiful wooden boat. They work very hard they even had a big living room and bedrooms even a sky garden. So they needed a lot of wood every day woods get onto the boat one day they run out of wood Cave man Carlos said why don’t we make a time traveler . Cave man Mike and Cave man mimic agreed so they built it . The next morning they jumped into the time traveler he Then CRASH !!They landed on a new word that Have lots of woods but lots of monsters . They ran off to get woods but mike stoped them and said did you see there are monsters in here.oh I forgotten that they were every where said Carlos and mimic. Well follow me up that mountain full of wood said Carlos. They ran up that mountain ,but they saw a weird creature that’s looks like a chicken but the weird creature was delicious. They wanted to take two or three to take it home. But they run very fast they can’t catch up it . Cave man mike have a very clever idea, and said let’s make traps to trap them . Okay said Carlos and mimic. When we catch them all we put them into our big bag . They see a iPad and a bunch of wood they carried the
      Woods. Then KABOOM BA BLAM BOOM!!! There is the time traveler said mimic .they jump back into their times traveler. And they lived happily ever after.

    • #9648

      Today is my birthday! l asked my mom that can I go to leo treehouse for my birthday?my mom said I you had to do your homework today . Then l said aw man .when I got to the treehouse I met Leo .why does your treehouse had a net ? I said because a inspector came and told me that you need a net Leo said .well he added the birthday cake isn’t here yet,so lest go to the theme park.when we got there we decide too ride a big rollercaoster named the maze of doom .when we get on the rollercaoster we are super excited. The truck started to move .they headed up and up and up we can peeked over the edge were ever you look don’t look -.

      DOWN!!! The tided left they tided right! The race around a loupe! They get through a long dark tunnel!!!!!!!!chapter 2
      When they started eat the birthday cake when a bully splated the birthday cake into Lios face ! I ran down the treehouse and get help. But more bullys came and said hey you I’ll Like introduce myself hi my name is marcie poop and ya birthday will be ruled. NOOOOOOOOOOya bully!!!!! catch him bros! They catch me to there house luckily they were my nighbour then my mom saw the bullys catching me, she said stop bullying my son ! The bully’s run away .after that terrible day a feel bad.

    • #9400

      Ones before time there is a dinosaur named Cinderella rex . Cinderella rex love to dance.But her stepmather did not let her dance she had clean up after her mean stepsisters . One day letter came every one is invited to a fancy ball in the princes castle!Cinderella is finally going to dance , but first she has to get her stempsister get ready.When it is time to go, her stempsister leave the house the thanked their sister but her stenpmother said “you cannot go to the fancy ball because you are not ready so shut your as of ! Cinderalla Rex is sad she wanted to dance at the ball she could only dance alone in her garden .suddenly Cinderella rex heard a puff of magic a new dinosaur was there ! Who are you asked Cinderella rex ? The new Dinosaur said “I’m your fairy triceratops I will help you ! The fairy triceratops waved her magic horns a blue dress appeared two ice shoes appeared a Beaty bright pumpkin turned into a couch it was magic . You can go to the now , but you need return in midnight .At the ball Cinderella rex heard the music she started dancing !every one staired Cinderella rex is the best dancer they have ever seen during. who is that dancer ask the prince ? I do not know said Cinderella rexs stempmother. It’s mitnight! Cinderella rex had to go home the prince followed her. At the final time the magic was gone but Cinderella Rex was happy she had dance at a ball!

    • #9180

    • #4365

      Roald Dahl first grabs my attention when the boy’s gradmother talks about the 5 childern vanishing. It makes the readers feel nervous if the boy is also going to encounter a witch.

      The second time the book grabs my attention is in the chapter, ‘How to Recognize a Witch’.  It makes me feel scared and suspicious, so if someone with gloves, big nose holes, blue spit, a wig, and no toes, I will know right away it is a witch.

      The last time Roald Dahl grabs my attention is when he introduces me to the Grand High Witch. She has laser eyes, she is the boss of all the witches, she can talk in every language, and she creates all the spells and all the potions that the witches use.

    • #3754

      My favorite part of the book is the chapter ‘The Champion of The World’, when Danny and his father succeeded in catching all the pheasants. They both did lots of preparations, such as soaking the raisins in the water overnight and putting in the sleeping powder.  It makes the readers feel relieved after all the possibilities of getting caught were gone. There was one part I felt nervous. It was when Danny and his father heard a thump, it made me think that the keeper Rabbet was back. I enjoyed reading this chapter a lot.

    • #3421

      This is Nick Nasty, he is 10 years old. He is very naughty, so naughty that he has never gotten a single present on Chrismas, because he has been on the naughty list for his whole life. He always likes to play pranks and tricks on people. For examples, when he went to Willy Wonka’s factory, he started throwing his dirty shoes into the choclate river. Also he tried to pop Violet while she was a giant blueberry bloon. He was kicked out of the factory in 5 minutes.

    • #2631

      Dear Mr. Fox,

      I am having a lot of trouble with you stealing ducks, gease, turkeys, and cider off our farms. I promise I will kill and hang you next to my fire place, or you might make a nice rug or blanket. If you steal from us again, we will steal you life. This night we will destroy your hole and smash you all. You will perish from our life. You shall never steal from us again.

      – Boggis, Bunce, and Bean


    • #2446

      Matilda’s Magic Trick

      ‘I’m telling you to shut up!’ the Trunchbull roared. Matilda trembled a little bit. ‘Disappear!’ She whispered, ‘Disappear as soon as possible!’ She kept whispering disappear. Suddenly, she felt like she was fading away.

      ‘Where is Matilda? She was just there!’ the Trunchbull yelled. Matilda taped the Truchbull on her shoulder. ‘Who did that?’ the Truchbull shouted.

      Matilda whispered to her ears, ‘Agatha, this is Magnus.

      It is Magnus, and you’d better believe it!

      Agatha, give my Jenny back her house.

      Give my Jenny her wages.

      Then get out of here.

      If you don’t, I will come and get you,

      like you get me.

      I am watching you Agatha.’

      It is too much for Ms. Truchbull and she fainted.

      The End

    • #2385


      Matilda revenged on Mr. Wormwood by playing pranks, such as, when she superglued Mr. Wormwood’s hat so that he couldn’t get it off. Matilda also went to school where she met her principle Mrs. Trunchbull and her teacher Mrs. Honey. That night, Mrs. Honey went to Matildas house to talk to her parents about her brilliant mind and suggested sending her to university in two to three years with proper coaching, but was denied by Matildas parents. Matilda became friends with Lavender, and they met Hortensia who was eating mouthfuls of potato chips and told them about the Chocky, and Liquorice who got grabbed by the pigtails and thrown over the playground fence by Mrs. Trunchbull.

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