9-11 M1

Forums Reading Club 9-11 9-11 M1

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    • #10447

      War Horse

      Lesson Plan


      Lesson Plan

      Tom’s Midnight Garden

      Lesson Plan


      Lesson plan 

      The Call of the Wild

      Lesson Plan

      Pigheart Boy

      Thief Lord

      The Secret Garden

      The Little Prince

      Watership Down

    • #10450

      Well done today, everyone! Some really brilliant discussion where I learnt a lot from your thoughts and wider knowledge about the time period. Attached is the PowerPoint from today’s lesson- the last two slides outline the homework, where the final slide explains how to form a PEE paragraph. If you have any questions, feel free to jot them down on your homework and I can answer them. Have a great week everyone, and good luck with the homework 🙂

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    • #10658

      What is the most effective and well written scene? Write a persuasive essay talking about it.

      Warhorse is a fantastic masterpiece written by the well-known author Michael Morpurgo, and it has a lot of interesting scenes where different and thrilling events happen. But which one of them had been the most effective and well-written scene? If you want to know what I think is the best scene, then read on!
      I think that the most well-written part is when Joey, the horse, was training to become a farm horse. It was Joey’s start to becoming a better and more useful horse, thus leading towards the following events of Captain Nicholls making him a war horse and so on. This event was the start of Joey’s new life, and if this has not happened, then Captain Nicholls couldn’t have heard about him, and if that had happened, the life Joey is supposed to live is wiped out. Also, this is almost like a preparation for the tough army training, making him stubborn and buff. If he has not worked out his body before joining the army, he could die of exhaustion, and I would not like that. This is why I thought that was the most important part of the story.
      This part is the start of a new life for Joey, and it all leads to a amazing journey that will make him a complete different horse.

      • #10806

        Attached is your homework- well done, Jamie! 🙂

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    • #10808

      War Horse is an marvelous book written by Michael Morpurgo. What is your favorite scene in the book? It is hard for me to decide which scene is the most effective and well-written, but I would choose the scene of Emilie’s grandfather at and after the auction. Let me explain to you why I think this is the most effective and well-written scene!
      Joey’s owner, Albert, was forced to sell Joey, so he raised money from the army in order to buy Joey at the auction. But, a mysterious old man bought Joey for 28 pounds. In the conversation after the auction, Albert discovered the man’s granddaughter once owned Joey during the war, but she passed away. The old man promised her he will find Joey, and take care of him. Fortunately, the old man trusted Albert, so he can take Joey back.
      I think this scene is effective and well-written because it associated the two owners of Joey, Albert and Emilie’s grandfather. This detailed scene is touching and emotional, because the author described the scene vividly. Emilie’s grandfather’s speech is the icing on the cake. That is not the only impact this scene made. It also made the ending clear for the readers. If the reader is still having doubts about who’s the owner of Joey, the upcoming scenes can’t even happen.
      That is why I think this is the most effective and well-written scene. It is detailed, descriptive and moving, and it leaves the readers a heart-warming impression of this book. It is an indispensable scene that played a key role.




      • #10814

        Attached is a marked copy of your homework- very well done, Jonathan!

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    • #10809

      War Horse Lesson 1 essay


      In War Horse, I think the most important part is when Joey and his horse gets caught by the Germans. The reason why I say this, is because no matter what story it is or what part you’re at, maybe you’re at a part and you’re like “Oh wow, this part where superman punches the monster’s head off must be the most important”, or “Oh wow, this part where the firefighter saves the mayor from that burning building must be the most important”. But as great as that part can be, sometimes the important things are the bad things. You see, the most important part is the problem. If there wasn’t a problem, none of the story would actually happen.


      Another reason why I say that the most important part of a story is always the problem, is because that is the part that keeps the reader reading. Here’s an example. A story without a problem might sound like this: “Today I drove to the shopping mall, bought some cookies, bananas, and apples, and I drove back home”. That isn’t actually a story. That’s telling someone exactly what happened. A real story would sound like this: Today I drove to the shopping mall, bought some cookies, bananas, and apples. But on the way home, I crashed into another car! I called the police instantly, and before I knew it, ……”. That keeps the reader wanting more. That is a story.


