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    • #10941

      Hello, this my first writing. If the link doesn’t work please see the attached file.



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    • #10907

      Hi Beth,

      My homework is attached.



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    • #10537

      ^^ sorry, this is mine

    • #10266

      Question C:

      The moral of the story in Great Expectations is that your social status and your affluence aren’t as important as love, devotion, and your instinct. Pip mainly decides to become a gentleman so that he can become richer and raise his social status, after thinking he’s “coarse and common” (which is ironic because Estella is Magwitch’s daughter, who is a criminal). However, he soon realises that life as a gentleman is very similar to his job as a blacksmith in terms of satisfaction.

      When Pip first meets Magwitch, he feels guilty and afraid of Magwitch because he’s a convict. At the end of the book, he discovers Magwitch’s inner virtues and can view him as a good man, instead of the criminal the public regards him as; this then leads him to helping Magwitch escape the country. Pip has learned to trust his conscience now.

      When Pip first meets Estella, he is deeply self-conscious and describes himself as having coarse hands and thick boots. He desires to become sophisticated to win over Estella, but he ends up falling into debt. Consequently, sophistication is shown to be a worthless value, as it negatively impacted Pip without any benefit of the doubt.

      Pip grows up knowing that Joe is fond of him, but he doesn’t notice how much love Joe has for him: the first time that he acknowledges this is when he catches a fever and Joe nurses him back to health. This broadens his view on what is important – money is highly unstable, while prolonged bonds aren’t (at least that’s what I think), and family is one of the most valuable things you have.

      Both Biddy and Pip receive education; however, Pip’s one doesn’t teach him about his conscience and common sense, unlike Biddy’s. This leads to Pip and Herbert failing to manage their money well, putting them into serious debt. As a gentleman, all Pip seems to do is pile up bills and go around the city with his friends.

    • #3509

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Homework of Lesson 10 by Max:</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My favorite part is the animals having a giant feast.  I like that part because there are so many chickens, geese, and ducks on the table.  All of the animals ate together.   Those farmers are still waiting for the foxes to come out of the hole.     The ending was good too.</p>

    • #3453

      Homework of Lesson 9 Max

      There were three farmers.   They were called Bean Boggis and Bunce.   Up on the hill there was a wood.  In the wood there were some foxes.  They were called Mr fox Mrs fox and the small foxes.  The farmers were angry, because Mr fox keep stealing their food.  So the farmers wanted to kill Mr fox.  But they just shot of Mr fox tail.

    • #3288

      Homework of Lesson 7 by Max:

      I think Matilda is a very clever and smart person.  She went to the library and borrowed books every week.  She learned how to do math and reading. Matilda’s father and mother did not like Matilda.   She played a trick on her father.   She put some super glue on his hat.  The second trick was Matilda put Mrs Wormwood hair dryer in Mr Wormwood’s bottle.

    • #2945

      Homework of Lesson 6 by Max:

      My favorite part is Mr Hoppy used the grabber to grab the tortoises.   Mr Hoppy grab the tortoises, and put a new tortoise on Mrs Silver’s balcony every week. When Mr Hoppy put the tortoise on her balcony, the tortoise is only weigh two ounces more.  Mr Hoppy is smart.  That part was fun.



    • #2910

      Homework of Lesson 5 by Max:

      Mr Hoppy live upstairs of Mrs Silver. Mrs Silver have tortoise called Alfie. Mrs Silver wants Alfie to grow bigger. Then Mr Hoppy had an idea.  Mr Hoppy went to the pet shop, and he bought a lot of tortoises.  He made a tortoise grabber, and he lowered the grabber.  Then he grab Alfie, and he put a new tortoise with just a little bigger size.

    • #2761

      Homework of lesson 4 by Max:

      My favorite part is the chapter of the pig,the bullocks,the sheep,the pony and the nanny goat.I like that part because all the animals grew bigger. George’s father wants to sell the animals for money.That part was funny.

    • #2686

      HW of Lesson 3 by Max:

      George’s grandma was a selfish and ugly person. George makes a new medicine it was called the marvellous medicine.George gave the medicine to grandma when it was time.Grandma thought she had magic and George gave some medicine to the hen to tell grandma it was the medicine to help grandma grow taller.

    • #2497

      Homework lesson 2 by Max

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    • #2495

      Homework lesson 1 by Max

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    • #18555

      1st source leads to a pic for me

    • #15053


      can we actually do the balloon thing for once

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