Henry xue

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    • #23357
      Henry xue

      My mock writing.

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    • #16782
      Henry xue

      Thanks for the interesting lesson, this is my homework for week 7.

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    • #16616
      Henry xue

      This is my homework for week 6.

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    • #16479
      Henry xue

      This is my homework for week 5.

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    • #15924
      Henry xue

      Hi Beth, this is my homework for lesson 3.

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    • #15697
      Henry xue

      Good writing and spelling are most important, try to always answer in full sentences. You should spend about 30 minutes Section A and 20 minutes on Section B. Type your answers out below each question and remember to pay attention to how many marks each question is worth to give you an idea of how much you should be writing. The total number of marks for Section A is 21, the total number for Section B is 14. The overall total is 35 marks.

      Section A



      1.       In lines 7, when describing the brook, the writer uses the metaphor ‘half choked’. Explain why you think the writer has used this metaphor and what image it presents to the reader. (2 marks)


      I think the author uses this metaphor to show how much life the brook holds and to show to the reader that the brook is overflowing with these plants.




      2.       Re-read the first two paragraphs. How does the writer create a sense of peacefulness in this section? You should make direct reference to the language/imagery within by using quotations. (4 marks)


      The writer creates this peaceful atmosphere by setting the story in a sunset because sunsets are normally used for romantic setting suggesting that the text here is calm and serene. The author also uses this text to describe the setting; therefore, not including much action making the text calm.


      3.       Below are three adjectives which describe the first rabbit; find one quotation to support each word between lines 22-29: (3 marks)


      a.       Streetwise ‘He looked as though he knew how to take care of himself’ suggests that the rabbit is streetwise for he is showing he knows how to survive in the wild.


      b.       Wise ‘There was a shrewd, buoyant air about him’ suggests that he is clever for the word shrewd is used to describe the knowledgeable.


      c.       Cautious ‘Looked around and rubbed both front paws over his nose’ suggests that this rabbit is cautious for it is checking its surroundings to make sure it is safe.



      4.        Based on information from the passage, using your own words, describe the second rabbit (lines 30-35). (3 marks)


      In my opinion, the second rabbit is paranoid for he is alarmed at even the sight of a bee in the fifth paragraph. He is tense and cautious for he continually shows signs of being on guard. He is also very attentive for the first rabbit describes him as the only one who can find him a cowslip.


      5.       Explain why the second rabbit is given the name ‘Fiver’: (1 mark)


      He is named Fiver for he is the fifth one in the litter in other words the last one born in the litter.


      6.       When Hazel says to Fiver, in lines 44-45, “If you can’t find one, no one can”, what does this tell us about Fiver? (2 mark)


      This phrase tells us that Fiver has very keen eyesight and very attentive for there would be many rabbits in the field but Hazel says if Fiver can’t find one no one can.


      7.       Looking at the passage as a whole, how does the writer present elements of nature and what impression of the setting do you think he is trying to get across to the reader? You should support your argument with quotations and try to comment on the writer’s use of language, paying particular attention to any language features you recognise. (6 marks)


      The writer creates an element of nature by setting this story in the natural habitat of a rabbit and describing it as ‘half-choked’ with life it also brings us a natural setting with hills, trees and animals. I think the impression of setting that the writer is trying to get across is the calamity of this text for there is no action and just the relaxing normal life of a rabbit.




      (Section B is on the page below)


      Section B


      The Clown Punk

      by Simon Armitage


      Driving home through the shonky side of town,

      Three times out of ten you’ll see the town clown,

      Like a basket of washing that got up

      And walked, towing a dog on a rope. But



      Don’t laugh: every pixel of that man’s skin

      Is shot through with indelible ink:

      As he steps out at the traffic lights,

      Think what he’ll look like in thirty years’ time –


      The deflated face and shrunken scalp

      Still daubed with the sad tattoos of high punk.

      You kids in the back seat who wince and scream

      When he slathers his daft mush on the windscreen,



      Remember the clown punk with his dyed brain,

      Then picture windscreen wipers, and let it rain.



