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    • #8376

      The Missing Cavemens

      It was a really long day. My back was covered in sweat and I stink. I have not had a swim at the pool in forever. I needed some way to clean myself up. When I walked to my cave I noticed that some of the other cavemen were cooking something that smelled so refreshing. I went to check out what they were making.  As I went closer to it,  my face was lighting up with streaks of gold. I looked at what the other cavemen were cooking, it was a turkey, a cow and some dried fruits. This was definitely made by a lot of effort. After I looked at the delicious food, my mouth was covered in drool. I wiped off with my rags and headed over. I looked at the cavemen but they looked different. They looked unnatural, but I just went along with it. I asked them if I could join them. All of them froze. Why? All of them squawked in fright and ran away, but good for me I could have the food. MMMMMMM…… It was so good. It tasted different then last time, but in a good way. I could hear the crackling of the fire and saw the soak surround the cooking turkey. It was quiet. This didn’t feel right, usually the other cavemen would cheer and chatter around me, but today no one was by my side, only coldness and wind. What was happening? Where are the other  cavemen?

      I got up from the splintery log and walked out of the cave. I looked at the tent that was next to the cold tree. The tent was all raggy and didn’t look so good, but I checked it anyway. Nothing, just air and old sticks and twigs. How am I ever going to find the other cavemen. Then I heard some voices that didn’t sound like the cavemen I know, but I just kept on listening. The cavemen were getting closer. Some of them wore these weird dangling things on there head and others were wearing cool clothes. I looked at myself, I was not like any of them. This is getting weird. Where are the other Cavemen? I searched the woods, but after I got deeper and deeper in the woods. I heard a bang, then a drag, what could this be? I realized that I haven’t checked one place yet… the pound. No one likes to go to the pond. It’s super scary at night. It has coats of fog and if you dip your toe in the water you will feel a squish of mud and pointy sticks. I really don’t like to go there, but I have to find the other cavemen.

      I held my breath as I walked down the hill. I barely could see where I was going. My mind was full of thoughts, that any minute they could race out of my head. My feet started stinging and I heard a crack. I started to get more and more shaggy. What was happening to me? Something is definitely wrong

    • #8176

      Double,double,toil and trouble,
      Fire burn, and colden bubble,

      Little lion on the broom,

      Stick and shatter, what todo,

      Come and play like it is day,

      Stick a cobweb on your face,

      Bite your tongue and let it bleed,

      Dripping down your face like ways,

      For a charm of powerful trouble,

      Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    • #7899

      2020 was a boring year. I had to be stuck at home because of covid. But I kept on thinking about camp tapawingo, a summer camp that I went to last year. I thought about how much I missed my friends and the sports that I had to do every day. Comparing home from Camp, I can think of so many differences.

      The day before camp tapawingo I was nervous and excited. My friends Lexa and Milla went to camp Tapawingo too. I knew them, because they go to the same school as I do. On the day I was going to Camp tapawingo. I was all packed up. Most of my stuff was already In Camp tapawingo. The bus I went on was pretty big. The ride was around 6 hours and ½. This Camp was the furthest sleep away camp that I went to in my life. I was sitting with my friend Milla on the big bus. Milla said that the camp was all the way in Maine. I started to get excited.  Once I got on the bus, I slowly got to know other campers, who were very nice to me, and I started to fit in with them quickly.

      Once we were almost at Camp Tapawingo, everyone was super excited. We arrived before we knew it. I was sure camp Tapawingo was going to be great. We went to our bunks and ate dinner. I had to pray before I ate dinner, which I had never done before. After that we went back to our bunks and got ready for bed. The first day of camp was soon going to end.

      The first week went by quickly, and I learned a lot of stuff. I met new friends, learned how to horseback ride, a lot of songs, how to make a friendship bracelet, and much more. I thought that Camp Tapawingo taught girls how to be independent and to be creative. Camp Tapawingo was on the edge of a forest. I swam in a very big pound and took swimming lessons in the pound too.

      When I learned how to ride a horse, it was really fun. I learned how to trot and walk with a horse. I felt really proud when I did horseback riding, because I was on a horse and I was taller. This just made me feel good. I started to get better and better every time I took the class, but when I took my 7th or 8th class I fell off my horse. Ouch! I got a little out of control and fell off. The horse back riding teacher helped me up and helped me back on the horse. It was like I didn’t even fall off because my instructor told me that It is fine if I fall I’ll just get better. That made me feel great!

      I felt so passionate and independent during the days when I was at Camp Tapawingo, it was heartbreaking to leave the camp.The last a few days at the camp were bumpy for me. It felt cloudy all the time, and I didn’t want to do anything. I was already looking forward to coming back next year before I even left. … But now I couldn’t, because of Covid-19.

    • #7743

      The Fast Food Dispute


      McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Panda Express, Five Guys, KFC,  and SmashBurger are closing down. Recently many of  these restaurants are closing at a faster pace than before. This observation is most likely due to the fact that more and more people think that their food is unhealthy. The owners’ of the restaurant are trying to persuade people to come back. They have been finding ways to make their restaurants better, but people still say that their food makes them unhealthy and fat. This is NOT good for the owners.  Lets see what the owners are doing, saying and thinking.

      Most of the restaurant owners are increasing the amount of carbinhydrent in their food. They are using more vegetables and fruits and less sodium. For example, they are adding more lettuce and tomatoes and reducing the use of salt and sugar to the burgers in Burger King and McDonald’s. Many fast food chains are adding more healthy kids meals with organic meat and fruit. They also provide milk with the kids meals instead of juice. Now, kids can enjoy their meals and have healthy food.  These make their food more healthy.

