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    • #39865

      Hi Beth!

      Here is my homework!

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    • #39455

      Hi Beth!

      This is my homework 🙂 see you tomorrow!!

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    • #39084

      Here is my exam…  I am not finished…..

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    • #34643

      Hi Beth!
      I finished my homework of reading. Have a great day!
      -Emma 🙂

    • #34642

      Hi Beth!
      I have finished reading the context! See u tomorrow!!! 🙂

    • #34389

      English Essay

      In this extract, there is an attempt to create Florence’s thoughts and feelings.

      Evaluate how successfully this is achieved.

      Support your views with detailed reference to the text.

      The narrator demonstrates Florence’s thoughts and feelings from the use of a power. This is shown in LIne one of the extract,’sorrow, shame, and terror’.The word ‘terror’ suggests that she is frightened by her own actions while the words ‘sorrow’ and ‘shame’ show that she is also feeling regret and annoyance for running away from home. It is also shown in the simile ‘through the sunshine of a bright morning, as if it were the darkness of a winter night’. this shows the worry taking place in her as she goes running lost into London.

      Also, the author conveys Florence’s emotions through a list of adjectives in the extract. Within line 30, the author writes, ‘and laid his rough, old, loving, foolish head against her breast’. This indicates the trustworthy and lovingness of the dog, Di, which implies that when Florence caught sight of him, she felt a ping of happiness in herself to keep going as she knew that she could always be protected by her dog.

      Florence at the end of the extract is shown as having confidence in herself which is shown in the phrase ‘Florence, who had again quickened up her pace, as she approached the end of her journey, ran across the road’. The phrase ‘again quickened up her pace’ shows the excitement to see a safe place; this shows that she found a small lodging for her and Di to seek shelter.

      Therefore, as expressed in the extract, Florence’s thoughts and feelings are successfully created by the language and literary techniques used by dickens.


      Thank you for the amazing few lessons in the past few weeks!!

    • #34373

      History Essay

      What role did religion play in the Salem Witch Trials? Were there more important factors motivating the trials?

      Religion played a huge role in the Salem Witch Trials in the February of 1692, however are there more important factors like politics, loyalty and distrust, or is religion to blame?

      The Salem Witch Trials are somewhat based on distrust and loyalty as it began after cousins Abigail Williams (11) and Elizabeth Parris (9) started having seizures in January 1692. The two children blamed Sarah Osborne, Sarah Good and Tituba for performing witchcraft on them. The three were taken into custody and judged. That was the only evidence given into court against the three women. The women all had something in common, that they all were ‘outcastes’ in one way or another. Tituba was Parris’ Indian slave, Sarah Good was a single mother and a beggar, and Sarah Osborne was a woman who had not attended church and was pregnant with a child. With the little evidence that they had, they convicted the three women of witchcraft.

      Another cause of the Salem Witch Trials is religion. As the whole village of Salem was Puritan, they believed that if they confessed to their crime, they would be released as God would forgive them of their wrong doing. Therefore, Tituba confessed to practicing witchcraft and blamed Good and Osborne for influencing her. As she was released, she falsely accused others for witchcraft, which made people follow in her footsteps. Puritans also believed that ‘those who insisted upon their innocence met harsher fates, becoming martyrs to their own sense of justice.’ (Britannica, Salem Witch Trials) This led to both Osborne and Good to be imprisoned.

      During the Salem Witch Trials, we can see that there were many factors that could be to blame for the Trials in Salem, although politics and religion play a big part in the trials, I believe that distrust and loyalty are the largest cause of the Trials.

    • #34090

      Beth, Here’s my homework from the past few weeks.


      Suspense is successfully created by the addition of pauses and careful choice of words. This is shown from the phrase “my dear young friend—nay”. The dash used creates the sense of tension between the two characters as Dracula says “a dear young friend” but then almost immediately he says “nay” meaning that he disagrees with Jonathan being a “friend”. This shows that he thinks that the Count is hiding something from him especially what was in the huge castle as he warned Jonathan with all seriousness that he should not wander around.



