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    • #42989

      The Discovery…

      “It’s almost out!” The surgeon said cutting open the last layer of tissue. “Pass me the-“ He stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened to what was behind that layer. Then he collapsed onto the ground. Anna, who was passing him the tool, ran over to him and knelt down trying to figure out what happened. Then, she collapsed as well.

      Jacob, who was just staring at the ceiling ran near the corpses to investigate but not too close in case he gets infected as well. There was a green, furry thing on both of the bodies, engulfing them as Jacob moved his attention towards the patient lying on the bed. He saw the creature, a complete abomination, it seemed like it was eating away at the unconscious body of that poor woman as it was covering the body with its green fur and pitch black tentacles. He didn’t know what to do, the first thing that came to his mind was to abandon this place and run away but he couldn’t do that right? It would be too cruel. “DANIEL! TELL THE OTHERS TO EVACUATE FROM THIS PLACE! Jacob shouted. The floor was soon completely infested by the smell and fur of that monster, what did that poor woman do to have a baby like this? As the people ran Jacob started to follow them, pulling his mask over his face even more as he seen more and more corpses on the floor, some were covered with the infection and some must’ve inhaled the scent of the infested places as the have huge marks of purple and green on their skin.

      He tried not to even breath as he swiftly escaped the surgery room, heading towards the screams of patients and doctors who had been trapped or left behind. The infestation spread fast as it had also reached the main hall, Jacob scanned the room for any possible signs of alive humans. He grabbed and pulled each of the remaining survivors out evacuating them from this place. Suddenly he turned around to see… “A-Anna?”he exclaimed seeing her collapsed on the floor with her eyes open, her lower body covered in blood. “I e-escaped the f-fur coat…” she whispered weakly. Jacob thought about rescuing her but suddenly he saw that there was something… wrong. She seemed different… He suddenly took a knife and defended himself as the body of Anna launched towards him. He realized what he has to do. Kill her. His closed his eyes and launched his body towards her as he stabbed the victim thirty six times in the chest. When he opened his eyes, he was full of regret. The body of the mind controlled girl laid in front of him, with no trace of movement. What has he done? Was he a murderer now?…  He stood up and walked towards the entrance of the hospital then suddenly… his eyes closed. It was too late.

    • #42867

      This is my homework!

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    • #42812

      1. 1) It said that it was obvious that the house was number 56, it stood out from the others. 2) ‘only one gate that and that was half-open hanging off its hinges.’ 3) There was a straggly hedge that hid the garden. 4) The windows and doors were boarded up.
      2. The writer uses imagery to show Buddy’s thoughts and feelings. Like in line 7 it says, ‘boarded up windows’, ‘tangles of barbed wire’ and ‘the skin crawled up the back of his neck’ The use of boarded up windows is comparing the house as a prison. The use of tangles of barbed wire and the skin crawled up the back of his neck creates an unsettling atmosphere that mirrors Buddy’s growing of anxiety and fear as it uses some descriptive language.
      They also used metaphors and similes to create more tension. Like when it said, ‘what was inside was too horrible to see,’ adds another blanket of complexity to what Buddy’s thoughts and feelings of this house, allowing the reader to put themselves into the shoes of Buddy.
      Additionally, the writer describes Buddy’s actions and motions in a way that creates tension and makes up feel uneasy but still eager to know what’s coming next. He is hesitant and cautious as he turned around almost immediately after he heard the sound of Julius and Charmian.
      Overall, the writer uses language to convey Buddy’s thoughts and feelings by the use of descriptive language and others that makes us uncanny and uncomfortable.

      3)The writer has structured the text to interest the reader by making and building tension using evocative language and details. There was an emphasis on the soul-stirring appearance on the elderly house, which makes an eerie atmosphere. They also used suspenseful language as Buddy decided to not go to the haunting house but changes his mind last minute. The story reaches its climax in tension when he walked upon the front door of the creaking building but it was toggled by Julius and Charmian. Overall, the writer has effectively structured the text to keep the reader engaged and eager for what’s coming next.

    • #42766

      Nine year olds violates the palace guards changing routine using the excuse of trying to help a refugee!

      Yesterday, two children came into the crowds and disturbed the guards changing routine by charging straight in with a letter on one hand! They risked their lives just help some disgusting refugee called Ahmet!It’s a total waste of energy and confidence, they were planning to meet the queen and have tea with her to discuss as well.
      They asked a taxi driver to drive them other to the palace, we had an interview with that man named Stan. He had said that he was graceful for those kids and happy that he helped them get to their master plan. One of the cold stream guards that the children talked to said, “They were very cute and courageous, they had the courage to even walk up to us and give us the letter!” The queen was absent that day so the letter delivery wasn’t that good but it will be sent to her straight after the return.