      One obvious benefit of fast food is that the food is made quickly. This helps save many people’s time, but I can also make them feel stressed. Many people complain that fast food makes them feel stressed. Some say that it is too messy and others say that their food makes them feel stressed because they don’t have time to eat it because they are in a rush. Some of the restaurant owners switched the paper wrappers on their burgers into paper plates/cartens. This will make it easier to hold the burgers and also prevents from making it more messy. Many of the fast foods can be eaten with hands, so people who are in a rush can use their hands to eat their food instead of using utensils and using two hands and making sure the fries don’t spill. This will help make things less messy.

      Fast food restaurants owners want to tell people that their business is running better now and they want to thank us for coming to their restaurants. People now think that fast food is not so bad after all, but not 100 present people like fast food but that is okay. Do you like fast food now that the restaurants have changed and made things better? I hope you know now that the fast food restaurants are now opened.



    • #7570

      Ring Ring Ring ! ​Angelina’s phone buzzed loudly. Angelina looked at the caller ID and it said ​unknown… ​again. This was the third time Angelina’s phone rang since she woke up. Normally she gets up around seven. She barely pulled herself out of bed at eleven a.m. today.
      Last night was EPIC. Her best friend Chelsea was turning 21 and she had the wildest girls night out. Chelsea invited so many friends to her party including Angelina. They danced and sang, they had fireworks shows. They even drank wine! After the party Chelsea and Angelina went to the eerist fortune telling shop, Jenny In The Box, which is at the corner of Hamilton Street and Burr Avenue. From the time Angelina was a child she was scared of that shop so was Chelsea. For the first time in the last 20 years Angelina and Chelsea went in Jenny In The Box! What happened there and after kind of fogged up in Angelina’s half drunk mind. She only remembers that her heart pounded so fiercely to the music beat of “The Room Where it Happens”​. That was played over and over again while they were there.
      While Angelina was putting her earrings on, both of her hands were tied up by trying to put her butterfly shaped earrings on, It had a nice match to her dress she picked out for an interview she was going to have at twelve thirty in the afternoon, just when she was getting her left earring through her ear, her phone stopped ringing.
      Angelina picked nice clothes to wear to the interview. She had butterfly earrings and a gold flower necklace. Her dress was the prettiest of them all. It was pink and had skinny straps. She had a cool bracelet and a diamond ring. This is one of her favorite dresses. This dress is simple and elegant. She likes the dress

      because she thinks the color represents intelligence and independence, which Angelina certainly is.
      Just as Angelina put her final coat of lip gloss on, she heard the phone ringing again. Normally Angelina would not pick up calls from unknown phone numbers, but this time she answered the call just in case something out of ordinary and needed her attention.
      Hello? She said. The other end was very static. Angelina could not hear what the other person was saying, but she heard a tune. Suddenly she was in shock, her body became stiff, and the air turned cold, her eyes stared. She suddenly was not like herself anymore. It was pale. On the other end was the tune she heard “ The Room Where It Happens” on the other line, the same tune that she heard over and over again last night. For no reason she had the urge of grabbing the axe from the basement. She zombie walked down the stairs and to the basement, still listening to the static coming from the other end of the phone. She got the axe and went back up the stairs, holding the heavy axe on her right hand. Normally the axe is quite heavy for Angelina, but somehow she managed to grab it with only one hand. With a loud bang, Angelina smashed the cold living room window.

    • #5362

      Why do you think Mrs Bartholomew tells Tom who she really is at the end of the book?
      I think that Mrs Barthomew wanted to let Tom figure out who she really is. Tom had all the time to find out who Mrs Barthomew is. I think that the author wanted to put that put at the end because if Mrs Bartholomew told Tom in the middle of the book It would be an unusual way of telling the story, and the reader will be more shocked and understand more. The story will also feel more mysterious and scary before the part when Mrs. Bartholomew tells Tom who she really is because the reader does not really know is Mrs. Bartholomew really is Hatty or not, during that time, Mrs.Bartholomew will slowly unravel her secret till the very end.

    • #4675

      The Author wants to make this story more interesting and more intriguing.It will have a weird twist to the book, because Julian is a popular guy, especially to the girls. The reader will dig more deep in that section especially because Julian is the only one who has not changed, in kindness form. The auther wants to make this book grab all the attention to the reader so he will think of ways to do that by adding twists and similes and metaphors.

    • #4343

      They all have a little bit of Stanley’s Great great grandfather 👴. Stanley’s great great grandfather 👴 went to camp Green Lake, Stanley’s great grandfather got cursed by Madam Zeroni, and the one about Kissin Kate , the outlaw who robbed Stanley’s great great grandfather . They are all located in Camp green lake. This is also the parts that are most bold in this story.

    • #3889

      I think the main message in this story is that there are other ways you can solve things then having a war. You can also count on your friends or family to lead you ,because Joey, in this story was a great friend to the solders that he had/ met. Friends can lead you to many places and you can learn from friends to. War is scary and it is also not good. Many people get killed in war. War is also really vilont and bad. Horses like Joey are also a BIG help to the army.

    • #3788

      I think that the War horse story is written from the horses prospective because the auther wants the reader to feel how the horse is feeling. It is a much more bright and vivd story when it is from the horses prospective, it shows how the horse feels, and what its like to be in a army as a horse. The horse is the animal in the war it’s fighting with its owner in the war. The horse can’t talk but it can have emotions. From the horses prospective the picture is from a total different angle from it is to the owner of the horse.

      The reason why I think it is not so good from the horses prospective is because I don’t get to see how the owners and the people feel about there horses and how they feel in the army. In this book I feel like its kind of missing a part of the story, we don’t know how the people feel about fighting in the war and how it hurts. I wonder how the people in the book see the story, what angle do they see the story.

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