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    • #42079

      WILBUR SHOULDN’T BE EATEN because he is just a little innocent pig, he doesn’t deserve to die. Even though, he is the smallest doesn’t mean he is the weakest like E.B White he was the smallest of 6 and he wrote this book and i think this pig could do very great things, he won’t even be yummy so what is the point of murdering him? Also, if you kill him it will murder.


    • #41978

      I think, if she knew how  humans could be played and regretted turning Wilbur into bacon, Charlotte needed to make the pig special in some sort of way. That’s why she done the webs. Their intention was to eat Wilbur at Christmas, so Charlotte prevented this from happening and the humans, in their head would say to themselves, This pig is special, i am not going to eat it.

    • #41829

      I wanted to write this absolutely fabulous fantasy book because pigs, they’re not in the main subject of what people are talking about. Thats why I want to base the story about pigs. I just wanted to make this book a happy ending with humour also added into it. I was the youngest of the 6 siblings. So, I thought to myself, if I am the smallest one than this pig could be the smallest one just like me. Well, Wilbur he was the runt (the smallest) out of his brothers and sisters and so was I. But Wilbur prevented being bacon thanks to Charlotte. Like all main characters they all need a sidekick; Batman, Superman, Ironman etc but if Wilbur done it so can I. I wrote the book just like Wilbur not becoming bacon so me and Wilbur have something in common, We’re the smallest sibling and we can do great things.

    • #41662

      My made-up character is Mr Clocky Wocky.
      He has a face of a clock and is missing a minute hand due to a car crash. He has a fine shiny, steel body with gold spray paint encrusted on him. He has these leather gloves around his hands to fix clocks. The legs are different though…
      The legs are a slim aluminium piece that is moveable and contractable. But if have you been wondering; ‘How did he survive the car crash?’ this is the important question he has an almost turtle shell kind a mechanism to protect him from hard impact.  But if you were wondering he has a round body just like a clock. His legs have this special pouch to store clocks. He has digital, 24-hour and analogue clocks.

    • #41663

      My made-up character is Mr Clocky Wocky.
      He has a face of a clock and is missing a minute hand due to a car crash. He has a fine shiny, steel body with gold spray paint encrusted on him. He has these leather gloves around his hands to fix clocks. The legs are different though…
      The legs are a slim aluminium piece that is moveable and contractable. But if have you been wondering; ‘How did he survive the car crash?’ this is the important question he has an almost turtle shell kind a mechanism to protect him from hard impact.  But if you were wondering he has a round body just like a clock. His legs have this special pouch to store clocks. He has digital, 24-hour and analogue clocks.

    • #41540

      Karl deserved his fate because he done the right thing by saying ‘no’ to become a awesome clockmaker. I think this as he shouldn’t have done what Dr Kalmenius wanted him to do so that answers both questions that Karl deserved his fate and if Dr Kalmenius is good/bad. Dr Kalmenius is evil.

    • #41435

      The moral of the story (in my opinion) is that you can go into imaginary worlds in books but not in real life. I think this because it’s about clocks and in reality, clocks just tell the time. Also, just like we said in class, clocks are quite fascinating if it is compared to a table. My thought is that probably the author (Phillp Pullman) was interested by clocks since they were getting more advanced by the century. So, don’t go around diving around in rabbit holes because you will never get anywhere. My moral is basically don’t go get to sucked into the book or you won’t realize what is going on in the real world.

    • #41262

      William can’t we just bully Jeffery Parker because he is so attractive!’ grunted Mr John Buff. ‘What your feeling is jealousy John,’ said William cooly.
      ‘I am soooooooooo angry right now!!!!’ raged Mr John Buff.
      ‘Why?’ inquired William.
      ‘Why?Why? First of all you called be my first name not mr, second you won’t let me breaksit Jeffery Parker!!!!!’
      ‘O-’ began William.
      ‘I am not finished!’ screamed Mr John Buff. ‘I challenge you to fight me in an intergalactic space battle! If I win I will haunt you for the rest of your life!’
      ‘Finished?’ said Willaim.
      ‘Yes.’ replied Mr John Buff.
      ‘Hopefully you did know that I was  filming the whole thing,’ said William pointing to his smartphone. ‘Now send.’ said William ‘On Instagram,’ said William smiling ear to ear.

      The next day
      ‘The whole school burst into laughter the next morning and it wasn’t even 10:00 am! ‘What a loser!’ sniggered Jeffery Parker. ‘Nice imagination ‘Mr’ said Jeffery Parker.

    • #40918

      Just william book review
      Overall the book was great. The question is how did it come from almost a century ago and still popular today. I never knew this book until now. I like don’t like when girls are treated differently from now and that is sexist. I like about how it was a long time ago and it didn’t do like 1890s like other books. It was an outstanding book though but pretty good

      ***** (five stars)

    • #40879

      wheres is the just william?


    • #40724

      Dormouse fast asleep while hatter and hare awake.
      Hatter says ‘no room no room.’
      [rudely]’ have some wine’
      [honestly] ‘but there isn’t any’
      ‘are you blind? It is right there.’ the hatter took an imaginary wine bottle and poured it in his cup.
      [in a matter of fact way] now you’re just being a complete idiot.
      [with surprise] i am not you’re being a complete idiot.
      The hatter and the march hare stuffed the poor dormouse into the teapot.
      [with disgrace] this is the most stupidest tea party i have ever been to!
      Alice walked off and a few seconds later a voice called out.
      [loudly] and you’re the most stupid person i have ever met! After he shoved the dormouse inside. Never ever come back young miss or else!
      [angrily] oh will never come back to this crazy place.
      [eagerly] did you just call me crazy?
      [sharply] yes i did because you are.
      [heart broken] waaaa waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa!
      [with disgust] stop you’re moaning you know you’re crazy and admit it. Thats pathetic crying over something that you know you are. Notgooday to you mr hatter.
      [full of fire] bye you stupid, horrid girl. I will never see you again.

    • #40563

      Can I have some of the mushroom?”  inquired Alice.
      No!” said the caterpillar hotly.

      Eat some of mine,” the Douzevict proudly said.
      “No no! Have some of mine!” cried the caterpillar quickly. The caterpillar snatched the piece of mushroom from the Douzevict’s hands. “Eat some of this instead,” the caterpillar said with relief.

      Thank you.” Said the extremely pleased Alice.

      It’s all right.” The overjoyed caterpillar said. “That guy won’t be messing with her not on my watch.” mumbled the caterpillar under his breath. Alice took the mushroom and thanked the caterpillar again.


    • #40562

      “Can I have some of the mushroom?”  inquired Alice.
      No!” said the caterpillar hotly.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>“Eat some of mine,” the Douzevict proudly said.
      “No no! Have some of mine!” cried the caterpillar quickly. The caterpillar snatched the piece of mushroom from the Douzevict’s hands. “Eat some of this instead,” the caterpillar said with relief.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”> “Thank you.” Said the extremely pleased Alice.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>“It’s all right.” The overjoyed caterpillar said. “That guy won’t be messing with her not on my watch.” mumbled the caterpillar under his breath. Alice took the mushroom and thanked the caterpillar again.</p>

    • #40442

      Alice was as bored as can be,

      then she saw a rabbit who was late tea.

      Curious and curiouser, Alice trailed the rabbit,

      with a jacket.

      She fell,

      and wondered if she was in hell.

      Down, Down, Down she went,

      Finally she stopped falling.

      With her curiosity and humour she asked if this was Australia or New Zealand.

    • #37334

      Dear Beth,

      please see attached Olive’s homework for week 2

      many thanks


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