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    • #16410

      It works with word hurrah!

    • #16408

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    • #16407

      my homework for this week

    • #9692

      4. Mr Dickens uses the word cell which implies that the clerk is in a position where he is treated like a prisoner and is being watched like a hawk by Scrooge who is a bit like a warden. The relationship is probably bad because Scrooge sees that his clerk is cold and that he is putting on his scarf trying to get warm but cannot because of the tiny fire. Scrooge doesn’t give any coal for his clerk’s light which is in his room and that is showing NO empathy or compassion like being totally heartless.

      5. Scrooge is rich but a cruel penny-pincher and lives in a dark, cheap and joyless counting house trying to save candles and coal. His clerk (servant) is being abused and working in an even darker, little, dismal and cold room. His living condition is bad.

      On the social condition side, the Victorian era was a period of extreme inequality. Scrooge is wealthy and is known among his peers as a man of good credit. However, he treats lower class poor people heinously. He believes that the poor do not need or deserve to be helped.

      6. Dickens describes Scrooge as “as hard and sharp as flint”. This implies that scrooge is hard on the outside and sharp suggests that he shows no mercy to anybody. But the word flint is interesting because it suggests that he still has a chance to change and become good. The phrase “as solitary as an oyster” implies he is hard on the outside like an oyster’s shell but in the inside the is a beautiful pearl. This also means he could still change and become a better person. Also, Dickens use words like cold, frozen, red eyes, his thin blue lips and a frost was on his head which gives the reader the impression that Scrooge is a cold and evil hearted person.

      In contrast, Dickens describes Scrooge’s nephew with words like handsome, his red face, all in a glow and his eyes sparkled. This suggests to the reader, he is a nice, generous, cheerful and innocent person.

      7. Mr Dickens has used show don’t tell concepts and describes the whole city as a cold and foggy place. He also describes the scene of fog pouring through key holes which is a similar scary feeling of ghosts swooping around. He also uses the metaphor “the houses opposite phantoms” which again symbolises the underworld (dead souls). This atmosphere is in contrast to a happy and merry Christmas.

      8.  Scrooge treats people egregiously even if they befriend him warm-heartedly. There are similarities between Scrooge and his office. These are some examples, they are both cold, dark and gloomy. For his clerk his room was a cell but for Scrooge his office was his chamber. He is reluctant to spend money so he saved coal and candles and therefore chooses to live in a dark abyss.


    • #9459

      I think the ghost that influenced Scrooge the most was the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, because in the book the ghost confronted Scrooge with his own grave. This was very shocking and eye-opening for Scrooge.

      The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his lonely-demised future if he continues to be driven by money and profit. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is by far the most terrifying because Dickens describes it with death imagery and was shrouded in a black garment. Dickens uses the word “shrouded” which implies covering a corpse before burial.

      A reason I have to back up my point about the 3rd ghost is that when Scrooge had got to the graves, he wasn’t fully changed but after that he was as jolly and as nice as Santa. The other ghosts had contributed to his transformation. For instance, The Ghost of The Christmas Past reflects on Scrooge’s misdemeanour in the past which he cannot change anymore. The Ghost of Christmas present shows Scrooge how other people are celebrating Christmas no matter how rich or poor they were. All of them celebrated similarly. Scrooge can’t change the current but can learn from it. The Ghost of Yet to Come prophesises Scrooge’s future which he can still decide to change most importantly. It is never too late to become a better person.

      Also, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come unleashed Scrooge’s suppressed feelings to show empathy and compassion towards other people. For example, at the beginning his actions towards tiny Tim were heinous but at the end he took good care of him.

      I think the most life-changing moment was in the presence of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come when Scrooge concluded “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” And he kept his word.



    • #8997

      The stolen treasure

      By Maximilian


      Scene: In the normal house.

      Ben: (Tired) Why do I have to go to school?

      Mother: (Calmly) It’s for your education.

      Ben: (Irritated) But I already have LOADS of education…

      Mother: (Interested) what type of education?

      Ben: (Speak a bit posh) Well I have debate club, homework, piano, violin, football, cello, creative writing club, public speaking, climbing, swimming, etc

      Mother: (A bit stunned) I guess… but you must go to school hurry up now!

      Ben: (Groaning halls himself up) OK.

      Next scene on the school bus.

      Ben: (Groan)

      The bus starts to get chilly and the windows now are covered in ice and the over children disappear.

      Ben: (Splutters) what’s going on?

      Ben Climes out of the bus.

      Ben: (Nervous) What is this place?

    • #8363


      BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG …  it’s Summer, it’s Autumn, it’s Winter, it’s Spring. A cave man frantically clutching a big heavy and rocky hammer and smashes it on to a big chunk of stone to create even more hammers. Time is flying bye as fast as a lightning bolt (WOOOSH). Slowly the caveman began to realise, it was just a dream and the dripping of the water from the stalactites played in the same rhythm like the hammering in his dream. He was dozing in a very uncomfortable cave it was stinky and wet but this was the best place for a haggard caveman to live back then in the stone age, and so an ordinary day began for him (miserable).

      Suddenly, the smell of food drifted in to the cave the smell tingled on to the cave man’s nose as his eyes flashed wide open. His primitive mind started to act and all of a sudden one word spilled out of his mouth “FFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD”. His wife was cooking a big delicious fish over a fire. As he stumbled out of the cave, he noticed that he was in a competition with a bit of pushing and shoving with his other family members that had the exact thought like him.

