Amy L

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    • #10261
      Amy L

      The moral of the story in War Horse is the horrid and pointless of war. From the sentence “How can one man kill another and not really know the reason why he does it, except that the other man wears a different color uniform and speaks a different language?” demonstrate the needless of war and present how foolish were the soldiers fighting with themselves.

    • #10220
      Amy L

      If it was told from a human person, it would be like a really different story. The story would be mostly on how soldiers think about the war and they might die at anytime. As a result, the story is difficult for readers to emphasize with the book characters. I think another character that can be the perspective view of the story. He can show us more of the farmers and residents life during war like how they solve hunger problems, how they feel during world war I. The story om Albert’s perspective view can record another life between Albert and another horse. I think that story is more easily for readers to emphasize with and it will not be as boring as the story from a soldier perspective view.

    • #10209
      Amy L

      War house taught me  more about world war I and the history at that time. It taughts us the sadness and cruelness of wars. It hurt the countries economy, residents had nothing to eat, thousands and thousands soldiers sacrificed in the war for the victory of their country.  Joey have to leave his owner to fight the war. Although he was strong and loved by many captains, but he still suffered a lot.

    • #6998
      Amy L


    • #6997
      Amy L

      my home work

    • #6993
      Amy L

      Amy L

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    • #6672
      Amy L


      Should homework be banned ?



      Homework is schoolwork that students are required to do at home. A lot of students think homework should be banned because they think it is a source of stress that it can result in lack of sleep. In my opinion, homework should not be banned for a lot of reasons.


      Firstly, homework deepens your understanding of a subject. Imagine you’re studying IT Technology and you’re assigned to do a report on applying a particular technology in the education system, for example. To show an in-depth analysis of the issue, you need to search for additional information. It is true that you’re likely to spend a considerable amount of time, but you’ll know more about IT technology. This way, you broaden your knowledge of the field of study.


      Secondly, homework improves students’ time management skills. Imagine you’re studying IT Technology and you’re assigned to do a report on applying a particular technology in the education system, for example. To show an in-depth analysis of the issue, you need to search for additional information. It is true that you’re likely to spend a considerable amount of time, but you’ll know more about IT technology. This way, you broaden your knowledge of the field of study.


      Thirdly, homework teaches students to concentrate. How to get concentrated? Just do homework every day because concentration is like a muscle. And what do our muscles need? Some regular exercises to strengthen. So go on or start doing your homework every day to improve your ability to focus and sustain your attention.


      Fourthly, homework ensures independence. Homework gives students the independence to carry out various tasks on their own. Don’t miss this opportunity at school, college or university. It is imperative to give students enough space and tools to do homework on their own before rescuing them. Parents shouldn’t be wide-eyed by asking where all that super glue from the garage vanished or why the fish was dead in the tank with purple colored water. Allow students to develop independence and responsibility for their future life.

      Anyway, homework must be required in study.  It helps you to revise , to learn new things and to handle your after school hours better. If homework is banned, a lot of students will be playing after school hours. But when they reach high school, they will have a lot of homework and they will not handle it. So homework should not be banned.

      ork be banned

    • #6670
      Amy L

      travelilng to the stone age

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    • #6668
      Amy L

      world hunger

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    • #6640
      Amy L

      should homework be banned essay 🙂

    • #6638
      Amy L

      should homework be banned

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    • #6636
      Amy L

      should homework be banned essay

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    • #5628
      Amy L
    • #5239
      Amy L


      Should homework be banned?

      Homework is schoolwork that students are required to do at home. A lot of students think homework should be banned because they think it is a source of stress that it can result in lack of sleep. In my opinion, homework should not be banned for a lot of reasons.


      Firstly, homework deepens your understanding of a subject. Imagine you’re studying IT Technology and you’re assigned to do a report on applying a particular technology in the education system, for example. To show an in-depth analysis of the issue, you need to search for additional information. It is true that you’re likely to spend a considerable amount of time, but you’ll know more about IT technology. This way, you broaden your knowledge of the field of study.


      Secondly, homework improves students’ time management skills. Imagine you’re studying IT Technology and you’re assigned to do a report on applying a particular technology in the education system, for example. To show an in-depth analysis of the issue, you need to search for additional information. It is true that you’re likely to spend a considerable amount of time, but you’ll know more about IT technology. This way, you broaden your knowledge of the field of study.


      Thirdly, homework teaches students to concentrate. How to get concentrated? Just do homework every day because concentration is like a muscle. And what do our muscles need? Some regular exercises to strengthen. So go on or start doing your homework every day to improve your ability to focus and sustain your attention.

      Fourthly, homework ensures independence. Homework gives students the independence to carry out various tasks on their own. Don’t miss this opportunity at school, college or university. It is imperative to give students enough space and tools to do homework on their own before rescuing them. Parents shouldn’t be wide-eyed by asking where all that super glue from the garage vanished or why the fish was dead in the tank with purple colored water. Allow students to develop independence and responsibility for their future life










      Fifthly, homework develops students problem solving skills .Students face a variety of problems every day starting from academic issues to relationships with friends and family. Yet, few of them have a formula for solving those problems. It is exactly what homework can help you with. Become a good problem solver in the future. Many homework tasks make students solve various problems, for example, while writing an essay with a hypothetical question “what would happen if …”. Students need to address the question topic in their essays by providing some solutions or suggestions of how to solve a problem. Unfortunately, there isn’t the only way in which all problems can be solved straight away. But you always can solve any particular problem quickly, having a possible solution at hand.


      Anyway, homework must be required in study.  It helps you to revise , to learn new things and to handle your after school hours better. If homework is banned, a lot of students will be playing after school hours. But when they reach high school, they will have a lot of homework and they will not handle it. So, homework should not be banned.

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