- This topic has 70 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated April 25, 2021 by
at 13:47 #12003
Keymaster -
at 20:17 #12057
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 1
In our first lesson together, we focused on descriptive writing, thinking about the three fundamental building blocks: high level vocab, literary techniques and sensory language. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the descriptive pieces assigned for homework. It also contains some really important and helpful links on Slide 11 such as the online thesaurus and vocab lists, the inspiration for the gorgeous work the class did on up-levelling their vocab to an even more vivid and sophisticated level, and finally our discussions on sensory language, creating atmosphere, avoiding cliche and using unique and original literary techniques to grab the reader’s attention. The class worked really well in today’s lesson, and I was particularly impressed by the vocab and sensory language they were using. Futhermore, the unique and unusual examples of figurative language the students came up with were really gorgeous. I loved hearing their thoughts on cliche and less exciting vocab, and thought that they were extremely adept at critiquing and improving on their own work. I was also very impressed by their work on sensory language and how it can be used to paint a scene and create atmosphere. Outstanding work today everyone, keep it up and I will see you all next week ! 🙂
P.S. Here is the video about descriptive writing if you’d like to revise it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSoRzTtwgP4&feature=emb_title
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at 20:57 #12091
Participanthello Beth,
Here is my homework for the second picture:
Thank you 😀
at 23:11 #12286
at 17:30 #12134
ParticipantDear Beth,
I loved this week’s lesson, it was splendid!🎈😀
Here is my homework,
Have a wondrous week!🎇🎉🎄🎀🎢🎪
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at 11:52 #12291
at 17:42 #12136
at 20:31 #12188
ParticipantHere is my homework, thank you. ; )
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at 12:13 #12295
at 10:10 #12233
ParticipantDear Beth,
How are you. Your lesson is fabulous! Thank you.
Here is my homework. It is attached below.
I can’t wait to see you again.
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at 12:39 #12304
at 15:01 #12241
ParticipantDear Beth,
Please find attached my homework.
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at 12:58 #12306
at 22:16 #12348
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 2
In our second lesson together, we focused on narrative writing, thinking about the different stages to writing a narrative story that we could use to create compelling and capitvating stories. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the narrative stories assigned for homework. It also contains the step-by-step process of story-planning, focusing on the seven elements of narrative writing such as plot, point of view, symbolism and theme. We completed work on how to hook the reader- for which the students came up with loads of amazing ideas such as the technique of dramatic irony and in media res. I was super impressed by everyone’s work today, they planned some incredible story frameworks and worked with advanced concepts such as themes and symbolism beautifully. I also thought their interpretation of the ideas from the GCSE video was really superb. Well done everyone! I really look forward to reading all your stories, the ideas you have for them sound amazing. Keep up the fab work guys! 🙂
P.S. Here are the videos I mentioned that you should watch if you have some spare time:
Symbolism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR9VbSXxouM&feature=youtu.be
Pacing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krpMNLRhM_4&feature=youtu.be
The video from the beginning of the lesson (the GCSE one): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee-3qumk6E0&feature=youtu.be
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at 20:52 #12374
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for the lesson, here is the link to my homework;
Thank you 😀
at 11:52 #12511
at 20:26 #12403
ParticipantDear Beth,
Your lessons are always fantastic! I can’t wait to see you next week. Here is my homework attached below.
Thank you.
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at 12:21 #12515
at 06:23 #12454
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for the marvellous lesson.
Have an energetic week!
Here is my homework.
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at 12:59 #12517
at 18:27 #12538
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for another fantastic class. Sorry I am in a rush and might be late to submit the homework. Hope it is ok.
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at 21:58 #12556
at 16:18 #12591
ParticipantDear Beth,
Here is my homework. sorry for the lateness.