      Usually, the bigger the problem, the better the story. From my point of view, the reason why more people prefer reading fantasy novels, or historical fiction novels to reading realistic fiction novels is because Fantasy and HF novels have a bigger problem. RF book problems are usually something like getting really embarrassed at school, or having family problems, whereas Fantasy and HF novels have from dark, evil magic to bombs and wars.


      That is why the most important part of War Horse is Joey and his horse getting captured by the Germans.

      • #10816

        Attached is a marked copy of your homework- great writing, Lucas 🙂

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    • #10810

      I think that War Horse is a pretty good book because it tells the story by the point of view of a horse. So, in the story there is no standing on sides or thinking which side is better because it is seen by a horse. Horse do not take sides or think who is better. So, if the story is told by a horse, we readers could just pass as onlookers, not really picking sides. There are a lot of important scenes in War Horse, but I think the most effective event in the whole story for me is when Joey made friends with Topthorn.  For one thing if Topthorn did not befriend him, Joey would not have the will to survive. Topthorn gave Joey many things like hope, courage, and friendship.

      First of all, Topthorn gave Joey hope when he was not believing in himself. Because of the hope, Joey started to trust himself and finally made it back to Albert. Joey might be very scared and would not know what to do If Topthorn did not comfort him. Without the hope Joey would just think that anything is impossible, and then he would give up.

      Secondly, Joey got courage from Topthorn’s friendship. Because of meeting Topthorn, Joey got the strength to pull the artillery guns and did not look back when he charged the enemy.  If without Topthorn, Joey might not charge the enemy troops, pull the wagon, and run away from the tanks.

      Finally, the most important thing that Joey got from Topthorn is friendship. Because of Topthorn’s friendship, Joey did not feel lonely and he got the spirit to fight. Joey would not know what to do if Topthorn did not befriend him. But thanked for Topthorn’s help, Joey finally made his way back to his Albert.

      All in all, the most effective scene of the whole book must be when Joey and Topthorn became best friends. Thanks to Topthorn’s help and constantly giving him hope, Joey finally made it back to his beloved Albert.

      • #10818

        Attached is a marked copy of your work- very well done, Biru! 🙂

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    • #10841

      The homework

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      • #10853

        Attaches is a marked copy of your homework- brilliant work, Richelle! 🙂

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    • #10851

      Well done today, everyone! Some fantastic contributions and analysis on the novel’s main characters- I was very impressed with your range of opinions! Attached is the PowerPoint from today, with the homework outlined on the final slide- feel free to take inspiration from some of the characters in the book for your own piece of writing too. Happy writing- and see you next Sunday!

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    • #10899

      War Horse is a quite interesting book. It is written from the perspective of horse, which is the first book I have read that has done that. I think War Horse’s most catching point is about Joey’s feelings. Is War Horse, Horses have feelings.

      My favorite part in War Horse is when the auction is running. It really made me get stressed and intense, about how Joey would get saved. It also made me half sad, half happy at the end when the old grandpa bought down the horse, and “sold” it to Albert. It really surprised me,  for I thought that the ending would be Sergeant Thunder or Major Martin stepping up to buy down the horse, and they would live there with Joey and Albert. It was only then that I remembered Emilie and his grandpa.

      The author, Michael Morpurgo, used a technique that I really love; The element of surprise, which includes, linking stories. It makes me get shocked by how it ends. “Ohhhh! That’s why Emilie and her Grandpa were in the story!” I once read a book about World War 2, Refugee. In Refugee, there are three stories being told at once: Josef, who lived in Germany around 1944, Isabel, who lived in Cuba around 1994, and finally, Mahmoud, who lived in Syria around 2015. It was the best book I have ever read. The ending satisfied me, when all three stories somehow linked together in a special but awesome way that I’m not going to tell you because I want you to buy the book and read it for yourself.



