
Forums Vocabulary Year5&6(Wed)

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    • #7674
    • #7865

      Lesson 2 Report:

      Very pleased with everyone’s engagement and focus this week, particularly as we did a slightly longer lesson this time. The start of lesson quiz went very well, and I was very impressed with how much everyone remembered from previous classes, and with how eagerly and readily those who were joining us for the first time engaged with the quiz! I’m currently happy with the progress the students are making.

      The study of the extract (Tale of Two Cities) was also very successful, although some students didn’t participate as much as others during our discussions. I’m hoping this will improve through time as the students gain confidence! The majority of students engaged really well with the comprehension questions and demonstrated some impressive and original ideas.

      The students were also eager and ready to approach new and unfamiliar vocabulary, and I just want to say well done to those who were brave enough to take a guess at unfamiliar vocab – you all did really well!

      We also had a go at writing a short story together using the vocabulary we learnt in the opening activity which showed me that the students had assimilated the vocab really well! Overall, I’m very happy with how this lesson went!


      1.     Scarcely – adv. Only just, almost not

      2.     Justify – v. to give reason for doing something

      3.     Boast – v. to talk proudly of your achievements

      4.     Burglary – n. theft

      5.     Cautioned –  v. told to be careful; warned against something

      6.     Upholsterer – v. cover the walls or furniture with fabric

      7.     Gallantly – adv. In a brave or heroic manner

      8.     Mall – n. a walkway bordered by trees

      9.     Waylay – v. to stop por interrupt something

      10.  Consequence – n. a result or effect of an action; importance or relevance

      11.  Ammunition – n. a supply or bullets

      12.  Magnificent – adj. extremely beautiful or elaborate

      13.  Potentate – n. a highly person; a monarch

      14.  Despoiled – v. stole or violently removed a valuable possession

      15.  Illustrious – adj. well known or respected

      16.  Retinue – n. a group of adviser or assistants that accompany an important person

      17.  Occurrence – n. an incident or event

      18.  Lumbered – v. to move in a slow or heavy way

      19.  Mire – n. boggy or swampy ground

      20.  Relish – n/v – with great enjoyment

      21.  Mutinous – adj. refusing to obey orders; disobedient

      22.  Combination – n. a joining or merging of different things

      23.  Forbade/forbid – v. refuse to allow something

      24.  Otherwise – adv. Or else

      25.  Brute – n. a savagely violent person or animal

      26.  Endued – v. endowed or provided with a quality or ability

      27.  Capitulate – v. stop resisting an opponent or a demand; yield

      28.  Drooping – v. bending or hanging down limply

      29.  Tremulous – adj. shaking or quivering

      30.  Mashed – adj. reduced to a pulpy mass

      31.  Flounder – v. struggle or stagger in mud or water; show great confusion

      32.  Hollow – Adj. having nothing inside; an empty shell

      33.  Forlorn – adj. pitifully sad and lonely

      34.  Clammy – adj. slimy or unpleasant to feel

      35.  Unwholesome – adj. not healthy, or causing bad health

      36.  Labour – n. hard toil, v. toiling hard

      37.  Ample – more than enough, plentiful

      38.  Commit – To carry out an action (mistake, crime)

      39.     Punctual – Happening at an agreed time

      40.     Suspect – To have an idea or impression of something without certainty

      41.     Wretched – In a very unhappy or unfortunate state

      42.     Betray – to break a promise or be disloyal to someone

      43.     Grieve – To feel intense sorrow for the loss of something

      44.     Leisure – Free time for enjoyment

      45.     Meticulous – Showing great attention to detail; careful and precise

      46.  Volatile – Likely to change rapidly and unpredictably


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a story about a modern-day robbery. Use five words from the list above, and five synonyms or antonyms. You can use the image above for inspiration.


    • #7980

      Hi Rachel,

      Please let me know what format do you prefer the homework to be submitted in, ie. handwritten then pdf or typed.


      Wynn (Shuen’s mom)

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    • #7988

      Hi, Sarah’s homework

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    • #8164

      Lesson 3 Report

      Lesson 3 Report:

      Very good work from everyone this week! I was impressed with how much everyone engaged with the discussion about the text this week. I hope that some of the students will be inspired to read Frankenstein now!

      The refresher quiz at the beginning of the lesson went really well, and it seems that the students had retained a lot of the vocabulary we have covered in the last couple of weeks. It is also good to see that the students are becoming more and more willing to take a guess at vocabulary that they don’t already know. This means that they will now have a better chance at understanding new vocabulary after this course is over.

