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    • #18620

      Date today 12/8/2021

      Superstars have never traveled around the would !
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>A family of superstars have never traveled around the world when filming new films for movies. They have told the truth this Monday when being interviewed by Mr James. The family agreed to tell there public anything with filming in the future. They hope that there public will forgive them for not telling them there secrets when filming.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>This has never happened in history and this is the first in history to happen. The crowd  says that it is there  fault for not telling the truth . The family agrees that it is there fault for not telling the truth when filming.</p>
      The Director plans to fire the family of three from the studio on next Saturday and he wants an audition to find new people to take part for the play. They say auditions will start on the sixth of September.








    • #17789

      George was born in London in 1840. He is a famous traveler. He travels around the world alone to explore different cultures, food and treasures.


      He prefers to brag about his adventure to his friends. However, he has a strong jealousy. One day, at a luxurious banquet in London. He saw 20 carats of expensive diamonds brought back by his friends from South Africa. And listen to the man talk about how he found diamonds in a primitive tribe.


      George decided to start his journey in search of diamonds. At the first stop, he arrived at Cape Town. His friend lent him a hot-air balloon and a guide. The huge hot-air balloon is dazzling red.


      He stood excitedly in the hot-air balloon and looked at the beautiful scenery under his feet.The grassland was shrouded in golden silence. The mountains in the distance were covered with the color clothes of sunset. That day, the milk white clouds on the side also became as bright as a flame. The grass waves subsided, and the herds of cattle and sheep came from the grassland in the distance.


      After flying for more than ten hours, the guide stopped the hot-air balloon on a grass in the evening. Just before he stepped out of the hot-air balloon, something frightening happened. Countless arrows came from all directions, and there was a terrible cry. He saw countless people running towards him. They were all naked, with bows and arrows and weapons he did not know. George looked back at his guide. His guide was full of arrows and died in pain. He’s scared! He’s dying!

    • #17347

      By Harry Liu

      It’s 2079, and all human beings can’t do without artificial intelligence. If you want to go out, just make an appointment, and a driverless car will stop at your door immediately. If you are sick, you can see a robot doctor on the screen at home doing the examination for you. There are almost no people in the supermarket because people shop online. The postman has also been replaced by robots.

      It was a sunny morning. Harry came to the school in the driverless school bus. At the school gate, he entered the school through the face recognition system.

      He’s five years old, and he is an exuberant and imaginative child. He’s in year 1 class. All the teachers in the school are robots. Robot management of the school is accurate, rigorous, but very rigid. Everything in the school is in accordance with the procedures. Harry’s first class this morning was painting. The robot teacher asked everyone to draw a picture about their favorite animals. Painting is something Harry likes very much and is good at. He picked up the electronic pen confidently and drew on the computer. After a period of time, the teacher came to his desk and checked his painting. The teacher chide Harry: you’re not right. Why do you draw all the animals in blue? Have you ever seen a blue horse? Have you ever seen a blue tiger? There’s no animal you drew in my brain system. Your painting doesn’t meet my requirements. You have to redraw. Harry cried bitterly. In fact, he painted very well, except for the teacher’s wrong color.
      After returning home, Harry told his parents about his painting at school today. He paraphrase sadly: I like blue. I have seen blue ponies and tigers in my dreams. Why can’t I paint them blue? Mother said: in the robot teacher’s brain, there are no blue horses and blue tigers. Next time, if you want the teacher to praise you, you can’t draw whatever you want. You should draw according to the robot’s thinking. Little Harry cried. He didn’t like robot teacher any more. He wanted a human teacher so that he could use his imagination to draw.

      Artificial intelligence is not all good, it will also bring trouble and confusion to human beings.

    • #15941

      The writer uses three pages to set the scene at the start of the book. Buck lives in a big and beautiful house; the host dotes on it very much; it lives a carefree life every day. The description of all this is to pave the way for major turning point. Such a happy life of the dog suddenly stolen by bad people, its life has changed. Such a big contrast makes readers very sad and worried about its future .

      The important sentences:

      Buck lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley. It stood back from the road, half hidden among the trees, through which glimpses could be caught of the wide cool veranda that ran around its four side.

      And over this great demesne Buck ruled.

      the whole realm was his. He plunged into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judge’s sons …….

      he was king, king over all creeping, creeping, crawling, flying things of Judge Miller’s place, humans included.

    • #15232

      I like Maia very much, Maia is the type of girl who is studious , honest and a good academic. She is thoughtful , sweet and a little bit mischievously. When it says that Maia’s parents are dead, she is very worried about her future. I was also very sad and worried about Maia.

      In addition, I also like the description of Amazon forest and animals in the book, which makes me learn a lot.


    • #14661

      At the beginning of the book, the author describes Maia’s class in detail. It describes her unusual appearance and her nervous mood. Her parents died, and she was afraid and worried about her future. She didn’t want to be alone.
      I like the description of the following sentences very much:

      * as everyone knew, he was bringing news about her future.

      * with her pale triangular face, her widely spaced dark eyes. Her ears, laid bare by the heavy rope of black hair, gave her an unprotected look.

      * Maia rose to her feet. Fear is the cause of all evil, she told herself but she was afraid.


      Hi Jessica, I still don’t understand the meaning of “Grimey”  this word. Please explain it to me. Thank you so much.

    • #14059

      My favorite part of the book is when he meets the king, the business man, drunken man, conceded man, geographer and lamplight, because they all act differently. The business man is always greedy, the king is assessed with power, the conceded man is vain, the dunker man is addicted to alcohol, the lamplighter is obedient bureaucrats on orders and the geographer records position of mountains without going there.

