Letters from space 9


Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure

A short story started by Jerry using the Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventures storyworld.

Scenario: “Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure”

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Explore & investigate: the Alpha Quadrant”
  • Tone: “In this dark tale…”
  • Beginning: “… you set out in search of new life…”
  • Ending: “…and you find a new home.”


  • Jerry is Ben (Science Officer) • 117 words
  • Happy is Jessica (Pilot) • 245 words
  • Doudou is Bob (Engineer) • 141 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see nothing but stars and darkness”
  • Challenge card: “Communication systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “Teamwork pays off!”
  • Setback card: “You fixed a problem, but created another.”

Character Bonds

Ben (Jerry) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

                                                                                                                                                 From space 

Dear family,
I missed you a lot as I was exploring space and working on missions. I desire the feeling of gravity back, but I am working on a mission that will save the world. It has been 5 years since I was back on Earth, and I wish to see you every day. I may have not seen you, but at least I have my best friend Bob in space. We work together all day long as we explore new universes. I’m going to find that life-supportable planet before diseases and climate change invade Earth, so I could get us and the rest of the population to safety. I love you.

Ben (Jerry) drew the Flaw card “Egotistical.”

Jessica (Happy) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and wrote:

Dear Family,
I miss you a lot. Being a pilot is a hard task in space. I wish to see you every day because I haven’t seen you for a long time. Right now, I see nothing but stars and darkness. Some of the people lost signal because communication systems aren’t working properly. Also, Ben, Bob and I are looking for life-supportable planets before diseases and climate change invading Earth. So if the earth is going to explode or global warming is taking over the world, you can go to another planet with water, life, and oxygen. I hope to see you soon, but I got to get out of this place. I love you from the earth and back.
Take care,

Jessica (Happy) drew the Strength card “Creative.”

Bob (Doudou) played their Strength card “Experienced” and the scene’s Success card, “Teamwork pays off!,” and wrote:

Dear parents,

I miss you a lot and I hope our mission will be a success. Ben has been taking samples of many planets’ dirt to see which one is most suitable for plants. He has so far discovered that Kepler-442 is the most habitable planet and has planted a tree on there. Jessica is an expert at navigating so we won’t crash. Once, we almost crashed into a meteor shower, but Jessica carefully dodged them. I have helped with the signals and fixed some mechanical errors. You know what – I had to fix a tube in the engine, or else this ship would have exploded! We all make a great team together. We have a few more planets to test and I hope we can find the best planet for living things soon.

Warm hugs and good wishes,

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see asteroids”
  • Challenge card: “Navigation systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “You find just what you needed!”
  • Setback card: “You overlook some important information,”

Jessica (Happy) played their Strength card “Creative” and wrote:

Dear friends,

I am in space and I miss you very much. I haven’t seen you in five years but I hope to see you soon. Ben, Bob and I are looking for a planet that is suitable for human beings. So far, Ben has been taking examples of many planets’ soil to see which one is most proper for plants. He has discovered that Kepler-442 is the most livable planet so far. We moved on and now we see a lot of asteroids. I hope you can receive this letter because Bob says that the navigation systems aren’t working properly. I will come back soon or vwe might find a planet I miss you very much.

Hope to see you,

Jessica (Happy) drew the Strength card “Charismatic.”

Bob (Doudou) drew the Strength card “Lucky.”


  1. Emily says:

    I like it

  2. emily hung says:

    I like your story about family at morning I go the school teacher said why I didn’t have home work then I reply …🗣

  3. Emily Hung says:

    Today I go to the school then my teacher say why I have no home work then I just reply…👤🗣

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