Letters from space 8

Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure

A short story started by Tiger using the Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventures storyworld.

Scenario: “Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure”

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Explore & investigate: the Alpha Quadrant”
  • Tone: “In this dark tale…”
  • Beginning: “… you set out in search of new life…”
  • Ending: “…and you find a new home.”


  • Benjamin is Mark (Commander) • 0 words
  • Tiger is Lulu (Pilot) • 210 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see nothing but stars and darkness”
  • Challenge card: “Communication systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “Teamwork pays off!”
  • Setback card: “You fixed a problem, but created another.”

Character Bonds

Lulu (Tiger) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and wrote:

My darling mum,

These days I have been working with Mark, searching for a new planet, for a home. I have been missing and worrying about you every day but I have no time to message you daily or weekly. We have been driving to nothingness and nearly bumped into an asteroid. We only shook and quavered in our rocket and drove in circles. We only saw stars and darkness but nothing else, we passed dangerous black holes and galaxies, it was interesting but I have to admit that it was pretty boring, driving in black and with food floating. Would you like to do it? Once Mark and me nearly got trapped in a black hole, but thankfully we steered hardly out of it and survived. It was such a narrow escape! We discussed about what to have as our target, so we decided to be safe. I suddenly heard a weird noise coming out of the engine, I tapped Mark on the shoulder, he was completely ignoring me, no sound from him at all, he was staring at the communication systems. Was anything wrong? I stood there still with my thoughts buried deeply inside, What was going to happen next, an really big explosion?

From your daughter, Lulu.

Lulu (Tiger) drew the Strength card “Confident.”

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