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at 10:37 #12750
at 18:07 #12603
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 3
In our final creative writing lesson, we focused on emotive writing, thinking about how to use language to evoke an emotional response from the reader and play on their heartstrings. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the diary entries assigned for homework. It also contains our work on the importance of word choice and connotations to evoke emotion, thinking about how to use adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs to subtly suggest ideas to the reader, and our work on character creation, looking at how to get inside the psyche of a fictional character. We used a diary entry from Captain Robert Scott as inspiration, analysing his language and interpreting the emotions on display, and thought more generally about the conventions of diary writing, the details of which are on Slide 11. Finally, we thought about the way in which humans speak about their emotions figuratively, and the consequent importance of figurative language and literary techniques in emotive writing. The class were absolutely fantastic today, they were brimming with lots of amazing ideas and contributions. They dealt with the themes of Scott’s diary with amazing maturity, considering some really difficult emotions that Scott presents the reader with and reflecting this in their own work. They also all did some beautiful work on switching between language designed to evoke sympathy and language designed to evoke anger and presented some really gorgeous emotive work. Really well done everyone, you were an absolute pleasure to teach today, as always. I really look forward to reading the emotive diary entries you come up with- keep up the amazing work!
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at 21:21 #12734
ParticipantHello Beth,
Thank you for the amazing lesson 😀 Here is the link to my homework:
Thank you 😀
at 12:53 #12881
at 14:57 #12861
ParticipantDear Beth, Please see the homework. Thanks.
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at 17:51 #12901
at 18:50 #12864
at 18:16 #12904
at 21:27 #12869
ParticipantDear Beth,
Sorry about the delay. Today, I’m having a music theory exam so I didn’t have much time to squeeze it into the deadline. Here is my homework for this weeks’s lesson.
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at 11:59 #13768
at 05:07 #12930
ParticipantDear Beth,
I sent in my homework on Monday, but I have just found out that it isn’t on the website, I am not sure whether it was because of technical problems, sorry for the delay. I have attached it again to this message, thank you.
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at 12:27 #13774
at 20:17 #12982
at 12:24 #13003
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 4
In today’s lesson we completed our creative writing mock exam, spending the first ten minutes of the lesson to quickly revise the core components of the three types of creative writing we have studied: descriptive writing, narrative writing and emotive writing. We also looked at some top tips for exam practice, and thought a bit about planning and time management. The class then spent twenty minutes completing their writing, using an additional five minutes to plan. They all worked in a really focused, interested and mature way today and all seemed to have prepared wonderfully for the exam. They also then self-evaluated their work fantastically, thinking about what went wells and even better ifs and then thinking more deeply about whether they had included all the necessary elements such as literary techniques and advanced vocab. We planned a story together as a class which will hopefully help the students think about the different ways in which they can use the planning process to their advantage, and also thought a bit about tips for remembering advanced vocab. Really brilliant work today everyone, I am very excited to read and mark your exams. Keep up the focus and enthusiasm you all show so beautifully in our lessons together! 🙂
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at 16:48 #13797
at 17:24 #13861
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 5
In our first essay writing lesson together, we focused on persuasive writing, thinking about building on the students’ knowledge of persuasive writing and thinking about advanced techniques. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the persuasive letters assigned for homework. It also contains our thoughts on the conventions of formal letter writing, the persuasive techniques thought up by the students and our work on creating an argument using logos, pathos and ethos. We spoke about authoratative voice and how to build it, and also looked at and marked example pieces of persuasive writing- all of which is on the powerpoint. Everyone worked to a super high standard today, I really enjoyed hearing all of their examples of persuasive techniques that they produced and thought that their understanding of the philosophical elements of argument was fantastic. They also all performed brilliantly in the mini-test on persuasive devices- really well done guys! As ever, I am really impressed with all of your work. Keep it up and I look forward to reading your persuasive letters! 🙂
A video in case you’d like to do some persuasive techniques revision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRVOLqvXNmg
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at 15:07 #13991
ParticipantDear Beth,
I loved your lesson this week. Here is my homework. I can’t wait to see you next week.
