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    • #42642

      Hi Beth, this is my homework for this week:


      October 14, 1666

      Dear diary,

      Today, I was privileged to witness the Battle of Hastings, an event that shall rewrite history as a monumental victory for Duke William of Normandy (my 5th cousin) and the French cause. From the moment the first arrows flew, it was clear that my dear cousins tactical brilliance was on display. The Normans, under William’s command, demonstrated extraordinary discipline and strategic acumen.

      The Saxon forces (those whom we were fighting) was led by a man named Harold Godwinson. Harold Godwinson has rather short matty hair that fell on the top of his shoulders. As the battle grew feircer and feircer just like a ravenour fire swallowig all which got in its way, a strong musty smell came over out men, yet still we persevered. We executed our plan with remarkable precision. Our soilders fought relentlessly, forcing the harried Saxons to weakened their formation. The turning point came when William orchestrated a brilliant retreat, a move that drew Harold’s men out of their stronghold.

      What i saw was a sight to behold, men fell everywhere i looked. Horses screamed, my eyes grew wide. A bitter sandstorm which erupted from the fight flew into my mouth. I heard scream after scream which plunged me into a deep see emotions but our men still pushed through. Yet amist all the chaos, I managed to pick out Harold Godwinson falling amongst the fray, a testament to the ferocity of the conflict.

      As I watched William’s banner rise above the battlefield, it was evident that today’s victory would have far-reaching consequences. This battle not only secured our Duke’s claim but also marked the beginning of a new chapter in our history. It was an unforgetable moment. I, Louis Thornton, feel honoured to be able to witness the conquering of Great Britan.

      Yours sincerly,
      Louis Thornton

    • #42177

      H Beth this is my homework for the week – Sorry i couldn’t make it to the lesson!


      Early Life and Hardship
      Frances Hodgson Burnett was born in England 24 November 1849. Her family faced financial hardship after her father’s death. This experience of loss and struggle is mirrored in “The Secret Garden,” where Mary becomes an orphan and faces a bleak future in her uncle’s gloomy manor.

      Emigration to the U.S.
      At 15, Burnett’s family moved to Tennessee, facing the challenges of adapting to a new environment to live in. This transition mirrors Mary’s move from India to England in the book.

      Personal Losses
      Burnett endured significant personal losses, including the deaths of her eldest son – Lionel – from tuberculosis and her husband Hodgson from a stroke. These tragedies influenced her writing, bringing themes of grief and healing into “The Secret Garden,” where the garden symbolises renewal for Mary, her uncle, and her cousin.

      Love of Gardening
      Burnett loved gardening and believed in its healing power. This belief is central to the book “The Secret Garden,” where the garden transforms Mary Lennox’s live.

      Emotional Transformation
      Burnett’s characters often undergo emotional growth. In “The Secret Garden,” Mary and Colin both find strength and happiness through their connection to the garden, reflecting Burnett’s views on mental and emotional healing.

      Financial Independence
      Burnett achieved financial independence through her writing, challenging traditional roles of a woman. This independence is reflected in Mary’s development into a strong and persistent character.

    • #42174

      Hi Beth this is my homework for this week!

      Larry always believed that he was the perfect. Good looking, strong smart, bald, shiny and most importantly, smooth skin. He was always in a good mood (apart from when he ran into Pat the Potatoe who apparently like picking fights with people). Larry (in his not so very humble opinion) though he could win a nobel prize competition for the best potatoe in his potatoe salad. Wonderfull. Luck was also on his side, the cold air really manadged to shape his facial hair into anything he wanted. He though to himself; he would be up there among all great potatoes. He would autition for it, if it werent for that, he was stuck and crammed in a tiny transparent room jam-packed with other not so good looking potatoes. He stared out at his desteny when all of a sudden a hand reached out… His future was fried.

    • #41556
    • #41290
    • #40620

      Hey Beth, sorry for the late homework. There was some inconvenience when uploading it.


    • #37934

      Hi Beth this is my homework

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    • #32707

      Hi Beth,

      This is my homework


      In my dystopia world, there would be no one dying and all of the pain would increase by 500%. In that world it would always be 560 degrees, never rain, and you could never tell the time because it was meant to feel like you were there for eternity and beyond. People worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 out of 4 seasons, 52 weeks in a year and 365 days a year. NO ONE, could take a break. No dead, no excuse. Everyone would get a timetable encrypted in an ambiguous code that could never be encrypted. If, however, it was encrypted, this is what it would say:
      1am: Workout – Start with 5 tons. Doubles every day.
      2am: Cement making – Donating blood and spit to use to make cement because there is no water.
      3am: House and pyramid making – Creating sky touching (literally) houses, pyramids and temples which the top of could not be seen by the naked eye.
      4am: Facing your biggest fear But x10 bigger e.g. if your fear is stage fright you get to perform on live tv for the entire planet to watch
      6am: Sleep
      6:01: House making (again)
      7am: Surgery performing – collecting kidneys and heart for a human body to give to people who don’t have one like the person you took the organ out from)
      8am: Execution – Getting executed for entertainment.
      9am: Slave training – The practise of being a slave by being one
      10am: War training – Being a soldier and fighting in a war.
      11am: Being trapped in a white box – But you cannot see anything
      12am: Being trapped in a black box – But the colour white blinds you

