Letters from space 2


Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure

A short story started by Tong using the Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventures storyworld.

Scenario: “Letters From Space: An Epistolary Astronaut Adventure”

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Explore & investigate: the Alpha Quadrant”
  • Tone: “In this dark tale…”
  • Beginning: “… you set out in search of new life…”
  • Ending: “…and you find a new home.”


  • Wenqian is Thomas (Engineer) • 317 words
  • LYI is Jack (Medical Officer) • 0 words
  • Tong is Mark (Commander) • 140 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “You see nothing but stars and darkness”
  • Challenge card: “Communication systems aren’t working properly”
  • Success card: “Teamwork pays off!”
  • Setback card: “You fixed a problem, but created another.”

Character Bonds

Mark (Tong) played their Bond card “Mentor” and wrote:

Dear mom, 2/6/24

I know you miss me so much,I miss you too. I am in outer space where there is nothing but stars and dark. Remember I told you our mission is looking for a new life out in space. We are exploring and investigating the Alpha Quadrant since earth was badly polluted and the population has grown crazy, we had to find another planet for the people to live. I’m honored as the commander of the ship, and I have Jack with me here. He is the medical officer and you know him well, he is my best buddy and will take care of me from space to home. We were just seen the earth in the window of the ship. It’s day 1, everything should be good but soon we found out our ship’s controls aren’t working.

Mark (Tong) drew the Bond card “Mentor.”

Thomas (Wenqian) played their Strength card “Experienced” and wrote:

Dear Mom,
Today is 02-07-2024, the second day of our journey to explore the new planet. I am very excited. But sitting in the ship is not very fun. Because the only things I can see are stars. But from the ship they just look like fireflies. Yesterday, the ships controls stopped working. The commander, Mark sent me to check the problem. So, I went down to the command room and found two of the buttons on the computer keyboard missing. So, I reported to Mark and he asked Jack to assist me. Together with Jack, we worked for hours and finally made new buttons. But the buttons were too big to fit in the slots. So, we trimmed them and got them fit in the slots perfectly. At 7 o’ clock, some small dots appeared on the radar. At first, we didn’t know what the dots were and assumed that it was another problem that we needed to fix. In just a few seconds, we herd Mark screaming “help”. When we rushed to the dashboard, he was smacking the emergency button so hard that it looked like that it was going to break off. He told us that there were asteroids. Then Jack asked a stupid question: “what are asteroids?” Mark said “No silly questions, we need to get to work.” While Mark and I were trying to figure out how to activate the ship’s shield, Jack was looking up the definition of asteroids in the dictionary. We finally found a button hiding in the corner and we pressed it but it was too late. It hit one of the asteroid and caused a hole in the ship’s side. Guess who fixed it? It was me! Are you proud of me?
Now, I need to go to a meeting, discussing which planet will we land on next. I will write to you next time.

Thomas (Wenqian) drew the Flaw card “Unlucky.”

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