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    • #41551

      Dear Beth

      Thanks for the another amazing lesson. I was stuck trying to think of what to write so I had to make it up. However, I’ve managed to make it a bit shorter.

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    • #37618

      Dear Beth

      Thank you for all of the lessons. I hope you enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas!

      1. Eleanor
      2. They needed to calm down. They need to walk their argument off.
      3. She is always doing the phone calls all the time. In the text, it says “helpless tears” meaning that she can’t do anything about it.
      4. Charlotte’s views: Charlotte absolutely hates Scotland because she thinks that there isn’t really anything fun there.
      Eleanor’s views: Although Eleanor told her mum that she really likes Scotland and it was like she was always more calm and relieved when in Scotland, it’s actually the other way round. She gets more frustrated and hates Scotland about just as much as Charlotte does.

      5.    1. Fishing.
      2. Golf.

      3. Walking

      He is a man who loves going outdoors, not to exercise but probably just for the fresh air. He is the type of person that likes to just do calm and simple things i.e. fishing, golf and walks.

      6. Mum also doesn’t like Scotland but because her father’s Scottish, they go there anyway. This is shown when the text says “complaining about the Scottish weather, the Scottish people…” This suggests that Mum is not particularly happy about coming to Scotland all the time, especially without Dad. The fact that it uses a simile just emphasizes how miserable mum is. Mum really misses Dad as “complaining about the Scottish weather…” won’t only just be about Scotland, but about how the person that makes the occasion the most special isn’t there. This is also show in the phrase “the muttered complaints Mum left inaudible like unexploded bomb.” Mum also needs time away from Charlotte and Eleanor. This would be another reason why she sent them out for the walk. She is also very persistent since she comes to Scotland every year even though no one, including her, likes it there especially without Dad. Mum is really frustrated that Dad isn’t with them showing that she clearly loves him. Mum also favours Eleanor. This is shown in the sentences “Not that Mum believed her. Nothing bad was ever Eleanor’s idea. Nothing good was ever Charlotte’s idea.” It says this in a really matter-of-factly way. This also shows that Mum might favour Eleanor because she behaves better, especially in line 36 when she attempts the make a white lie to make Mum feel better: Personally, I find Scotland charming…”
      7. “In the freezing rain and the biting wind.” Using pathetic fallacy, we can infer that there is also storm going on inside the children as they rage over what has just happened.
      “Little house clinging to the cliff.” The house clinging to the cliff is a use of personification. This use of personification helps the reader to understand how sad and lonely the children’s life currently are.

      8. He is always not letting Charlotte and Eleanor within two hundred yards of the nest and the eggs inside. This is seen in the quote “wouldn’t let us within two hundred yards of them.”
      9. She is bored and wants to have some fun. There is nothing to do and she is fused up of Scotland. She also might want to do something that perhaps wouldn’t be permittable with Dad around. Also the idea mentioned at the beginning of the text would’ve been about smashing the eggs. It also says that Eleanor always gets the good ideas and Charlotte always gets the bad ones. This suggests that she may have done this to avoid taking the blame.


      Yours sincerely

      James Z

    • #26318

      A very late week 59


      Top: Leyan, Anna D, Eric, Eva, Emily

      Most improved: Lynn, Hunter, Louis, Elizabeth


      W60 also coming!


    • #26232


      Hi everyone,

      I am uploading all the W58 ones this afternoon. For some reason they were all deleted so I had to redo them all. I will have finished them this afternoon and will announce best/runner up etc.



    • #26046

      week 57

      Sorry for the delay!

      Top 5: Wen, Henry, Martin, Dudee, Claire

      Most improved: Henry, Martin, Alicia


    • #25762

      Weekly Writing 55

      Most Improved: Henry, Tianya, Louis, Emily P

      Best Overall: Anna D, Eva, Emily Mu, Manxi, Lynn


    • #25654

      Week 54


      Most improved: Linxi, Panos, Bella

      Top: Emily Mu, Dudu, Annie, Alicia, Eric

      We will discuss a little more in class; this was a good work but lots and lots of you wrote way too much action. Finally (for the thousandth time!) please do not use ellipses (“…”) in your work!

    • #25547

      Week 53

      Top: Eva, Elizabeth, Louis, Tianya, Martin, Leyan

      Most Improved: Alan


    • #25181

      Week 52

      Best Overall: Bella, Dudee, Henry, Wen, Linxi

      Most improved: Alan, Wen, Linxi, Mingran


      In good news, Mark Twain once said: “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. As it turns out, I have exaggerated my own retirement from teaching; whilst I will also be a lawyer, I will also be able to teach you all! Thank you for the kind words you said at the end of the last class – unfortunately, you may have to say them all again in ten weeks time instead!

    • #24876

      Week 50

      Good work this week.

      Most improved: Yichen, Drake, Eva

      Top overall: Yichen, Dudu, Edward, Huayi, Jihan, Yinuo


    • #24783

      Week 49

      Best Overall: Alice, Yinuo, Kevin, Albert, Dudu

      Most improved: Yinuo, Dudee, Annie

      Some very basic reminders which a couple of you forgot about!

      1. No ellipsis (“…”) in any of your writing.
      2. Use “!” infrequently. Create the drama and suspense with your writing, not your grammar.
      3. No spies, monsters, aliens, guns, explosions in creative writing.
      4. Its = of it; it’s = contraction of “it is”
      5. Do not use contractions: isn’t, didn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, it’s, weren’t.


    • #24722

      Week 49 Task

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    • #24721

      Week 48

      Best Overall: Eva, William, Wen, Thea

      I will announce Most Improved later in class!


    • #24602

      Week 47

      Good work this week for a difficult task.

      Top Overall: Dudu, Huayi, Tiger, Linxi, Sophie

      MI: Jack, Wen, Jojo


    • #24380

      Week 45

      Top overall: Dudu, Albert, Yichen, Claire, Wen

      Most improved: Panda, Renren, Alicia


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