
Forums Vocabulary Year3&4

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    • #7187
    • #7191

      Summary for Lesson 1:

      The class did very well today, and impressed me with how much they already knew. Almost across the board students were able to confidently answer questions, and were also able to take guesses and explore words they didn’t know, although some students seemed a little bit more quiet than others.

      The adjective game proved particularly useful in warming the students up and getting them to think creatively about vocabulary and language. It also provided an opportunity for the students to share their vocabulary with one another, thereby increasing their collective vocabulary bank. This game also helped the students develop their confidence when speaking up.

      Reading levels were impressive when reading the extract, and every student that took a turn reading did so with clarity and confidence. Some of the students found it particularly hard to approach an unknown word. I encouraged the students to use the words around it to help them guess, but this is something that we will need to work on as we progress.

      Students were hesitant to approach words they didn’t know when working through the list of vocabulary, and some words proved difficult. But I believe that with time and effort the words will become second nature!


      What we covered in the lesson:

      – An adjective game
      –  Reading an extract from Matilda by Roald Dahl
      –  Defining and exploring a list of new vocabulary


      Here is the vocabulary list fo this lesson:

      Magazine – a publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject

      Hankering – a strong desire to have or do something

      Enlightened – having a rational, modern and well-informed outlook

      Recipe – set of instructions for cooking a meal

      Spoiled – harmed in character by being indulged

      Bingo – a game where players mark off numbers called randomly by a caller

      Hooked – addicted

      Enthral – capture the fascination or attention of

      Refuse – saying no

      Deny – refuse to give something or admit the truth

      Librarian – someone who works in a library

      Taken aback – shocked

      Unaccompanied – alone or without a guide

      Nevertheless – although

      Toddle – move with short, unsteady steps (like a toddler)

      Waddle – walk with short, clumsy steps

      Glorious – being worthy of fame or admiration

      Spectacular – beautiful in a dramatic way

      Cosy – giving a feeling of comfort, warmth and relaxation

      Coddle – over indulge or over protect someone

      Devour – eat quickly or hungrily

      Formidable – intimidating or large

      Wonder – a feeling of amazement or admiration

      Witness – to see an event, usually a crime or accident

      Achievement – a thing done with success, effort or skill

      Fuss – a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement

      Commotion – a noisy disturbance

      Seldom – rarely, not very often

      Rarely – not very often

      Worthwhile – something that was worth the time, money or effort put into it

      Interfere – intervene in a situation without invitation

      Neon – shining brightly

      Magnificent – extremely beautiful, elaborate, or impressive

      Lush – growing well

      Azure – blue like the sky

      Aqua – blue like water

      Melancholy – sad in a pensive way

      Prosperous – rich or well off

      Knightly – like a knight

      Sacred – being related to God, worthy of worship


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Pick ten of your favourite words from the list above and write a story. The story can be about anything, but I want it to include every one of the ten words you have picked, a moment of recognition, something blue, and a moment of humour (something funny). Be prepared to share your stories in the next lesson!

    • #7415

      Summary for Lesson 2:

      Very impressive work once again this week! We had a slightly smaller class but every student responded by stepping up to the plate, resulting in an engaged and stimulating hour of discussion. This week we covered an extract from Anne of Green Gables, as well as revising last week’s vocabulary. The students responded well to the quiz on last week’s vocab, stepping up to the challenge with energy. Momentum dipped slightly when it came to working on comprehension – I would advise the students to look over the extracts before the lesson in future if possible, in order to gain the best understanding of the extract and it’s meanings.

      I encourage the students to embrace approaching an unknown word, and try their best to take a guess. Nine times out of ten they end up being correct! More focus will be given in future lessons on how to deduce the meaning of words from their context and/or their root words in order to give the students the tools to learn new vocab on their own.