      • #11016

        Attached is a marked copy of your homework- good work, Lucas 🙂

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    • #11012

      Thomas is a brown warhorse, and he is as shining as the sun. There is a thick white stripe across Thomas’ face vertically. He has long, dark hair that will wave in the wind. This fast and powerful horse is very well-trained, and you can see his muscular legs moving faster than a speeding bullet. Everyone needs to admit that Thomas is the best horse in the army.

      Thomas is the son of a famous warhorse, Joey, and everyone believes that Thomas will become an excellent warhorse like his father. It gradually becomes a fact. Thomas is a marvelous horse in war but also a marvelous horse in character. He inherited Joey’s fearlessness. Thomas will charge through the enemies even when Thomas is the only horse alive. Even though he’s the best horse, he’s always humble and always willing to help out the younger and new horses.

      If I’m introducing a horse, I always need to introduce the rider because a good horse is only useful when he has a good rider. Captain Miller’s father runs a farm, so Captain Miller dealt with horses every day since he’s born. He’s skillful at riding horses. Captain Miller rides a horse so fast that you can’t even see a clear picture of him. His control of horses is astounding too. Captain Miller is a brave man. There is a famous saying for the enemies: You can’t survive once Captain Miller sees you. Captain Miller has an intelligent head full of tactics too. With the gift of war, he becomes the captain at the age of 24, the youngest captain in army history.

      Thomas and Captain Miller are being respected and set an example for the British soldiers to learn from. With Thomas and Captain Miller, the British army becomes invincible. It is a legend in the history of war.

      • #11018

        Attached is a marked copy of your homework- well done, Jonathan! 🙂

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    • #11037

      The homework
      P.S. I know I used a character from the book as my narrator, but she is only mentioned once in War Horse.

      • #11050

        Hi Richelle- I think you’ve just forgotten to attach your work!

    • #11041

      After reading Warhorse and reading how Albert and Joey cared for each other, I have decided to create a horse and a rider too. They are Carter and Stanley, so if you want to meet them then read on.

      Cater is very tall and as strong as an ox. His hair is short and pointy, and his face was sun burned because working under the sun for too long. Due to Carter lives and works in his family farm, so he loved and knew about a lot of animals. On the other hand, Stanley was a big red Stallion as tall as a man. Except for his glittering black mane and his snow-white hoofs, Stanley was completely red. Stanley and Carter had been living together, after when the young Carter found Stanley stumbling around in a thunderstorm. Growing up together Carter and Stanley are best friends.  No matter where Carter goes Stanley will follow him. As they grow up Carter started to ride Stanley every day. Not after long, Carter became the best rider in town, and Stanley became they strongest horse in the whole countryside. Eventually when the army came for recruits, Carter and Stanley were the first to get picked.

      After a few months, Carter and Stanley finished their training as cavalry and was ready for their first battle. As they were charging the enemy, Carter and Stanley began to feel great and very courageous. After cutting down the first enemy rider, Carter began to think that he was unbeatable. But just than Stanley got shot in the leg by a machine gun bullet. Right then because of the wounded leg, Stanley tripped and fell over. Carter flew of Stanley’s back and bumped his head. Hours later, Carter woke up at the fildhospital. As soon as he could walk, Carter went straightly to find Stanley. Almost looking for 2 hours around the camp, Carter finally found Stanley in the vet hospital. Because of the wounded leg Stanley can not walk properly. So, before Stanley recovered, Carter was telling stories, joking and helping Stanley walk around.

      Therefor as you see, Carter and Stanley were best friends like Joey and albert, and like Joey and Albert they were the best team together.

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      • #11052

        Attached is your marked homework- really well done, Biru! 🙂

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    • #11054

      Very well done for your focus and fascinating contributions today, everyone! Your understanding of War Horse’s themes is great, and I enjoyed discussing these ideas, as well as analysing the text with you all. Attached is the PowerPoint from today- make sure to look at the final slide to remind yourself of the homework and if you have any follow-up questions, please write these down at the bottom of your homework and I shall answer them 🙂 Have a fantastic week, everyone!

