Letters from space 5

Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure

A short story started by Will using the Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventures storyworld.

Scenario: “Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure”

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Explore & investigate: the Alpha Quadrant”
  • Tone: “In this dark tale…”
  • Beginning: “… you set out in search of new life…”
  • Ending: “…and you find a new home.”


  • Will is Wes (Commander) • 178 words
  • Cathy is Elizabeth (Pilot) • 137 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see nothing but stars and darkness”
  • Challenge card: “Communication systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “Teamwork pays off!”
  • Setback card: “You fixed a problem, but created another.”

Character Bonds

Wes (Will) played their Bond card “Protector” and wrote:

Wes and Elizabeth wanted to go to outer space. 3, 2, 1, blast off! Wes told Elizabeth how to kill a blackhole. Elizabeth was a good reader and writer. Wes handed Elizabeth the 2 letters. They had to fix a space-system. “What?’’ Elizabeth yelled. The signatures said P.P. and E.U. Wes laughed but Elizabeth shut his mouth. Wes told Elizabeth how to eat a blackhole. 1. Yell “ Why are you here?” If the blackhole stays, 2. Use the “BIG And small” machine to make your mouth bigger, taller, wider than the blackhole. 3. Eat that blackhole in one gulp. It will taste like a strawberry. Elizabeth wasn’t listening and playing with BIG And small machine and the other machine they had; “Change you to something else” machine, but it could only change the thing that is touching it. Elizabeth asked “Turn yourself into a strawberry?” Right at that time, a blackhole appeared. Wes made Elizabeth go fight the blackhole Elizabeth listened. The blackhole looked just like Elizabeth but bigger. Elizabeth played games with the blackhole. Wes screamed.

Wes (Will) drew the Flaw card “Worried.”

Elizabeth (Cathy) played their Flaw card “Arrogant” and the scene’s Success card, “Teamwork pays off!,” and wrote:

As Elizabeth played games with it ,Elizabeth accidentally bumped into the big and small machine Wes quickly pressed buttons to make Elizabeth’s mouth grow bigger ,wider and taller than the black hole Elizabeth quickly gobbled the black hole .“Delicious” she hollered to Wes .Suddenly the wires cracked and the space system was broken.” I we have another problem,other than the black hole.

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see asteroids”
  • Challenge card: “Navigation systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “You find just what you needed!”
  • Setback card: “You overlook some important information,”

Elizabeth (Cathy) drew the Strength card “Curious.”

Elizabeth (Cathy) played their Bond card “New friend” and wrote:

“Oh no .the battery is running out!”Yelled Elizabeth。Wes hurried the space system back to Earth.Back at Earth Wes and Elizabeth share their adventure to the reporter. Wes and Elizabeth became famous for being the first ones to eat a whole black hole in one gulp,and not getting all squished,sqaggled and stretched until being as skinny as a noodle.”What a adventure!”Said Elizabeth.When the space system was fixed and the space rocket.The recorder screamed 3,2,1 BLAST OFF”!

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