      Here are the new words for this week:

      1.     Hollow – adj. empty inside; n. a hole or depression in something

      2.     Fringed – v. to form a border around something

      3.     Alder – n. a kind of tree from the birch family

      4.     Traverse – v. to travel across or through

      5.     Brook – n. a small stream

      6.     Reputed – v. to be generally regarded as having done something

      7.     Intricate – adj. very complicated or detailed

      8.     Headlong – adj. moving with the head first

      9.     Cascade – n. a small waterfall with several stages; v. to fall slowly or elegantly

      10.  Due – adj. expected or planned for a certain time

      11.  Regard – v. consider or think in a specific way

      12.  Decorum – n. behaviour in keeping with good taste

      13.  Conscious – adj. aware of one’s surroundings

      14.  Ferreted – v. to rummage about in a place in search of something

      15.  Wherefore – adv. For what reason

      16.  Thereof – adv. of that

      17.  Dint – n. a dent or hollow; a blow or stroke

      18.  Neglect – v. to fail to care for something

      19.  Capable – adj. having the ability to do a specific thing

      20.  Concern – n. anxiety or worry

      21.  Notable – adj. worthy of attention or note

      22.  Prop – n. something that holds up a structure

      23.  Abundant – adj. existing in large quantities

      24.  Awe – n. a feeling of respect, mixed with fear or wonder

      25.  Triangular – adj. resembling a triangle

      26.  Peninsula – n. a piece of land almost surrounded by water (almost an island)

      27.  Gauntlet – n. a strong or armoured glove

      28.  Myriad – n. a countless or extremely great number or variety of things

      29.  Sow – v. to plant a seed

      30.  Ought – adv. Used to indicate duty or correctness

      30. Government – A group of people with the authority to govern a country

      31. Evidence – A fact or piece of information to support a belief

      32. Arrange – Put things in a neat or attractive order

      33. Distance – The length of space between two points

      34. Persuade – Get someone to do something through argument or reasoning

      35. Opinion – A view or judgement about something, not usually based on fact

      36. Cause – Something that gives rise to an action or condition

      37. Perhaps – Used to express uncertainty or possibility

      38. Region – An area or part of a country

      39. Display – Put something in a prominent place so that it may be seen


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Write a piece of descriptive writing about a place that is the opposite of Avonlea. Include at least five antonyms for the words we have learned today.

    • #7635

      Lesson 3 Report:

      Very good work from everyone this week! The students did really well in the refresher quiz at the beginning of the lesson – it’s good to see that they are retaining so much of what we’re learning! And special shout out to those of you that joined us for the first time this week and still participated in the quiz!

      Students are beginning to gain confidence when approaching new and unfamiliar vocab, which is good to see. We also had a good discussion about the text this week, The Secret Garden, and it was very nice to hear that all of the students had either already read The Secret Garden or were convinced to do so after the lesson.

      I would just like to reiterate that it is important that the students do not have last week’s vocab list with them when we do the quiz at the beginning as it means I’m not able to properly assess their progress with retaining the words. Otherwise, a very good session!



      1.          Used to – familiar or comfortable with

      2.          Chirp – make a short, sharp, high-pitched sound

      3.          Twitter – give a call of light sounds

      4.          Bare – empty, basic or simple

      5.          Hopping – jumping on one leg; spring or leap

      6.          Pretend – behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not

      7.          Peck – (of a bird) – strike or bite something with its beak

      8.          Persuade – convince someone to do something

      9.          Tremble – shake uncontrollably

      10.       Coax – gently and persistently persuade someone to do something

      11.       Flirted – of a bird, wave or open and shut its wings quickly

      12.       Waistcoat – close fitting sleeveless jacket

      13.       Satin – a smooth and glossy fabric

      14.       Puffed – n. swollen and round in shape; v. breathe in short gasps

      15.       Grand – magnificent and imposing in appearance or size

      16.       Contrary – opposite in nature or direction

      17.       Startle – cause to feel sudden shock or alarm

      18.       Scarcely – only just; almost not

      19.       Dare – have the courage to do something

      20.       Perennial – lasting or existing for a long or infinite time; enduring

      21.       Rusty – covered in rust, a reddish flaking substance that forms on iron or steel when it gets wet

      22.    Usually – Under normal conditions; generally

      23.    Material – The matter from which a thing is or can be made

      24.    Unit – An individual thing or person

      25.    Become – Begin to be

      26.    Except – Not including; other than

      27.    Course – The route or direction followed by something, the way something progresses

      28.    Design – A plan or drawing produced to show an object before it is made; a decorative pattern; to create something

      29.    Curl – Make something or become a spiral or curved shape

      30.    Crawl – Move forward on the hands and knees

      31.Equipment – The necessary items for a particular purpose


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Pick one of the words from the vocabulary list and use it to make a title with. Then use that title to write a short story about the discovery of something unexpected.

    • #7756

      Weiya 13th Sep homework

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      • #8227

        Great work, Weiya! You’ve written a really compelling story and included a lot of the words from the vocab list accurately, although I think you could still afford to include a few more! But otherwise, very good work!

