
Forums 2024 Spring Courses Reading-Year34-Tue

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    • #40333
    • #40425

      Summary for Lesson 1

      In today’s class we began work on Alice in Wonderland, thinking today about how we can interpret the beginning of the book. We started by sharing our thoughts on the novel before looking at the scene where she falls down the rabbit hole, trying to get inside her head to see what she must be thinking. We read the passage and thought about whether her thoughts seemed like the ones we would have before doing some VIPERS questions on the passage. The students then made some excellent inferences about Alice from the text, before writing some amazing poetry inspired by the story. Incredible and passionate work everyone- I was so impressed today! Keep up the great work and see you next time 🙂



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    • #40430

      All is in a golden sun

      There’s a Alice sing a song


      Suddenly find a remarkable rabbit

      Falling in a rabbit

      No gravity no force

      all the story star from that


      • #40514

        Amazing poetry Yi, well done! 🙂

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    • #40442

      Alice was as bored as can be,

      then she saw a rabbit who was late tea.

      Curious and curiouser, Alice trailed the rabbit,

      with a jacket.

      She fell,

      and wondered if she was in hell.

      Down, Down, Down she went,

      Finally she stopped falling.

      With her curiosity and humour she asked if this was Australia or New Zealand.

      • #40516

        Incredible poetry Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #40481

      Alice was lying on the field,

      with her sister that was reading a book.

      Then she spotted a white rabbit that,

      sprinted past into a hole.

      Alice wondered if her eyes were tricking her,

      so she followed it .

      Down into the Earth she fell.

      After a while, she landed in a huge patch of leaves.

      Not long later, she darted through the endless corridors,

      and around the corner.

      Until she was out of sight.



    • #40482

      Alice was lying on the field,

      with her sister that was reading a book.

      Then she spotted a white rabbit that,

      sprinted past into a hole.

      Alice wondered if her eyes were tricking her,

      so she followed it .

      Down into the Earth she fell.

      After a while, she landed in a huge patch of leaves.

      Not long later, she darted through the endless corridors,

      and around the corner.

      Until she was out of sight.



      • #40551

        Wonderful work George, well done 🙂

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    • #40489

      “Alice down the rabbit hole”

      Alice grew curious and curiouser,
      as she followed the rabbit,
      who kept and kept on saying:
      “I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”

      It jumped down a rabbit hole,
      Heavens knew where it ended.

      But Alice hopped down without a doubt,
      deeper and deeper she fell.

      She saw bookcases, chairs,
      teacups and tables,
      cupboards and cups,
      books, some tables.

      She nodded off after a while,
      thinking about cats and bats.
      But she awoke with a crash,
      and the reset came tumbling down.

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      • #40553

        Incredible work Efay well done 🙂

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    • #40546

      Summary for Lesson 2

      In today’s lesson we continued work on Alice in Wonderland, thinking today about character and Lewis Carroll’s choices in the book. We began by thinking about the scene where Alice eats the cake, using this to think about what the author’s inspiration could have been, before doing some hot-seating which the class did amazingly. We then spoke about characters we found interesting and the class came up with some of their own Wonderland-inspired characters, writing conversations between them and Alice. Really creative and entertaining work everyone- you were all super imaginative and enthusiastic throughout. I loved hearing about your characters- very cool ideas all round. I can’t wait to read your stories- well done today everyone 🙂



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    • #40562

      “Can I have some of the mushroom?”  inquired Alice.
      No!” said the caterpillar hotly.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>“Eat some of mine,” the Douzevict proudly said.
      “No no! Have some of mine!” cried the caterpillar quickly. The caterpillar snatched the piece of mushroom from the Douzevict’s hands. “Eat some of this instead,” the caterpillar said with relief.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”> “Thank you.” Said the extremely pleased Alice.</p>
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>“It’s all right.” The overjoyed caterpillar said. “That guy won’t be messing with her not on my watch.” mumbled the caterpillar under his breath. Alice took the mushroom and thanked the caterpillar again.</p>

    • #40563

      Can I have some of the mushroom?”  inquired Alice.
      No!” said the caterpillar hotly.

      Eat some of mine,” the Douzevict proudly said.
      “No no! Have some of mine!” cried the caterpillar quickly. The caterpillar snatched the piece of mushroom from the Douzevict’s hands. “Eat some of this instead,” the caterpillar said with relief.

      Thank you.” Said the extremely pleased Alice.