    • #42762

      I am Anna Jones, a teacher of the Core secondary school. I am here to say that the average age for voting should be lowered down to thirteen. As I have my experiences with kids, some may say that those children are too young to understand the complexity of voting but I disagree. 80% of the children may seem troublesome and silly sometimes but deep down they have a very strong opinion on things that even us adults can’t think about.  We should listen to everyone’s voices as they might’ve had been through that we haven’t, even if they’re children, most adults just think that children can’t have proper ideas, but that’s false. Plus, right now most teenager’s voices aren’t heard, so lowering the voting age would give them an opportunity to participate and take part in the politics.
      It would allow teenagers to say important issues that they have that includes education and healthcare. I would you rather a poor child that has a lot of stress to not speak out, or to speak out to everyone?
      Lastly, if we lowered the voting age we would be able to listen to more people’s voices and that’ll make us a better community!

    • #42561

      Everyday she sat alone by the upstairs window humming that same tune she had sung 10 years ago.. She sat there in her ex-house every day and night singing that ghostly melody. She watched the seasons turn Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, she watched how the years passed. But, her memory was just like it was reset every morning as she continued to hum this same melody from ten years ago. Her home was dark and abandoned, she never thought that anyone else would set foot to this place again but one day..

      CHING! Mary stoped humming and started to listen. “Wow what the, what is this!” Said an unknown voice. “Shhhhhh, I think it’s an abandoned building!” Said voice no.2.

      Mary slowly stood up and went downstairs to greet her dear guests. When she arrived, she went behind both of the two people.  “What brings you here, dear?” Her majestic voice filled the room.  The two people turned around to see who had come there path. “You two shouldn’t be roaming around here, it’s dangerous!” Mary said.
      “I shall guide your way through this house my dear guests!” As she led them towards the door that goes to the kitchen.
      Suddenly, the two people collapsed on the floor and was never seen again..

      That is the story of the urban legend: The singing girl.

    • #42522

      The writer creates suspense by using short sentences like, ‘Dark clouds had muted the moon.’ This sets how the atmosphere is dark and gloomy which adds to the effect. The writer described this gloomy setting to create tenses and suspense to the reader as they feel unsafe and uncomfortable. This also makes us feel scared for Lara as well, as she’s visiting this alone. Also in the first paragraph it said that, ‘she could hear blood thumping in her ears.’ This makes the reader tense up due to how it’s making them feel all uneasy and disturbed.
      The writer occasionally describes the setting of the story as that creates a huge effect as it occasionally makes the reader tense. The writer uses fronted adverbials to give us more tenses and information about what is going on right now. Like, ‘Lara ran,’ this fronted adverbial makes us readers focus more and more wanting to know what she’ll do now or next time. The writer creates suspense by including short sentences and deep descriptions that makes the reader tense up. She also includes fronted adverbials to tell us more about what is happening.

    • #42421

      Most of the time, animals are being used as entertainment for us humans to enjoy, but have you ever thought of what the animals are thinking about this? They have been used in circuses to zoos, they have been used for horse riding and other entertainment. But this subject was argued as animal abuse and a inhuman way to use animals.

      Like in the circus, lions, bears and other exotic animals are used for entertainment like jumping through fire rings or something dangerous. Plus, they’re usually trained harshly and brutally when they’re doing these activities sometimes not even feeding them water or food as a punishment. They’re trapped in a confined box to rest and sleep in, which must be pretty uncomfortable as they used to be sleeping on the soft grass if the wilderness. Keeping the, confined from the wildlife harms their mentality, as the more social animals might feel left out or become depressed.
      Some animals might not be used to the new environment they’re brung to. So it is very important to not use animals for entertainment.
      So let us keep animals safe in the wild and refrain yourselves from using them as a plaything, a toy just for amusement.

    • #42378

      This poem describes water like gold, diamonds as the people in this poem live in a place where water is a scarcity. It makes us feel bad for them as there would be a high rate of death if there isn’t that much water.
      Like it’s probably a very hot place that barely gets any rain, so water would be super rare to find if you’re living there.

      As it describes in the first sentence, ‘The skin cracks like a pod’ it shows how the ground, crops just crack open due to the lack of any water. This makes us feel very worried about them as their crops and grounds slowly crack and die. It said, ‘Sometimes, the sudden rush of fortune.’ This shows how water is described as money, as if you’re at a casino and you won the best prize, the people are all rushing over to save what they can before the water drains out. This shows that they’re crazy for it because it’s very hard to find any, anywhere there because it usually just drys of in the hot, blazing heat of the sun.

      The people of this poems lives are pretty bad as it seems like they’re poor and has a lack of one of the main things that helps us survive, which is water. This poem made me think that their lives are very hard but they try their best to make it better.

