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    • #24748


      Two narrators can create the effect of  of  different characters, feelings or third or second person.

      For example, bleak house uses two narrators two describe  a more sad perspective and happy perspectives.also different narrators show first and second person. Another example from the book is when you have a sudden split between characters with another switch between first person and second person. first person describes things with extra detail for what the character feels and there pain and emotions. Third person shows how peoples emotion by showing facial expressions


    • #24679

      I learnt from the video that Charles Dickens’s character and tone sounds almost like Shakespear’s novels because Shakespeare is like an actor therefore his books are almost like a script for a most promising play. Charles Dickens also does this by adding little jokes and gimmicks to his story that you can only realize are there if you inference the text.

      For example: Stanley dug his shovel until he could not bear the  beam of burning sunlight. soon a little droplet of sweat rolled down from his face, then down his back and finally rolled in between his cheeks.(a piece of extract from Holes) This example shows that a piece of sweat has rolled down into an unmentionable place. However some people may not have noticed as it is hidden in the text and they would have to use inference to realise the joke.

      There is also another thing to notice: some of the little humorous lines are plain clear and these jokes make the reader more entertained and ready to go. Like come on, it is impossible that you have read a super big book that is plain and serious without going; “uh this is soooo boring and tiring”.

      I also learnt that Dicken uses he right tense when needed like for Bleak House which most of it is first person, it makes the reader more excited and attracted.

    • #24506

      WHY IS BRAVE NEW WORLD STILL IN IMPORTANT TO READ TODAY?                                             Posted on 30/04/2022

      In my opinion, I believe it is still important to read Brave New World today is because it gives us a clue of what might happen far in the future and can also hint us away from that dystopian future. The book also tells us what will happen if we mistreat the earth in no matter what way we mistreat it. Although Brave New world is not that child-friendly it is still important to read. The book shows us viewpoints and emotions (well you can infer their emotions) and describes how affected people feel and makes you realise why it is important not to try and control someone.However the book also describes the people who actually agree with this dystopian novel and can make you realise the advantages of a dystopian world.

      You realise that you could be the one with all the power and have everyone’s lives within you hands, the person in control could delete human existence with a quick snap of his/her fingers. Then there are the consequences, living in a dystopian world or city. Take Real Wars for example, every time there is a war people are forced to fight for their own lives and if you die, then that’s that. This is dystopian as the government and rulers are basically controlling you and making you make the city or town poor and horrible.


    • #24414

      Thank you for your amazing lesson, absolutely loved it.

      Sorry it is a bit late, we went on holiday to London and snowdome


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    • #24268

      Here is my homework

      Thank you for that fun lesson on brave new world

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    • #24154

      I agree but disagree if the meaning is changed, this is because

      I agree because in Virginia Woolf’s  books because on every book their is almost as if the characters don’t do much except from the suicide, other than this everything else and their character do not do anything at all. In the books the main subject is not hidden from plain view, nor put in plain view because their is sort of no main subject.

      The books also acts as if every single day is going to be the same and  that they do not have any physical skill. The most likely main subject would probably be Septimus but he is dealt with near the end so when it is the end of the book, it doesn’t have the same affect.

      However the story gives a lot of detail about war and everyday doings and how the effect of war can be mind blowing. The main action in the story are trials and the consciousness of Mrs Dalloway . Although the action is short packed, the characters aren’t and like I said, they might not have physical skill but they do have emotional skills. In the book The shell shocked characters don’t feel like they are living in the real world but instead are being controlled by horror. This is the only thing that creates proper tension in the stories.

    • #24000

      I think that Mrs Dalloway is a romantic and unhappy novel that shows us the raging war and the traumatic effects it can have to us. It is a romantic novel from all the husbands and wives and love throughout the story.  The story starts to show  the effects of war when Septimus is brought into the story, this young man is a person who suffers from severe shell shock and fear, this will soon leave to willing suicide. Even though this man is traumatised by war and sometimes can get very mad Lecrezia (his wife ) still loves him dearly.

      Even in these horrible accidents though, the novel still shows hope (barely). People are trying to help Septimus forget about his past and worries especially Evans. This soothes the reader a bit but at the end Septimus still jumps out of the window.

      This story also complies of  past, seeking into the future where not only the war fighters are being troubled but also normal trespassers like Clarissa who is stuck with her rough childhood

    • #23959



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    • #23958

      Thank you for the explosive lesson

      sorry about being late, I forgot that the doing time was Monday 3:pm

    • #23682

      Here is my homework

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    • #23571

      Here is my homework, hope you enjoy it!

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    • #23360

      Sorry about being late I thought I posted it on Monday


      Anyway hope you have a good day


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    • #23234

      Sorry about the lateness for this



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    • #23057

      sorry for posting this late I thought I posted it o Tuesday but when I checked today I found out that I didn’t upload


      sorry for the delay.

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    • #22850

      Hello Beth thanks for the amazing lesson

      Did you know that in China it is also new year’s eve?

      So Happy Chinese New year

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