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    • #14024

      For homework week 3:

      Santiago embodied Hemingway’s ideals for manhood by persevering and not relying on other people. He perseveres when he lost his fish. He did not shout to heaven saying, ‘Why can not things go the way they want because I gave up somethings just to catch a fish and it gets eaten by sharks!’ He knew that nothing would do anything to get the fish back and just went to sleep. He did not go to town and tease about what he did and complain that sharks ate it.


    • #14023

      Dear Beth,

      For week 2 homework:

      Manolin is necessary to the story, ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. Manolin has a love, selflessness, care and faith for Santiago. It says on page 8 and 9:

      ‘What do you have to eat?’ the boy asked.

      ‘A pot of yellow rice and fish. Do you want some?’

      ‘No, I will eat at home. Do you want me to make the fire?’

      ‘No, I will make it later. Or I may eat the rice cold.’ ‘May I take the cast net?’ ‘Of course.’

      This shows Manolin cares for the old man and wants to help him as much as he can.

      In the first part of the story Manolin is begging the old man to do the work for him and Manolin keeps on asking the old man to tell him some stories about people like DiMaggio.

    • #12812

      Question 1:

      For the phrase ‘a man can be destroyed but not defeated’ I think Santiago means he will not give up overwise it is like being defeated. Referring to being destroyed he will catch the fish even if he dies and he is determined to catch the fish. I agree, yet I do not agree. I agree because a proper poor fisherman would never give up if that is the only thing he can eat and if it is very rare to catch a fish like the old man, I would think it was their only chance to catch a fish. I do not agree because a very rich man who wants to fish can give up and he has other choices for food rather than fish and he might catch loads of fish whenever he goes fishing so if he stops then he would still catch loads of fish.

      Question 2:

      The sea represents loneliness, because the sea is endless and there is nobody near him except from the fish which he, the old man, is trying to kill and when the fish is killed, he is even more lonely. Page 32 it says, ‘I wish I had the boy’ the old man said aloud. On page 97 it says, ‘He noticed how pleasant it was to have someone to talk to instead of speaking only to himself and to the sea.’

      Resilience, because he gives up some things, he does to keep an eye on the fish like sleeping, to catch the fish but ends up with sharks eating the fish. On page 89 it says, ‘The old man hit him as he shut his jaws.’

      Determined, because he wants to carry on what he is doing but he must carry on the painfulness to carry on. On page 46 it says, ‘He is coming up,’ he said. ‘Come on hand. Please come on.’

      Frustrated, because the same about the one above, he is frustrated about not catching the fish and if he did, he could turn straight back home and either eat it or sell it for money. On page 46 it says, ‘He is coming up,’ he said. ‘Come on hand. Please come on.’ You can almost imagine that he is saying it with a rather frustrated voice.

      Shocked, because he is surprised that the fish did not die. On page 32 it says, ‘But 4 hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea.’

      Angry, because he cannot kill the fish. On page 32 it says, ‘But 4 hours later the fish was still swimming steadily out to sea.’ I can feel the tension in him when the fish has not died.

    • #5858

      I think all of them are my favourite because when they were in danger they all did something to save themselves and the others. For example: Silkworm and Miss Spider because they made the strong rope , Earthworm because he made the seagulls come to them , James because he tied the seagulls to the rope and saved centipede when centipede fell in the sea , ladybug because he went to check if the peach was damaged when they got out of the sea and that was very brave of him and the others because they pulled earthworm back into the peach to make sure he didn’t get eaten by the seagulls.

    • #5809

      This other insect of the gang is called ant. He always wants everything. He is red and has four legs. He is interested in pizza crumbs. He lies about everything. He loves to collect food so much that he doesn’t pay attention. He ignores other livings because he is so interested in food!

    • #4406


      Everyone come to the shooting party if you want to.

      To Lord

      You may come to the shooting party.

      P.S tell everyone you know.

      From, Mr Victor Hazel

      Dear Mr Victor Hazel

      I will come to the shooting party.

      From, Lord

      To Danny and His Father

      Come to a shooting party at H.W.

      From, I can’t say my name.


      To the person who can’t say there name

      We will not come because we hate Mr Victor Hazel.

      From, Danny and his Father


      To Danny and his father

      Everyone hates him!

      We only go there because we want to eat pheasants.

      That’s why we go there.

      From, the person who can’t say there name


    • #4178


      We are talking about 2 twins called Wallis and Webny Gloop Gummy. They are 2 spoiled children. They even have 1000  pets. They have 20 cats, 40 dogs, 50 rabbits, 100 goldfish, 200 frogs, 90 parrots, 100  puppies, 90 kittens, 10 snakes, 200 cows and 100 ponies and now they want 1000000000000 squirrels. They live on a different planet called Gimigo. They are the only family that lives there. Their friends have visited Gimigo and says it is enormous. That is why they can have so many pets. I would love to visit Gimigo for the summer holidays.

    • #3343

      To Boggis and Bunce

      We will kill that fox. I bet there is a whole family living with Mr Fox.

      We can kill the whole fox family.

      If you are in, come and meet me at my farm at 2:00 on Friday ready for the plan on Monday

      From , Bean

    • #2871

      Dear Mrs Silver

      Who Do You Love ?

      Will You Love Me?

      Will You Marry ME ?

      Would You Become Mrs Hoppy ?

      Kiss Me , Marry Me , Become My Beautiful , Lovely Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Love , From , Your Charming Knight / King , Mr Hoppy


    • #2833


    • #2832

      My favourite bit was when George gave his marvellous medicine to grandma. I liked it because it was funny when grandma grew taller and I liked when grandma got fire in her tummy. I liked it so so much ! I can’t believe it when grandma broke the layers of the floors and roofs , that might mean that the medicine made grandma really strong to break through otherwise how would she break through the house ?????????????

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