    • #42362

      Dickon is a character straight out of a fairy tale, as he has the ability to tame every animal that had crossed paths with him. Not only tame them but gain their trust as well like the foxes would show him their cubs and so does the others.
      One of the skills he has is that he can wake up extra early, which isn’t always easy, and he can basically talk to animals.
      Dickon is like a big brother figure to Mary and she enjoys her time when being with him as he is very interesting.
      She describes him as a snake charmer when we first saw him, and he influenced Mary a bit as he showed her what the children around here usually do every day. Dickon to Colin is like a person from those fictional books that he had read as he can charm and tame all sorts of animals. Colin is very interested in Dickon even when he was still in bed! He was motivated by Mary’s stories about Dickon that he was really eager to meet him in person.
      Dickon is a very interesting and talented character that can tame all sorts of animals.  Mary thinks of Dickon as a brother figure who loves nature. Colin is very mesmerised by Dickon as he just loves his personality and his ability to tame animals.

    • #42213

      Frances’ life tells us about the book, like she wrote this book to show her love of gardening. She had wrote it to show how positive emotion can change things, she was inspired by her rough childhood. Back then when Frances was a child medicine wasn’t really that developed as it is now so there was a lot of diseases, which might’ve inspired on how Mary’s parents and servants died, and there were more people like Colin around then.
      Burnett traveled around lots of places, which inspired her, and saw lots of different flowers, plants and landscapes.
      Roses were one of Frances’ favourite flowers, that might show why Colin’s mother loved them and asked Ben Weatherstaff to look after the roses. She sometimes had to leave her son when travelling and that showcases when Mr. Craven left Colin for sometime. She lived mostly on England so that must show why the story was mostly set in Yorkshire.
      Frances’ life tells us about this story by her love of plants, her tragic background. It also shows how back the. Thee wasn’t that much medicine so there were illnesses spreading around everywhere at all times!

    • #42194

      how does the author make Miss B seem unpleasant?

      The author makes Miss B unpleasant by stating the way she looks and moves, the way the author says that she pounced and crept showed us that she behaves more like a wild animal eying its prey. As she knocks a boy sideways it shows that she is very careless and rough which makes her even more easier to hate. As she picks on people as well like Spadge, which she asks weird  questions to.  The whole classroom seems to be afraid of her as their voices are like rattling swords.

      In line 35-36 it said, ‘She caught Spadge in the doorway and fell upon him.’ This shows how will she would pin  a student down to the floor due to anger. She acts like a wild lion that was just set free from the zoo, its sanity is up as high as the heavens. Also on line 3 it said, ‘ she pried, she pried, she crouched, she crept, she pounced, she was a terror.’ This sentence also symbolises that she is very animalistic and not that easy to tame. The author describes her using the technique Zoomorphism which is comparing one to a animal, this is very common in this text as the writer includes a lot of this technique in the text to show how beastly this woman is.

    • #42116

      If you’re seeing this don’t throw it away, I’ve been stranded on this island (marooned by my ship) for over three years living on the goat meat I’ve hunted and other animals. I forgot where I am so just please just contact someone so a rescue team can search for me. But be aware that there might be pirates out there that might capture you if they see you on the seas. Please send help as soon as possible as I’m becoming even more insane every single day.
      This will be great news to me if I wake up to see myself in a new place, not that cave again. There might be a chance that you’ll get a prize later if you save me because one day I dug up a pretty valuable treasure.
      It’ll mean a lot to me if you save me and free me from the grasps of the wilderness. So please do anything, I mean ANYTHING to save me from this prison realm. I’ve lived enough of this survival game, please save me!

      Send help ASAP to search for a man in a small island called Ben Gunn, me, and bring me back on the rock lands.

    • #42035

      I think Jim would be very angry by the fact that Long John Silver betrayed him and stole a proportion of his treasure he found. But as he decided to never involve with treasure finding again and had nightmares from it, he might actually act Silver about his life after the incident. He has been through a lot during his adventures and has built a rivalry for Silver as he’s brung him a lot of troubles so he might actually scold him throughout. On the other hand, Jim actually is fond of Silver as he wishes him happiness as he is something valuable in Jim’s heart. Jim has trusted him at the start as he was very kind to him. I think he would be surprised by this because he never would’ve thought to meet this pirate again after he ran away with the treasure. He would be very shocked as he had never thought about this and tried to forget all of the treasure finding stuff after he finished finding the treasure because he had nightmares.
      I think they’ll talk about all those journeys and what they had been doing these days.


    • #41804

      I think the part was included because the Mormons were like an important part of the story, because they were linked to why Hope has killed people. The Mormons were the ones that saved Lucy and her caregiver, but they had to live under the Mormon faith. Which soon after led to how Hope wanted revenge.
      Arthur Conan Doyle wrote this to add some context from the past 19 centuries ,in the United States, so the reader can understand more about the reason Hope murdered them. It was included to show how the Mormons acted towards the people that aren’t Mormons. It shows how it had disturbed Joseph Smith and others.
      This part was included to tell us what are the Mormons, danties and what happened to them. The Mormons were the one of the prime people in this story because without them this thrilling detective story wouldn’t even exist. The Mormons were once the villain of Lucy’s life and now they became the victim for Hope to murder.

      This part was included in the book to show the origin of the Mormons and why Hope targeted them.

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