      It’s all right.” The overjoyed caterpillar said. “That guy won’t be messing with her not on my watch.” mumbled the caterpillar under his breath. Alice took the mushroom and thanked the caterpillar again.


      • #40697

        Exhilarating work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #40606

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework for lesson 2. Have a nice day!

      Kind Regards,


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      • #40695

        Wonderful work Chenxi, well done 🙂

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    • #40608

      “Attack!” Queen of the heart said .What happened?Oh,because Alice stole Queen of the heart’s doll,they were having a battle,Queen army is poker card and Alice’s is her friend.such as cheshire cat,Hatter,Kion…

      The fight started on the grassland with tow cliffes, Both sides arranged their positionsand rush towards each other.


      After a while,Alice found herself losing and not enough people to defeat Queen of the heart,suddenly,Kion come with a solution!He said that chesnie cat and rabbit go to oppisite cliffs and rest of the army hide binhind the tree ,when poker card come,they get it sorrounded and cheshire cat and rabbit push down the rock!


      plan went sucsesful and Alice win the battle!

      • #40693

        Action-packed writing Yi, well done! 🙂

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    • #40624

      Alice was walking through the woods, hopelessly lost, when she stumbled on something. She tripped and fell on the ground, her
      sea-blue dress splayed out like a tin of custard dropped from 19 floors. She was about to get up when she spotted a red blob behind a bush. Crawling towards it, she pushed aside a few leaves. There appeared was a small cherry-red blob on top of a thin stalk. Alice gasped. The mushroom had many white spots all over it’s red blob and to her surprise, was backflipping on a larger mushroom. “Hello!” welcomed the small mushroom. “How do you do?” ” Fine thank you,” replied Alice,” Would you happen to know where the exit might be?” “Over to the left, then right, then keep on going left.” the mushroom answered. Alice thanked it and headed off

      • #40691

        Sensational work Efay, well done 🙂

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    • #40715

      Summary for Lesson 3

      In today’s lesson we finished studying Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This lesson was all about digging deeper into the text, thinking about the role of nonsense language in the book and working on dramatising the book, performing a scene from the book from a script and thinking about the conventions and effects of script writing. We also considered how to echo Lewis Carroll’s writing style in writing Mad Hatter-type nonsense insults! Everyone did brilliantly in today’s classes, particularly when acting out the script of the Caucus Race, which everyone was super passionate about. Well done guys, as ever it has been a joy to teach you all and hear your exciting ideas. Keep up the great work & see you soon 🙂

      P.S. The Caucus Race script is attached below the PPT to help you remember the script structure to help with the homework

      Mad Hatter Tea Party scene:



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    • #40724

      Dormouse fast asleep while hatter and hare awake.
      Hatter says ‘no room no room.’
      [rudely]’ have some wine’
      [honestly] ‘but there isn’t any’
      ‘are you blind? It is right there.’ the hatter took an imaginary wine bottle and poured it in his cup.
      [in a matter of fact way] now you’re just being a complete idiot.
      [with surprise] i am not you’re being a complete idiot.
      The hatter and the march hare stuffed the poor dormouse into the teapot.
      [with disgrace] this is the most stupidest tea party i have ever been to!
      Alice walked off and a few seconds later a voice called out.
      [loudly] and you’re the most stupid person i have ever met! After he shoved the dormouse inside. Never ever come back young miss or else!
      [angrily] oh will never come back to this crazy place.
      [eagerly] did you just call me crazy?
      [sharply] yes i did because you are.
      [heart broken] waaaa waaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa!
      [with disgust] stop you’re moaning you know you’re crazy and admit it. Thats pathetic crying over something that you know you are. Notgooday to you mr hatter.
      [full of fire] bye you stupid, horrid girl. I will never see you again.

      • #40739

        Lovely work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #40760

      Dear Beth

      This is my homework.

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      • #40868

        Fab work George well done 🙂

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    • #40774

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework for Lesson 3. See you next week and goodnight!

      Kind Regards,



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      • #40870

        Marvellous work Chenxi, well done 🙂

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    • #40785

      Here is the homework for lesson three. Have a good day!

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      • #40872

        Incredible work Efay, well done 🙂

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    • #40792

      (Seen start,Mad Hatter and March Hare sit on one corner of the table ,Dormouse fall asleep)

      (when Alice come)

      Hatter/March Hare:“No room,no room !”

      Alice,”There’s plenty of room !”

