Forum Replies Created
at 19:54 #33094
ParticipantOnce when Jack had a walk he bumped into a person and tripped over coming back home from school. In the following weeks he kept on tripping over the same person. He told his friend the next day and they said watch where you are going. When he was at home he told his parents and they said watch where you are going. That was the same thing his friends said thought Jack. Maybe they are right, he though again. On the next day, he saw his friend and his friend saw him too. Then, the weirdest thing happened. They switched body’s! When Jack was at home his mum asked
“Who are you?!”
“Jack.” He replied “I swapped body’s with my one of my friends.”
“You look weird though.”said mum
“I know.”moaned Jack
A House On Fire
The house is broken down and fire
Spread where nothing was left to burn. What was in this scene left to admire? And what lessons were there yet to learn?
Yesterday, the house was beating out alive; Musical tones echoed in every single room; Busy were the bees building the hive, Blinded being too busy to foresee this doom.
The tragic end of so long a vivid journey Chattering towards their end, saving no means. Some day they were the prosecutor and attorney, And inevitably away from each other they had to learn
at 10:12 #32872
Participant(Play writing)
How long do you think you’re staying?
I have no clue.
(Living room door opens and Fraja’s mum asks)
Do you to want to have some juice
Fraja and Mette
Yes, what flavours do you have?
Fraja mum
Orange or apple?
Fraja and Mette
(Half an hour later the doorbell rings)
That’s my mum.
(Door opens)
Fraja’s mum
Mette your mum is waiting at the door 🚪
good bye
good bye
(Door closes)
On the dark dark hill there was a dark dark town. In the dark dark town was a dark dark street.
In the dark dark street was a dark dark house.
In the dark dark house there was a dark dark staircase.
Down the dark dark staircase there was a dark dark cellar, and in the dark dark cellar lived 2 skeletons
at 18:22 #32792
ParticipantMore jokes
Q. What do you call a boomerang that never comes back?
A. A stick.
Q. Why do beets always win?
A. They are un-beet-able.
Q .what do you call a sad strawberry?
A. A blueberry.
Q. What animal can jump higher than a building?
A. All! Buildings can’t jump.
at 11:04 #32674
ParticipantThere was a boy who lived in a village that played Minecraft all the time. His name was Jack. He played it before and after food, after brushing teeth, after bath time, after school and after he wakes up. When his mum asks him to tidy his room he just keeps on playing. One day, his device broke so he decided to watch it on the TV. Later, his mum put a password on the TVs so he went outside and played with his friends. When he came back home he saw his mum watching his favourite video. Instead of watching with his mum, he went upstairs and read Pokémon books. The next day, after school, he figured out the password and only watched on the TV when mum was away. Then one day he was caught so his mum smashed all of the devices while he was at school. When James was back from school he saw all of the devices were smashed so he read books instead.
Q. Why did the banana go to the doctor
A. Because he wasn’t peeling very well
at 14:40 #32485
at 19:44 #32025
Participant<p style=”text-align: left;”><u> Stephen Hawking
<p style=”text-align: left;”> Hi. My name is Stephen Hawking. I was born in Oxford on 8th January 1942 during World War Two, so my mum decided to move to St Albans. When we eat our food we would read while we ate our food. When I was 17 I enrolled at University College, Oxford being a scientist.In October 1962, I began my graduate work at Trinity Hall at the University of Cambridge where, in March 1966. I obtained the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specialising in general relativity and cosmology. I found out the only thing that can escape black holes. Radiation. When I was in my early 20s I caught Motor Neurone Disease.I built a machine that can speak for me.Now I can communicate again. When I was 76 I caught Lou Gehrig’s disease (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ) which made me die at Cambridge.</p> -
at 19:55 #31779
Mustn’t do this
Mustn’t do that
Mustn’t break rules at the school
Mustn’t draw on the walls
Mustn’t paint all over the table
Mustn’t steal money
Mustn’t pull rude faces
Mustn’t doodle when learning
Mustn’t drink seawater
Mustn’t eat chicken raw
Mustn’t spray soap on my eyes
Mustn’t block the sink
at 12:11 #31524
at 10:20 #31213
at 10:45 #30920
Participanthere’s my homework link below
at 10:45 #30919
Participanthere’s my homework link below
at 10:06 #30348
ParticipantSorry wrong account
Once there was a boy who liked helping out with things for example: going shopping,helping old people crossing the road, taking out the garbage, throwing away litter in the bin, helping classmates, searching for missing things, tidying up and so much other stuff. So far he has gone shopping,36 times helping old people crossing the road, 15 times taking out the garbage, 19 times throwing away litter in the bin, 18 times helping classmates, 12 times searching for missing things, 15 times tidying up and doing so much other stuff 26 times. One day when tidy up for the 16th time he saw garbage to take out and an old lady about to cross the road so he rushed tidying up,zoomed past the garbage and managed to grab in stuff the garbage in the garbage bin and made it in time to help the old lady crossing the road. For the people in the car she looked like a witch but for the boy it looked like a normal woman. When he was running back he noticed he can run as fast and he wants to.
at 19:09 #30110
Participant<p style=”text-align: center;”>The murder</p>
Hello my name is Nate and I have friends that are neighbours. We usually go on trains 🚂 to our adventure. Today’s adventure we need to figure out who murdered who. We’re taking the train from The Elizabeth Line to Paddington. When we stopped
At White House we took a different underground train to the third stop when we got out of the train and the exit. We are now in Central London. We took out our magnifying glass and started searching for clues. We didn’t stop for a restaurant since we passed our food in our bags. We ate while we were finding clues. We went into the building for example frameless. In one of them was the murder. We called the police to come and arrest the murder. One the next day,we found ourselves in the Daily News. On the bottom it said ( if you see a crime on the train call the British transport police on 61016 if on the street call 111) at the top it said ( Jack Nate and Bradley caught the murder red handed.) I called them for a party and they said ok. Later, it was 9:00pm and we had an amazing time.
at 14:04 #29940
at 18:54 #31086
(Wondering)How long do you think you’ll stay?METTE
Roughly 6:30.FREJA
( in excitement) that means we can play together for half an hour!METTE
True.(Doorbell rings)
I have to pick up Mette early because she is having an appointment at 6:15.FREJA AND FREJA’S MUM
Good bye. See you again soon.