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    • #11137

      Meet Jeremy, the bounty hunter.

      Even though he is incredibly skilled, Jeremy is not widely known, which for a bounty hunter, is a good thing. Jeremy is a street boy. He dosen’t work for anyone, he makes money by hunting down people with bounties put on public walls or windows.

      It was just every other day, with Jeremy roaming down the streets, looking for posters or advertisements about wanted people. Jeremy didn’t have an easy job, and wasn’t very rich. He had never interacted with wanted men with mind-blowing prize money. Until that day, when he saw a poster with a prize money of 500 pounds.

      But this wasn’t an ordinary job. This time, Jeremy wasn’t chasing down people. This time, he was chasing down a horse. Two horses. Who would give 500 pounds for two horses? Jeremy thought. He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. All he wanted was the money. He found the man that put up the poster. It was a old grandpa, living in a farm. How odd. Jeremy thought. The old grandpa told Jeremy to find a dark brown horse, and a tall black horse, and when he did, he would tell the grandpa where it is. Jeremy was excited. 500 pounds! That was a ton lot back then. He hopped onto his horse, and started off his journey.

      Two weeks later, Jeremy walked past a place holding a auction. Half of his mission was blown, because he found a tall black horse dead, lying under a tree on top of a hill. The auction was selling horses. Jeremy was interested. He scanned the crowd of horses, and one caught his eye. It was the one on the very back. A dark brown horse. There were many dark brown horses, but he had a feeling; the right feeling, that this was the horse that the grandpa was talking about. The auction was about to start. He had to get the grandpa to the auction before the final round. He raced back to the farm, hoping he would be in time. He had never rode a horse so quickly before. He told the old grandpa that he knows where the horse is, and to bring his money, too. He raced back to the auction. He could see the dark brown horse on stage. It was the final round. He sprinted his horse even faster, and dropped the grandpa off. “27 pounds?” The person holding the auction bellowed. “27 pounds…once…twice…thr-” His voice was interrupted by the old grandpa. “28 pounds!” the grandpa yelled. Jeremy smiled. His mission has been completed. And for once in his life, he felt more interested in the achievement than the money.

      • #11184

        Great work, Lucas! Attached is a marked version of your work 🙂

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    • #11203

      Thomas is a horse that is born with a fearless heart.

      There is a thick white stripe across Thomas’ face vertically. He has long, dark hair that will wave in the wind. This fast and powerful horse is very well-trained, and you can see his muscular legs moving faster than a speeding bullet. Thomas is the son of a famous warhorse, Joey, and everyone believes that Thomas will become an excellent warhorse like his father. It gradually becomes a fact. Everyone admits he’s the strongest, fastest, friendliest, and most courageous horse in the whole army.

      Thomas is born for war. He inherited his father’s boldness. The first time he went to war, Thomas carried Captain Miller. Throughout the war, they weren’t injured one bit! This becomes a much-told story.

      Thomas’s health condition is getting worse. First, he was shot in the leg. It’s painful as nails ran into his skin. Soon, the poor was all skin and bones. Then, some mental problems appeared, too. It’s easier for Thomas to lose his temper.

      A few months later, a miracle happened. One night, he had a dream of his father, Joey. In the dream, Joey said to him, giving up will only make you worse, and what you need to do is carry on living. Thomas decided to be more positive in life. He tried to control his temper eat more. He’s getting healthy and strong again. A few months later, His wound healed!

      Thomas soon adapted to the battlefield and fight the enemy courageously with Captain Miller again. The bold Thomas returned, and his legend continues.

      • #11227

        Attached is your marked work- well done, Jonathan!

