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    • #9974

      When she saw a suit of armor. She asked her father,’D,D,D Daddy, why do I need armor!? I don’t need to go in a war, r,r,r, right?’ Her Dad replied,’ This is a special type of armor, you know Iron Man, right? This armor is like his, and yes, I am afraid you might go in a war, but against your greatest fear.’ As he said that he heard a thud on the roof.


      To Be Continued

    • #9162

      A story about a superhero

      A long, long time ago, in the same world we are living in, there was a place called the Crystal Hole. It is very dark there, and even a flashlight can’t help. That’s because the second you open your flashlight, it will somehow turn off. There was a Miner called Pebble, and he thought”Why not use a candle on a stick, not a flashlight?” That’s how he got a hundred candles, and fifty sticks, then went exploring. He walked over half a mile, then saw light. If you’re thinking,’that’s probably an illusion, and he got crazy, but no. He wondered the exact same thing, then walked to it. There was a sudden bright shine, the whole cave filled with light. By the way, did I mention the light was purple and blue? He was stunned, by the blinding light, then it all darkened, but not for him. His eyes glowed a bright, shiny light, and he looked around. In front of him stands a large crystal, so big that it is like Mount Everest!  He touched it, then he felt power racing through his body. He opened his eyes, and what he saw surprised him, he was surrounded by light, and he was floating in mid-air!  He leaned forward, then as fast as a jet, he rocketed front, and smashed a dwarf and killed it. He was again surrounded by the ones coming out of the hole in the wall. Normal people will think, holy cow, what’s that? Then run as fast as their legs would carry them. In other words escape, but not Pebble. I mean not now, he would escape in the past, but now he felt a surge of power and bravery. He opened his hands, and a bright sword appeared on his right hand, and a bright shield on his left. He fought like he never did, and he killed every last one. He saw a lot of things in the torches, and the mystery of broken flashlight’s is solved. Now he have a problem. Going out of the cave. But have no fear, light man is here! He felt a signal leading outside,and dashed here and there, then finally, he busted out of the cave, out to daylight. He is now light man, protector of the world. Now you might just be wondering”Whats are his other powers? Or just floating around and wielding a sword and a shield? ” Well, that are a few of them. He have some other powers too, of course, or he will be the most boring superhero in the history of the world. He can also turn invisible, teleport, and other cool stuff. That is Light Man, the new superhero in the world. If you walk around the streets, and you see a bright thing, you might as well say hello to him, and hopefully he will greet you back!

    • #9161

      I don’t know what to do with the homework and what it is

    • #8926

      Song Happy. Because I’m Happy and you know, it means to be happy all the time

    • #6647

      Me name is Loamy Stilton. Me born one day. Me is a caveman and is a killer and hunter. M us arrow hunt deer. Me like to fly but no fly. Stone heavy but me friend is strong. Me no like fish but yes like meat no vegetable. Me live in cave. Wake up then grunt. No bed, only stone. Me no like water. Me wear black panther skin and me the chief. If have five cheetah teeth on you neck, you the chief. Me no learn grammar. Me no spell good. Grammar no good. Me have anime. Me like dino bone. Me popped in garden.


    • #6431

      On a day of Crazy world, it was Halloween, and children are running on the streets, the streets are as crowded as the market. The streets smells like candy and you can hear people of all age talking or shouting. When a child named Max walked over a sewer lid as dirty as a rats house, the lid burst open, and a slimy hand oozed out and groaned,”Beware, I am the monster of the sewer!”After this warning, it grabbed Max and pulled him down the sewer.

      People screamed in horror and now the streets look like a crazy zoo. People threw their candies on the floor and ran home, slamming the door, and calling the police. The mayor screamed and ran around in circles as if his but caught on fire. The police station was no better. It was so noisy that the chief of the police went crazy. The police station was so loud and messy it looks like a place after a birthday party of toddlers, and the police officers jumped a mile high every minute. They didn’t really jump so high, but you get the idea.

      The newspapers are full of news of that attack, and people started getting so scared that they locked their houses and hide in their bed. The next day, the mayor made an announcement.They will put dynamite in the sewers. Who knows will they work?………………………………………………………………..To be continued.

    • #6102

      There should be a trip to Disney land, because it reopened and there might be some updates about the shows and the games like Star wars and Iron Man.We should also go to Disney Land because during the time that it is closed, we did not go and we might forget something about the place.

