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    • #7229

      The Birthday Chatter

      One afternoon in Nora’s house.




      D:  (Cheerfully) I have something important to tell you! It’s your birthday today!

      N: (Surprisingly) What? It’s my birthday today? May I have a cake and balloons please?

      (N hugs D aggressively.)

      D: Okay, here is your cake! It is a brown chocolate cake. I hope you really like it.

      N: (Sadly) Oh no! I don’t like chocolate and it doesn’t have sprinkles! Dad, don’t you know I like vanilla cakes full of sprinkles and frosting?

      (N almost burst into tears)

      D: (Feeling sorry) I am so sorry! Yesterday I bought a vanilla cake but then I met our neighbors. And I gave it to them because yesterday was their 50th anniversary.

      N: (Lower her head, feeling really disappointed) But I really want the vanilla flavored cake… not the chocolate one.

      (The song “Tears in Heaven” gradually fades in.)

      D: (Apologizing) Don’t cry my little cutie. Let’s buy a new vanilla cake right now.

      N: (Raising head and opening her head) Hooray! That sounds great! Now which bakery should we go to?

      (N curiously looks to her dad)

      D: It is a surprise! I promise that it is your favorite bakery!

      (D bends down and cuddles N up)

      N: (Chuckles) I love you dad. You are the best!

      (N kisses D on his cheek)

    • #7214

      Super Mario is a metallic action figure fabricated in the toy factory of Drake City. Super Mario was then sold to a boy named Bob Zhang. The boy loved Super Mario for many and many years and then donated him to an antique shop where a bunny named Edward Tulane lived.

      When Super Mario first met Edward Tulane in the same toy bin, Edward was notorious in the shop because he was very unkind to other toys. As soon as Super Mario was placed in the bin, Edward pushed him to the corner and shouted: “This is MY spacious house. No intruders allowed!”

      Weeks and weeks passed, Super Mario and Edward have not been sold or even picked up. Super Mario sighed and exclaimed: “Edward, do you know why nobody came to buy us? It is because there’s not a lot of toys in our bin. People would think that the toys in this bin are not wonderful and popular. Bins full of  colorful and shimmering toys are more notable.”

      Edward Tulane was first exasperated but he supposed that Super Mario was right. Super Mario thought Edward had calmed down and then advised again: “Be kind to others then someone will be kind to you.”

      After a few weeks passed, more and more toys had joined their bin. And Super Mario and Edward became friends. This spacious house felt cozy and warm. Sometimes Edward was still down because he had yearned to leave the shop. “Believe in yourself, someone will come and take you.” Super Mario patted Edward on the shoulder. “Just be patient. That is all you need to know.”

      On a sunny day just before Christmas, a little boy named Boyuan Liu was escorted by his dad into the store. He cherished Edward on the first sight and hugged him warmly. Finally, the exultant Edward became Boyuan Liu’s new toy and had never been back to the store again.

    • #7074

      I have a little sister, Nora who was born in 2015. I am 4 years older than her. When she was born, I didn’t like her because I wanted all the toys for myself to play with. So I often got very angry with Nora when I found my toys were in her hands. Then we usually ended up in a very big fight until my parents terminated our playtime.

      Once after we fought for my favorite Lego dog. My mom told me that I can treat Nora as a friend to play with, because one will feel nicer and more comfortable to share things with a friend. I thought about that, then I agreed that my mom was kind of right. If Nora was my friend, she might help me around the house. So I shared my Lego Dog with her. And I did feel very peaceful watching her play with it. Even if she broke it at the end, surprisingly I wasn’t mad at all!

      Later, Nora and I often laughed together, played together, and did homework together. Sometimes my mom assigned me to teach her. I thought that being a teacher would be fun and that could be my career when I grow up. So my first official student was Nora who was 4 years younger than me. I enjoyed teaching her different subjects: Chinese, English, Math and lots more. When we had nothing to do, Nora and I would simply play the “Dog and Owner” game all the time. She even shared her valuable things that I wanted. So Nora had become an interesting companion for me, or kind of my BFF.

