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    • #41861

      sry that I sent it twice

    • #41860

      Oh the next one’s just revising…

      I wish you to have the best holiday!

      thx for teaching!

    • #41859

      Oh the next one’s just revising…


      I wish you to have the best holiday!

    • #41857

      Hi Beth!

      Sorry for the very late homework…

      One more homework to go!

      Here is the homework, it’s the only thing I could think of!

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    • #41732

      Little amy’s special day!


      Little Amy loved skiing, she is also SUPER rich, she literally has her own GIGANTIC indoors ski facility! That costed around 987,028,648,798,655,798,675!!!!!!!! It was CRAZY!!!!! She goes there every day AND night with the hole of her family to ski, (there for SURE very good at skiing) Amy’s mom AND dad are both skiing coaches and they are both skiing world champions! And guess what happened! They came up with a plan! They want to tell Amy that she is gonna swop with her mom snd dad so she’s now the coach ( the only reason they came up with this is because there WAYYYYY too tired to teach those kids that THEY DON’T EVEN LIKE!!!!!) so they rushed downstairs like they never even went on such clean stirs like this! Her mom held her left hand and her dad held her right hand , they both shouted at the EXACT same time “guess what!”



      “What plan!”

      “That since your VERY good at skiing and you can take over our job to get an experience?”


      So Amy took over her mom and dad’s job so she has to teach little annoying children, BUT she doesn’t know that those kids are very annoying! Good luck Amy with those kids!


      this is the mock exam writing have a nice holiday!

    • #41231

      sorry supposed to be lesson 5

    • #41230

      Hi Beth,

      This is homework for lesson 6,

      thanks for the wonderful lesson,

      see you tomorrow for reading!



      going to a restaurant (inspired by    

      the unfortunate events (dinner time))

      “Go get the mail and DO WHAT IT SAYS YOU HAVE TO DO!!” shouted the master strictly. “If you don’t listen I would fire you!”

      “okay 😭 …” sighed the twins.

      They had to put on there rotten, dirty and old shoes and their ugly green coat just to get out to get a mail!!! BUT to get the mail it literally take 2 hours to walk there!!! They had to swim in the muddy river walk through a low mountain ( the mountain might seem VERY low but it’s actually incredibly hard AND tiring to walk through) then they finally reach a teeny tiny little red mail box full of mails to collect they ONLY have to collect one mail so they did and then walked on the same journey back.


      They tried to hand the mail to their mean master, the master said “no the mail is for you guys. Open it and see what you must do.” We opened it and it said that we have to cook dinner for the master!!!  We asked “ do we HAVE to make the dinner? We’ve never seen people cook or cook before, what if we messed up?”

      “I don’t care if you mess up as long as you make something that I can eat before 8 o’clock ok?”

      “Ok sir.”

      The twins searched the cupboards, the fridge that didn’t work anymore, the shelfs and where they actually found it was in the jug by the dirty window. They found bread and cheese, they decided to make cheese bread!!! It was feta cheese with baguette, they wanted to make the master as happy as possible because the master can kill them! after they made the cheese bread they served it for the master, the master didn’t even want to try it because he didn’t see the pepper on it for the taste!!! he pushed the food away and knocked the tabled over!!! He was FURIOUS!!!! He urged the twins out of his mansion and screamed “GET OUT!!!!!.” But weirdly after he started to laugh and welcomed the twins in again !. The frightened twins thanked him like as if he was the King and they were the guards the master said “no problem 😉.” The girls were confused they thought why would our master be sooo kind to us??? maybe he thought again and thought he was wrong ‘which he is’. He then nicely asked “do you two madams wish to get out?”

      “sure if you say so master.”

      “ok thank you so much then.”

      “I would go out and get back tomorrow ok?”

      “ok 👌.”

      So they finished dinner and went back to their real home 🏡.

    • #41096

      H Beth,

      This is homework for lesson 4,

      Keep it up with the amazing lessons 👍

      have a gothic read. Maybe it’s not really gothic, it’s gothic at the start and happy at the end ok?

      the romantic horror story 😧




      A wonderful time has passed, suddenly there was a strong flood that flashed away Europe!!! So it washed away everybody’s houses. My house was washed away!!! Years after, water went away and people started to build there own houses, I started to build mine (and my families of course), it was a challenge cause our money has also been carried away by the UNBELIEVABLE FLOOD, so we had to build the house by hand with pieces that has been flown here. A young handsome man kindly asked me if he could help build my house and live with us after? My family said yes so I had to of course. we used a poor broken tree to create the roof of the mini house, and since it was winter we put water on a board and left it outside         for a full 24 hrs to create a window, we also used a lucky metal piece we found in the woods for the sides of the mini house. After we finished the mini house it looked wonderful 👍! I thanked the man for helping and being so kind and he said “ no problem at all it’s not a scary thing like how people say it is to help someone.” I thought that makes sense so I replied “ OMG thank you so much again!”