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    • #11219

      Henry and Pike

      From when he was young, Henry always wanted to be a knight. Henry’s father was one, and his grandfather was a knight too. Also, in Henry’s imagination, Knights were brave and strong heroes that ride on a horse and wear a cool suit of armor. But what Henry did not know was that you need years and years of hard training and a nice strong horse to be a real knight. Eventually Henry did finish all the years of his hard training to be a Knight with his horse Pike. Henry’s father had bought Pike for Henry on his 9th birthday knowing of Henry’s dream to become a Knight. Pike was a big black horse with white strips on his sides, and a completely red main. Ever since then, Henry and Pike became best friends.
      After his Knight training, Henry had become the greatest warrior in the whole countryside. After defeating some of the best fighters around town, Henry decided to serve the king and be a true Knight. Henry rode Pike who is the fastest and strongest horse in the kingdom. They were in London at a blink of the eye thanks for Pike’s strong legs. As soon as he got directions, Henry went straightly to the Knights Academy of London (KAL) and offered to serve the king. The principal of KAL saw how talented Henry was, and his skills on the horse. He immediately made Henry the head of the rider’s cavalries. Shortly after Henry, the knight, joined the royal army which was in a war with the Normans. The Normans were a tribe of fierce warriors that were the worst enemies with the English. At the first battle of Ebensburg, Henry fought courageously, and defeated a lot of enemies. But unfortunately, Henry was almost killed a couple of times, but thankfully it was Pike’s fast reflects and the thick suit of armor that saved Henry. As the battle ware on, the air in Henry’s helmet became wet and greasy with too many of his breath and sweat. After long, Henry could not see clearly through his wet and dim screen helmet. Henry figured, if he could kill the Norman leader, all the other solders will run away too.  So, that was exactly what he did, to Henry surprise, his crazy idea actually worked! After the battle was all over, Henry had been turned into General. Later on, Henry lead his troops into many great battles. Henry expanded the land of England so much, and England had the biggest land and power in the whole world.
      After finally beating the Romans and Greeks, Henry and Pike decided to have a rest, and go back to his village to see his father. When he got back, the whole village celebrated the return of Henry, the knight.

      • #11229

        Attached is a marked copy of your homework- great work, Biru!

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    • #11225

      Well done today everyone, for your final lesson on War Horse! Attached is today’s PowerPoint, where the homework includes writing a short action scene and a short PEE paragraph. However, if you would rather do one of these tasks, that is fine too! Happy writing and have a great week, everyone! 🙂

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    • #11303

      Jeremy the bounty hunter had finally made his first big hand of money. He thought about starting a business, but soon realized that he had gone too far on his bounty hunter career to quit. But even with this big hand of money, it couldn’t last him forever. He soon realized that 500 pounds in one go would only be once-in-a-lifetime-experience. He couldn’t live the rest of his life as a street boy, so, Jeremy decided to work for England’s special forces.


      Jeremy looked outside the plane’s window.

      Jeremy and the special sabotage squad would have to somehow sneak into the German’s train station, and blow up the trains that were carrying the German’s supplies: food, water, ammo, and tanks. It would sound easy, but the enormous guns and tanks blocked the way. To make matters even worse, Jeremy’s sabotage team would have to do it in time. They had to get to the train system before Germany’s supply train came.

      Here was the plan: the plane that the sabotage team was on would let the team dive out when the plane reached the train station’s place. The team would skydive toward the train station, and they would parachute toward the station’s roof, since it was guarded with Nazi soldiers. Before they land, one of them will set off dynamite to blow up the station’s roof so they could get in. Then, still in the air, they would toss more rolls of dynamite into the train station the blow up the train track. To escape, they would turn their parachutes and go to the nearby hijacked bomber plane waiting for them. This would be a mission all in the air.