      The comprehension questions went down well, and we had a good discussion about the genre of the novel Frankenstein and how it paved the way for many of the horror and sci-fi novels and movies that we have today. Overall, a very good lesson!

      1.          Dreary – depressingly dull

      2.          Beheld – to see or observe

      3.          Agony – Extreme physical or emotional pain

      4.          Infuse – to fill or instil something

      5.          Dismally – in a gloomy or depressed manner

      6.          Convulsive – jerky, moving in an uncontrollable or violent way

      7.          Agitated – feeling or appearing troubled or nervous

      8.          Catastrophe – an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster

      9.          Delineate – describe or portray precisely

      10.       Wretch – an unfortunate or unhappy person

      11.       Endeavour – to try hard to do or achieve something

      12.       Proportion – the relationship of one thing to another in terms of size or number

      13.       Arteries – tubes that form the circulation system in the body in which blood is carried

      14.       Lustrous – having lustre; shining

      15.       Luxuriance – a sense of richness or extreme comfort

      16.       Dun – of a dull grey colour

      17.       Shrivelled – wrinkled and shrunken, especially due to age or dryness

      18.       Complexion – the natural colour of a person’s skin

      19.       Inanimate- not alive; showing no signs of life

      20.       Ardour – great enthusiasm or passion

      21.       Moderation – the avoidance of excess or extremes

      22.       Traverse – travel across or through

      23.       Lassitude – a lack of energy or state of physical or mental weariness

      24.       Tumult – a loud or confused noise

      25.       In vain – producing no result; useless

      26.       Livid – furiously angry

      27.       Hue – a colour or shade

      28.       Inarticulate – unable to express one’s ideas or feelings; unable to speak

      29.       Detain – keep someone from doing something

      30.       Demoniacal  – elating to or characteristic of a demon or evil spirit.

      31.    Caution – Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes

      32.    Broad – Having a distance larger than usual; wide

      33. Affable – Friendly or good natured

      34.    Habitat – The natural home or environment of something

      35.    Latter – Occurring or situated nearer to the end than the beginning

      36.    Restrain – To prevent someone or something form doing something; to control

      37.    Passive – Without resistance; accepting

      38.    Secure – Fixed or fastened in place

      39.    Sane – Not mad or mentally ill; reasonable or sensible

      40.Temptation – The desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a diary entry from the point of view of Frankenstein, describing his thoughts and feelings about the events in the extract. Use ten of the words in the vocabulary list above, or any of their synonyms or antonyms.

    • #8250

      It was a dreary night, and I sat slaving over a chair. I was to infuse life with a body, creating a human. I attached some wires to the person’s chest. The plan was quite simple- to create an electric shock and the heart would pump blood and the arteries would be up and running. Would this work? I thought as I stared at the inanimate body, the hands limping, it’s legs like spaghetti. Would this body be lustrous again? This was after all, a very arduous task.

      I went back to the wires. I untangled some of them and began the process. I had cut off the electricity from the house and used it for this. 240 volts were to be zooming in to this body, creating a friend for me. I pulled the rusted lever…

      Suddenly, a blinding flash of light filled the room. The light blinded me, so I closed my eyes. I could hear a tumult as the machine processed what was going on. Was this going to work, or was I doing this in vain?

      A huge figure stepped out of the mist. I gasped: What had I done! The ‘person’ had huge rubbery lips, a huge bulk like one of a bodybuilder, a face of nothing but horror: I couldn’t bear it anymore. The monster grunted some words that sounded odd to me, but I knew it couldn’t be good. I ran and fled to my bedroom, and barricaded the doors. Then I heard banging on the doors, like a army pushing a battering ram through a door.

      I sprang up from behind the door and ran out into the garden, and dropped onto a pile of grass. I scanned my surroundings. Maybe I’d have to sleep here for the night, I certainly wouldn’t be sharing  my house with that beast!

      I paced round and round my garden. Why had I decided to create such a monster? This was a mistake. I had given life to an abhorrent beast, a demoniacal body running around town! This would be hard to fix…

    • #8276

      Jiawei’s homework(Lesson 3),Thanks so much!

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    • #8387

      Hi, it’s Sarah’s homework. Sorry for the delay.

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    • #8412

      Hello everyone! Here is all of your work marked, thanks so much to those who submitted writing!