      “no problem.” he said smiling at me.

      I thought he was a very nice guy s I decided to marry him, he said he has to ask his parents first so he did sadly his parents said only at July and that’s 2 months away from now. “ ugh 😣😩!” I sighed annoyingly but for some reason was still grateful that his parents didn’t completely say no though. We were in love for the rest of our live and the world got better and better 🥳!!!



    • #41072





    • #41071

      Hi Beth,

      Sorry for the late homework,

      This is homework from lesson 3 written below,

      Have a wonderful week 😃, I hope it’s 🤩 fun!!!

      Gothic story


      One mysterious day, there stood a princess outside in the foggy storm, she was looking up to the sky like she was begging the rain gods to stop the rain, but the the princess also look like she didn’t care that it was raining because she was wearing a light purple skirt and a short sleeved shirt with cat picture on it 🥰.


      Emily (the princess) ran back to the castle and her parent called her to sleep right now!!! Emily kept on running, fell on the bed on purpose. She slap soundly in her king sized bed (even if she only a tiny bit more than a meter). In her dream, she thought of a misty witch looking at her in the storm. The witch laughed at Emily rudely and shouted “Your such a baby, why would u look SOOOO tiny with such tall parents little girl?”

      “Why do you care then if your SOOO big?”

      “At least being big is better than being small baby ye know.”

      “If I don’t know that why do you care, I more precious that you ugly witch.”

      “Hahaha you dummy, you really think your precious? You know your just a piece of trash.”


      The girl started to cry in her dream, she ran back to the castle again and told her parents, her parents were shocked, they ran out with Emily and screamed to the witch “WHY ARE YOU SOOO ANNOYING? I HATE YOU I’LL FRY YOU IN MY HUGE PAN!!! If you do this again I will fry you but if you want to be alive, promise me you would be nice to my daughter.”


      Guess what she said no, because she promised her boss fillet( a wizard) to murder people and be mean to them and rude. The witch actually is already nervous but she definitely didn’t look like she was but she actually looked like she was super ready to be killed. If she actually gets killed, she would form into a ghost but even if she’s already a ghost her boss can still turn her alive and kill the royal family. The witches boss is the strongest of them all and can kill the royal family in 1 second with his weapon that cost 9,9876987698769876!!! Did the princess survive? The answer to that is that she NEARLY died but the monster got scared and ran away. She got back as weak as dead, her mom (the queen) called the royal doctor to help. Emily survived!!! everyone was grateful because if Emily there would be no queen since she’s the crown princess. Then the royal family lived very healthy and never had big health problem ever again.

      THE END!!!

    • #41070

      Hi Beth,

      Sorry for the late homework,

      This is homework from lesson 3 written below,

      Have a nice week 😃 !!!

      Gothic story


      One mysterious day, there stood a princess outside in the foggy storm, she was looking up to the sky like she was begging the rain gods to stop the rain, but the the princess also look like she didn’t care that it was raining because she was wearing a light purple skirt and a short sleeved shirt with cat picture on it 🥰.


      Emily (the princess) ran back to the castle and her parent called her to sleep right now!!! Emily kept on running, fell on the bed on purpose. She slap soundly in her king sized bed (even if she only a tiny bit more than a meter). In her dream, she thought of a misty witch looking at her in the storm. The witch laughed at Emily rudely and shouted “Your such a baby, why would u look SOOOO tiny with such tall parents little girl?”

      “Why do you care then if your SOOO big?”

      “At least being big is better than being small baby ye know.”

      “If I don’t know that why do you care, I more precious that you ugly witch.”

      “Hahaha you dummy, you really think your precious? You know your just a piece of trash.”


      The girl started to cry in her dream, she ran back to the castle again and told her parents, her parents were shocked, they ran out with Emily and screamed to the witch “WHY ARE YOU SOOO ANNOYING? I HATE YOU I’LL FRY YOU IN MY HUGE PAN!!! If you do this again I will fry you but if you want to be alive, promise me you would be nice to my daughter.”


      Guess what she said no, because she promised her boss fillet( a wizard) to murder people and be mean to them and rude. The witch actually is already nervous but she definitely didn’t look like she was but she actually looked like she was super ready to be killed. If she actually gets killed, she would form into a ghost but even if she’s already a ghost her boss can still turn her alive and kill the royal family. The witches boss is the strongest of them all and can kill the royal family in 1 second with his weapon that cost 9,9876987698769876!!! Did the princess survive? The answer to that is that she NEARLY died but the monster got scared and ran away. She got back as weak as dead, her mom (the queen) called the royal doctor to help. Emily survived!!! everyone was grateful because if Emily there would be no queen since she’s the crown princess. Then the royal family lived very healthy and never had big health problem ever again.

