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    • #11035

      This my work. Thanks

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    • #10858

      Dear Diary,

      Today while I was visiting Fagin with Bet, I met a very nice young boy named Oliver. It turns out that Artful Dodger Just brought him in yesterday and had found him on the street. Anyway, when we arrived, Fagin was playing with Artful Dodger and Charley and Oliver was there, watching. So, I went over to him and I asked some questions. Apparently, he was an orphan from a workhouse and had ran away from a person Called Sowerberry whom he was apprentice to. Oliver seemed very nice and was very polite and I was in the middle of a conversation with him about workhouses when Bet interrupted by complaining that she had a cold on her inside. After that, I couldn’t get near enough to Oliver to continue our conversation. Fagin gave us some money for Bill’s cut for the latest “delivery.” At least, that’s what he said. Charley and Artful Dodger came with me and Bet but Fagin kept Oliver home with him for some reason. I guessed he kept him home to train him. I will definitely try to visit as soon as possible, and I hope I see him soon.

    • #10435

      Question B

      The characters who challenged my preconceptions the most were Nancy and Mr Grimwig. They both were different from what I expected them to be and changed during the novel.

      I expected Mr Grimwig to be more like Mr Brownlow and be more believing in people. He was constantly saying he would eat his head if he wasn’t right and constantly contradicted Mr Brownlow which makes it hard to believe they could be friends. Instead of being the same throughout the novel though, he changed once he met Rose Maylie and became jolly and happier.

      I thought Nancy would be the same throughout the book like Artful Dodger and be consistent in being happy where she was. She used to be the loudest in the room always the middle of it but in the end, she was always in the shadow and out of the way. I didn’t expect her to start liking Oliver or to risk her life to help him by giving information to Mr Brownlow but she did and was found out. Nancy was with Fagin’s gang since she was little and was stuck with them so she was forced into it but in the end, she found she didn’t want to.

      I didn’t expect Mr Grimwig to be so tough and hard hearted but eventually he changed into what I thought he would be near the end of the novel. I thought that Nancy would be consistent and stay the same throughout the book but she switched sides to help Oliver. Both of the characters I chose changed and became nicer throughout the book showing that anyone can change.

    • #9412

      I think that the spirit who affected Scrooge most was the ghost of Christmas Future. The ghost really dented Scrooge and it was after this that he became a better person and a second father to tiny Tim. The story shows how the phantom carried an air of gloom and mystery which made Scrooge bend down on his knee. Overall, Scrooge was actually quite scared of the spirit; his legs trembled so much that he could hardly stand. This last visit was more effective comparing to the other spirits since the ghost of Christmas Future had lots of reaction. When the phantom showed Scrooge his death in the future, with nobody mourning him he cried “No spirit! Oh no no!” With the other spirits he changed but with the last ghost he changed most. I still think that other spirits changed him because the spirit of Christmas Past made him beg to be removed, “Please spirit, no more!” Scrooge seemed quite changed when the second spirit visited him so the first and last ghosts are almost tied. I noticed that the ghost of Christmas Present was different to the other spirits. The second spirit was a more jolly and happier ghost compared to the solemn, grave ghost of Christmas Future. The ghost of Christmas Present also is the only spirit that does not make Scrooge plead to take him back home. Instead, the phantom makes Scrooge want to stay longer. Out of all the spirits, the ghost of Christmas Present was the least effective on Scrooge.

    • #9279


      Question B. Thanks

      A Christmas Carol’s moral shows how anyone can change. At the beginning of the book, Scrooge only  cares about money and doesn’t care about things like Christmas which he doesn’t gain money from. In chapter 1, Scrooge is saying “out upon Merry Christmas,” and stating that Christmas doesn’t make people richer. However, after four spirits’ visit, Scrooge changes. The spirits show Scrooge perspectives and how bad it can be for poor people during Christmas. Scrooge became kinder and more generous. Christmas Carol also shows inequality and how people should be kind to each other. Scrooge’s clerk, Bob Cratchit is poor and still kind, and caring, whereas Scrooge, who is rich, is quite greedy and selfish. The story shows anyone can be kind, and just smiling at people or helping them with a task could really help someone else. Lots of people were poor in the story yet at the start, Scrooge did not think of helping them. He suggested work houses or prisons and thought Christmas a nuisance. He also would not join group activities and said that “every idiot that goes about with Merry Christmas on their lips should be boiled in his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.” Luckily, the spirits helped him to be a nicer person.

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