      At last, I turned from a boring and unkind person to a nice person and a generous sharer. Thanks to my mom’s tip, treating others as your friend is a good idea. And I have proved this idea really works. I want to keep my sister, Nora, to be my friend forever.

    • #7012

      “Good afternoon! I am Barnacles. I know that you are Professor Inkling. It is very nice to meet you!”

      “Oh how did you know me? Nice to meet you too, Barnacles, right?”

      “I know you because I spotted you yesterday firing someone on the Octopod. You looked pretty meshugenah.”

      “Was I? Sorry I don’t recognize your boat. There were too many people on the Octopod. Ah yes, I was kind of furious at that time.” Professor’s face turned pink.

      “Let’s go to the coffee shop at the corner and have a good old rabbit.” Barnacles proposed.

      “Okay, I think I owe you a pig’s because I didn’t know you.”

      “Oh, that is on me. I would prefer some Rosie.” Barnacles looked through his pockets. “Aw, I forgot all my sausage and mash. Barney Rubble!”

      “No big deal, I bought my sausage. I am confident that we will have a brilliant time together before I go home to meet MY trouble.” Professor Inkling blinked with a grin.

      “I am honored to be with you, Professor. I am excited to learn more about your adventures in the sea with the Octonauts!” Barnacles stared anxiously.

      “Oh that was nothing. I can tell you right now: Our mission was to take a Caribbean Octopus named Coba back to her home. But then Peso and I got trapped in the  Sat Actun Cenote of the Yucatan Jungle. Those boisterous creatures were Stewart to us. Luckily, the rest of the crew got us out before we were out of air. It was a close one.”

      “It sounds adventurous and dangerous!” Barnacles was shocked and astonished. “Tell me more please!”

    • #6952

      Yesterday our country lost a brave lion named Aslan. Aslan’s death is very significant to our nation because he sacrificed himself to save a boy named Edmund who was intimate with our Queen of Narnia.

      Just in case you do not know this, this boy Edmund does not belong to our world. Our researchers have concluded that he came from another wicked, egotistical, and greedy world. If Edmund gets too close to our Queen, he will threaten the Queen’s safety and put our nation in great danger that we have never faced before.

      Aslan devoted his life to break the bonding between the wicked boy and the Queen. Our newspaper is sorrowful for the loss of Aslan. It is a terrible tragic troubling twisted tragedy that we lost him. Now the boy has escaped and Aslan is dead. If Edmund finds the Queen again, he will be unstoppable and invincible.

      Therefore, now everyone of Narnia must be united to protect our nation from the intruder. We hope a  courageous superhero just like Aslan will rise to protect us. This is Narnia News’ Reporter and Detective Drake signing off.

    • #6763

      Edmund arrived at my home. I was fascinated because this boy looked like an overgrown dwarf with a cut-off beard. “Why does this poor little man look so beautiful, and charming, but also a little scary?” My heart was beating faster and faster.

      Edmund described that he was human and a boy. He claimed that he came here through a wardrobe. How can this be even possible for a human? “He is cunning and fun!” I thought. I wanted him to stay with me, to be my lover, no one else. I could make him the King of Narnia someday so that everyone would be attracted to his charm.

      I saw that he was shivering and his teeth were chattering. “This can make you feel enjoyable and comfortable.” I presented my fantastic drink “Turkish Delight” to him. He absolutely loved the hot drink and asked for more. After Edmund drank more and more, his face turned shiny and red. At that time, I knew that he was not clever anymore so that I could ask him to bring more humans like him and stay even longer.

    • #6718

      World Hero Medal Award Speech

      Does anyone not know who Abraham Lincoln is? Abraham Lincoln is a great leader of the United States who has changed America’s history in the 1800’s. I think the World Hero Medal is designed for him, no one else. Don’t you agree?

      We know Abraham Lincoln because he was the 16th president of the United States who fought against slavery for his whole life. In the dark times of the 1800’s, slaves in the south were controlled by slave owners and lived miserable lives. Abraham Lincoln couldn’t bear it so he joined the north and battled for the freedom of the slaves during the Civil War. As he commanded: “I say ‘try’; if we never try, we shall never succeed…”, there were many lives lost during the war but he never gave up his faith that every man deserves the same chance. A great leader with a determined mind deserves the World Hero Medal.