      March Hare,”Have some wine!”

      Alice:(Questioned)”I don”t see any.”

      March Hare , (laugh)“There isn’t any!”

      Alice (Angrily)”Then it wasn’t very clivil of you to offer it!’

      March Hare,“It wasn’t very clivil of you to sit without being invited.”

      Alice,”I didn’t know it was your table,it’s laid for great many move than three.”

      Hatter ,”your hair want cuting .”

      Alice , “you shoudn’t make personal remark, it’s very rude!”

      Hatter,”Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

      March Hare,”Do you mean that you think you can answer to it?”

      Alice,”Exactly so !”

      March Hare,”Then you should say what you mean .”

      Alice,”I do,at least-at least I mean what I say-that’s the same thing, you know!”

      Hatter,”Not the same thing a bit , you might just as well say that’ I see what I eat ‘is same as ‘I eat what I see’!”

      Dormouse:(added)”You midgt just as well say that’ I breath when I sleep ‘is the same as ‘ I sleep when I breath!”

      Hatter,”It’s the same thing with you!”

      (conversation dropped , and the party sat silent for a minute.)




      • #40902

        Great work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #40879

      wheres is the just william?


      • #40880

        Hey Oliver- it was meant to upload but deleted itself – will reupload now

    • #40881

      Summary for Lesson 4

      In today’s class we began work on Just William thinking about the historical context of the story. We began by discussing how we felt about the book before looking at when we thought the book was written. We learned about what life was like for children in the 1920s, 30s and 40s and the class asked some excellent historical questions about that period in time. Finally we spoke about the sexism in the book towards Violet Elizabeth and discussed what we would say to the Outlaws about it. Wonderful and exciting work today everyone- you were all super engaged and passionate today which was fantastic to see. Well done and see you next week 🙂

      History video we watched:



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    • #40918

      Just william book review
      Overall the book was great. The question is how did it come from almost a century ago and still popular today. I never knew this book until now. I like don’t like when girls are treated differently from now and that is sexist. I like about how it was a long time ago and it didn’t do like 1890s like other books. It was an outstanding book though but pretty good

      ***** (five stars)

      • #41049

        Super work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #40924

      My Just William book review
      I thought that the book was very humorous and funny because of the outlaws trying to do things and coming up with mischievous ideas. I also liked the way that the author wrote it was very clever as all the children are naughty but act a bit like adults.
      My favourite part was in the chapter The Show because they were like adults. William is also extremely clever only when he is naughty. Overall it was a very nice book and I enjoyed it a lot!

      • #41051

        Great work Efay, well done 🙂

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    • #40955

      Just William was really funny and great,and William is a great character, I really love it because it was very clever languageand very fun!

      William is 11 years oldand he live in a family called Browns. He has a sister called Ethel, a brother named Robetand parent Mr and Mrs Brown.

      The story inside Just William is so fun, for example William think the superiority of quantity over quality.

      I think Just William is a good book because it makes you laugh.

      • #41053

        Wonderful work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #41028

      Summary for Lesson 5

      In today’s class we carried on our work on Just William, thinking about characters and what makes them funny in this story. We started out by discussing our favourite characters before listening to the story being read by Martin Jarvis, thinking about how VIolet Elizabeth is presented. The class came up with some amazing characters of their own that would either be friends or enemies of William before writing and performing some incredible Just William-inspired conversations. Incredible, lively, and really entertaining work everyone- I can’t wait for our lesson next week where we’ll get to expand all of your fantastic comedy ideas. Keep up the fab job 🙂

      Homework video:

      Here is the audiobook link we listened to (remember to find more to listen to if you enjoyed of Martin Jarvis reading the Just William stories!):



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    • #41227

      Summary for Lesson 6

      In today’s class we finished our work on Just William, thinking about comedy and humour in the book. We began by discussing the homework before the class came up with some amazing Just William adventures of their own. We thought about what makes something funny and listened to a radio play recording of one of the Just William stories, discussing why it made us laugh. Next, we thought about how Richmal Crompton thinks kids should live their lives and they wrote some fantastic persuasive letters to a made-up adult from the perspective of one of the Outlaws outlining all the things kids should be allowed to do, which they did amazingly, creating some hilarious responses. Really captivating and entertaining work everyone, well done and see you next week 🙂

      Video we watched:



