Horror/Suspense Writing: Terrify your audience with a tale(Junior Writing5)

Horror/Suspense writing– Moving on from sci-fi but keeping within the same vein, we will spend this week exploring the genre of horror or suspense. There are a lot of techniques that are exclusive to this genre that we will learn about, creating tense stories based on one of a few given titles: ‘The Choice’, ‘3am’ and ‘Horror Hotel’. This also allows you to have full freedom over your story, as the title can be interpreted any way you feel fit.



  1. Sisley says:

    The floorboards beneath me creaked in agony as I crept through the darkened halls of the looming manor. I shall never understand why I choose to spend a night here; this place is haunted from the needle-like spires to the oozing boiler room, which is filled with a thick mist. Slowly, the blood-red drapery jumped at me at any angle, the suits of armour glowed abnormally in the darkness. Crash! A bolt of lightning shook the rickety manor as I felt the unsteady floor shake; it was a rollercoaster. Outside, I could hear the breeze, howling in fear as silence regained its empire; this night was like living in a nightmare but this time, you don’t wake up. Minutes dragged along like hours, the minute hand chasing the hour hand relentlessly, but will never catch up.

    Moments later, I heard thumping coming from the spacious attic. I panicked. I glanced at my watch, hoping to realise that it is nearly morning but I still saw the strangest time. My watch read 3 a.m. Wasn’t this this witching hour? I thought. But there was no time to think; the thumping grew louder as I stood there defenceless , unknowing of what to do. Should I run? Should I scream? I didn’t know. All I wanted to do now was to leave this mysterious manor or wake up and realise that this was a dream. A chill ran down my spine as an unidentified coldness surrounded me, the room seemed to drop from a dangerous calmness to the bittersweet cold. It was hard to breathe at this breaking point, there was nothing left for the light to feed on, the hallway lights flickered and sank into the eclipse of darkness. It seemed like all was lost when the thumping approached closer, but then I viewed something glinting in the dark. A green exit light perhaps? I scrambled myself up in the dark and sprinted towards the green light of the exit when something suddenly grabbed my wrist. I was so close, yet now, so far away. -Sisley

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