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    • #13078

      Hi Beth,

      Please find my homework in the attached file.

      Thank you


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    • #12737

      Dear Diary,

      I have had a bad day again! You know who it normally is, don’t you? Yes, correct answer, Basher Beaumont! 😢…. I! just got so frustrated with him. Here is some evidence:

      Today, I woke up because of Basher who poured a cold, freezing, old cup of icy water from his water bottle. SPLASH! Then, he made a rumour when everyone else had woken up that I had wet my bed! GROAN! Detention again! In class, Basher wasn’t doing good work and he saw I was doing good and in my test, I had nearly reached the maximum result, when the teacher just popped off to get something and Basher quietly swapped worksheets when I wasn’t looking.

      At lunch, there were lots of pasta and Baser took the last bit greedily! I was left with the broccoli and carrot stew. Another thing, he pushed! You’d get two hours detention for that! Irvin felt a push and turned sharply and shouted,”who was that?! In a cross snappy way. Basher blamed it on me!

      This is what always happens! I’m getting fed up with caning, strokes, semolina and chilblains pudding, and especially BASHER BEAUMONT!!!😒

      Better escape first, see you!

      Michael Morpurgo


    • #6969

      When I was in Year 1, I used to get jealous of my friends to be the boss . When they didn’t follow my instructions, I got very anguish or jealous. I normally got humiliated. This fight between my BFF was caused by they were luckier than  me (by the way, BFF stands for Best Fake Friends). For instance, Rose would show off for: “I’m going to stay at Annabel’s house for a week or two in the summer holiday!” Eleanor would say:” I’m gonna get a new dog which is the cutest dog in the world”🐶. Lydia said: “Me and Thalia will get a large swimming pool in our backyard today!” And I was left with nothing interesting to say or boasting about.

      Later, in year 2, Miss Alberti  (our teacher) got involved with this problem. We’ve been talking about this for a term, but it didn’t seem to work. On the 3rd term of year 2, I decided to break up with Lydia and Thalia (The Twins), Eleanor, Annabel and Rose (Who are always sticking together). Sadly, I decided to play on my own. At every break time, I sat down on a bench and played with some sticks and leaves I found on the playground. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that bored. I soon learned how to make figures made out of leaves and sticks. After making each figure, I had put them safely on the blue bench right next to the bush where I worked with the leaves. One day, a few year 1 students came over to see what I was doing. The sort of liked it. They asked if they could have some of my creations. Soon, they spread out lots of news in lower school about my beautiful creation and ideas. After that, I got lots of friends coming to me and joined my “break time creation club”.

      This was a miracle! What a good change!  I felt more as a kind person that who has friends. I encouraged myself to go deeper into the world of friendship, I let my friends to express their feelings, and I accept them to have different ideas. This feeling was so good because I no longer feel lonely. Hoo-Ray! I’m out of my chains! The best way to keep my friendship was not be annoying and never put my nose into their business whether they are lucky or not, whether they are better than me or not. I am looking forward to seeing my friends in September.

    • #6836

      Important News: OUR HERO IS DEAD!😢

      Yesterday, our hero, Aslan the  Lion got killed by the Evil White Witch and got carried to the Stone Table. This happened because of sacrificing himself to save a son of Adam’s life, so instead, he died for him. The White Witch told the Hunk Ogre to tie him up so he could feel embarassed and humiliated: “Now, bind him up so he feels ashamed of himself and remember to shave him to make him feel that he is a LOSER! Mwaa ha ha ha haaah!” she said this so loud to make the others on Aslan’s side so unhappy that hey might give up on hope. Aslan was tied so tietly, his blood came drickling down. His only friends that were watching were Lucy and Susan Pevensie there, crying mad, like how Mary & Rahab wept during Good Friday. In the evening, Miss Lucy & Miss Susan Pevensie stood at the Stone Table. In an amazing sight, they didn’t see Aslan. He had somehow dissapeared. People all around particularly the VMW Edu children and Bethan Jones disscussed he was based on Jesus. Right behind Lucy & and Susan there was suddenly a deafening roar. To there suprise, they saw Aslan! Later, I will print the next newspaper article and for a treat, if you like newspaper articles, there is a sneak peak  called ASLAN HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD! Thanks for reading this newspaper article and remember to share with your family & friends!

      Printed by N.Article.Christina.Y

      Priemer Prints Ltd

    • #6753

      Sorry for the lateness of homework!

      Accidentally misunderstood the homework from The White Witch Feelings/Thinking 🤐!

    • #6713

      I was driving my sledge on this snowy day when I saw a son of Adam. I asked who he was and what his name was called. (Even though I already know him.) He was so rude and stupid that he replied to talk about Schools & Holidays and he was some sort of  shy and didn’t  know what to say. (That’s why I call him an idiot.) He stared at me as if I looked like a frog. (I daresay, why, I look extremely beautiful, don’t I. How rude!) To deal with him, I gave him something nice. (As you can see, I have a very quick and nimble mind. That’s how a queen should be like.) I soon found out he loved eating Turkish Delight. I could see his mouth was starting to water, so I gave him a whole pack which was my last one. ( You see, I’m pretending to be nice, I’ll turn him and his family into stone statues you’ll see in a minute.) Whilst we were talking,I told him some rottensome nonsense about crowning him Prince of Narnia. He was so suprised, that he was showing his whole mouth of sticky Turkish Delight. That’s extremely RUDE! He didn’t really know that I was going to get more evil next time , give him bread & water, and show him I’m the White Witch. Next, I told him where I lived. “You see that lampost, you go foward, find two hills, and right between them, you see my house” I said. The son of Adam waved goodbye and I swished off slashing the reindeers away. THAT SON OF ADAM IS SO RUDE AND IDIOTIC!

    • #6095

      Hi Beth,

      Please find attached picture of my homework – the poster.

      below is the summary of my poster in text.


      Don’t kill and eat Wilbur!

      1. How do you feel to be killed when you had to be killed for meat? Of cause not nice! So, don’t do it to Wilbur.

      2. Do you feel guilty for killing a nice, cute, adorable little pig? Can’t you let him die naturally?

      3. He has something good inside him. Take a look further down……

      SOME PIG:







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    • #6064

      One of the morals of this story is that you should care and be gentle.  For example, Charlotte said:”be quiet, Wilbur!”, who had been listening to this awful conversation about he has to die to be roasted pork. This is to show care, because it can comfort someone from an argument or a hysteric, showing that you care for them and its time to calm down. Don’t talk about the problem, but talk about the solution.

    • #5940

      From Christina

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    • #5937

      Hi Beth,

      Please find my homework from the attached picture.



    • #5700

      Hi Beth,

      Please find my homework in the attached file.

      Thank you.



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    • #2689

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