      THE END!!!

    • #40580

      Hi Beth,

      This is my homework,

      I added emojis to make it fun,

      enjoy reading 📖 .

      The Dystopian person


      Esmerelda Plonker came to a deep dark forest near her house. She and nearly everybody knows that monsters don’t exist, but…. in THIS SINGLE dark rainforest, there lived over one thousand monsters, each one has a strong weapon, Esmerelda doesn’t have one though 😭. she thinks she’s gonna die 😧AHHHHH. She had no energy at all, she loved Pokémon though so she picked a leaf that looked like an energy leaf…and ate it 💩 it tasted like normal 🍃 leaf but she just got energy like she is a Pokémon character. She was fighting against nearly all of the monsters👹. Most of them were red, some of them were blue and teal, her favourite ones are purple (it’s only the colour, she hated all of them) and her least favourite colour is green 😐. She tried soo hard, she found the strongest stick she ever found in her LIFE!!! But unfortunately it wasn’t strong enough 😭 . She didn’t die though, that was vvveerrry lucky 🍀 😃!! All the monsters were having their dinner 🍽️. She tried sooo hard to run away even that she doesn’t know the way to go home. She was out for nearly TWO MONTHS!!!!! 😧 The mom thinks she met her friend and decided to ave a vvveerrryyyy long sleepover 😴. Soon, she managed to walk out of the deep dark misty forest 🌳. She saw her BEST  friend’s house!!!!! She knows where she is!! her friend’s house is ten minutes by walking near her house and she knows the way!! but she rested somewhere to sleep, she was WAY too tired 🥱😮‍💨 to walk even a step forward. While she sat there and begin to sleep there was a sound, it was from her nightmare, she woke up, she only slept for five minutes in total. she couldn’t sleep sleep for any longer so she walked to her house…

    • #40448

      👋 Hi Beth,

      This is my homework for the first week,

      I’m not sure if this is the correct kind  of thing we’re supposed to write,

      so please tell me if it’s right or wrong.


      Dystopian protagonist




      On one special day, a beautiful girl was at school playing outside at lunch time. She hates school for two reasons. First, it’s because she hates learning. Second, she doesn’t have friends. It’s not actually her fault that she doesn’t have friends, it’s actually because her family doesn’t let her have friends. Her family is SUPER strict and gets angry VVEERRYYY easily. She for sure did NOT want to listen to her family but she has to because if she doesn’t, she could actually die from her family!!! She was SOOOOOO bored at school. She has got nothing to do. She is close to tears but she knows that there’s only five more minutes till home time and if her parents see her cry they will hit the beautiful girl with a hammer!!! The girl took a very deep breath (it’s the deepest breath she ever took) and started to feel brave again. When she met her mom, her mom immediately asked her if she got friend. The little girl was upset again, she felt water in her eyes, and started feeling worried, she thought, oh no what if I die!!!! She turned around and started crying!!! She had never ever imagined what happened after, her mom started crying too! The little girl fell down on her knees and looked at her mom, the mom looks at her, mom rushed to stand up like nothing happened, her mom couldn’t hold it so she started to laugh 🤭. I never knew she is sooo nice and will actually do THIS (she is also a bit weird) but it’s quite a nice thing to do after all. the second day of school, the little girl knew that her mom is the best mom ever she started making friends and she even escaped!!! but she wasn’t scared at all because her mom told her that she could do anything she wants today even if she wants to kill a teacher!!! but sadly she didn’t make the escape plan come true but this time it’s mostly her fault 😔.

    • #39957

      Hi Beth,

      This is my homework from week 6,

      I’m very sorry for the late homework,

      The Life of the Lovers


      One day, there was a girl called Haler and another girl called Harper, they are very good friends but they argue quite a lot. They were fighting for man to fall in love, and stopping each other to go anywhere else. Yesterday morning, they together planned to go to a secret house to find special lover so that they have a chance to get different lovers. It was very quiet in there and they were not sure if there was anybody in there, but when they got to the top floor, it became very noisy. We found SO MANY mens! Haler found Lucian and Harper found a man named Dorian. They both loved each other like people loving their families(not sure about siblings though). They walked through a forest together and ate delicious s’mores( not sure of the spelling) with cakes instead of biscuits, to be honest it was even better than biscuits because it was raspberry flavoured and it’s very soft too. Yesterday afternoon, They found a tent that some random person left and lived together and had a great time.


      I’ll do some more writing, sorry.

    • #39807

      Might be too early?

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