      1.       How many different types of punctuation does the poet use in this poem? (1 mark)




      2.       What do you think the poet means by the phrase “the shonky side of town” (line 1)? (2 marks)


      I think the poet means that this side of town is unsteady or messy for shonky means unreliable.


      3.      What interests you about the structure and form of the poem? You could talk about line breaks, rhyme, meter, stanza length, and explain the effects achieved. (3 marks)


      What interests me is that a few parts of the poem rhymes but most of it doesn’t making it sound like the poem is missing something. What also interests me is that the last stanza is only two lines long creating an almost incomplete ending for the reader.




      4.       In your own words, explain how the speaker feels towards the town clown. (2 marks)


      I think the speaker feels sympathetic for the clown because he tells us to acknowledge his existence and not to make fun of him.



      5.       What interests you about the language used in the poem? Use some examples and explain what effects are achieved. You could talk about word choice, literary techniques and imagery. (4 marks)


      What interests me with the language of this poem is that the writer uses slightly unpleasant words to describe this clown punk creating an unpleasant appearance of this clown in our minds. What also interests me is that the author uses a vast array of vocabulary making the crude but accurate image of this clown possible.


      6.       Name one theme that you think this poem explores and give evidence for your answer (2 marks)


      I think a theme this poem uses is how the clown experiences melancholy for the text is written in quite a sad, solemn mood.

    • #15693
      Henry xue

      This is my mock exam!

    • #15690
      Henry xue

      This is my mock exam!!!

    • #15686
      Henry xue

      This is my mock exam.

    • #15643
      Henry xue

      This is my homework for session 2.

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    • #15409
      Henry xue

      This is my homework for lesson1.

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    • #14547
      Henry xue

      The beginning of the American Revolutionary War started on the ground, fighting in the American Revolution began with the occasional hussles and skirmishes between British regulars and Ameriacn provincials on the 19th of April in the year of 1775, first at Lexington, where one of the British  forces of 700 men faced 77 American minutemen, then again in Concord, where the American counterforce of about 320 to a span of about 400 American people sent the British scurrying back to England.

      Some important figures in the American Revolution were..

      Crispus Attucks
      Andrew Jackson
      John Adams
      Abigail Adams
      Paul Revere
      Benjamin Franklin
      George Washington
      Patrick Henry
      Benedict Arnold
      Thomas Jefferson
      Alexander Hamilton
      Nathan Hale
      Molly Pitcher
      Ethan Allen
      Marquis de Lafayette
      George III
      Peggy Shippen
      Samuel Adams
      Abraham Woodhull
      John Dickinson
      James Monroe
      Aaron Burr
      Martha Washington
      Roger Sherman
      Benjamin Rush
      George Mason
      John Paul Jones
      George Rogers Clark
      James Armistead

    • #14443
      Henry xue

      Mecca is the holy city in Saudi Arabia where Muslims come to pray or the direction they pray in, if they are far away.Mecca is the holiest city in Muslim and the capital of the Mecca Province in Saudi Arabia. Mecca is also the birthplace of the prophet Muhammed who was the chosen recipient and messanger of the word of Allah, the God, through divine revelations, Muslims from all walks of life strive to follow his example. Mecca is also the place where the holy Qur’an, the sayings of the Hadith (or Prophet) and descriptions of Muhammed’s way of Sunna (or life)are the most important Muslim texts to Muslims.

    • #14407
      Henry xue

      Here is my homework for lesson 7.

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    • #14364
      Henry xue

      The Bible was written by Moses in about 1300 BC and re-published by King James I in 1604 AD to make the first people’s Bible. The Bible is about the Old Testament and the New Testament , the Old Testament is about covering the creation of Earth through Noah and the flood, Moses and more, finishing with the Jews being expelled to Babylon.The New Testament is about the fulfillment of the promise of the Old Testament. It relates and interprets the new covenant, represented in the life and death of Jesus, between God and the followers of Christ, the promised Messiah.

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