      If you were according to how many nanoseconds you were late, that is how many times you get shot. E.g. you were late 1 nanosecond late you would have one thousand bullets getting shot at you. Everyone would have a cruel nickname which would be what they would be called forever and a little bit more.
      Some things i would magpie from the book would be that the ‘person’ ruling my island would always have tricks up his sleeve to punish people who don’t obey the rules e.g. hypnotising. Another thing would be that everyone would know what to do and when to do it. One last thing would be that everyone has a number/identity.

    • #32320

      Hi Beth!

      This is my homework.


      In the book 12 Minutes to Midnight, I think the relationship between Penelope Tredwell and Monty Maples is very interesting. In the beginning, I think that their relationship is pretty strong. Monty was getting paid to act like Montgomery Flinch and read ‘his’ latest story. Near the middle, I think their relationship weakens. Three examples of this is that Monty didn’t really like the fact that he was going to Bedlam Hospital. Second, he didn’t want to stay with Penelope when she was trying to persuade him to stay. Third, Penelope had to really persuade Monty just to help her unwillingly break into Lady Cambridge’s house to find answers. This suggests that Monty didn’t really have such a strong connection compared to the beginning of the book. At the end of the book, it was more Alfie helping Penelope find the time machine and smashing mirrors rather than Monty.

      Something I find weird about their relationship is that even though Penelope is younger, I think that she has more power over Monty in their relationship. Penelope owns the Penny Dreadful, publishes it, writes for it and edits it. She can control Monty and what he does and if she fires him or not. She can also control where he goes, how he acts and what he says. This is why I think that Penelope has more control in her relationship.

    • #31815

      Hi Beth!


      Montgomery Flinch grasped the sides of the computer as sweat trickled down his head,
      his knuckle whitening as he stared in the darkness of the theatre.

      His glasses slid onto his nose and the continuation of emptiness in his dark eyes seemed to shoot a glance across the face of each member in the audience in turn. A mesmerised silence hung over the stage; it was as if the theatre itself was holding its breath as it waited for the conclusion to his latest spine-chilling tale. The expectant hush seemed to deepen as Flinch finally began to speak.
      “And when he turned and looked into the mirror, his trembling face which was crumbling into bits, a cracked alabaster in the fading light of the light bulb, he saw the dread face of Mr Cameron staring back at him, the man that he had assassinated some seven years before”.

      The dimmed gaslights lining the walls of the theatre flickered faintly as a shocked grasp rippled through the air.
      Flinch’s face twisted into a grotesque grimace, his voice now a guttural rasp that echoed around the theatre.

    • #31562

      Hi Beth!

      Here’s my homework!


      I think that Freedom is a very interesting book with a lot of different themes. One of the themes I find interesting is Freedom. Freedom is something where you are over control over what you will do. Peter Marshall once said: ‘May we think of freedom as not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right’.
      This theme is portrayed in the book. Some examples are: the title is literally ‘Freedom’, it says various times that Nat wants freedom to get money and free his family, at the end, he gets his freedom.
      I think the theme ‘freedom’ in Freedom is something that we can learn from. Every single day everybody wants freedom. Even King Charles in boarding school and the only thing to rely on was your teddy to a poor man wanting to escape his job.

    • #31307

      Hi Beth,

      This is my homework


      In the book Freedom, there are a lot of things that we can learn from it. Some things we can learn from it is that even when things are at their peak and things are really harsh, you shouldn’t lose hope or give in. This is shown in the book numerous times. For example, at the beginning of the book, Nat was a slave in Jamaica where he is treated horribly and his family moves away. Then, he earns hope to go to England where he could be free. Then, he realised that England being heaven was a myth and the centre of slavery and racism and the story of Zong. However, he meets Henry. A trustworthy friend who helps him with England and how to survive there. When he arrived at Missis Palmer’s house, he was yet again treated badly but then met a servant girl called Mary who helped Nat to escape. Another reason why this is, is because after Nat got caught, he kept going and eventually escaped Missis Palmer’s house and then found The Cat And The Mutton where he was helped once again. Nat kept going and persevering to do better in his life.