      10 minutes later

      Jeremy and his team jumped. The cold air smashed onto Jeremy’s body. He wasn’t a young, 16 year old anymore. But the training from the special force camp had toughened him up. His radio sounded. “Parachute in 3…2…1…GO!” A silent flop came from their parachutes. Jeremy straightened his parachute, the pulled the dynamite from his pocket, lit it, and threw it. The others did the same. They had to glide down slowly as possible, to not get hurt by the explosion. Boom! a faint explosion erupted. That was The team’s cue. Jeremy and the team pulled out their second roll
      of dynamite and threw. They had to be accurate, and it isn’t easy. They used all their might to make a sharp turn toward the plane. Now they had to be fast. They quickly glided toward the plane. everything was going well.

      Almost too suddenly, a yellow line sliced through the air beside Jeremy. He’d recognize one of those anywhere. It was a bullet. More yellow lies shot through the sky. the gang sped up. Jeremy saw his crew, one by one, get shot down. Soon enough, he was the only one remaining. With a crunch and a flop, Jeremy landed. He ran faster than ever before. He threw his arm onto the plane door, and jumped in. The pilot seemed to know that everyone else was dead, and so he started off the plane. it was shaky, and very unstable. But the pilot was also skillfully trained. In no time, Jeremy was up high in the sky.

      Mission complete.

      • #11376

        Attached is your homework- very well done, Lucas! 🙂

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    • #11386

      Attached please find my homework.

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      • #11413

        Very well done, Biru- some great work here!

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    • #11408

      Sorry, I really don’t have time so I only completed the analyzing part.

      Extract One:

      ‘The air was electric’ is a forceful and potent sentence in War Horse. This sentence is a metaphor, and it makes the passage vivid and picturesque by only using short sentences. The air wasn’t actually ‘electric’; Michael Morpurgo used the word ‘electric’ to show the anxiety in the whole army as if they got electric shocks.

      Extract Two:

      The sentence ‘jagged nightmares’ is highly vivid, mostly because it uses imagery. It is ‘a photograph in words’; it can create a picture in the reader’s head instantly, just like a real photo. Nightmares can’t be ‘jagged’ obviously, but it shows how frightening the nightmare is.

      Extract Three:

      ‘A dancing light’ is a picturesque phrase, mainly because it’s a personification. The light wasn’t literally ‘dancing’; it shows the light is shaking. Instead of saying the light is unstable, the word ‘dancing’ make the scene visual and alive. It also can make the reader understand better too.

      • #11411

        Attached is your homework- really great work, Jonathan! 🙂

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    • #11416

      Very well done today, everyone! Your ideas and observations within our discussions were original and thoughtful- I was really impressed, especially with our discussions on the setting choices! Attached is today’s PowerPoint, where the homework is outlined on the final slide. You can choose to write a description, or an action scene within a fictional prison. Happy writing, and see you next week 🙂

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    • #11460

      Jon and his friend, Snake, were captured. It was a dark, gloomy prison with moss and vines covering the walls and roofs. It was cold, and eerie at night, where Jon and Snake could do nothing but lie on the cobblestone floor and try to fall asleep. The less sleep they had each night made them even more weary. The more weary they got, the more mad they got. Jon and Snake were accused of being in a part of a gang bank robbery, just because Snake had a big snake tattoo, Jon had a crazy hairstyle, and they hosted parties and post Heavy DJ gang music on Itunes (This is actually true, search up “Lil Jon” and “DJ Snake” on Spotify or Itunes). Jon and Snake sure did seem like gangsters, but that’s only in their music and videos, which showed riots and anger. They were innocent, but the anger inside them were slowly growing as each day grew.


      It was already winter, and the prisoners couldn’t take it anymore. Some started yelling, some were bleeding, and others started to faint. Jon and Snake were in the fainting group. Maybe because of the cold, or maybe because of how burning hot the anger inside them were. No matter what is was, they couldn’t take it.


      When the guards came in to serve lunch-a soggy piece of bread and a overripe pear, Snake, without thinking, punched the guard. The other prisoners were shocked, but they saw a chance. They slammed the lunch guards onto the floor, beat them and ran out of their cage. Soon, all the guards came rushing into the halls with their guns and ammo, but soon, very soon, all the prisoners were free, and ready to fight. This is going to be a riot. Jon thought.