    • #7791

      Lesson 4 Report:

      Very good work from everyone involved this week! As the class was slightly diminished this week we were able to engage more fully with the text, and I was able to quiz the students more thoroughly on the vocabulary we had learned so far, as well as the new vocab this week. Discussion about the text was energetic and focused, and I was particularly impressed with the class’s performance in the refresher quiz and the opening activity where they engaged with new words.

      I would still like to see some more engagement with the comprehension questions. I would advise that the students read through the extract and do some background research before the class in order to help stimulate discussion. I would also like to see some more homework from the students so that I can properly assess their progress. But otherwise, a very good lesson!


      1.          Glow – give out a steady light

      2.          Undoubtedly – without doubt; certainly

      3.          Wisp – a small thin piece or amount of something

      4.          Vapour – a gas-like substance suspended in the air

      5.          Throb – a strong regular beat

      6.          Gallop – n. the fastest pace of a horse; v. to go at the pace of a gallop.

      7.          Rumble – make a continuous, deep and resonant sound

      8.          Unmistakable – not able to be mistaken for anything else; very distinctive

      9.          Gurgling – to make a hollow bubbling sound

      10.       Snoring – to make a grunting or snorting sound in one’s sleep

      11.       Tremendous – very large and impressive

      12.       Vast – a very great extent or quantity

      13.       Cellar – a basement room in a house, usually used for coal or wine

      14.       Enormous – very large in size or quantity

      15.       Thrumming – to make a continuous rhythmic humming sound

      16.       Coiled – arranged in a coil; curled in on itself

      17.       Crusted – having or forming a hard outer layer

      18.       Enchantment – a feeling of great pleasure or delight

      19.       Frightful – very unpleasant or shocking

      20.       Guardian – a person who protects or defends something

      21.       Crept or creep – move slowly and carefully in order to not be noticed

      22.       Menace – a person or thing that is likely to cause harm

      23.       Uneasy – causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable

      24.       Doze – sleep lightly

      25.       Draught – a currently of cool air in a room

      26.       Dim – not shining brightly or clearly

      27.       Nostrils – the holes in a nose

      28.       Lair  – a place where a wild animal lives

      29.    Development – how something grows or evolves

      30.    Guard – verb: to watch over in order to protect or control

      32.    Rough – having an uneven surface; not smooth

      33.    System – a set of things that work together in a connected way

      34.    Instrument – a tool or implement

      35.    Compel – Force someone to do something

      36.    Earnest – showing sincerity or conviction

      37.    Foe – An enemy or opponent

      38.    Hoax – a humorous or unkind deception

      39.    Insolent – Showing a rude lack of respect


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Describe an encounter with a dragon using ten of the words from the vocabulary list above, or any of their synonyms or antonyms.


    • #7883

      Dear RachelM:

      My homework for the Lesson 4-(20th September) is attached.

      Best regards,

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      • #8228

        Really fab work, Yuexi! Well done for including all of the 10 words I asked for, and you’ve used them all accurately and created an exciting story too! Good work!

    • #7937

      Lesson 5 Report:

      Had a fun and energetic lesson today, with active and focused engagement from all students, despite a couple of technical issues! We began the lesson with a round of Vocabulary Bingo which the students become very competitive in (which I was glad to see).

      We then took a look at an extract from Roald Dahl’s The Witches and discussed some comprehension questions together, which the class engaged with really well. The vocabulary list for this week is slightly shorter than previous weeks so I expect ALL students to send me a written response for homework this week! I have left some of the definitions blank as I would like the students to source definitions as part of their homework.