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    • #8426

      Lesson 4 Jiawei’s homework

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    • #8436

      Lesson 4 Report

      Very energetic, focused and engaged class this week – I was pleased to see how well the students engaged with the extract despite its difficulty. Vocabulary bingo went very well, as did our opening activity, and I’m pleased to see that the student are continuing to assimilate the vocabulary that we’re learning.


      1.          Precise – marked by exactness and accuracy

      2.          Spleen – an organ in the abdomine which forms part of the immune system

      3.          Circulation – movement around something; especially liquid

      4.          Involuntary – done without control or purpose

      5.          Deliberate – done with intention

      6.          Methodical – done with a system or established procedure

      7.          Substitute – a suitable replacement for something

      8.          Philosophical – the study of knowledge and existence

      9.          Flourish – a bold or extravagant gesture or action

      10.       Cherish – to hold dear

      11.       Insular – lacking contact with other people; ignorant

      12.       Wharves – a place by the sea where a ship may load or unload

      13.       Commerce – the activity of buying and selling

      14.       Surf – the line formed by waves breaking on the seashore

      15.       Battery – a place for guns on a ship

      16.       Mole – a large solid structure that serves as a pier

      17.       Sabbath – day of religious observance kept by Jewish people; Saturday

      18.       Sentinel – a soldier or guard who keeps watch

      19.       Spile – a small wooden peg

      20.       Bulwark – a defensive wall

      21.       Rigging – a system of ropes or chains to support a ship’s mast

      22.       Peep – a brief and secretive look

      23.       Lath – a thin strip of wood

      24.       Clinched – conform or settle a bargain or debate

      25.       Loiter – to remain somewhere without meaning or purpose

      26.       Lee – the sheltered side of something, away from the wind

      27.       Suffice – enough, sufficient

      28.       League – measurement of distance, about three miles

      29.       Magnetic – attractive to a certain material

      30.       Virtue – a quality that is regarded as good (e.g. patience)

      31.       Compass – an instrument that shows where north is

      32.    Perish – Die in an especially violent or sudden way; rot or decay (of food)

      33.     Halt – Bring or come to an abrupt stop

      34.    Wither – become dry and shrivelled

      35.    Liberal – Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas

      36.    Rural – In or relating to the countryside rather than the town

      37.    Vessel – A ship or large boat; something in which liquid is contained

      38.    Mortal – subject to death, able to die

      39.    Procure  – to obtain with effort or care

      40.    Sinister – something that gives the impression of something harmful or evil about to happen

      41.Selfish  – Lacking consideration for others; only thinks about themselves


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a story about a particularly exciting sailing trip using ten of the words from the list above, or their synonyms or antonyms.

    • #8442

      Sarah’s homework

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    • #8444

      Hi this is my homework

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    • #8448

      Lesson 5 Report:

      Excellent work from everyone this week, we had a really fun, focused and engaged lesson yesterday! We began the lesson with a round of Vocab Bingo, which helped get everyone warmed up, and then moved on to a creative brainstorming exercise designed to help the students put their newly learned vocab into practice. We then looked at an extract from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, and discussed the extract together. Although the students seemed engaged, discussion tended to be carried by two or three students alone, with the other students taking a bit of a back seat. I’d like everyone to get involved in the discussion if possible!

      I’ve also attached the unmarked homework from the last couple of weeks here too. Let me know if you have any questions!


      1.          Murky

      2.          Aisles – a passage between rows of seats or shelves

      3.          Endow – give an income or property to someone

      4.          Presently – at the present time; now

      5.          Frolicking – play or move about in a cheerful and lively way

      6.          Zeal – great energy or enthusiasm

      7.          Exertion –

      8.          Wearisome –

      9.          Sinuous – having many curves and turns

      10.       Aloft

      11.       Motto – a short sentence or phrase chosen to sum up beliefs of an individual or institution

      12.       Frescoed – done in the style of a fresco, which is a rapidly done painting on wet plaster or a ceiling

      13.       Scarcely

      14.       Scored – gain a point in a game; cut or scratch a line in something

      15.       Sediment – particles that settle to the bottom of a liquid

      16.       Ruffled – disordered or disarranged by running hands through it

      17.       Imperishable

      18.       Illuminate

      19.       Gratification – pleasure from the satisfaction of a desire

      20.       Curtained – provided with a curtain

      21.       Ambition

      22.       Novelty – the quality of being new or original

      23.       Spacious

      24.       Multitude

      25.       Stalactites – an icicle-like structure that hangs from the roof of a cave

      26.       Circumference

      27.       Bewitching – enchanting or delightful

      28.       Basin – a bowl for washing

      29.       Encrusted

      30.       Frostwork – attractive patterns made by frost on a window or other surface

      31.       Stalagmites – like stalactite, but rising from the floor

      32.       Ceaseless

      33.       Flocking – congregate or join in a big group

      34.       Conduct – the manner in which a person behaves

      35.       Fugitives

      36.       Plunged – jump or dive quickly and energetically

      37.       Perilous – full of danger or risk

      38.       Subterranean – under the surface of the earth


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the gaps.