      • #11545

        Very good work, Lucas 🙂

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    • #11516

      The Yellow Lake Prison locates on a desolated desert somewhere in Africa. You can’t escape from here (though no one wants to) because the desert change shape whenever the wind blows, which means loss and death.

      We can say prisoners in Yellow Lake Prison has one of the best treatments in the world. Unlike the famous ‘prison’ Camp Green Lake, fortunately, this is a regular prison for prisoners to build characters. When you came into the prison, you can see individual rooms, and there are six people in each room. The guards never use violence and foul language. We believe this is the better method and will benefit both sides. The food quality is quite good, too. It contains the necessary nutrients your body needs every day.

      The prisoners will get exercise and education, too. Each day, the guards will take them to an open space outdoors to exercise. They will do running, push-ups, sit-ups, and more. It is significant to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Education is required for character growth, too. Prisoners will acquire common and useful knowledge for life. They also will learn the right attitude for life and how to improve.

      No matter what status they’re at or how much money they have, we treat all prisoners equally. The prisoners don’t need to worry about survival in prison, either. If bullying or discrimination is happening, we will take it very seriously and give the right instructions.

      Yellow Lake Prison is not a traditional prison. It is the ray of light shining into dark lives, just like the prison is the only oasis in the desert. This little prison shows us what’s hope. It’s a miracle, that changed thousands of lives.

      • #11547

        Great work, Jonathan! 🙂

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    • #11575

      Well done today, everyone! I was very impressed with all of your thoughtfulness, mature explanations and ideas, as well as your creative writing during the lesson! Attached is the PowerPoint, with the homework on the final slide. If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to write these at the end of your homework too 🙂 I hope you all have a great week, and I’ll see you in a fortnight!

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    • #11579

      Attached please find my homework, thank you!

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      • #11869

        Very well done, Biru! 🙂

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    • #11651

      In Camp Green Lake, never provoke yellow-spotted lizards, the venomous creature. It was a significant rule to survive. Hundreds of years before, it was yellow-spotted lizards who killed the famous outlaw, Kissin’ Kate Barlow. Hundreds of years after, it was yellow-spotted lizards who guarded the treasure chest. In my opinion, the yellow-spotted lizard is a symbol Louis Sachar used and played a decisive role in the story.

      You never want to get close to the yellow-spotted lizard. It symbolizes unknown danger. In Holes, Stanley had been facing danger, mostly unknown danger, for numerous times. For example, when Stanley followed Zero, he faced the danger of hunger and thirst; for another example, when Katherine and Sam kissed, Sam faced the danger of arrest. You can find this in various scenes.

      Besides the yellow-spotted lizard itself, their features also symbolized threat. Each lizard had yellow eyes, black teeth, red-rimmed eyelids, a milky white tongue, greenish skin, and exactly 11 yellow spots. Bright colours were warnings saying “watch out! I’m poisonous!” in nature. Yellow-spotted lizards were savage little beasts that were threatening for creatures.

      Louis Sachar brilliantly used the yellow-spotted lizard as an important symbol. It was a symbol of unknown danger, and its colour was a symbol of threat. It added depth to the book and connected the story to the theme.

      • #11871

        Very good work, Jonathan! 🙂

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    • #11901

      Well done today, everyone! You all offered mature and thoughtful answers concerning the themes of Holes, as well as Louis Sachar’s style. Attached is the PowerPoint: for this session’s homework, you can analyse which theme you think is the most ‘important’, but also consider perhaps which theme is the most overlooked/fascinating/valuable/informative/surprising. Happy writing, and I shall see you next week to start Once! 🙂