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    • #41262

      William can’t we just bully Jeffery Parker because he is so attractive!’ grunted Mr John Buff. ‘What your feeling is jealousy John,’ said William cooly.
      ‘I am soooooooooo angry right now!!!!’ raged Mr John Buff.
      ‘Why?’ inquired William.
      ‘Why?Why? First of all you called be my first name not mr, second you won’t let me breaksit Jeffery Parker!!!!!’
      ‘O-’ began William.
      ‘I am not finished!’ screamed Mr John Buff. ‘I challenge you to fight me in an intergalactic space battle! If I win I will haunt you for the rest of your life!’
      ‘Finished?’ said Willaim.
      ‘Yes.’ replied Mr John Buff.
      ‘Hopefully you did know that I was  filming the whole thing,’ said William pointing to his smartphone. ‘Now send.’ said William ‘On Instagram,’ said William smiling ear to ear.

      The next day
      ‘The whole school burst into laughter the next morning and it wasn’t even 10:00 am! ‘What a loser!’ sniggered Jeffery Parker. ‘Nice imagination ‘Mr’ said Jeffery Parker.

      • #41415

        Incredible work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #41279

      “Look at this !” said William exitedly,“a map!”

      “Can we go on a trip to rich ? with this map?”said Ginger

      “Ginger, stop thinking of moneys!”“I think jwels is better!”

      Then, they went on a trip When they arrive the last landmark on the map, a bridge accros a river.

      “I think I can go accros the river first!”

      “Oh, I don’t think so , I think I can go accros first!”“Let’s have a race”

      “I agree, on your mark,get set,go!”

      And they had a race.



      Weird sillent.

      “Oh no!” souted Willian, touching his pocket,“I think I drop the map in to the river!”

      “How dare you broken my rich dream!” grombled Ginger.

      “You said to race in the first place!”screamed Willian






      • #41417

        Fantastic work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #41295

      I think there is gold on the top of every mountain in the world, “thought William, “I also think if we can get rich and afford a better house to live in.”

      After a moment, William set off to find shiny gold in a wooden, thick and locked chest inside a frozen, freezing and dangerous cave.

      Up he climbed high up into the touchless, foggy and cotton wool like clouds.

      Finally, he reached the peak of the mount. Rocks had been falling down to the ground full of pointy spikes. William quietly sneaked into the dark, scary cave but then suddenly he got chased out by a scary mythical monster.

      Actually, there was no hidden treasure in sight instead that secret was actually not true. “Now how do we get down there…”

      • #41419

        Exquisite work George, well done 🙂

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    • #41433

      Summary for Lesson 7

      In today’s lesson we began our study of Clockwork by Philip Pullman. The powerpoint with all the resources is attached below, which should be used to help the students with their homework. The powerpoint contains all our work on the genre of the story, thinking about the genres of mystery and fairytales in-depth, our work thinking about how the dark fairytales of the Brothers Grimm relate to this book & the idea of bad behaviour being punished in the novel. Everyone worked wonderfully today, really amazing thoughts on the genre and style of this book guys! Keep up the fantastic ideas and see you next week 🙂

      Here is the Grimm’s vs. Disney video we watched:

      Here is the mystery genre video:

      Here is an interview with the author where he says he thinks the book is a fairytale:



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    • #41435

      The moral of the story (in my opinion) is that you can go into imaginary worlds in books but not in real life. I think this because it’s about clocks and in reality, clocks just tell the time. Also, just like we said in class, clocks are quite fascinating if it is compared to a table. My thought is that probably the author (Phillp Pullman) was interested by clocks since they were getting more advanced by the century. So, don’t go around diving around in rabbit holes because you will never get anywhere. My moral is basically don’t go get to sucked into the book or you won’t realize what is going on in the real world.

      • #41504

        Great ideas Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #41472

      The moral of The clockwork is it will be not real in the real life. Because clock can only tell time.

      Probably auther love the clock and the book is wrote in 1 january 1996.

      So , don’t go anywhere that set in the book otherwise you won’t notice what going on.


    • #41479

      Dear Beth,

      I think the moral of the story is that you should say your best idea to other people. Otherwise, when you change your mind, it might be too late and bad things might have happened. It is just like Karl said yes for the knight.

