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    • #27715

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi Beth, here’s my work.</p>
      Roald Dahl makes Mr Fox fantastic by describing him as sly and clever. He also makes him fantastic by saying how he can smell them a mile away.

    • #27680

      Hi Beth,

      Thank you for today’s lesson!

      Here’s my homework for today.


    • #27679

      Mom: How was your first day of secondary?

      Timmy(looking half dead): First day in secondary, first day in hell.

      Dad (anxious): It’s going to be all right. I’m sure it’s going to be all right.

      Timmy(bashing his head on the table): Why are you always so positive?

      Timmy(exasperated): Why is everything so positive?

      Dad: Everything is difficult, we just need to find a way around it.

      Mum(calm): I agree.




    • #27567

      Thank you for the lovely lesson!

    • #27566

      Sorry about the typing.

    • #27564

      Sorry, the 2nd last sentence should be:

      He kept thousands of turkeys in an orchard full of apples.

    • #27563

      <p style=”text-align: center;”></p>
      Boggis Bunce and Bean are the same in a very criminal way, but they are also very particular. Boggis is very fat because he eats a lot of chicken. He eats them at every meal, smothered with dumplings.

      Bunce was a duck and goose farmer. He kept thousands of ducks and geese. He was short and had a beastly temper. It was because he ate goose livers mashed into a disgusting paste and then stuffed it into doughnuts.

      Bean was a turkey and apple farmer. He kept thousands of apples in an orchard full of apples. He never ate any food. Instead, he drank strong cider made from apples; therefore, he was very tall and thin as a pencil.    

    • #27106

      The Sky Clouded

      Clouds fly by ever changing,

      displaying images and pictures.

      The sky is everywhere:

      up high in the mountains,

      stretching out to the seas.

      Never will it leave me.

      It has feelings like everyone.

      Expressing itself through weather,

      sad and angry when it is spitting rain,

      warm and friendly when it is shining.

      Always changing, never the same.

    • #27105

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>The sky clouded.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Clouds fly by ever changing,</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>displaying images and pictures.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>The sky is everywhere:</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>up high in the mountains,</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>stretching out to the seas.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Never will it leave me.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>It has feelings like everyone.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Expressing itself through weather,</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>sad and angry when it is spitting rain,</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>warm and friendly when it is shining.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Always changing, never the same.</p>

    • #26917

      Daniel Hu Creative Writing. Apologise that Daniel finished writing on Wednesday, I just remembered to upload here.

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    • #26706

      Please see his 2nd creative writing in attachment

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    • #26703

      Sorry it didn’t work.


    • #26702

      It happened the morning I was gone, the morning everything changed, the morning of the murder. I was away at work when news arrived that someone had killed my friend. Devastated, I asked my maneger to let me have the day off and investigate the crime. It didn’t seem possible, but my eyes comfirmed it was real when I walked into the room and saw the motionless body lying on the floor in a pool of red crimson blood.

      My world seemed to shrink away, and I wanted to curl up into a tiny ball and cry. Then it occured to me, why would anyone want to murder my friend? He was not famous or anything, in fact, he never interacted with people except me. Curious I went through his things and saw a doccument labelled: TOP SECRET, I ripped it open and saw various diagrams of war fleets and cannons. Now that I saw this, I realised my friend was actually the country’s machine man.


    • #26701

      It happened the morning I was gone, the morning everything changed, the morning of the murder. I was away at work when news arrived that someone had killed my friend. Devastated, I asked my maneger to let me have the day off and investigate the crime. It didn’t seem possible, but my eyes comfirmed it was real when I walked into the room and saw the motionless body lying on the floor in a pool of red crimson blood.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>My world seemed to shrink away, and I wanted to curl up into a tiny ball and cry. Then it occured to me, why would anyone want to murder my friend? He was not famous or anything, in fact, he never interacted with people except me. Curious I went through his things and saw a doccument labelled: TOP SECRET, I ripped it open and saw various diagrams of war fleets and cannons. Now that I saw this, I realised my friend was actually the country’s machine man.</p>

    • #27565

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Beth,</p>
      Here is my homework for this week.

      I sat in my room crying softly to my self, everything was just so complicated. Why did my dad have to just dump me and my annoying sister in this retched house? Grandpa was the worst though every day I had to listen to his none stop stupid blabbering.

      It was pouring heavily when afternoon arrived, I had just survived another stupid blabbering from grandpa and I had told him that I didn’t want to live with with him. The reason why I don’t like him is because when I was five he took away my gold amulet and never gave it back. I sat on my bed crying oblivious to the outside world.

      A few minutes passed by and I heard grandmother and grandpa yelling at each other whose fault it was because of the over cooked disgusting dinner.I wondered why I was even born into this world in the first place. Was it because it was to torture me? Or to make me suffer and heart broken?



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