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    • #18870

      Dear students and teachers,

      I think you should give the million dollar grant to your hard working principal. After all, with a whole network of schools consisting of 3 million students, a million dollars can hardly do anything. If I only used it on one school, it would be unfair to the other schools. Secondly, although I am the principle of one of the largest schools on Earth with students paying 500dollars plus profit each, you still can’t find me on the list of “Ten richest principals ever” ,Why? This because I donate some of it to charity( a evil laughter in my mind, because I only donate 10thousand dollars each year and then donate the rest to Michael W trust fund) and use some it to make our school better( though they are very subtle). This leaves very little for me(though 900 million for the trust fund mentioned above). For example, this semester I only got 6000 dollars, barely enough to keep my 15 family members who relies on me alive and well. Especially when the government says that a family should at least have 13500 dollars to spend each year. Next, I could use the grant to do some business, making more money so the school can use it(Though it is likely that it will earn lots of money and then suddenly be broke). However, if you are still convinced I’m a principal who only wants more money, you can go to the website bestteacher.com(by Michael W) you can see that I’m first place. Besides, I used to be the CEO of the National Educational Administration of the United States before I retired. For those of you who still do not believe me, please email me and I will persuade you privately.

      From your principal Michael W

      Dear students who are still not convinced

      I am here to offer you a deal. If you support me, I will give you 5 dollars each. If you don’t, I’m here to blackmail you. I will you lots of D’s on your report card. The best part is that I don’t even need to do anything else like scolding you, your parents will help me scold you and do what I can’t do, like spanking you and who know what else.(Ha-ha-ha!) For those of you who are especially tough, I’m here to silence you, and no, I don’t mean killing you, I still want to be a good citizen, now don’t I. I mean I can send some of your writing drafts on the internet with some changes and then charge you with plagrism when you submit your writing. Have a wicked day, all of you!(followed with evil laughter)
      From your very nice principal Michael W

    • #18484

      On a very ordinary Tuesday, an ordinary person called Tom walked into his small private and very ordinary bank. He was very happy because someone paid him lots of money to store a small box. The stranger said that it contained some of his clothing, and demanded that the box was not to be opened. Tom happily agreed, he was earning 30 million pounds after all! As he left the throng of people on the main street into the side street where his bank was located, he saw an rich but evil looking wearing a huge hat and scarf that covered her face completely. There were traces of red that looked like blood on her clothes, but Tom thought, “you can’t judge people by their looks anyways, especially when they’re rich.”

      However, Tom let out a scream unmatched of in the whole history of screams as he entered his bank. “It can’t be real, “thought Tom,” my employees probably lied on the floor and painted themselves with splatter of red.” He raced out of the door, but the evil woman was already gone. He called the police, but he fainted when the police told him that only the thing inside the black box was stolen, though the thing is likely to be diamond silk clothes, an 10million pounds per a gram clothing. The police also told him that they couldn’t catch the thief.

      Determined that he would not fail his client , Tom took the matter into his own hands. He first began to think of who would knew about the black box and what was inside it. This narrowed the suspects down by quite a lot since he didn’t even know that himself. Since his client was so secret about it, word probably didn’t go out that end. He finally decided that the thief had to be Kite, her job at the bank was to clean the vaults, and she always complained about how poor she was. Besides , she could always take a peek when she was cleaning the black box if no one was lookin. After checking his E-mail, he found that Kite had said that she was sick today. Success. After talking about his discovery with the police, they head out to arrest Kite. Just when they were  about to barge in Kite’s house, Kite came out with a suit case. She tried to protest that she was innocent, but there wasn’t much she could do when they found diamond silk clothes in her suit case. She was sentenced to death for the murdering of 6 people. Tom hadn’t failed his client, and even became a famous detective!






      THE END

    • #18078

      Sorry, it should have been: I have decided to…,not t….



