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    • #31903

      As Penelope finished reading the email, her hands twitched. The beginning of a story started to take shape in her mind. This email held the promise of a mystery, an astounding tale for Montgomery Flinch to craft. A thriller novel set amid the barred cells of Bedlam, it’s corridors echoing with ghostly wails: the perfect story for the next issue of the digital magazine The Penny Dreadful. And here was the very excuse she needed to see the place for herself. An excited smile slowly spread across her face. She grabbed her coat and hailed a taxi.

    • #31561

      The theme of this story is slavery should be band, because slaves have the same emotions as us, so we should help them get freedom.

      In this story Mr Furman commented: “This trial is vital,” he continued. “Maybe the most important there’s been. If we can get the papers to print every word of what happened, and ordinary folk read about it, then could be the beginning of the end of this awful trade.”

      The author wants to reveal that some people like Mr Furman really want to help the slaves to get freedom. We could infer from Mr Furman’s comments that back in 1783, he was one of the very few people who is aware of the shocking trade and wanted to do something for that. He was trying to raise people’s awareness on the cruelness of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

    • #31340

      From the story I learned that there is a very big change between modern England and England in the past. In the 18th century, England was full of slaves who were sold from South America to England as mere cargo. However, today the slave trade is banned and everyone share equal right in education, votes, social welfare and public facilities. After I read this story, I learned that it’s not an easy achievement for black people to get the same freedom as white people and we should help the make their voice heard in our society.

    • #31339

      From the story I learned that there is a very big change between modern England and England in the past. In the 18th century, England was full of slaves who were sold from South America to England as mere cargo. However, today the slave trade is banned and everyone share equal right in education, votes, social welfare and public facilities. After I read this story, I learned that it’s not an easy achievement for black people to get the same freedom as white people and we should help the make their voice heard in our society.

    • #31004

      The case of the Zong massacre reveals some British people’s dehumanizing attitude toward the slaves who were thrown over the ship as sacrifice for financial success. However, other groups of people and individuals thought the Zong massacre was horrific and brutal.

      The case became a rallying point for the abolitionist movement, more people started to realizes slave’s humanity, and worked to fight against the brutal transatlantic slave trade.

    • #5765

      Visit to museums

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    • #5763

      Julian and Tom

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    • #5365

      mystery of house no.13

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    • #4404

      Alex’s writing part 2

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    • #4402

      Alex’s Writing

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