      We know Abraham Lincoln because he gave the famous Gettysburg Address in the Civil war. Although he freed slaves in 10 states by 1863, the Civil War still continued and thousands of people died in the endless battles. It was President Lincoln who gave the powerful speech: “…Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…” People were deeply convinced by his speech and stand by his side to finally end this war. Without President Lincoln, slavery will not be prohibited forever. This medal must be given to Abraham Lincoln for abolishing slavery.

      Last but not least, you might not know Abraham Lincoln for his contribution to the US economic system. He created the US national banking system. He established the Commissioner of Internal Revenue also known as the IRS later. Is there anyone who does not know the IRS? I guess not. So actually Abraham Lincoln is the founder of our progressive income tax system.

      My final message today is to show you that Abraham Lincoln was the greatest president of the United States who abolished slavery, gave the Gettysburg Address, and founded IRS and US banking system. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln absolutely should be awarded the World Hero Medal. Thank you for listening.

    • #6632

      Dear March Hare,

      I have exciting news to tell you. You are invited to my fabulous tea party on Sunday 16th at 2:00 pm, only us!

      I am very grumpy today and I want you to come over and have some of my “Tweedledum and Tweedledee” tea with me!  Sunday’s weather should be enjoyable. But it will be less enjoyable if you allow any frabjous intruders here! Why is your watch exactly two days slow again!? This is totally jabberwocky. No wonder you are always late.

      So now I am inviting you exactly two days in advance, because being late is absolutely not okay with my party! Even if it is late by only 1 minute, that is prohibited. Never let that happen again, my friend March Hare! We must enjoy ourselves at the party without any other slithy rabbits/humans.

      Your friend,

      Super Mad Hatter

    • #6475

      The History Of Abraham Lincoln

      On February 12, 1809, a man named Abraham Lincoln was born. He lived in a log cabin in Kentucky for sometime and grew up in Indiana. Abraham Lincoln loved reading books. He wanted to go to school and learn,  but his family was very poor and going to school was expensive. So Abraham Lincoln hewed down trees, built fences for the family, and plowed their land to make living. He was a brave and determined man.

      In his life, Abraham Lincoln taught himself how to read, write, tell stories and give exceptional speeches. He also taught himself how to fix machines. When he was grown up, he became a lawyer. Then he married Mary Todd, and had 4 sons named: Robert, Eddie, Willie, and Tad.

      As an excellent lawyer, Abraham Lincoln had been always trusted to make significant decisions for his town. In 1860, he was elected the 16th president of the United States. His portrait was also put on pennies and 5 dollar bills! Abraham Lincoln believed every person is equal and  Slavery must be prohibited. In 1863, he gave the significant speech-The Gettysburg Address, and lead Americans to stop Slavery after the Civil War.

      But sadly, on April 14, 1865, a man called John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln in a movie theater. Nowadays, people often go to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C to honor Abraham Lincoln and his work.

    • #6418

      Poem: Curious and Curiouser Alice Down The Rabbit Hole

      The little girl just

      could not sleep

      because her thoughts

      were way too deep

      her mind had gone

      out for a stroll

      and fallen down

      a rabbit hole!

      She entered a place called Wonderland,

      Alice was surprised with a great big jump

      “Where am I?” Alice asked

      “You are here”, a rabbit said with a drum.

      She saw a bunch of hoppy rabbits

      That were greeting her with a smile

      “Follow me and you will see!”

      They walked far as it had been awhile.

      “Welcome to the place where rabbits live”,

      The rabbits show them around the house,

      Where they found a magic potion

      “Before you open it, ask politely to the mouse!”

    • #6229

      ============ Save Wilbur ===========
      ***********Wilbur should not be eaten!!!***********
      1. Ban the rule! Not all pigs should be murdered for food. KILLING IS CRUEL!

