Letters from space 3

Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure

A short story started by VLQi using the Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventures storyworld.

Scenario: “Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure”

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Explore & investigate: the Alpha Quadrant”
  • Tone: “In this dark tale…”
  • Beginning: “… you set out in search of new life…”
  • Ending: “…and you find a new home.”


  • VLQi is Chuck (Commander) • 101 words
  • Matthew is Ben (Medical Officer) • 0 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see nothing but stars and darkness”
  • Challenge card: “Communication systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “Teamwork pays off!”
  • Setback card: “You fixed a problem, but created another.”

Character Bonds

Chuck (VLQi) played their Strength card “Hard-working” and wrote:

Dear Ben,

I haven’t seen you since 2016 when we were on a trip to Hawaii! We’re going to explore space and be in zero gravity!!! We already have the rocket boosters full of energy and I can’t wait until I see them separate and then BOOM!!!!!! they fall back to earth. I can’t wait to dodge those meteorites I bet it’ll be like a video game can’t you imagine those meteors fly by!? I hope that we won’t meet aliens. I wonder if we go past the edge of the universe!? What would it be like? Perhaps aliens live there.

Chuck (VLQi) drew the Flaw card “Overconfident.”


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