      –       Imagine you are on an expedition, travelling deep underground into dark and dangerous caves. Suddenly, you realise you are lost. Describe your situation using ten of the words in the vocabulary list above.

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    • #8503

      Hi, Sarah’s lesson 4 homework

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    • #8521

      I was walking through the wet and clammy depths of a cave. Life flourished everywhere I looked. I decided to look at my compass, I felt a bit lost. I switched on my torch and I gave a yelp of surprise! I wasn’t heading out, but going deeper! Suddenly, I felt lost and lonely. If only I’d checked earlier, if only I knew what would happen, if only I was more careful. I thought for a moment and stared at the water, loitering under the shade of moss. It was as if this was deliberate, like I was meant to be stuck here. I shook my head. Surely, surely this would get better. I plunged into daydreams about the wharves I departed and visited, the insular personality of the bartender at London in which I had stopped my journey to rest. I would cherish those memories forever. But not this that I was experiencing…

      I fell asleep at precisely 10 (according to my watch) and awoke on the rocks near a surf in the cave. I hadn’t noticed this before, but it was crystal clear in the light of my lantern. I lumbered towards a small cave, this would have to do as a lee. There were some rocks in the cave, and so I pulled out several strips of lath and levered the stones away. I thought to myself, ‘What would I put here?’. I set up my sleeping bag and perched my belongings on a flat rock near my bed. ‘This will do as a table.’ I thought to myself, and set to work making a door out of my remaining lath.

      Stiff and strong, the door was made. I used rigging I stole from a ship as the hinges, and the door itself was made of lath. I crafted stone tools out of my bronze pickaxe, and went to cut some vines and leaves for cups and plates. I remembered passing some vines about a league away from here, and scrambled back south.

      In the end, my shelter was looking fine, the walls were sturdy, my bed was comfy and I had all the essentials, even a battery for me to throw rocks at anything nearby that threatened me (a wolf frightened me before, and I had the idea). Maybe this was my new home, maybe I would live here, maybe I would be rescued. As I drifted into a sleep, I decided: Let me rest for now, and let fate decide whether I would live or die.


    • #8529

      This is Ray’s  homework about the expedition through the caves.

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    • #8533

      Thanks for checking Jiawei’s homework!

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    • #8561

      It was a nice and sunny day. The river seemed tranquil, and so I decided to rent a canoe and ride through the waves.

      ‘That’ll be £9.99 please’ announced the shopkeeper, and gave me a small and orange canoe, complete with oars and a small compartment.

      I left, and walked down the stairs to the beach, and set up my boat and arranged it so that it was comfortable in the boat. Slowly, I marched it down to the edge of the river and tightened my poncho, and hopped in, grabbing the oars and began at a slow and steady pace.

      ‘Left, right, left, right’ I thought. The boat was going at a slow and steady pace, but soon the boat was in turbulent weathers, thanks to London weather.

      I steered the canoe left and right, determined to keep afloat, and suddenly, a huge wave crashed over me, but thanks to the human nerve system, I sensed it and a rush of Adrenaline race through me, and my arms suddenly became wind-mills, my body stiff, and I was away from the wave, shocked and horrified at what had happened. As quick as a flash, I darted through the winds, seizing the oars like it was a precious jewel, racing against the elements, my body wet and clammy, but my mind excited and daring.

      Without warning, the wind blew the canoe, and it was lying on it’s side, and I was deep in the water, and the canoe was washed away, leaving me to tread water below me, frightened of what would happen next. I paddled through the water and reached a ladder, leading up to ground level. My hands slipped off the rungs, but I threw myself forwards and began to climb, reminding myself there was water if I fell.

      As I progressed to the top, I shivered and climbed the last rung, and collapsed on the ground. Nobody took even a glimpse at me- their eyes were hidden behind huge coats, and I hobbled back home, ready to get a refund and a hot bath.