      1.          Ordinary

      2.          Sizzling – very hot

      3.          Plotting – secretly making plans

      4.          Territory – a piece of land owned by a person

      5.          Passion – strong and barely controllable emotion

      6.          Cashier – a person responsible for payments in a shop

      7.          Scheming

      8.          Churning – moving about vigorously (usually liquid)

      9.          Whizzing – move quickly through the air

      10.       Murderous

      11.       Bloodthirsty

      12.       Squelching

      13.       Reckon – be of the opinion

      14.       Tetchy – irritable or bad-tempered

      15.       Motto – a short sentence or phrase chosen to encapsulate certain beliefs

      16.       Stalk

      17.       Wretched

      18.       Tread – walk in a specified way

      19.       Shrivel – wrinkle and contract due to loss of moisture

      20.       Devilry

      21.       Neurotic – abnormally sensitive, obsessive or anxious

      22.       Personable – friendly and easy to get on with

      23.       Defame – damage someone’s good reputation

      24.       Ghoul – an evil spirit

      25.       Concerned – worried, troubled or anxious

      26.       Malicious

      27.       Dazzling

      28.       Scrutinise – examine or inspect closely and thoroughly

      29.       Absurdity – being unreasonable or ridiculous

      30.       Conclusive – decisive, proving something

      31.       Unfeasible – inconvenient or impractical, not possible

      32.       Quirky

      33.       Habits


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today, filling in any gaps.

      –       Write a diary entry describing an encounter with a Witch. Use 10 of the words in the list above or their antonyms or synonyms.


    • #8163

      Dear diary,

      Today I had a quirky day at school, my teacher Miss Beagle is not an ordinary person, she’s a MALICIOUS WRETCHED WITCH!

      This happened in school when she was teaching history. I was tired and drifted off to sleep in the lesson. Miss Beagle went tetchy, she took out her old wand and pointed it at me furiously but didn’t curse a spell, she became very absurd, and shouted out some rude words. I don’t know why she is being so murderous to me, she is such a bloodthirsty person. This made me feel shocked and concerned about what she might do next. I reckon she’s probably going to squish me to death under her tremendous stinky feet.

      I had a very bad expierence, it ruined my day. Hopefully tomorrow I will forget about it and have a better day.

      Your neurotic friend Weiya

      • #8229

        Very good work, Weiya! You’ve used all of the words from the vocab list accurately and appropriately here, and you’ve created a lovely diary entry too! Very nice work.

    • #8171

      Homework for Lesson 5.


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      • #8230

        Very good work, Yuexi! Well done for including all 10 of the required words, and you’ve used them in exciting ways as well! There are a few spelling and punctuation mistakes, just make sure you proof read your work before sending it, but otherwise good work!

    • #8221

      Lesson Report 6

      Very focused and energetic lesson this week! The students did very well in Vocab Bingo, and I’m glad to see that they are assimilating the vocabulary from previous weeks really well. The Matching Activity also ran smoothly, and I’m impressed with the breadth of the students’ existing vocabulary as always!

      The extract went down very well too, and the students engaged really well with the comprehension questions. The vocabulary was a little easier this week but I’m hoping this will give the students the chance to revisit and revise previous weeks’ work.


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the blanks.

      –       Imagine that you are a news reporter sent to write a report on Charlotte and her web. Write an article using ten of the words in the list above.





      1.              Immediately – straight away, now

      2.              Ceiling – the upper interior surface of a room

      3.              Previous – occurring before in time or order

      4.              Shrunk

      5.              Sac

      6.              Cocoon – a silky case spun by insects for protection

      7.              Curiously – in a strange and unusual way

      8.              Magnum Opus

      9.              Patience

      10.           Assure – tell someone something positively to dispel doubts

      11.           Masterpiece

      12.           Goslings – baby geese

      13.           Languishing

      14.           Dew

      15.           Strand – a single think length of something like a thread or wire

      16.           Dozen – twelve of something

      17.           Marvel – be filled with wonder or astonishment

      18.           Miracle – an extraordinary and welcome event that is not easily explicable and is therefore attributed to god or divine agency

      19.           Husky – low pitched and hoarse

      20.           Swollen

      21.           Hoarse – sounding rough and harsh

      22.           Carousing – to drink alcohol and enjoy yourself in a noisy and lively way

      23.           Gorge – verb; to eat a large amount greedily

      24.           Leavings – things that have been left

      25.           Ripe – (of fruit) ready to eat or harvest

      26.           Seasoned – having had salt, pepper, herbs or spices added

      27.           Acute – experienced to a severely unpleasant degree

      28.           Indigestion

      29.     Aid – Help, to help

      30.     Commence – Begin

      31.     Heroic – Having brave or determined characteristics

      32.     Maximum – The greatest amount possible

      33.     Lofty – Very high or of a noble nature

      34.     Imitate – Copy someone or something

      35.     Perilous – Full of danger or risk

      36.     Awkward – Causing difficulty; hard to deal with or unreasonable; uneasy or embarrassing

      37.     Banish – Send someone away from a place or country as punishment

      38.  Adopt – To legally take someone’s child and bring it up; to take up or follow

    • #8404

      Lesson 7 Report

      Excellent work from everyone this week! This was a really fun, energetic and focused lesson. The students did very well on Vocab Bingo and on the Opening Activity, and engaged well with this week’s extract. The extract, How to Train Your Dragon, was really well received and the students seemed to enjoy reading and talking about the content.