    • #18077

      Diary of Astronaut Tom Armstrong



      May 19,2041


      I have started this diary on this date because something cataphoric happened to our whole expedition, and felt compelled to let the world know the whole story. Jack, me, and Fred were the members of the Mars expedition team. The expedition consisted of two spaceships, a ship that carried most of our supplies and a main one. After launching off Earth 6 months ago, we were making good progress. By using the new engine NASA scientists designed, we were only 13 days from Mars. However, the most unexpected happened. On both of the space ships, there were thick titanium shields that were supposed to protect us from space junks, but they turned out to be a flux. I mean they worked against small rocks, but they obviously didn’t work against large ones(as you will see in a moment). This morning Fred and I (Jack was piloting the supply ship) spotted an large incoming space rock. We didn’t want to risk it, so we piloted to the left of the rock, and Jack followed suit. Sadly, the huge rock collided with a slightly smaller rock and set it in motion moving toward us. I barely made most of the ship out of the way when Boom! It had hit the shield. It ripped through the shield like paper and destroyed our ships long antenna along with most of the other parts of our communication devices. Fred and I was just thanking gods that the ship survived the collision when we heard another huge boom and saw a huge explosion. We realized that Jack and the supply ship weren’t so lucky. After taking a survey of our ship, we decided there wasn’t much damage and have supplies onboard for 18 days. Fred and I had a quick discussion and decided to continue to Mars. We couldn’t make it back to Earth anyways, with communications down so there is no rescue.


      May 24,2041


      We have finally landed on Mars! We recorded the historical moment of stepping onto Martian soil with a camera an d also planted our country’s flag onto Mars. Next, we quickly collected soil samples and started to look at them in our ship’s lab.


      May 26,2041


      Today, we completed all tests about the  Martian soil. I also located the newest Martian Rover, Hope. When I saw its camera, I saw a way to communicate. I will make the rover take pictures of my diary and test results(which is how you are reading it now). At dinner time, I saw how little supplies we had left and dread came over me. I spent the whole night lying on the ground crying, thinking that any moment Jack and the supply ship might appear and then we could go home.


      May 27,2041


      I woke up feeling better. I’m proud to say that I’ve completed the mission despite all hardships, and made a first, landing on Mars. I was shocked to find that Fred had drank a vial of poison to end his life but still thought it was understandable considering how I was like last night. I buried him beside the ship. This afternoon I also found we made another two firsts, first person to die in space and first person to die in another planet. I have now also became the person farthest away than any other person.


      May 28,2041


      Today will be my last day alive. Rather than having to suffocate, I have decided t become the second person to die in another planet by drinking another vial of poison. I hopes that my family will be well taken care of and went to sent the pictures of my diary and test results using the rover. Goodbye, everyone and everything!


    • #17807

      Arhgg! I vomited again at the hotel’s toilet. I wondered where it had all gone wrong. I had went on a free holiday trip that was on  the news paper  advertising that it is free as long as you provide your passport and buy your own plane ticket. The name of the group “Bdusagy” was a bit strange, but it was free, so I signed up anyways. However, the next day, while I was getting my plane ticket at the airport, the person in charge of giving people their tickets told me that the system said it gave me the ticket 20 minutes ago. Just then, I saw several people with the logo “bdusagy” on their shirts, so I walked towards them. Before I can say anything, one of them offered me a drink, I was just thinking the services are great when I felt dizzy and blacked out. When I woke up ,I was on a bed in a hotel. I felt nauseated and began vomiting at the toilet.

      After several hours of agony, I finally felt better. My mind was swirling with questions .”Who drugged me? Where am I ?” I tried the door and was surprised to find that it was open. I went down to the lobby and found that I’m in Brazil! The hotel manager told me there is a package that someone left me. Inside I found a thick wad of Brazilian money and a node that said, “stay in the hotel for 3 days and the money is yours, try to get out, then you will be silenced. As I watched the main entrance of the hotel, I saw the same person who offered me a drink dressed as an hotel servant watching the entrance! There was also a slight buldge under the clothes that indicated a concealed gun. “Thank gods I kept several gernades and guns in my gigantic underpants, and they haven’t took them,” I thought.