    • #8570

      Lesson 6 Report

      A very focused and energetic lesson this week! I was impressed, as usual, with the amount of vocabulary that the students have now assimilated, as demonstrated by the vocab bingo at the beginning of the lesson. The students engaged really well with the extract too.

      Just a not on the definitions below: if a definition has a semi-colon between the phrases, it means that they are two DIFFERENT definitions of the word. So that’s for words that have multiple possible meanings!


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the blanks.

      –       Write a diary entry from the point of view of Harker detailing his experience on the first night of his stay with Dracula. Use at least five of the words in the vocab list above.



      1.              Remarkable – worthy of attention, striking

      2.              Gloom

      3.              Considerable – notably large in amount, size or extent

      4.              Caleche – a light and low-wheeled carriage

      5.              Assist – help someone

      6.              Alight – descend from a train, bus or carriage

      7.              Prodigious – impressively great in size, extent or degree

      8.              Vice – a metal tool used to hold something in place

      9.              Reins – a strap used in horse riding

      10.           Frowning – forming an expression of disapproval

      11.           Penetrate – go through or into something

      12.           Grim

      13.           Embarked – begun a course of action

      14.           Customary

      15.           Incident

      16.           Solicitor – a lawyer responsible for drawing up wills and executing contracts

      17.           Full-blown

      18.           Deceived – caused to believe something that is not true

      19.           Carpathians – A section of the Carpathian mountains

      20.           Chink – a crack or hole in something otherwise strong

      21.           Clad – clothed

      22.           Speck – a tiny spot

      23.           Quiver

      24.           Courtly

      25.           Intonation

      26.           Impulsive – done without forethought, on an impulse

      27.           Wince

      28.           Akin – similar to

      29.           Interrogatively – in a questioning tone

      30.     Craven – Cowardly or lacking courage

      31.     Trivial – Of little value or importance

      32.     Nauseous – Feeling sick or inclined to vomit

      33.     Perplexed – Entirely baffled or puzzled

      34.     Cultivate – Raise or grow plants; nurture or develop a quality or skill

      35.     Subdue – Overcome or quieten a feeling or person

      36.     Stoop – Bend forward and down; lower one’s moral standards

      37.     Repent – Feel or express sincere regret or remorse about your sin or mistake

      38.     Pompous – Performatively grand, solemn or self important

      39.  Vacant – Empty or unoccupied

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    • #8603

      Sarah lesson 5 homework

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    • #8633

      Hi this is Sarah’s homework



    • #8634

      My homework

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    • #8674

      Jiawei’s homework! Thanks!

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    • #8696

      Lesson 7 Report

      A very focused lesson this week! Everyone brought good energy, and the Vocab Bingo helped to kick things off at the beginning. The students engaged well with the extract, despite it being quite a difficult one. They were able to speculate and discuss the themes and content despite the sense of the extract being a bit tricky. I would advise everyone to take another look at the extract once they’ve gone over the vocab to properly pick up the sense!


      1.          Squat – short and thickset’ disproportionately broad or wide

      2.          Hatchery –

      3.          Lay – not having professional qualifications or expert knowledge

      4.          Pallid – pale, typically because of poor health

      5.          Overalls – loose-fitting one-piece garment worn for protection against dirt

      6.          Luscious – having a pleasantly rich, sweet taste

      7.          Recession – a period of temporary economic decline

      8.          Fertilize –

      9.          Absentminded – having or showing a forgetful or inattentive disposition

      10.       Soliloquise – speak one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself

      11.       Callow – inexperienced and immature

      12.       Abject – extremely unpleasant and degrading

      13.       Conduct – organize and carry out

      14.       Generality – a statement or principle having general rather than specific validity or force

      15.       Intellectual

      16.       Geniality – the quality of having a friendly and cheerful manner

      17.       Privilege – a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group

      18.       Prominent – important or famous

      19.       Florid – having a red or flushed complexion

      20.       Zealous – having or showing great enthusiasm or energy

      21.       Incubator an enclosed apparatus in which premature or unusually small babies are placed and which provides a controlled and protective environment for their care.

