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    • #9894

      How would the story be different if it written form Tom’s perspective?

      I think it will be more interesting and unique. Because Tom knows what he actually feels, so the story will be more real, if other people writes, they didn’t know what Tom actually feel, and it is not that kind of real.



    • #9460

      Julian, unlike the other characters, does not finally learn a lesson about kindness. Why did Palacio choose not to have him change?

      I think because the author who wrote this book wants to let the reader know that Julian is bad, not like Jack or August. And I think maybe Palacio thinks Julian was nice to him, and he think if Julian change, maybe he will not like him, and does not play with him. I also think that the author wants to extrude that Palacio was kind maybe and Julian was a bad kid at school.

    • #9290

      What would be lost and gained if the story had an omniscient narrator?

      I think if a omniscient narrator who read this story, the gain is going to be friendly to others, or they will not be friendly to you, such as: many students in school bully August, but August didn’t bully them, at last, many students play with him.

      The lost will be they didn’t know how August look like in the really person, they can only imagine it.


    • #9100

      What is the main message that you take away from ready War Horse?

      The main messages I take away from reading War Horse is that think careful of other’s feeling, and then think harder about what is the problem you like to ask them, like asking them a question… Like people didn’t treat Joey good, like the soldiers, and they need to think first: did Joey like that? Did Joey really want us to treated like that? Did Joey feel the same way that his own owner treated him?

      At conclusion, the main message that I take away from reading War Horse is that think and take care of other’s feeling.

    • #8944

      What are the strengths and weaknesses of having the story written from the perspective of a horse?

      First of all, the title of the book is called War Horse.

      Second of all, I know different horse have different characteristics of itself.

      The weaknesses is that when this book’s author writes the book of the horse’s point of view, the readers will not know what other people feels and the only way to solve it is that to imagine what they feels, but can’t know it for sure, such as in the story: Albert found out that his dad sell Joey to other place, where is called British army, I can tell Albert is worried of Joey because Captain Nichols make a pledge that he is going to take care of Joey as perfect as possible, just like how Albert take care of Joey. But in this book, it didn’t tell what Albert felt in this thing.

      The strengths is that the title “War Horse”, and Joey is the main character of the book and it contract with the title because Joey is the war horse.

    • #8531

      What do you think the title Hole means?

      I think it means Stanley and the other kids digging holes. Because Stanley gets in trouble, and his punishment is to digging and digging the hole.

      And i also think is because if it is not like that, then why the author wants to choose the named Hole of the book?

      For example: a author writes a really interesting book and want to give it a name, but he really couldn’t think about a name, so he just give a fake name and not related to the story. When the book published, all the people thinks it is a good book(but they don’t know it for sure), and they just buy it and read, when they finish readying the book, and they see the name, they said the name of the book didn’t related to the book, it is not the same thing, and they ask the author why, the author is afraid to say that he haven’t really know a name, but he is too shy to tell, and he couldn’t think that much, so he said he don’t know, and everyone is still really confused.

      In conclusion, I think the title Hole just related to the story.

    • #8421

      Chance is more important than choice in Hole–Do you agree?

      Name: Cathy

      (I didn’t read finish the whole book Hole, but I still read many pages and few chapter)


      ​Chance I smore important than choice in the hole, do you agree? Chance is you have times to do something, such as: I have a chance to pick the apple first, or I have some chances to pick my favorite color paper to make the art project… Choice is like you can pick a choice or make a choice, such as: There is many choices of the KAP(​KAP which is a after school activities, and there is so many choices to pick.), or my teacher gives me many choice pick the homework you like to do. Chance and choice are different!

      ​In this sentence, I agree with chance is more important than choice. Because if you can chance to do something, then, you can have many choices about that thing.

      ​I have an example of this thing. Jason is a boy who really likes to play soccer, at his school, there is many choices of soccer, but if you want to join the team, you have to do a test first, then, you can join the team. Jason told her mom about the soccer, her mom agrees, but she said if Jason wants to join, he need to practice soccer every day. Jason agrees, because he extremely wants to join, and he can do it even when he is very tired, her mom is really proud of her son. Every day, Jason’s mom watches him playing soccer and practice soccer with his friend, Jack, because Jack really wants to join the same teams with Jason too, so they practice together too. The next day Jack and Jason get to school early, so they practice more in the test. When the test starts, they play soccer with the other team, Jack and Jason are on a different team, they can never think of that, but they cannot think that more, they just kick. At last, Jack’s group won, but in the few days, Jason practice more than Jack, Jack just practice for only two days, and Jason practice for about one month, and Jack just won for no purpose, Jason was really sad and little bit angry and jealous of Jack.

      ​In this story, we can see chance is more important than choice, because if have chances, then, you can pick your choices, like in this story, Jason didn’t have a good chance, so he can’t choose any choice he wants.

      ​In conclusion, I think chance is more important than choice, there is different answers in different ways.

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