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Tangtang Remaining in the deep hole, on the damp soil, a crack sounded. Suddenly, a small sphere appeared out of nowhere and a whisper went up the crowd. Its color was slightly bronze but it wasn’t shiny at all. The skin of the “Thing” was wrinkled and the group of people could just make out tiny hands and two feet. In a blink, out popped two staring eyes, a pair of triangular ears unfolded. Sharp claws like lazord’s shot out from the Thing’s bony hands. In a slash, the Thing bounced out of its place and the humans were petrified. Some people couldn’t bare it so sprinted out of sight. The Thing uncurled and very slowly stood up, in fact it did it so slowly that the people didn’t even notice. The Thing’s wobbly legs helped itself to stand up. The humans left behind saw that the Thing had pale eyes and a sharp, bump nose in a circle, not knowing what to do. It had a cute-looking appearance and was quite idle. It had met its first strangers. Just before anyone could say a word, a web that actually looked like a parachute winged at the little creature. “Got you!” shouted a fierce-sounding voice. It belonged to someone in the crowd of people …

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