      22.       Insulator – a substance which does not readily allow the passage of heat or sound

      23.       Ova – female reproductive cell

      24.       Scurry – move hurriedly with short quick steps

      25.       Illegible – not clear enough to be read

      26.       Excised – having been cut out surgically

      27.       Ovary – female reproductive organ

      28.       Optimum

      29.       Salinity – the quality or degree of being salty

      30.       Viscosity – the state of being thick, sticky and semi-fluid in consistency

      31.       Abnormalities

      32.       Porous

      33.       Receptacle – a hollow object used to contain something

      34.       Immersed – dip or submerge in a liquid

      35.       Bouillon – thin soup or stock made by stewing meat, fish or vegetables

      36.       Embryo – an unborn or unhatched offspring

      37.       Proliferate – increase rapidly in number

      38.     Abyss – A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm

      39.     Nefarious – Wicked or criminal

      40.     Languid – Relaxed an peaceful; not inclined to make physical effort

      41.     Pale – Light in colour or shade

      42.     Flag (verb) – To mark something for attention/sign to a vehicle or driver to stop

      43.     Alternate – Occur in turn repeatedly

      44.     Sporadic – Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places

      45.     Yearn – Having an intense feeling of longing for something

      46.     Shrill – High pitched and piercing

      47.  Proficient – Competent or skilled in doing or using something


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Imagine that you are living in the Brave New World. Write a description of a day in the life.

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    • #8700

      Also Shuen, I think you posted this in the other forum so I’ve marked it here!

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    • #8895

      This is Jiawei‘s homework.Thanks!

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    • #8935

      Lesson 8 Report

      The students did very well this week! We had a fun and productive lesson beginning with a round of Vocab Bingo which helped raise the energy of the class and set the tone nicely. We took a look at an extract from My Family and Other Animals which went down  well with the class, and all students participated in fruitful discussion about the extract and its connotations. The students are continuing to perform well and retain the vocabulary that we cover from week to week.

      1.          Fascinating – extremely interesting

      2.          Resist

      3.          Eager – strongly wanting to do or have something

      4.          Infrequent

      5.          Remote

      6.          Rippling – move in a way that resembles a series of small waves

      7.          Nasal – relating to the nose; pronounced by breathing through the nose

      8.          Slanting – positioned or directed in a sloping direction

      9.          Vacant

      10.       Cataract – a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes unclear, resulting in blurred vision

      11.       Hue – a colour or shade

      12.       Garment – an item of clothing

      13.       Riot

      14.       Pompom – a large woollen ball attached to a garment for decoration

      15.       Occasionally – on occasion; now and then

      16.       Launching – send or hurl something on its course; set sail

      17.       Denote

      18.       Whirled – move or cause to move rapidly round and round

      19.       Beamed – smile radiantly; transmit a radio signal in a specified direction

      20.       Banked – tilt or cause to tilt sideways when making a turn

      21.       Swooped

      22.       Peevish

      23.   Omen – An event that predicts something good or bad happening

      24.   Desiccated –   Having had the moisture removed; dried out

      25.   Stunted – Having been prevented from growing or developing properly

      26.   Abundance – A very large quantity of something

      27.   Accustomed – Customary; usual

      28.   Predicament – A difficult, unpleasant or embarrassing situation

      29.   Odious – Extremely unpleasant; repulsive

      30.   Oasis – A fertile spot in a desert where water is found

      31.   Pensive – Engaged in, involving, or reflecting in deep or serious thought

      32. Mollify – Appease the anger or anxiety of someone


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a diary entry from the point of view of Gerald about what happens next, using the vocabulary we have learned today.

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    • #9052

      Lesson 9 Report

      Great lesson this week! Very happy to see every student fully engaged with all activities, including the comprehension work we did in the second half of the lesson. Vocab Bingo went down well, and am pleased to see the students improving each week, demonstrating their increased retention of the vocab. This week we looked at an extract from the Call of the Wild by Jack London which was received very well, and we had some in depth discussion about the presentation of the dog in the extract and the way in which the author had created tension and suspense.


