Matilda by Roald Dahl 7-9A


Reasons for selection and synopsis
Matilda’s parents have called her some terrible things, but the truth is she’s a genius and they’re the stupid ones. Underestimating
Matilda proves to be a big mistake as they, along with her spiteful headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, soon find out when Matilda
discovers she has a very special power.

Before reading…
Ask the children to look at the front cover. What do you think the book will be about? What things can you see on the front cover?
What sort of story will it be? Who might enjoy it?Now read the blurb – were any of your predictions correct?
What does it mean when something is infinite? Would you enjoy infinite lives?



The Reader Of Books


Why do you think Dahl uses the word blister to describe some children? What does he mean by this?
Define adoration.
How would a nimble mind work?
Define hankering.


How can you tell the Wormwoods don’t care for Matilda?
Why won’t Mr Wormwood buy Matilda a book?
Why would Mrs Phelps have been taken aback by Matilda?
Why does Mrs Phelps keep asking Matilda about pictures?
Why does Matilda start going to the library less?


Predict what else might happen to Matilda in this story.


What is Dahl trying to say in the first three paragraphs?
How does Dahl make it funny?


Who does Dahl say bears the most brunt of parental adoration?
What are Matilda’s parents called?
Where did Matilda go for books?
What book does Mrs Phelps give to Matilda?
How does Matilda make hot chocolate?


Choose one word to describe Matilda and explain your choice.
Do the same for Mrs Phelps.


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