      Another thing I think we can learn from this book is that it’s nice to be nice. In the book, Mary, Henry, Shadrack and Frances were all very nice people who chose to show kindness and help Nat on his journey. Nat used to be treated so badly he thought that there was a country whose streets were paved with gold and a place like heaven. This shows that Nat was really poorly treated and that we shouldn’t treat people like that.

    • #30252

      Here is my homework.


      January 1st. 2024

      I really hope my dad knows he’s getting me into. I’m not the kind of person who wants to be a factory worker. Especially when they don’t really pay you and they only give you scraps of bacon for food. To top it up, I’m going to be the only human worker there. All of the other workers have been kicked out and been replaced with AI (artificial intelligence). Good luck with that future. The pros about this is I get to watch people cut trees and look at the thunderstorm clouds billowing out of the chimney and sending down heavy rain and ear-piercing thunder like the mighty roar of an lion.

      Jan 13th 2024

      I’ve gotten used to our schedule now. 3am, wake up get ready. 3:30, get on the bus. 4:00, start loading trees. 5:00, try to find other things to do. 22:00 go home. It’s not much but It’ll save my family from starvation. Today it’s not that much hard work. It is still pretty back-kicking though. There are only one hundred thousand logs coming in.

      Jan 20th 2028
      Hey, diary! Sorry I haven’t written to you in a while. I wanted to ask you. Is it just me who is finding it hard to breathe? Like, literally the world is running out of air!

      Jan 16th 2040

      I’ve done research over my 3 hour holiday. I’ve realised something now. There are only unlimited trees in the world if people plant them. If they don’t, no trees. No trees, no oxygen. No oxygen, no humans. No humans, a barren planet like an ugly christmas jumper my granny knitted for me abandoned at the back of my closet. No trees are being planted so, that means that the number of trees are decreasing and since no trees are being planted, trees might be extinct. Every day, (on a normal day) there would be around eight hundred thousand trees coming in every day. That means that human life is slowly becoming extinct. I have to stop this!

      March 27th 2041

      Diary, I’ve done it! I’ve saved the world! I contacted the government about my ‘scientific theory’ and guess what? He said he would send some MPs and legally stop this factory from manufacturing paper and record how many trees were cut down. When they arrived, they practically jumped out of their skin by the amount of trees being cut down. According to Mr Rishi Sunak himself, there were only around three thousand, four hundred and sixty four trees left (to be precise). Without my warning, the world would have ended and everything would of been extinct and the leaded gas (the ‘thunderstorm clouds’) would of finished humans off! I SAVED THE WORLD!!!

    • #28676

      I found Spiro the most interesting when he first met the Durrells, he said ‘I’ll takes yous anywheres. Just you says.’ It’s very strange when you meet someone for the first time and  you will take them anywhere they want. Also, we don’t really get much of his backstory which is a shame because he is very important in the book. For example, if there was no Spiro, the Durrells would have no place to live in Greece. Also, I find it quite interesting that one character can do so much and change the story. I also think it is very strange that Spiro has such a strong accent because a greek accent is easily distinguishable and I found it quite hard to understand what Spiro was saying. This is why I think Spiro is the most interesting character.

    • #28440

      Hi Beth, this is my homework


      Genre – horror
      It was a dark night. Malevolent clouds encrusted the sky and blinding lightning crashed down from the sky. Water drenched the earth and the wind blew fiercely through the trees. A chill seemed to seep deep into the bones of anyone who dared to enter the hands of the storm.

      Billy, a young boy around 11 years old was staring out the window of the dungeon. He had scruffy ginger hair and light orange freckles. His stuck out front teeth made him look like a bullied beaver and his matted brunette hair was so messy he couldn’t even stick a comb in it. He was wearing a torn, tatty shirt and baggy, bottle green shorts. Billy was a prisoner feeder which meant that his job was to feed all the prisoners and eat prison food.

      He was having a bad day. It was Friday the 13th of May. The worst day of the year. First of all, it was a really unfortunate day, Second of all, it was Billy’s birthday but they ran out of steak (the only thing they did for Billy’s birthday) AND it was the day when The Terror attacked.

      The Terror is a creature which comes from The Land of the Terror it’s the place where all of your worst nightmares are created. The creatures are the worst though. The Rascal for example was a giant beast that had deadly claws and fangs sharper than knives. It was a blood-curling beast and would poison you with just one look of its eyes. However, unlike the Terror, it has only been seen once but The Terror gets seen annually.

      This year, it was Billy’s turn to fight the beast. Every year, a different child would fight the beast. People believed that children were the best people to fight monsters because they are very fast and can hide from danger easily. Billy packed all of his heavy armour and made his way to The Land of Terror.

      When he arrived to the eerie island, he felt a shiver down his spine. What he didn’t spot coming was The terror lurking behind him with an evil grin he raised his claws ready to strike…

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