      1.          Contagion – the transmission of disease from one person to another by close contact

      2.          Admiration

      3.          Splendid

      4.          Superfluous – unnecessary, especially through being more than enough

      5.          Grit – courage and resolve, strength of character

      6.          Virility – (in a man) the quality of having strength and energy

      7.          Sheen – a soft shine on a surface

      8.          Mane – a growth of long hair on the neck of a horse or lion

      9.          Repose – a state of rest, sleep or tranquility

      10.       Vigour – physical strength and good health

      11.       Affair – an event that has been previously referred to

      12.       Conjuration

      13.       Traces – (in this context) a path or track

      14.       Plunge

      15.       Arrested – seize and detain; stop

      16.       Quivered

      17.       Duplicate

      18.       Manoeuvre

      19.       Pivot – turn as if on a pivot

      20.       Jarring – causing a physical shock, jolt or vibration; clashing

      21.       Writhing – making twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body

      22.       Lurch – make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements

      23.       Succession – a number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other

      24.       Perceptible – able to be seen or noticed

      25.       Momentum

      26.       Cheery

      27.       Incoherent

      28.       Babel – a confused noise made by a number of voices

      29.       Fervent – having or displaying a passionate intensity

      30.    Voracious – engaging in an activity with great eagerness or enthusiasm

      31.    Obligatory – required by a legal, moral or other rule; compulsory

      32.    Tedious – Too long, slow or dull; tiresome or monotonous

      33.    Turbulent – characterised by conflict, disorder or confusion; not stable or calm

      34.    Wither – become dry and shrivelled; fall into decay or decline

      35.    Venerable – Given a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom or character

      36.    Raucous – Making a disturbingly harsh and loud noise

      37.    Ally – A person or organisation that cooperates with or helps another

      38.    Sleek – Smooth and glossy (of hair, fur or skin)

      39 .Supple – Bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the missing definitions.

      –       Write a modern-day story about a heroic dog using 10 of the words from the vocab list above.

    • #9057

      This is Jiawei’s homework! Thanks!

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    • #9144

      This is Jiawei’s homework! Thanks so much!

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    • #9163

      The dog stood on the floor, its sleek fur with a light sheen to it, standing beside its allies, a supple terrier and a voracious cat. They stared at the television, and looked at people manoeuvre and the ‘Police’ as their owner called the strange man that arrested other humans. They were all staring intently at the television until the cat made a raucous noise and sprang up, gathering momentum until it reached the door, and scratched at it. The three allies opened the door, and out stepped a strange looking man. His face was covered in a balaclava and his face was sunk deep beneath his collar, his shoes black and shiny, his hat perched neatly on his head. The cat meowed, and the dogs barked, but the man was faster..

      The three animals stood in the cage, the cat bucked its legs and the dogs barked, showing grit. The other animals were in their cages, silent, as if they had seen death itself. The man came back inside and took out a strange gadget and put it against the cages. The cages sparkled with electricity and the animals lay down and quivered. Some of the animals were so withered they fell back. Suddenly, the car lurched and the man lost his balance and toppled against the cages. His weight (Probably 150kg judging by his face) and the keys on his jacket slipped, flying towards the dog and she managed to wrench the door’s hinges to force it open. She did this to the rest of the cages and the dogs pushed the cages against the door until it opened and ran…

      The news that week was about a man who was found unconscious in a van, traces of blood on his face, and cages scattered across the van floor. The police had managed to get the obese man out of the van and he had been taken to the hospital. Of course, to the animals this was none but a woman speaking with images behind her, but they would never guess how many animal lives were saved. The man was stealing the animals for animal testing, and came up to every door in search of pets to test on. This was not revealed for a year, and the man was given a decade in jail. It was perceptible to see that the man was cruel, and deserved his sentence. The company making the product was shut down, and the animals lived with not a care in the world for 12 years each…

    • #9164

      woke up, and looked outside. Everything looked normal, and I checked whether I had my sanity with me. I stood up and heated the Bouillon that I cooked yesterday. I went into the pale bathroom and brushed my teeth. I thought about the world we lived in. I thought about a topic that wasn’t discussed much, let alone thought about. Companions would be nice to have in the world. It would be fun to play together, but such an idea wasn’t supposed to be. The idea when explained to the public would probably scare them, and make them think that I was nefarious.

      I walked outside, and yearned for a good lunch later. I walked on, legs out in front in an alternate pattern, listening to the shrill voice of bugs, and decided to flag the idea of bugs being ‘friends’ in my head. There was a strange kind of abyss in me, that wanted to swallow me up, to get me out of the world we lived in today. I felt the the sun on my skin, as I was immersed in its hot glow. I went and bought some lunch for later. I tasted a bit and the salinity of it made me lose my appetite. My thoughts returned to the thought of having a companion. I was happy in this utopia, but was it enough? I pondered on this for the rest of the day.

      • #9165

        Lesson 9: A diary written by a human based on ‘Brave new world’
        I woke up, and looked outside. Everything looked normal, and I checked whether I had my sanity with me. I stood up and heated the Bouillon that I cooked yesterday. I went into the pale bathroom and brushed my teeth. I thought about the world we lived in. I thought about a topic that wasn’t discussed much, let alone thought about. Companions would be nice to have in the world. It would be fun to play together, but such an idea wasn’t supposed to be. The idea when explained to the public would probably scare them, and make them think that I was nefarious.