      The writer uses long sentences with many commas to show the endlessness of the garden. This is shown by the sentence “The path that led down towards the fence at the bottom, which marked the garden off from an orchard beyond, disappeared into a mass of nettles and brambles before it reached the padlocked door.” This sentence is describing the garden as unkept due to the “mass of nettles and brambles”. Endlessness is shown by the word “disappeared” as it is hidden from the view of people.



      How does Edger Allen Poe present time in “A Dream within a Dream”?


      Edger Allen Poe presents time in the poem “A dream within a dream” by implying the fact that time is slipping away from us humans, showing that we are coming to an end. This is shown by the phrase “Through my fingers to the deep” which is implying that time is running through our fingers.

      As the poem ends, the poet asks only one question to the reader – what if the reader wakes up and realizes that all that he has gone through, the good and the bad, was nothing but a dream within another? If readers have heard of the saying – what if we wake up and realize that we were just dreaming, all this while – then they surely understand this poem in a much better way. What if we open our eyes and realize that we had just been dreaming, all this while, and the reality begins after we wake up?

    • #34089

      Sorry I missed the second part of the Salem witch trials. Sorry it was handed in late I didn’t have good connection in China.

      Women were falsely accused of witchcraft and only freed if confessed and if you accuse someone else. This caused the number of people being accused of witchcraft to increase really quickly. People thought however that it was the devil just spreading it really quickly without thinking that innocent people are getting blamed for no reason.



    • #34088

      Beth, Here is my homework from the past few weeks.


      The Boston Massacre

      Why it was started

      In the early 1770 more than 2000 British soldiers tried to enforce some British tax laws against the 16000 colonists in Boston. The colonists in America started to rebel against the taxes with the phrase “no taxation without representation”.

      On February 22nd, a group of patriots attacked a loyalist’s store. Ebenezer Richardson, a local customs officer, tried to break up the fight by shooting his gun through the window of his house, which sadly hit an 11 year old boy called Christopher Seider which enraged the patriots even more.

      A few days later, another fight broke out between the British soldiers and the patriots which led to the Boston Massacre.


      How it happened

      On the evening of March 5th, 1770, Hugh White was the only guard guarding the Custom House on Kings Street which contained all of the king’s riches. He was attacked by angry colonists who threatened violence against him.

      As they started attacking him, he fought back and hit one man with his bayonet. Once the colonists figured that White hit a colonist, they started to throw snowballs and stones at him which made him call for reinforcements.

      Due to the call for reinforcements, many soldiers took up a defensive position following the order of Captain Thomas Preston. Knowing that bloodshed was going to happen, many pleaded the British not to open fire while others dared them to fire.

      During the chaos, someone supposedly shouted “Fire!” which caused a soldier to fire. After everyone had heard the shot, more shots were fired and 5 people were killed while 6 were wounded.


      The Salem Witch Trials

      The Salem Witch Trials reveals that the 17th century was a very strict period of time. At the time, the people living in Salem were tortured and killed from February 1692 to May 1693 due to the strictness of the Puritans who took control over Salem. Women were falsely accused of witchcraft and only freed if confessed and if you accuse someone else.



    • #29972

      Hi beth,

      this is my homework for today! Sorry, it is late… (P.S sorry Beth! I don’t have anything else to write about on this topic! So it is a bit short!)

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    • #27733

      Hi Beth! this is my homework

      The ghost I chose is The Ghost of Christmas Present. The Ghost of Christmas Present was a welcoming and jolly character. It appears in Scrooge’s room, surrounded by a feast. It shows Scrooge visions on Christmas including lovely scenes of celebration at the homes of Cratchit and Scrooge’s nephew. Before it leaves, the Ghost shows him two children who are hiding under its cloak. These are called Ignorance and Want and are warnings to Scrooge to change his ways. So if The Ghost of Christmas Present didn’t come to Scrooge, he won’t change himself.

    • #26510

      Hi Beth!

      This is my homework. It is a little bit late. I am very looking forward on Wensday!



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    • #25940

      Hi Beth

      I am not very sure if I wrote the correct thing. But I really like the theme of love so I want to write some. See you Wensday!



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    • #25447

      Hi Beth,

      This is my homework for last week. Have a wonderful day!

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