Harry Wang

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    • #9179
      Harry Wang

    • #9084
      Harry Wang

      The bigfoot


      Once, there were two explorer that went into a forest, they are finding for something that was uno-normal and precious creature in it. Before long they found something hairy, like a man, but got lots of hair and was much taller than a man should be. They were 8-9 feet tall(1.9-2.0 meters).


      The two explorers toke the picture ban=ck to the government to investigate the creature on the photograph. Soon the meeting begin, some people thought that bigfoot is just a big gorilla or a big monkey, some thought it is a human that gave up the city life and went to the wild to live. But believers thought it was aunordinary monster that live in that wood.


      After a while, another women got the picture in the woods camping and it shows that the bigfoot is stealing his camp partners food and supplies.


      There was a lot of jabbers about bigfoot when they stole people’s food supplies and life using tools. Many tries to follow bigfoot in the back but got killed mysteriously by the bigfoot.


      A secret group called the SCP got control of bigfoot and it became SCP 1000 and was the level of KETER. KETER level is the third most dangerous SCP level and KETER level SCPs were SCP049,bird mouth doctor, SCP096, a man naked but will kill you after you looked right into his eye, SCP 173, a statue that can move instantly and brake your neck if you did not look and him even for a blink. As you can see that KETER level and bigfoot was how dangerous.


    • #8929
      Harry Wang

      The monsters


      There were 2 monsters in the monster factory standing in front of a machine, trying to work out some ways to fix it. The machine was broken by a snake shaped monster and was almost killed because the two monsters work is to use the machine, luckily, the snake shaped monster escaped danger because he traveled through a door quickly(quicker than the other two).


      After a while the two monsters figure out that if they plug the green line into the blue plugger, the Wi-Fi will boost 999 better than before. They did it as they plan out the trick of killing the snake shaped monster ad also reasons to kill the monster.


      Before long they heard a crackling voice near by and they saw the monster bulling a litte girl. They recognize him, it is the monster that broke the machine!


      The rushed to beside the snake shaped monster and the big one pulls the snake up by it’s tail and throw him into a portal, the two monsters looed at each other and laughed because they knew that the door portal is to the girl’s changing room.


      In the girls changing room there were a high pitch voice screaming ’aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’, as the girl scream she started charging at the monster. The monster dodged the soap and clothes coming through but soon got hit by a heavy glass decoration at the door. The monster fainted, and the girl quickly called the U.S military which they carried their razer shooters(the one guns that shot out ten meters wide and infinity meters long lazer) and shot at the monster. The monster died and simply turned into ash.

    • #7038
      Harry Wang

      teacher, i have uplaoded my work again, before i submitted it in the wrong place

    • #5440
      Harry Wang



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