        I walked outside, and yearned for a good lunch later. I walked on, legs out in front in an alternate pattern, listening to the shrill voice of bugs, and decided to flag the idea of bugs being ‘friends’ in my head. There was a strange kind of abyss in me, that wanted to swallow me up, to get me out of the world we lived in today. I felt the the sun on my skin, as I was immersed in its hot glow. I went and bought some lunch for later. I tasted a bit and the salinity of it made me lose my appetite. My thoughts returned to the thought of having a companion. I was happy in this utopia, but was it enough? I pondered on this for the rest of the day.

    • #9175

      Lesson 10 Report

      Very energetic and engaged lesson this week! Vocab Bingo ran very smoothly and the students are getting more and more confident with their vocabulary. The shortness of the extract this week allowed us to dive a littler deeper into the comprehension questions and the vocab included within the extract, facilitation a more in-depth discussion. The students continue to assimilate the vocab we have learned.


      1.          Turnpike – a toll gate

      2.          Territory – an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state

      3.          Temporary – only for a short period of time

      4.          Superb – very good; excellent

      5.          Establishment – a business organization, public institution or household

      6.          Transaction – a trade, swap or deal of goods, money or services

      7.          Agent – a person who acts on behalf of another person or group

      8.          Tremendous – very great in amount, scale or intensity

      9.          Fellow – a man or boy; a person in the same position, involved in the same activity, or associated with another

      10.       Arrears – money that is owed and should have already been paid

      11.       Hatching – to sit on an egg until it hatches; think about something to make it happen

      12.       Gaunt – lean and haggard, especially because of suffering or hunger

      13.       Cravat – a strip of fabric worn by men around the neck

      14.       Harpsichord – an old-fashioned keyboard instrument

      15.       Feeble – weak, usually due to fatigue or lack of food

      16.       Endeavour – v. to try with great effort; n. a project, something that you endeavour to do

      17.       Profile – an outline of something, especially a face as seen from one side

      18.       Calculate – to work out a sum or a problem

      19.       Intent – intention or purpose; adj – determined to do something

      20.       Rumpled – creased, ruffled or dishevelled

      21.       Kindred – of the same (usually related, or tied by blood), but from the same situation

      22.       Prey – to hunt something to kill

      23.       Salute – a gesture of respect or of polite recognition

      24.       Sympathetic – feeling sorry for someone or something; understanding the situation

      25.   Deceit – The action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth

      26.   Conspire – Make secret plans with someone to commit an unlawful or harmful act

      27.   Privilege – A special right, advantage or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group

      28.   Charred – Burnt and blackened

      29.   Shun – Persistently ignore, avoid or reject

      30.   Abysmal – Extremely bad; appalling

      31.   Aristocrat – A member of the aristocracy, the highest class in society

      32.   Lacerate – Tear or make deep cuts

      33.   Flaccid – Soft and hanging loosely or limply, usually unpleasant

      34.         Admonish – Warn or reprimand someone firmly



      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a story about a business deal using the extract above as inspiration. Use ten of the words from the vocab list above.

    • #9299

      Hi guys! Here’s the homework back from the last two weeks!

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    • #9331

      Lesson 7

      Some time ago, I met a fascinating boy on the Island Of Corfu. His name was the Rose-beetle Man, and he was a person with a strange air around him, that hung around like flies on a warm evening. I always looked eagerly to our occasional meetings. My first encounter was when I heard him playing a tune, where he sat near a rippling road, where I heard his nasal voice sing infrequently across his tune. I stared at him for a moment, and took in his quite unusual appearance. He had slanted eyes which were dark brown, a distant look in his eyes lingered with a bloom. He was short and had such thin wrists and small neck that it told me that his stomach eagerly awaited food. He wore a dress, and a had with a brim that wobbled so much that it might have fallen off. There was a compilation of bird feathers in his hat, and there was an assortment of different hues around his garment. His pockets bulged from the weight of its contents; there seemed to be a riot inside his pockets. And to top things off, he carried a bamboo cage with an assortment of different birds inside his portable cage. In one hand, he bound rose-beetles to his hands with cotton, and each flew about wildly. I thought about what I was seeing and thought about such people. They existed, and I knew they did. I beamed at the thought of it and walked away, looking at him as he beamed at me. I smiled and walked on.

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