      1.          Hiccup – an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a gulping sound; a temporary or minor setback

      2.          Heir

      3.          Hooligan – a young and violent troublemaker

      4.          Initiation

      5.          Bleak – charmless and inhospitable; cold and miserable

      6.          Sneer – a contemptuous or mocking smile

      7.          Limpets – a marine mollusc

      8.          Glint – a small flash of light

      9.          Admittedly – used to express a concession or recognition that something is the case

      10.       Republic – a sate in which supreme power is held by the people and their representatives

      11.       Tradition

      12.       Dramatically

      13.       Scallop – an edible mollusc

      14.       Bellow – emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger

      15.       Lesser – not so great or important as the rest

      16.       Tame – not dangerous; domesticated

      17.       Solemnly – in a formal and dignified manner

      18.       Burglary

      19.       Scenic – impressive beautiful natural scenery

      20.       Loom – appear large and threatening

      21.       Dizzyingly

      22.       Cacophony

      23.       Hibernate – spend the winter in a dormant state

      24.       Ominous – giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen

      25.       Heartily – in a hearty man; loud, vigorous and cheerful

      26.       Piranhas

      27.     Barren – of land, too poor to produce much or any vegetation

      28.     Abode – A place of residence; a house or a home

      29.     Constant – Occurring continuously over a period of time

      30.     Summit – The highest point of a hill or mountain

      31.     Wound – An injury caused by a cut or blow

      32.     Wasteful – Using or expending something carelessly

      33.     Unorthodox – Contrary to what is usual, traditional or accepted

      34.     Hygienic – Being clean and sanitary, conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease

      35.     Limb – An arm or a leg of a person or animal

      36.  Origin – The point or place where something begins or is derived


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       In the first two chapters the main character, Hiccup, is confronted with a most difficult challenge and one that he must endure in the face of ridicule from several other boys. Describe a time in your own life when you (or a friend) were faced with a difficult challenge using ten words from the vocab list.

    • #8495

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Here is my homework for Lesson 6,</p>
      Thanks a lot!


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    • #8497

      Here is my homework for Lesson 7,

      Thanks a lot!


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    • #8516

      Lesson 8 Report

      We had a really fun, lively and focused lesson today, beginning with a round of Vocab Bingo. Once again the students impressed me with the amount of words they have retained from our previous lessons together. We then looked at an extract from the Chronicles of Narnia which the students seemed to enjoy. This was followed by engaged and lively discussion about the text and the effects created by the language and images used within it.

      1.          Cistern – a tank for storing water

      2.          Sloping – of a surface or line, slanting up or down

      3.          Plaster – a soft mixture of sand and cement used for spreading on walls to create a smooth surface

      4.          Smuggler – someone who trades or transports stolen goods

      5.          Rafter – a beam forming the internal framework of a roof

      6.          Various – different from one another; of different kinds or sorts

      7.          Burglar

      8.          Jolly – happy and cheerful, or ‘very’

      9.          Feeble – lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness

      10.       Game

      11.       Lantern – a lamp with a transparent case

      12.       Gang

      13.       Rot – process of decay of natural matter

      14.       Drains – a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid

      15.       Exploration

      16.       Occasion

      17.       Draught

      18.       Bolt – a bar that slides into a socket to fasten a door or window

      19.       Deserted – (of a place) empty of people

      20.       Furnished

      21.    Brief – of short duration; not lasting for long

      22.    Assistance – The action of helping someone by sharing work

      23.    Average – Of the usual or ordinary amount, standard, or rate; having qualities seen as typical of a person, group or thing

      24.    Lament – A passionate expression of grief or sorrow

      25.    Idol – A person or thing that is greatly admired

      26.    Prompt – To cause an event, action or feeling; an act of encouraging a speaker

      27.    Pasture – Land covered with grass on which animals graze.

      28.    Vanish – Disappear suddenly and completely

      29.    Superior – Higher in rank, status or quality

      30.Torment – Severe physical or mental suffering


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today.

      –       Continue the story in your own words. What do you think will happen next? Include ten of the words from the vocab list.