      Kind Regards,


      • #41506

        Wonderful ideas Chenxi, well done 🙂

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    • #41518

      Summary for Lesson 8

      In today’s class we carried on with Clockwork, thinking about persuasion and Faustian pacts. We began by thinking about which characters were interesting in the story before learning about the story of Dr Faustus and how it links to the book (selling your soul). We discussed which character does this in the story and the class then wrote some amazing persuasive speeches to Karl from the novel persuading him either to make the pact or not and using some persuasive language too. They then wrote a poem from Karl’s perspective and conducted made-up interviews with him after he takes the deal, thinking about whether he would regret it. Really fun and creative work today everyone, super cool ideas throughout our lesson today and I was super impressed by your persuasion skills and your incredible poetry! Keep up the amazing work and see you next week 🙂



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    • #41540

      Karl deserved his fate because he done the right thing by saying ‘no’ to become a awesome clockmaker. I think this as he shouldn’t have done what Dr Kalmenius wanted him to do so that answers both questions that Karl deserved his fate and if Dr Kalmenius is good/bad. Dr Kalmenius is evil.

      • #41632

        Fantastic work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #41574

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework. I hope that you like it!


      Is Dr Kalmenius evil or a genius?

      I think that Dr Kalmenius is evil because l think that he had a plan to kill Karl by trying to give him Sir Ironsoul. But he is also a genius because he knows how to make so many clockwork things like the prince that was made out of clockwork. So I think that he is an evil genius.

      Seeyou next week Beth!

      Kind Regards,


      • #41630

        Super work Chenxi well done 🙂

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    • #41577

      I think Dr Kalmenius is evil because Dr. Kalmeneius plan to use sir ironsoul to kill Karl , then,he offers Karl a clockwork figure called Sir Ironsoul which after, Sir Ironsoul killed Karl .

      • #41628

        Some fab thoughts Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #41638

      Summary for Lesson 9 

      In today’s class we finished work on Clockwork discussing the role of time in the novel and linking this to some creative activities. We began by thinking about a famous quote from the book and what techniques it uses, using this to discuss the theme of creativity. We then thought ‘what is scary about time’ in the novel and spoke about the notion of people being mechanical quoted by Pullman in the book. We discussed the book’s title and lastly we planned out some dark fairytales which the class did beautifully. Great ideas throughout class today everyone, very impressive work! Keep it up and see you next week, well done 🙂



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    • #41662

      My made-up character is Mr Clocky Wocky.
      He has a face of a clock and is missing a minute hand due to a car crash. He has a fine shiny, steel body with gold spray paint encrusted on him. He has these leather gloves around his hands to fix clocks. The legs are different though…
      The legs are a slim aluminium piece that is moveable and contractable. But if have you been wondering; ‘How did he survive the car crash?’ this is the important question he has an almost turtle shell kind a mechanism to protect him from hard impact.  But if you were wondering he has a round body just like a clock. His legs have this special pouch to store clocks. He has digital, 24-hour and analogue clocks.

    • #41663

      My made-up character is Mr Clocky Wocky.
      He has a face of a clock and is missing a minute hand due to a car crash. He has a fine shiny, steel body with gold spray paint encrusted on him. He has these leather gloves around his hands to fix clocks. The legs are different though…
      The legs are a slim aluminium piece that is moveable and contractable. But if have you been wondering; ‘How did he survive the car crash?’ this is the important question he has an almost turtle shell kind a mechanism to protect him from hard impact.  But if you were wondering he has a round body just like a clock. His legs have this special pouch to store clocks. He has digital, 24-hour and analogue clocks.

      • #41781

        Splendid work Oliver, well done 🙂

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    • #41695

      My character is called sir clock .

      His brain is made of gears, that makes him very smart, he always comes up with a good idea!

      He can live without eat or sleep so he is a great guard and he is a good guy.

      He is also a world known clockmaker, he is very good at it , it’s like he’s business.

      He  works very hardly so he is also a good friend.



      • #41783

        Very cool work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #41696

      My character is named Mr Clock face.

      He is powered by gears that you have to wound up to make it work.

      He has a clock on his face that ticks all the time.

      Whenever it is noon or midnight it starts speaking something out of its mouth.

      He is always friendly too people when they pass by.

      He is also very intelligent at time when he was just 3 years old.


      • #41785

        Superb work George, well done 🙂

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    • #41727

      My character is a clock called ‘The backwards winding clock”. Instead of the hands moving clock-wise like a normal clock, the hands move backward in time. However, whenever something bad has happened or is about to happen near the clock, the hour hand moves to the number 3 whilst the minute hand points at number 12 for bloody murder, number 6 for suicide, and number 9 for death by natural causes.
      The clock is also known as ‘The Death Clock’ for its predicting of death. It was going to be used in the clock tower but it was replaced last minute due to public superstitions that the clock could bring bad luck.