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at 08:32 #14199
at 15:13 #14064
ParticipantDear Beth,
Happy Easter!! I hope the Spring sunshine will always shine upon you!🤩🎇
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at 09:49 #14201
at 06:02 #14129
at 20:03 #14242
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 6
In our second essay writing lesson together, we focused on argumentative writing, thinking about how to build logical and watertight arguments using a seven-step format. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the argumentative essays assigned for homework. It also contains our thoughts on how to structure a piece of argumentative writing, our work on logos, ethos and pathos, a check-list for how to ensure your argument is successful (slide 6) and our thoughts on the types of evidence that can be used in a piece of argumentative writing. Everyone worked well today; I really enjoyed hearing their ideas on how to structure and form water-tight arguments, and thought that their understanding of the key differences between persuasive and argumentative writing was superb. Well done everyone, keep up the fab work and I look forward to reading your arguments! 🙂
Here is the video from class if you would like to revise the key elements of writing to argue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA5yIXCX4iA
Here is an extension video to watch if you have time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKEhdsnKKHs
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at 17:18 #14312
ParticipantDear Beth,
I really loved your class. Here is my homework. See you next week!
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at 22:24 #14475
at 21:31 #14336
ParticipantHi Beth,
Thank you for the lesson.
Here is the link to my writing:
Thank you 😀
at 22:35 #14477
at 07:43 #14341
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for such a marvellous lesson! Have a splendid Spring!!!
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at 22:48 #14479
at 11:02 #14506
ParticipantDear Beth,
here is my homework.
Sorry for the lateness
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at 13:57 #14696
at 16:14 #14513
ParticipantDear Beth,
Please find attached my homework. Thank you!
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at 14:09 #14701
at 13:43 #14540
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 7
In our final essay writing lesson together, we focused on informative writing, thinking about how to write informatively in the context of newspaper writing. The powerpoint with all of the resources is attached below, which should be used to help write the articles assigned for homework. It also contains our thoughts on how to structure a newspaper, how to create an eye-catching and effective headline, the students’ ideas about the important features of newspaper writing, and their thoughts on who their role models are and why. On the final few slides, there are also some really great examples of articles written on different people’s heroes from The Guardian, which will be super helpful to the students when it comes to writing their homework. Really well done for your work today everyone, it was fantastic hearing all of your ideas on who is your personal hero and why. I was also super impressed by your knowledge on the purpose of different structural features of newspapers, and how engaged you all were throughout our lesson. Well done everyone, have a lovely week! 🙂
Here is the video on newspaper writing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flq29zwRrZA&t=59s
I’ve attached some templates below to use for homework (or you can create your own)
P.S. Remember to revise for our exam next week!
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at 16:02 #14549
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for teaching me so many skills!
See you next week😀
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at 21:44 #14806
at 21:10 #14595
ParticipantDear Beth,
Thank you for the fabulous lesson, Here is the link to my writing:
Thank you 🙂 🙂
at 22:01 #14808
at 14:00 #14654
ParticipantHere is my homework, thank you
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at 22:14 #14810
at 18:48 #14666
ParticipantDear Beth,
Please find attached below my homework. Thank you.
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at 22:26 #14812
at 14:08 #14699
ParticipantDear Beth
Here is my homework.
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at 22:50 #14814
at 13:16 #14865
ParticipantSummary for Lesson 8
In today’s lesson we completed our essay writing mock exam, spending the first ten minutes of the lesson to quickly revise the core components of the three types of essay writing we have studied: persuasive writing, argumentative writing and informative writing. We also looked at some language techniques in advance of the exam, and thought a bit about planning and time management. The class then spent twenty minutes completing their writing, using an additional five minutes to plan. They also then self-evaluated their work fantastically, thinking about what went wells and even better ifs. Everyone worked beautifully in today’s lesson, I really enjoyed hearing all their thoughts on their work and thought that their summaries and understanding of the three types of essay writing was outstanding. I have been so impressed with all of you over the last few weeks and really look forward to reading your exams. You should all be very proud of the work you have done in our lessons together, it has been a pleasure to teach you! Well done everyone, and I hope to see you all again soon in the future 🙂
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at 11:36 #15076
at 19:41 #15107
ParticipantHi, I re-edited my exam writing.
Here it is,
Thank you.
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at 22:22 #15223
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