    • #8656

      Lesson 9 Report

      Lovely and lively lesson from everyone this week! Vocab bingo went very well, and the students are continuing to assimilate the vocabulary which is encouraging. This week we looked at an extract from Watership Down which the students handled really well. We spent much of the lesson picking apart the sense of the extract and exploring its meaning, discussing the motivations and possible outcomes of the extract.


      1.          Veteran – a person who has had long experience in a particular field; an ex-member of the armed forces

      2.          Turf – grass and the top layer of earth

      3.          Pecking – (of a bird) strike or bite something with its beak

      4.          Tussock – a small area of grass that is thicker or longer than the grass growing around it

      5.          Continual – having no interruptions

      6.          Relentless

      7.          Recall – remember

      8.          Warren

      9.          Imminent – about to happen

      10.       Doe – a female deer, hare, rabbit, rat, ferret or kangaroo

      11.       Raid

      12.       Enable – make (something) possible

      13.       Recount – tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience

      14.       Nibble

      15.       Relish

      16.       Standing – position, status or reputation

      17.       Ascent

      18.       Disadvantage

      19.       Victim

      20.       Receive – be given, presented with, or paid something

      21.       Pity

      22.       Perpetual – never ending or changing

      23.       Deliberate

      24.       Invent

      25.       Astral – relating to or resembling the stars

      26.       Collar

      27.       Sunken – at a lower level than the surrounding area

      28.   Arduous – Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring

      29.   Consent – Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something

      30.   Estimate – Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity or extent of

      31.   Debate – Argue something in a formal way

      32.   Foundation – A base or support for a structure or argument

      33.   Ignorant – Lacking knowledge or awareness; uneducated

      34.   Surprise – An unexpected or astonishing event

      35.   Ambition – A strong desire to do or achieve something

      36.   Bargain – To negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction

      37.         Complex – Not easy to understand; complicated


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the blank definitions.

      –       Continue the story in your own words. What do you think will happen next? Include ten of the words from the vocab list.

    • #8756

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Here is my homework for lesson 9.</p>
      Thanks a lot !

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    • #8881

      Lesson 10 Report

      Fun and energetic lesson this week, with very good focus demonstrated by all of the students. Vocab Bingo went very well after a few technical difficulties were sorted out, and the students enjoyed and engaged with the extract from The Chamber of Secrets, resulting in an active discussion about the segment. I continue to be confident about the students’ assimilation of the weekly vocabulary.

      1.          Spate – a large number of things coming in quick succession

      2.          Vivid

      3.          Enthusiasm – intense and eager enjoyment, interest or approval

      4.          Drench – to wet thoroughly; soak

      5.          Squelched – make a soft sucking sound when pressure is applied to mud or liquid

      6.          Preoccupied

      7.          Morose – sullen and ill-tempered

      8.          Dashing

      9.          Plumed – decorated with feathers

      10.       Torrential – falling rapidly and in very large quantities

      11.       Transparent

      12.       Elegant – graceful and stylish in appearance or manner

      13.       Airy – spacious, well lit and well ventilated; or not treating something as serious

      14.       Erupt

      15.       Fuming

      16.       Sinew – a piece of tough tissue uniting muscle to bone

      17.       Mewling – cry feebly; whimper

      18.       Skeletal

      19.       Deputy

      20.       Plastered – cover something, especially to an extent considered excessive or too much

      21.       Foul – offensive to the senses

      22.       Tapestry – a piece of thick fabric with pictures or designs weaved into it

      23.       Jowls – the lower part of the cheek, especially when it is fleshy or drooping

      24.       Aquiver

      25.   Antique – A collectable object that has a high value because of age and quality

      26.   Chaos – Complete disorder and confusion

      27.   Artful – Clever or skilful, especially in a crafty or cunning way

      28.   Coy – pretending to be shy or modest in order to attract

      29.  Derelict – In very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect

      30.   Flawless – without any imperfections or defects; perfect

      31.   Rigid – Unable to bed; not flexible

      32.   Linger – Stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave

      33.   Puncture – To make a small hole in something; a small hole in something through which air escapes

      34. Quench – Satisfy one’s thirst by drinking


      –       Revise the vocabulary we have learned today and fill in the blanks.

      –       What happens next? Continue the story in your own words, thinking in particular about the conversation that will take place between Harry and Filch. You can either write this from third or first person perspective. Use 10 words from the vocab list above.

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