      • #41787

        Magnificant work Efay, well done 🙂

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    • #41805

      Summary for Lesson 10 

      In today’s lesson we began work on Charlotte’s Web, thinking about the story and how we felt about it. We began by discussing the book before looking at the themes of the story and how they are reflected in the trailer for the film. We talked about a quotation about what the book is all about, brainstormed theme ideas and the class designed some beautiful front covers and blurbs for the novel. Lastly we looked at some key quotes from the story and a P.E.E. example of theme analysis. Well done today class, great ideas and some wonderfully creative work overall. See you next week 🙂

      Trailer link:



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    • #41829

      I wanted to write this absolutely fabulous fantasy book because pigs, they’re not in the main subject of what people are talking about. Thats why I want to base the story about pigs. I just wanted to make this book a happy ending with humour also added into it. I was the youngest of the 6 siblings. So, I thought to myself, if I am the smallest one than this pig could be the smallest one just like me. Well, Wilbur he was the runt (the smallest) out of his brothers and sisters and so was I. But Wilbur prevented being bacon thanks to Charlotte. Like all main characters they all need a sidekick; Batman, Superman, Ironman etc but if Wilbur done it so can I. I wrote the book just like Wilbur not becoming bacon so me and Wilbur have something in common, We’re the smallest sibling and we can do great things.

      • #41935

        Wonderful work Oliver- well done 🙂

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    • #41846

      This book is so famous because the friendship between the pig and spider.

      nobody know why except then , it’s also because the kind between Fern and Wilbur .

      All the things happened in a farm of story ,the story between humans and animals.

      I love it because it’s a lovely story.



      • #41937

        Thoughtful work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #41952

      Summary for Lesson 11

      In today’s class we continued work on Charlotte’s Web thinking about quotations, themes and the story behind the book. We learned about the author’s life ad how he based bits on real life, discussed some key quotes and why they were important and thought about which character we’d like to play and why. The class wrote some creative sections from the book, thought about why the ending is so sad and thought of their own endings. Wonderful and thoughtful work everyone- you were all fantastic today! Keep it up and see you next week 🙂



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    • #41978

      I think, if she knew how  humans could be played and regretted turning Wilbur into bacon, Charlotte needed to make the pig special in some sort of way. That’s why she done the webs. Their intention was to eat Wilbur at Christmas, so Charlotte prevented this from happening and the humans, in their head would say to themselves, This pig is special, i am not going to eat it.

      • #42057

        Lovely work Oliver well done 🙂

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    • #41989

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework. I hope that you have a wonderful time and see you next week! Bye!

      Kind Regards,


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      • #42059

        Ahh thank you Chenxi!

        Dazzling work this week, well done 🙂

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    • #41992

      I think that human don’t eat Wilbur because Wilbur stnd out from other normal pig.

      Because wilbur is a famous and terrific pig ,so every day , lot of people will come to visit him,

      then , the farm will become famous.



      • #42061

        Super work Yi, well done 🙂

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    • #42045

      Summary for Lesson 12

      In today’s class we finished our work on Charlotte’s Web thinking about using our inference skills to learn more about all the characters and how they are presented. We started by reading a passage about Charlotte trying to save Wilbur, and analysed the words she used to describe him. We then spoke about different ways of using inference skills, applying this to descriptions of the characters. Finally the class thought about questions for Wilbur, doing some amazing hot-seating and discussing the way he might feel. We then learned some persuasive techniques and the students wrote some amazing persuasive sentences from Charlotte’s perspective; fabulous work everyone, well done for all your amazing acting as Wilbur and the spiderlings, and for your enthusiasm and dedication throughout all our classes together. It has been so much fun teaching you- excellent work and see you in the next course 🙂

      P.S. It won’t let me change it on the PPT but the homework is due Sunday 21st July (not August)



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    • #42079

      WILBUR SHOULDN’T BE EATEN because he is just a little innocent pig, he doesn’t deserve to die. Even though, he is the smallest doesn’t mean he is the weakest like E.B White he was the smallest of 6 and he wrote this book and i think this pig could do very great things, he won’t even be yummy so what is the point of murdering him? Also, if you kill him it will murder.


      • #42134

        Compelling work Oliver, well done 🙂

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