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    • #5854

      Dear Henny,

      Nice to meet you in Africa and we can be good friends.How are you?did you get taller this year?

      I want to ask you nine questions about Africa, Londen and Japan.

      The first one is when did you go to Africa,the second one is what do Africa people eat,The third one is do you like Africa?

      The fourth one is dose Londen has a river,the fifth one is what dose Londen people eat,the sixth one is do you like Londen?

      The seventh one is where is Japan,the eighth on is what dose Japan people eat,the last one is do you like Japan?

      I think you will take more time to answer so many questions,thank you very much!and I looking forward to see your reply letter.



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    • #5818

      Dear Henny,

      Nice to meet you in Africa and we can be good friends.How are you?did you get taller this year?

      I want to ask you nine questions about Africa, Londen and Japan.

      The first one is when did you go to Africa,the second one is what do Africa people eat,The third one is do you like Africa?

      The fourth one is dose Londen has a river,the fifth one is what dose Londen people eat,the sixth one is do you like Londen?

      The seventh one is where is Japan,the eighth on is what dose Japan people eat,the last one is do you like Japan?

      I think you will take more time to answer so many questions,thank you very much!and I looking forward to see your reply letter.



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    • #5313

      Homework for lesson 6:
      Title: The smart detective.a

      In a dark night a suspect called Ice went out of his house and begin to steal things, a detective called Smart was finding Ice.
      In the darkest night, Ice begin to STEAL things……BUT he left a clue witch is not easy for Smart see.
      When Smart got the clue that Ice left, he begin to read the clue “tfel nrut dna og drawfor” “hmm…is it go forward and turn left?,yes!”
      Then in the next week Smart has took Ice into the jail and everyone in the city lived happy every after.
      The end

    • #5295

      In a dark night a suspect called Ice went out of his house and begin to steal things, a detective called Smart was finding Ice.

      In the darkest night, Ice begin to STEAL things……BUT he left a clue witch is not easy for Smart see.

      When Smart got the clue that Ice left, he begin to read the clue “tfel nrut dna og drawfor” “hmm…is it go forward and turn left,yes!”
      Then in the next week Smart has took Ice into the jail and everyone in the city lived happy every after.

      The end

    • #5113

      Homework of lesson #10

      My witch has a long hair and a fake mask, she can make people into apple juice, cake, grape pie and goose soup.

      Her hair is rainbow and her mask is black, she also has a magic hat that can make people into elephant.

      She has a long name that normal people don’t know how to read called:**L””$&£$%^&*().

      Next time, she will change your grandpa into strawberry juice, maybe your grandpa disappear for two hours then can come back, OMG!

    • #4979

      Writing Homework #5
      Character: May(good character) and Night may(bad character)
      Setting: a deep ocean
      Other character: Mom(May’s mom), Dad(May’s dad), Any(Night’s mom and Google(Night may’s dad)
      The story: the diving kids

      One sunny day… a little boy called may like to dive in deep ocean,in his way on to the beach, he saw her bad sister night may she said”you will not be the winner on this race!”

      So they stared a diving race,the have to see who is the winner by diving the deepest.

      May can dive 147cm,night may can only dive 12cm,may said “I won!”

      “Urgh,Ok.” Said night may,but this is not the end!

      To be continue

    • #4968

      Homework of lesson #8

      Would you be scared of the BFG? Explain why?

      I would de scared if it is the first time that I saw The BFG(The Big Frendly Giant)’
      I would be scared if he took me to his country.
      I would not be scared if The BFG tells me why he took me to his country.
      I would not be scared if there are no bad giants.
      I would be happy if The BFG and me are frends.
      I would not be happy if The BFG are frends to the bad giants.

    • #4465

      The Worst Christmas

      One Christmas night, a smart thief went into a house(Santa’s house)wich is filled of Christmas gift…then the thief took all the gift away and he left a not ‘‘you gift is gone, please go to the office to take a look.’’
      So Santa went to the office and saw a bag of gift
      ‘‘wow! I got so luckly!’’
      But Santa did nit know the gift are fake so Santa gave the fake gift to the children.
      The next morning, Santa saw a bunch of note with this gift is fake!!!
      Santa was scared…

      The end By: Kang Kevin

    • #4341


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    • #4257

      Why is Danny’s dad bad?:

      1.I think Danny’s dad is bad because he did not tell he is
      child(Danny)when he want to go to his car factory.

      2.He also cannot let Danny stay at the home.

      3.If Danny’s dad let Danny stay at his home because Danny will be scard.

      4.If Danny’s dad got away from Danny, Danny will go to find his dad

      5.If Danny’s dad got away, then no one can take care of Danny!

      6.If Danny’s dad want to go to his factory, he can tell Danny or go to his factory when Danny’s mum is not dead.

      7.If Danny’s grandma or grandpa is with Danny then Danny’s dad can go to his car factory

      26/6/2020 20:34:30 8 pm:34:30

    • #4090

      Do you think Mr. Wonka is a good man? Explain your answer.

      I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because:

      1.I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because he gave a lot of chocolates to all the children.

      2.I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because he said ‘‘You can eat chocolates in your life.’’ And that is very kind.

      3.I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because he gave golden ticket and he did not take them back!

      4.I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because he has helped poor people(  Like Charlie).

      5. I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because he make children by eating a lot of chocolates.

      6. I think Mr.Wonka is a good man because Mr.Wonka has lot of different taste and even hair taste! He also make the taste that the children want.

    • #4046

      She saw two boxes next to the spruce tree, one is made by iron, and one is made by diamond. She took the boxes all away when the man which is mean was not looking at the eagle, when she(the eagle) plummeted back, she opened the box made by diamond, she saw a lot of diamond in this box, she very disappointed because she thought that is full of foods…

      BUT, when the eagle opens the box made by iron, there is a fat rabbet inside! The eagle was happy, she ate the rabbet and took a rest…… when the box owner came near to the spruce tree, he was angry, but he saw his diamond are still there inside so he was not angry any more and he became friends with the eagle.

      The end.

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    • #3669

      One summer day, when I was playing MineCraft on my

      i-phone…Suddenly, a scary gigantic zombie with a golden sword wants to attack me! I was scard, the only thing I got from my box is a electric sword,a golden hat and a iron shield. The war started, I used my electric sword to fend against to the gigantic zombie. At last we can not tell who is the winner so I dropped a bucket of lava and the zombie dies. Lastly, Iwent into class and I saw everyone is celebrating that we win the fight.  The end.


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    • #3286

      Do you think this book is entertaining? Explain why.                                              Yes, I think the story is entertaining because in real life, if he/she has a lot of brain power, he/she was only very smart! But more than that, Matilda has more magic and more bravery. And in real life, our eyes are for looking! Not for moving things. But in this book Matilda can move whiteboard pen by her eyes because Matilda love to read books. I hope I have magic too just like clever Matilda.

    • #2948

      I think in the prequel to esio tort(tortoise):Mr Hoppy lived in a farm with a lot of foods and lots of tortoise in his backyard. One day, Mrs Silver came to Mr hoppy’s farm and taked one tortoise called Alfie. When Alfie arrived Mrs silver’s home, He want to have a nice nap. The end.

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