      Boom! Boom! Boom! The person guarding the entrance was dead before he can blink his eye. I was not only a child born in a military family, I was also a sniper who earned quite a few medals in his younger days, though I lost most of my money on a few bad investments. Sadly, I grossly underestimated the power “bdusagy”. Almost immediately after my shots, people everywhere began firing on me. I took cover under the front desk, only to find a mean looking bell boy pointing a pistol at me. I surrendered after that, and gagged and bounded into the back of a dark van before the rest of the dazed hotel people came to their senses. On the van ,they quickly relieved me of my weapons and knocked me out using drugs. When I woke up, I was  unbounded and ungagged me but my feet was connected to the ceiling of the van with a rope, and left me alone in the van. Ironically, they still didn’t find a tiny knife concealed in my hair, so I was able to free myself. Next, I went to the front of the va and found that it was actually a helicopter. On the windshield was a weird motto that said” protect the ancient secret at all costs.” I thought the motto was a bit weird but decided to wory about it after I escape out of here. Looking through the windows, I decided I was in some kind of secret base. I thought a helicopter was about the same as a car, and was taking off pretty well. Unfortunately, lots of huge guns began to point my way. In my panic, I randomly pushed a button and actually used 24 missiles to take out the entire place, saving myself from being shot out of the sky. Ten minutes later, I half crash half landed in a Brazilian jungle and pondered what I should do next.



    • #17411

      You have come to a deserted theme park for a thrill. Covered in a thick coat of wild plants, are the remains of a small theme park. You can almost hear the ants discussing how good this place is for their predators won’t even bother to visit such a lonely place. In the distance, a mountain looms over the park like a vulgar, ready to devour the carcass. It is so quiet that you would think that you are deaf, except when the Ferris wheel groans every now and then, as if aching for some human care. Under tha plants that cover the park’s roller coasters, Ferris wheels, and many other things , you would think that they are so rusty that they might fall apart if you touch it. There are always threatening looking clouds over your heads, ready to pour on you any second from now. When you see the broken down gate, you can almost imagine it into a gigantic tombstone for the park with the words “he once provided comfort and fun for others, but no one ever provided him any in his time of need, so he is now dead.” Smell carefully, and you might smell some wisps of ice cream coming from the turnover ice-cream cart that once had long lines of children waiting impatiently to get their ice creams. However, you are much more likely to smell  a horrible stench that came from the pollution the humans who used to come here, the only thing that remained of its merrier times, bad as it is. You might also see a oak tree with rotting branches and few leaves, as if it were too distressed and lost his hair while thinking about deep philosophical questions like “why was the park full of people one day, and suddenly none the other day?” On a hill, a ancient castle beams down on the park and says,“ Welcome to the ruined guys party!” As you go deeper into the park, you find a roller coaster cart at the bottom of a river for boats. With the water shimmering, you seems to make out a few skeletons of humans. You are not sure if they are just toys used to scare the people coming to the park or the reason the park closed down. As you walk across a  wooden bridge spanning the river, suddenly, it gives a loud and final groan. Before you can make out what is happening , the bridge collapses and you joins the skeletons at the bottom of the river.



    • #17207

      Humor and a little bit of horror

      One day, the planet Venus saw that everyone in her Solar system was still mourning the ordeals their friend Earth are going through. She said to her pal Mars with immense sadness, “We are truly a lifeless Solr system now, both firguratively and literallly. ” Why is that ? I always thougt there were wtill some bacterias living there,” answered Mars.”” Well,” Venus said, ” I just looked and Earth became too hot and polluted to support life.” After the news spread, everyone, even Pluto, who was still crying over being kicked out of the planet club broke into a new fit of sobbing. They cried so much that they formed a ring full of frozen tears around Earth.


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