      2. The most kind, brave, and determined pig is Wilbur! Save him and he will HELP YOU! 

      3. Wilbur is a SOME PIG! He is terrific, radiant, and humble. Wilbur is an unique pig!

      4. Pet the pig! Wilbur is just like your own child. He is funny and lovely. He can make you HAPPY everyday!


    • #6065

      After reading Charlotte’s Web, I think the moral is: Never give up on your dreams. In this book Charlotte had never given up on Wilbur to save his life. She kept trying to make extraordinary words to describe him so that the people would think Wilbur is some pig.

      In the middle of the story when it is Winter, a really tragic scene was that Wilbur was going to be killed by Mr. Zuckerman. Charlotte told Wilbur: “You shall not die…  I am going to save you.” When I saw these sentences I was moved. I knew that the book would be interesting after this turning point and the rest of the book would show how hard Charlotte tried. At that time I predicted that Wilbur would be saved by Charlotte.

      Later in the book she woven “Some Pig, Terrific, and Radiant.” Mr. Zuckerman was convinced to take Wilbur to the farm animal show. At the end, Charlotte woven “Humble.”  Because Wilbur did his backflips and Charlotte made a lot of extraordinary words, the judges let Wilbur win 1st place in the contest. So I was happy that Wilbur was famous because Charlotte never gave up.

    • #6024

      You Can’t Catch Me!

      A woman plans to eat a cookie

      The cookie jumps out of the oven looking very hooky

      Oh, It is a gingerbread man escaping like a snaky

      “Stop! Come back here!” shouted the woman


      The Gingerbread Man meets a wild bear

      “Yummy! You look like a little bee!”

      “Impossible! You can’t catch me!”

      Behind the gingerbread man you see the woman and the bear chasing


      The race and chase had just began

      The gingerbread man is having fun

      “Look at you so tired! There is no way you can catch me!”

      After his words the gingerbread man jumps into the sea

    • #5952

      Hw2: Report of Space Bat Angel Dragon

      Good evening, welcome to join us at Australia Station News. This is Drake reporting.

      As we all have been nervous before, yesterday our space scientists had confirmed the alien species, Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon, are coming to Earth. One scientist Charlie Mcclen had messaged from space to Australia that a huge ball was coming to Earth. He estimated that its size could cover the entire Australia, and this ball was a scary gigantic dragon curled up. He warned our station and other local area news. This morning, farmer Bob Weber in Alien Alley also confirmed the sight of a big round cloud zooming toward the Earth! As Bob Weber described on the phone: “Ah! That looks like the dragon. He will be landing in 5 minutes! And it will destroy our town! We must run! …..”

      This is the official warning from Australia Station News that Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon probably have already landed. We all know its massive claws can damage Australia in no time. We are now sending SOS messages to the United Nation. We need all the help from the world to defeat this dragon! So in conclusion we must rout the dragon and save Australia and the islands nearby! This is Drake signing off at Australia Station News.

    • #5775

      Drake’s Homework 1:

      Dear Diary,

      This afternoon, I was standing on a monstrous cliff enjoying the breeze. I peered over the edge at the town below. Then I heard a strange clicking sound from close behind. I turned back and saw a boy holding a knife and tapping at me. I was curious to follow the mysterious “tapping” noise and did not know how far I walked.

      Then I also saw tree branches lying on the ground near me. “What good branches for my house in the town!” I thought. I came to the branches and grabbed a bunch. Suddenly, I lost my balance and fell into a hole. I dropped deeper and deeper until “bonk!” I landed far away from the surface. I was mad, furious, and angry! Obviously some farmers made this trap. I wanted to defeat them! I wanted to get rid of them! I wanted to get out but I was not tall enough! The hole was as deep as at least 3 redwood trees stacked on top of each other. But I was only at most 1 redwood!

      I started to dig as fast as a bulldozer. I dug to the side and then dug up until “pop” I was at the surface of Earth again! I hastily ran away from the town and went back to my monstrous cliff. “I will get you next time!” I boomed in a loud voice that shook the Earth. Then I walked away to think of a perfect plan to fool the farmers.

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