    • #13679

      Tim saves the day

      An early morning nice and bright. Tim work up for a cup of coffee, he made coffee and watched the news. The breaking news is that a rhino escaped from the zoo. He was frightened by the news, and choked on the coffee. Because the zoo is very close to his house.

      while he was cleaning his coffee, his neighbor Lewis knocked on his door. Lewis yelled: “ you saw the news! Hurry and stick the door with wood.”

      I said: “ I don’t have wood planks.”

      Lewis gave him planks and strengthened the gate and fence for him.

      The next morning Tim heard a growl. He quickly hid in the attic, gasping for breath. The rhino rushed into his house. Just as Tim was shaking with fright, he heard the sounds of the police car, followed by a confused sound, and finally an animal howl. The rhino was knocked down with a tranquilizer gun by the zookeeper.

      When Tim came down from the attic, everything was quiet again. The rhino were back to the zoo, and Tim’s house were in a mess.

      Tim is safe. He hopes it won’t happen again. He’s already thinking about moving. Move to a house far away from the zoo.

    • #12489

      The magnificent find

      On March 8, archaeologists found a scroll about the dinosaurs. This dinosaur had 3 horns and 4 legs that is instinct, in ancient times, they lived in today’s Amazon forest.
      Archaeologists came to the Amazon forest to find dinosaur fossils. They searched four caves according to the records in the scroll, but they didn’t find them. While searching for the fifth cave, a miracle happened. They found huge dinosaur bones. This is an important and magnificent discovery in human history.

      Dinosaur bones were huge, thick, smooth and hard. They pondered what to name the dinosaur, the best one was triceratop. The archaeologists said: “ it was magnificent and valuable.”

      Dinosaur bones left the dark spooky and mysterious cave and were transported to the British Museum.

      The news reported the great discovery. Many people go to the museum to see dinosaur fossils every day.

      who knows which dinosaur is found next?

    • #12231

      The naughty monkey

      The zoo was bright the monkeys laughed except a monkey that was always enraged. This irritable monkey is huge. It always keeps its eyes wide open, he have golden sleek fur.  It’s big nostrils are constantly moving, and it’s breathing heavily. He would eat all the bananas and he would sometimes make the monkeys fight for food.

      Nobody visited the monkey place for a long time, this is because every time tourists come, they always encounter monkeys fighting. Sometimes monkeys throw bananas away from visitors, which is too dangerous for them. It’s all down to the irritable monkey, because he is just provoking other monkeys.

      The new day morning, the wind was blustery as the sun came out. The irritable monkey said: “ Why are there no visitors?”

      The zookeeper said angrily “ you are naughty!”

      He replied “ give me a chance, I will impress you!”

      The zookeeper gulped and said “ ok! Last chance!”

      The visitors came they saw the monkeys and gave them bananas. A monkey stole a banana from the irritable monkey and he started to scream. The irritable monkey hit it away with one punch, and the visitors were scared away. The irritable monkey yelled “ he stole my bananas first today.”

      The zookeeper decided to move them to Kenya and let them be free.

      The monkeys left and the parrot moved in. The nuisance happened, parrots are twice as naughty as monkeys. They stand on the visitors heads and grab their things.

      There is no quiet in the zoo!

    • #11962

      My favorite part of the  book is when Kehaar help the rabbits when escaping from the Efrafa’s warren, because Hazel and the others helped Kehaar fix his wing . Hazel and Kehaar made an agreement that he will help them break  the rabbits out of Efrafa the rabbits waited for Kehaar he came when they had to fight he scared the the efrafa’s bucks and grabbed them with his claws. The fight was violent there was blood and dead rabbits.

    • #11630

      Then there was trouble, the cat followed the 3 hutch rabbits and then he pounced on to one of the hutch rabbit. We must be to save the doe. Bigwig go and fight the cat. I yelled to Bigwig: hit the cat in the eye. Then I heard a scream. It’s over. The cat ran away. We ran to the cabbage area and stool 6 cabbages. The way home was hard because we couldn’t see in front of us. We made it home at sunset. The sunset has dyed the sky golden, which indicates that it will sill be fine tomorrow. Everyone is happy for today’s harvest. As night fell, I lay in bed, expecting to eat more cabbages in my dream. I also pray that everything will go well tomorrow and we can find enough food.

    • #11629

      Dear diary,

      The May sunrise put a shimmering glaze of light on the honeycomb. It waked me up and the birds tweeted like they were happy. I waked up Fiver and Bigwig, we think about a plan to steel the cabbages from Nuthanger farm. It was amazing what we think about. When they waked up, I told everyone the plan. Then there was heated discussion about plan. The plan was a foray journey to the farm. There were some does at the front of farm. They said to us: let us free and we will give you anything you desire. I said: yes, that sounds good!  So me and my brother bit the head of the nail. I got a nail out and told the does to push from the inside. While Bigwig was on the lookout for the cat who was named Tab.

    • #11628

      Dear diary,

    • #11453

      I am very happy they get to leave the old warren to go and find a new warren.

      Firstly, they will get to go on a amazing journey to find a safe new homeland for there friends and whole family.

      Secondly, they will easily find a new home where there is plenty of food and clean water like a river.

      Thirdly , far  away from peoples and hunter who want to  hunt the rabbits.

      Fourth, make the burrow strong enough to keep the Efrafa’s away from there homeland.

      Finally,I sincerely hope that they can find a vast homeland , so that they can have more rabbits to live ,make their group stronger and resist violence together. Live a happy life forever.

      By Harry Liu

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