    • #5978


    • #5810

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>                                                                                                                               Alan Liao</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”>                                                                                                                          Nerd Street                                                                                                                                 Vancouver</p>
      <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
      11th June, 2010

      Hello, Mr. Nuthead  Headmaster. Not to judge your name, but it sounds horrible and maybe you should change it.

      Now, Mr. headmaster, I am complaining to the school about the cafeteria. I will give you three big  points.

      First, the cafeteria smells so bad it was like a lot of mouse died all over the cafe. Second, The place is so dirty it will beat the record so much, the judges will probably faint and die. Third, the food sucks. The people who survive in the wild would eat a dead mouse instead. Mr. Bighead, sorry I mean Nuthead, you better clean up this place or i will make you live in it!

      P.S Change your name.

      P.P.S. Clean that place up or I will also call the president.

    • #5779

      Hello, my name is Jake. I am 17 years old and my school is called the Floored School. You must get into the lift and wait for one hour and thirty minutes, but there are many things you can do in the lift like the playground in the lift. You better bring everything you need or else you will have to go down and wait for one hour and thirty minutes to go down and go up that means three hours. Last time, one of our classmates named Tristan, he forgot something, so he gets in the lift and get back up. He used three hours to get his things. So, our teacher told everyone to just jump down with a parachute, her name is called Miss Candy and she teaches how to read a dragon and magical power. She is dumb but creative. On that day, we all used a parachute down, but we have encountered problems but luckily, no one died. I asked Miss Candy why we do not use our own dragon to fly down and fly back. So, we tried it that night and it really worked. So, we don’t need the lift and we go to school early every day.Hello, my name is Jake. I am 17 years old and my school is called the Floored School. You must get into the lift and wait for one hour and thirty minutes, but there are many things you can do in the lift like the playground in the lift. You better bring everything you need or else you will have to go down and wait for one hour and thirty minutes to go down and go up that means three hours. Last time, one of our classmates named Tristan, he forgot something, so he gets in the lift and get back up. He used three hours to get his things. So, our teacher told everyone to just jump down with a parachute, her name is called Miss Candy and she teaches how to read a dragon and magical power. She is dumb but creative. On that day, we all used a parachute down, but we have encountered problems but luckily, no one died. I asked Miss Candy why we do not use our own dragon to fly down and fly back. So, we tried it that night and it really worked. So, we don’t need the lift and we go to school early every day.

    • #5479

      We traveled through

      We rode through plains,

      We rode through savanna,

      We rode through hills and streams.

      At times we rode swiftly,

      At times we rode carefully,

      More than a person ever dreams.

    • #5085

      It is a sunny day at baker street when a detective named Ricky Holmes is sleeping on his couch. You can call him Ricky. Meanwhile, there is a few footsteps can be heard on the stairs of his apartment. There is a hard knocking and that made Ricky bolted right up his couch. He yawned sleepily and moaned,”Who’s there? Come in anyway.”

      An old man walked in the room, holding his cane. He hair is silver as if it is silver. He is not tall but kind of short. He is about one metre and fifty cm tall. His coat is green and his hat is blue. Before Ricky can speak, the old man started,”I am the principal of the Wimpy Kid School. I am here to ask for a case.” Before Ricky can ask about it, the man interrupted,”If you do not know my name, you can call me Roy.Here is the case. :Every day at my school, at 12 pm, when I am eating, a letter will always come and tell me to go to the funfair at 1 o’clock.Then when I am ready to go to the fair, a teacher will dash in and tell me a student is missing. So I did not go to the fair and stayed at the school to think.This has been repeating for a week,”

      Holmes thought and replied,” First, the letters is a coincidence and someone will want you to got to the fair with you. Second, for the kidnapping, please take me there.”

      When they got there, he glimpsed at the dead tree that had fallen down. He took out a gun and told Roy,” Let’s go to the tree trunk. Take a sharp object as the kidnapper is there. First, and the most common mistake by criminals are footsteps. Let’s go.”He held up his gun and walked as silent as a mouse. He jumped out, and shot. There was a painful moan, then the missing children ran out and ran to Ricky. There were 8 children and 2 adults, smiling warmly in the park of the school.

    • #4704

      The Alien Invasion

      A long long time ago, in a universe far far away, there was a world called: The fantasy world. Everything was peaceful there. There is nothing called war and no bad guys. But now it’s going to change.

