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    • #14659

      The American Revolutionary War Started in 1775 and ended in 1783. The war began between American Patriots and British soldiers in Massachusetts, with battles at Lexington and Concord. Although there were many factors leading to the fight for independence from the British, a major factor was Great Britain’s expectation that the colonies contribute financially via imposed taxes on certain goods, without being allowed any representation in Parliament. The taxes were meant to pay back some of the debt that Britain incurred during the French and Indian War, when Britain managed to secure more territory for the colonies. On September 3rd, 1783, Great Britain and the United States signed the Peace Treaty of Paris that brought an end to the conflict.

    • #14376

      The bible, a holy book was written by Moses around 1300BC. The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have undergone changes over the centuries.

      • #14377

        There are two bibles, the old testament and the new testament. The old testament is said to be the original Hebrew bible, whilst the new one was written by Paul the Apostle. These are the main two bibles but the other 5 were said to be written by Moses from God.


    • #7380

      Hi herewith Luke’s homework.

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    • #4565

      This potion is very strong not like punching it smells very strong and it is very very magical. If you had of you having a injury and you want to go back to a child you can by using this potion and if you don’t know there is a jellyfish witch can do what the potion can do so one of the ingredients is that jellyfish. Then you need some water, potato, mice, cheese. So now you know how to make the potion.

    • #4242

      There once was a Witch this witch is called the blood chopper witch  this witch will turn a adult and a child in to a sandwich so she can eat them. This witch is bad in some way. The good is that the witch helps picking up the trash in the ocean the bad things that the like blood and sandwich so the witch chose humans to eat and hunt done. They age that this witch can get is 207 much more than humans.

    • #4137

      There was a giant which is very tall about 79 feet. It has very weak teeth but he looks ugly and his arm weigh up to 10 kg. He stills stuff from people animals. This giants come in the morning because he what’s to tell them that he stills stuff but make them better by using some secret things that f his own.

    • #3951

      There was a dream that makes you fly in to space and you are in the iss. It might make you scared because you jumped in to space out of the iss. You feel like you are in hell but no you are in the gigantic space. Then the space make you go to a place that you won’t believe it when you see it!!!  There is a planet in the Goldilocks zone It is a great place for life and you will see strange but true creatures and there are water land just like us.

    • #3684

      It is about a young child and a dad they were very poor the boy is call Charlie. The had a pretty good relationship but Charlie’s mum died when Charlie was 4 month old. They had a school but with very nasty teachers the had a house which is not very big Charlie had a friend that charts with him. Then mr Victor Hazell made a party and Charlie’s dad what to destroy it so Charlie and his dad made a plane. They did it and now they went some were to deliver some of they pheasants and they have 50 left the gave 70.

    • #3559

      Dear people we have a party and it is called the Shooting party it is a very fun party. Anyone can join we will be shooting fastens. So makes sore you join and see on the day of the fantastic shooting party. People who read this must join.

    • #3506

      I don’t like his in some way because he is a poacher witch mean stealing. In some ways he is good is that he takes care of his child. Even Danny’s mum is died his father is the only one left but his father teaches him a lot about  machines.

    • #3335

      There was a child who was indicted to playing board game so every single day he plays a board game for about 300 times in a day can you believe it. If there was no one to play with he plays it on his phone and iPad and he is just 6 with phono. When he found the golden ticket he did not eat the chocolate he used it to fix the board game that he has it was disgusting to see it then the people on tv closed it because they hate to see it. Do you think that he is fat if you thought that you are completely wrong because he super skinny because he never eat only a little. Now you what he is like.

    • #3236

      There was a big big  robot witch can make a big Chocolate car. This robot in created by mr Willy Wonka You know why because he is world’s best chocolate maker. The car that it’s makes is not a normal chocolate car it can drive but only for a week than it will melt so if you want to eat it better eat it before it melts. He will make 1 hundred every week it will be sailing in every singe chocolate store so make shore you get one of these chocolate car’s.

    • #3093

      There was Charlie and his family witch was very poor and there dad work’s at I toothpaste shop but the don’t get much money. Then one day they saw something that there will be 5 golden ticket. Then there was agustglup and Veruca. Then there is mike tv and the gum chewer.

    • #7543

      Here is my speech. I hope you like it!

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