Forums Harry Potter Series LETTER TO CORNELIUS FUDGE

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    • #9415

      Dear Cornelius Fudge,

      Greetings, I Callisto Azure Fortaine assist of witness and defence duty for Harry James Potter hereby may like to reason with you. You might throw this letter away immediately after you read my introduction but minister i do have lots of reasons to share with you and you may throw this away as you please after you finish it. First, i would like to know why do you choose this percise time to throw a throttle at Mr.Potter, why not 3 years ago when you witnessed him doing magic in muggle sight, why not then? Why now?

      If you may listen and shut your big fat mouth up and listen to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore explain all the dutys that you have on your shoulders right now then listen to a fat short toad woman poisoning your brain giving you out of mind advice, one day she would tell you to jump off a building. So i may want to let you know, no matter whatever you do there isn’t a way to get rid of Harry Potter unless you kill him with the unforgivable curse.

      Mark my words



      Callisto Azure Fortaine

      Assist witness and defence duty

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