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    • #12145

      The most important theme in Holes is simply hard life. And i know in every single VMW essay that i keep on stating that the most important thing in the story is always the problem. And if i remember clearly, i said once in an essay about i think in war horse about the most important part of the story, and i remember i said exactly “Maybe you think that “oh, this part when the superhero saves the mayor from the burning building must be the most important” or “oh, maybe this part when superman kills the ferocious monster is the most important” But none of that would have happened if there wasn’t a problem.” those were my words as i remember. But not only the problem is hard life, but it continues to show throughout the story. it plays a huge in Elya, Kate, and Stanley and Zero’s story. The story is about hard luck and a cursed family, which made the whole weird story cool and fun to read when they linked the stories together. But also, lets talk about Yin and Yang. Now, lets make Yin, hard life, and Yang, the end of the story when Zero and Stanley get rich. One good one bad. Now, Yin and Yang always turn around, so when Yin came, bad things happen. But then as the Yin-Yang clock thingy rotates, Yang, the good things, turn and happen. Its like life, ups and downs, but somewhat equal

      • #12195

        Great work, Lucas! 🙂

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    • #12157

      Great work today, everyone! Your well-articulated and thoughtful responses continue to impress me, and I think we all learnt some interesting new facts on WWII today, and how they interrelate with Once. Attached is the PowerPoint with the homework on the final slide- remember also, that if you are keen for any activity to be included within a lesson, to let me know on this webpage, or perhaps at the end of your homework. Well done again, and I hope you all have lovely weeks ahead;)

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    • #12410

      This is my homwork

      • #12419

        Great work, Anthony! 🙂

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    • #12411

      Sorry forgot to add the attachment

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    • #12424

      Great work today, everyone! You all had some fantastic insights and ideas which I thought made for high-level, detailed discussion 🙂 Attached is the PowerPoint with the homework on the final slide- remember to look back at the previous slides for symbolism inspiration. Well done again, and I hope you all have a lovely week: 🙂

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    • #12774

      This is my homework


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      • #12794

        Well done, Anthony:)

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    • #12781

      Homework, open below


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      • #12792

        Great work, Biru! 🙂

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    • #12788

      Once– Third and Final Lesson:

      Very good work today! I was really impressed with all of your perceptive points, and I think your collaborative discussions on Once’s themes were particularly great! Attached is the PowerPoint with the homework on the final slide- happy writing and I shall see you next Sunday 🙂

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    • #13373

      Tom’s Midnight Garden- Lesson 1:

      Great work today, everyone! Your analysis was fantastic throughout, and your evaluation of genre particularly impressed me today 🙂 Attached is the PowerPoint on the final slide- feel free to experiment with your imagination in this creative writing task! Well done again, and I shall see you all next Sunday 🙂

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    • #13976

      home work please see

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      • #14029

        Great writing, Biru! 🙂

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    • #14012

      Tom’s Midnight Garden- Lesson 2:

      Fantastic work today, everyone! I really enjoyed hearing your different thoughts on the main characters, as well as your perceptive comprehension of a variety of symbols. Attached is the PowerPoint, with the homework on the final slide.

      Have a great week, everyone- and good luck for any tests you all may have 🙂

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    • #14626

      Tom’s Midnight Garden- Lesson Three:

      -Some superb discussion today everyone! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on more unusual themes, as well as your technical, linguistic analysis. Attached is today’s PowerPoint, with the homework detailed on the final slide. See you next week to start The Call of the Wild! 🙂

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    • #14963

      Superb work today! I was impressed with your range of responses, as well as your creative writing on the snowy landscape 🙂 Attached is the PowerPoint from today, with the homework on the final slide. Really great work, and I’ll see you next week!

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    • #15119

      hi hello

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      • #15168

        Fantastic homework, Biru! 🙂

    • #15164

      The Call of the Wild- Lesson 2:

      Great work today with some perceptive comments on key scenes in the novel! Attached is the PowerPoint with the homework on the final slide. See you all next week 🙂

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    • #15360

      The Call of the Wild- Lesson 3:

      -Fantastic work today everyone with some particularly insightful comments on Jack London’s style! Attached is the PowerPoint, with the homework on the final slide. Thank you for being such a great class, and best of luck for the rest of the year- keep up the good reading! 🙂

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