      At a shore of a large lake in Mesopotamia, the family was trying to catch fish to eat. Soon his friend’s mum’s uncle’s dad’s son rushed in and explained in a loquacious spell he had created a new invention. It was essentially a circular block that was spinning to make pots easily. The cave man looked brightly confused (or was is it stupidly smart?). A few moments later he was astonished by the efficiency of the machine. One day when they were using the machine the circular block toppled over and rolled on the floor. This gave the cave man an idea. He connected two circular blocks (he called them wheels) and pushed a log through a hole in the centre of both wheels. He constructed the first ever pulling cart by putting a few planks on top of the log. This was a fabulous invention for a number reasons it was fun for rolling around also it was good for transporting big animals when they killed.

      Although life was hard back then he and his wife still had some precious moments at a special place at the top of the hill. For miles and miles, they could see the beautiful scenery as the sun was smiling over them ready to end the day. On the hill the caveman dozed off on the pulling cart. Suddenly, a gust of wind pushed the cart which sent it rolling down the hill. It was a bumpy ride and he could barley hang on. At the bottom of the hill the cart exploded fiercely in to tiny little bits and he face planted in to the mud. Suddenly a thundering roar from a tiger who was agitated about being interrupted stormed out of his cave.  It was an intense moment as there was a deafening silence while both looked each over in to their eyes. They both knew a fight about life and death was about to emerge.

      (to be continued…)

      The survival of the fittest

      By Maximilian Tang

    • #8143

      Double, double toil and trouble;
      Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

      Three dragon eggs from the highland,
      Conjure slaughter traitor silent.

      Withered flowers used to charm,
      Praying soldiers arm in arm.

      Tooth of snake, horn of bull, heat of flame,
      Orders glooming centuries of shame.

      For a charm of powerful trouble,
      Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.


    • #7870



      When the school bell rang the children swirled around the school to grab their belongings and meet their parents it looked a bit chaotic like a children hurricane but there was a boy who was especially exited because he was walking home himself (for the first time) his parents said to go straight home but he had a cheeky idea…

      The wheat field was swaying left and right as if the earth was breathing in mystic energy.

      Uncle Acorn (it is not his real name it is his nick name because the shape of his head and hair style reminded him if an acorn) had recently discovered a large smooth section of wall. It was an ideal canvas that they could use spray paint on it (deep inside the gloomy mine shaft).

      As they entered to the scene the boy immediately took of his backpack which contained all the spray paints. While he was getting ready, uncle acorn set up a music box and when the boy started spraying paint uncle acorn gave advice not to rush it.

      After an hour or so they managed to finish the wildest picture ever. They enjoyed their time together and had made a crystal-clear message on the graffiti “EXPECTATIONS”.

      Soon they had to leave and the boy wanted to take a photo but while he was taking a photo a shiny jet-black sparkling spider crawled up his sleeve and bit his hand. Although spider’s do not hurt that much, he felt very strange but brushed the strangely hard spider of.

      The next day, although he didn’t know, he sensed his mother packing in apples for his lunch and called down “I don’t want apples mum!”,” how do you know I am packing apples for your lunch?” she asked. The boy was surprised and shocked as well. Everything became more intense, the birds chirping became clearer, he knew what his dad was doing even though he was a mile away at his office, and it felt like fireworks of visions were flicking up in his brain. It also felt like he was stuck to his bed.

      Then the strangest thing happened, a blackish blue and a bit pink dot revealed itself. As he looked, he noticed the little dot became bigger and bigger until it was the size of his bedroom. He saw earth but not his earth, he saw characters similar to his world but they were paler and had strange and funny looking hair on their head. Their bodies were also not shaped like diamonds. Did I tell you name of the boy was Crystal Parker? Sorry if I didn’t.


      (to be continued…)


      In to the spider-verse

    • #7585

      CHAPTER 1

      Long ago the emperor’s son (his name is Leo is you want to know) loved clothes he didn’t care much of anything else. He ignored his friends ignored food and about anything else but one day… 1 of his friends said” we should go to a party!” Leo was delighted! He was just putting on something until he realised “Oh No I HAVE NO MORE CLOTHES”. Where shall I get more clothes, he asked 1 of his friends? He joked “where a dress ha-ha”. Then Leo thought ACTULLY that is the best idea ever!!! He said to his friend that is a wonderful idea his friend thought uh oh so after 5-10 minutes Leo was wearing a velvet pink dress with a axe in here hand to cut of nuisances heads I was just joking said Leo`s friend but he didn’t hear and went to the busy party on the way the silver-shining axe was now covered with blood (as he had killed a few people with it)  although he like killing people (apart from putting on clothes) he needed someone to help him kill other people so he could just dress up all the time as he went home he thought It feels so delightful to be home he told his butler to fin the most gruesome executioner in the continent “As you wish sir” said the butler so for the next few weeks his butler had not had very much luck until… two strangers barged in to the line and said take us to the emperors son at once! So as the two strangers rushed in to the emperor’s palace…

      CHAPTER 2

      As the two strangers barged in to the emperor’s palace they rushed straight towards his son bedroom who are you bellowed the Leo we are slimes and slick at your service they said Leo looked puzzled haven’t you hear od us said slimes where world famous! he added we make magical axes the kill people you want really? Said Leo sounding interested if so make me at once! It won’t be cheap we only use the finest material take this said Leo handing them a sack of money take anything else but make me that axe! Yes sir! Said slick as soon as they were alone, they laughed until the faces where purple an there stomachs aching the fool believed us! we are going to make lost of lovey lovely money slick ordered In the most strongest metal but didn’t use any of he just sold it for lots more money then as soon Leo went for his daily clothes shopping (it used to be weekly clothes shopping) they packed there bags full of cash ready to flee the palace for ever as Leo came home he was outrages he would do anything to get those little pests so put on the dress (again to put on a disguise) with the axe an set out to try an kill those little sly thugs.

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