Holes by Louis Sachar 9-11B


Reasons for selection and synopsis
Stanley Yelnats’ family has a history of bad luck going back generations, so he is not too surprised when a miscarriage of justice sends him to Camp
Green Lake Juvenile Detention Centre. Nor is he very surprised when he is told that his daily labour at the camp is to dig a hole, five foot wide by five foot
deep, and report anything that he finds in that hole. The warden claims that it is character building, but this is a lie and Stanley must dig up the truth.
Holes is a classic for a good reason. The inventive and captivating comedic mystery by Louis Sachar will have your class on the edge of their seats.
Before reading…
Ask the children to look at the front cover. What do you think the book will be about? What things can you see on the front cover?
What sort of story will it be? Who might enjoy it?Now read the blurb – were any of your predictions correct?
When do we see holes?What might be the significance of the lizard on the front cover?


某一天少年史丹利(Stanley Yelnats)才刚在学校被霸凌完后,在回家的路上走过一座天桥的时候从‘天上’掉下一双球鞋,于是决定带回家拿给爸爸研究除臭的方法。史丹利不知道那是一双棒球明星(正是史丹利的偶像)的鞋子,回家的路上,不幸遇到警察,被误认为是偷鞋子的小偷,就因此被逮捕起来。


绿湖营是一个专门感化青少年的机构,原本应兼具夏令营娱乐的本质与教化的目的,但狱吏只顾自己享受,它不但没有兴建青少年感化机构应有的设施,还假藉劳动改造的理由让少年们一人一天挖一个直径五呎、深五呎的洞,目的却完全是为了寻找宝藏。史丹利在绿湖营认识了X光、零蛋、乌贼、腋窝、磁铁、曲折Z(都为外号)等同伴,大家都来自不同的种族与背景,个性也孑然不同。 大家都经常取笑零蛋(Zero)笨,连辅导老师们也会嘲笑他,因为他不识字。史丹利认识了零蛋之后,发现零蛋其实一点也不笨,只是他不愿回答他认为无聊的问题。史丹利就因此每天教零蛋写字,与每个字母正确的念法。零蛋学得很快,可是后来有位辅导老师当众取笑他,因而逃离绿湖营。史丹利一天比一天担忧,却未见零蛋回到营区,最后他不忍心让零蛋在沙漠中渴死,毅然决定寻找零蛋。两人白痴在沙漠中找到史丹利的曾曾祖父所说的 我在上帝的大拇指上找到避难的地方 ,靠着喝脏水和吃洋葱撑了几天,然后返回绿湖营。



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