      On a peaceful day at the fantasy world,(Everyday was peaceful anyways) everything was normal. There were smells of flowers, see the clear view even when walking, feel the softness of the clear, white snow. The streets were so uncrowded that the sidewalk looks like a small blanket. One little boy, was walking on the streets and he is like a little stain on the small blanket. He was humming the song that he liked most: Fantasy rocks. He was so happy he clapped hands at the same time he is humming. He is smiling ear to ear and waving to the little rabbits on the street. That boy, is a guy named lucky. On the same day, something was going to happen.

      On that day in the morning,the sky of the fantasy world was pink as usually,(for some reasons, but it was like this originally.) Then it turned orange, then black. It was because it was blocked by a giant U.F.O!

      People in their house took a look outside and some screamed helplessly, some hid, and some fainted. Lucky saw it and without thinking, he ran to a garage. He grabbed three things. The first one is a ball he wanted to destroy the U.F.O. But not with a ball! he took a hammer. He just lifted the hammer above ground for three seconds, then he dropped it. The hammer missed his foot by inches. He heard someone screaming outside. Then he smelt burning. That guy was killed by the lazer gun on the ufo. He took the third and last item from the garage. It was a shot gun. Perfect. He ran outside. He shot the UFO. It fell like an astroid. he ran uphill and checked who is inside.

      It, was a Alien. Lucky ran away forgetting about his gun. He hid in a bush, then remembered his gun. He took a aim. The alien took out his lazer gun and destroied the shotgun.

      Lucky went crazy. He went to the gun house, took everything there and just ran to the alien. He ran as fast as a Tiger. He took all the guns and shot the alien. Of course, the alien died. He was a hero!

      People rebuilt the city and made a statue of lucky. It was as large as a mountain.

      From that day on , they lived happily, ever, after.

      P.S there was a second wave of aliens on the same day one hundred years later.



    • #4457

      A Great Escape.

      A long time ago, there was a prisoner called Bucky. He was a boy that’s really poor and lived in a small warehouse with his family. His has dark hair with two black eyes that look like two shiny pearls. His clothes are ragged with stains full of food. On a snowy night,he was so poor that he has no choice but to go to the rich and steal. His family told him not to, but he said,”I have no choice, it’s our only way to survive and have enough food. When the bell struck 12:00 midnight, he made his move.

      He walked over the cold and snowy path that leads to the city. He walked as quiet like a mouse and slipped into the mansion silently. He walked with his head low, afraid to be seen. He does not know where to go, so he wandered around, trying to find a way to the treasure room. He was seen by a maid after 10 minutes after he went in the house. He knocked her out before the maid can do anything. He hid the maid in a closet, and took the keys and the map from the maid. He was overjoyed to see the treasure room is just a short distance from the place he is.

      He  sprinted to the door and thought: I am going to be rich! He used the keys to open the door. He saw a bright light through the crack and when he used the keys and opened the door. Before he can get anything from the room, he was cuffed! He was so scared he fainted!

      When he woke up, the first thing he saw was the ceiling of the jail cell. He looked around, and knew that he was caught. He wants to escape the jail but how?He took a cup and stood at the cell door. A police came by then he crashed the police using the cup.The police fainted instantly and Bucky took his keys. He unlocked the door and ran outside. The jail is on a island close the shore. He used a little boat and rowed away.

      When he reached land, he ran home and never stole again.


    • #4270

      Once, there was a little bug called Buggery. His two little eyes looked like pearls and its skin is like a tiny mat with a few polka-dots. One day, it went comping with his friends. Since Buggery was a little baby bug, it did not know how to fly. It watched sadly as his older friends took of in the air, leaving him behind.Buggery looked for something that has a chance to fly so he could have a transport for flying with his friends.

      After a moment, he found a few things that might fly;the first one is a leaf. He tried to make it fly, but they are too heavy for the wind to lift them. The second item is a piece of a branch. He stood on it, but the branch itself was too heavy,the branch is so thick it look like a tree trunk for Buggery! The third and last item is a little dandelion. This is his last hope. if this did not work, all is lost.He took a deep breath and stepped on it.The second he stepped on it, he flew to the air! He looked like witch on a broom and swished through the sky.

      After he caught up to his friends, they gasped and thought: This is a  dream, he cant fly! He rose in a sea of  polka-dots and flew in the air happily. When he landed, he was as tired as a pig and held his [ broom] and walked home as slow as a snail.

      When he got home, he shared his story to his family but they did not belie him. Buggery smiled to himself and : thought, It does not matter whether they believe it or not, as long as I trust myself, it is a true experience and also the best day of my life then he climbed the stairs like a sleepy monkey and went to his bed, and drifted into a nice, sweet sleep and a sweet dream.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>                                                             The End</p>

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