11+ Writing

Forums 2021 Winter Courses 11+ Writing

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    • #21264
    • #21798

      Summary for Lesson 1

      In today’s lesson we worked on the skillset surrounding creating and crafting a plot for the 11+ exam. The class started with some work on metaphor and simile before moving on to considering what makes a plot a plot. We looked at notions such as Booker’s theory of the seven types of plot (rebirth, comedy, tragedy, rags to riches, the quest, journey and return, overcoming the monster), the way in which a strong plot raises and answers a dramatic question and how to utilise the classic narrative arc. The students also studied and practiced using various dramatic techniques that create tension and raise the stakes of a story-line in order to create a convincing and powerful climax. We then applied all these ideas and techniques to two 11+ past paper questions, and the students planned some amazing answers to these questions using the plot-crafting devices they had learned today. Excellent work everyone- remember you can use the writing exercise on Slide 11 to help you with your homework, and can look at the PowerPoint attached below to remind you of the ways in which a plot can be structured and sustained. Keep up the fab work and I’ll see you all next week 🙂

      Seven types of plot video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AXTEjesFPs



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    • #21897

      Dear Beth,

      Thanks for the lovely lesson

      Here is the link for my homework-



      • #22034

        Hi Jiawei- I have requested access to this but still can’t get through, please could you try sending it as a Word doc instead? Thank you & I hope you had a great Christmas 🙂

    • #21976

      Dear Beth,

      Here is the docs for my homework. Thank you.

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      • #22041

        Hi Winston,

        Super work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22044

      My Homework. Thanks!

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      • #22170

        Hi Jessie,

        Fab work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22052

      Summary for Lesson 2

      In today’s lesson we continued our work on 11+ writing, focusing this time on the technique of pacing. We began by thinking about the purpose and effect of varied pacing, learning ten top tips to help the students play with the rate at which their stories unfold, and the class used these techniques beautifully to write the same passage at a contrasting pace. We then spoke about dramatic conflict- the engine behind the pace of a plot- and the students planned a past paper answer thinking about how to create and sustain conflict. Finally, we discussed endings, learning about how to pace the end of a story so that it feels satisfying for the reader and considering different emotional reactions to aim for from the reader and the different types of ending that can achieve these. The students’ work was outstanding today- I was really impressed by their grasp and control of pacing throughout the lesson and thought their ending consideration was superb. Well done everyone, have fun playing around with pacing for homework- I’ll see you next week 🙂

      Different types of endings link to read before writing the homework: https://blog.reedsy.com/how-to-end-a-story/

      Ten pacing tips video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJb4stfZ_FY

      How to end a novel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gavIsKPKNs



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    • #22069

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework for the first lesson.

      Happy 2022!😊🎉😊


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      • #22174

        Hi Jiawei,

        Thank you for uploading it again 😀 Happy 2022 to you too!

        Gorgeous work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22073

      This week’s homework (the first one).

      Thank you!

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      • #22176

        Hi Jessie,

        Dazzling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22085

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework,

      Thank you,


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      • #22178

        Hi Jiawei,

        Superb work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22149

      My homework for the second lesson. Thx

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      • #22405

        Hi Winston,

        Gorgeous work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22228

      Summary for Lesson 3

      In today’s class we looked at characterisation, thinking about the ways in which the students can create complex and compelling characters in their writing. We began by thinking about the ARCS acronym (attractive talent or quality, room for growth, clear goals/ motivation, something to lose) before talking about how to use contradiction and flaws in a character to make them compelling and realistic. The students came up with their own examples of these techniques, using an exam paper to prompt them, and imagining some beautifully complex characters. Finally, we spoke about stock characters and some character writing exercises for the students to consider in preparation for homework. Everyone worked beautifully today and took in the new ideas really astutely. I was super impressed by the level of detail they imparted onto the characters they created. Fab work class- really well done 🙂

      Video on ARCS that we watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrkY3WrJ_v8



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    • #22251


      The Choice


      Mikel always remembers that day. It was in a hot summer, the sun was shining and the sea wind was blowing softly in Mikel’s face. Mikel was on the way to buy his favourite wholemeal brown bread when he noticed there was a new girl working at the grocery store. The girl smiled at him and he never saw her beautiful smile before. He could not stop thinking about her, so he came back for carrots the next day. He politely asked the girl to go out with him, at that time his heart has never beat so fast.


      How lucky was he! The girl shyly accepted his invitation. They soon planned a date but just before that Mikel got very drunk at his friend’s party. He did not want to miss the date with the girl, so he still went to meet her.  He started being rude and shouting profanities. The girl sadly left. The next morning, he regret what he did yesterday and promise the girl never to drink again. He tried to convince the girl to go out with him again. The girl reluctantly agreed to go out.


      Wonderful date for Mikel until they were having dinner together, the girl stole Mikel’s wallet and disappeared. Mikel decided to not call the police and had to wait for his friend to pay the bill for him. The next day the girl returned the wallet with no money being touched. She said that she was happy with Mikel choosing to trust her. After that, they had more time together and eventually got married.


      After one year of marriage, Mikel became a successful businessman. He invited her to the same restaurant for dinner. He said it was a surprise announcement for her.  He said “ There is a choice for you, my dear wife. Divorce with me now and have all our money or stay with me with no money. Because my company is going to bankrupt tomorrow.”


      She chose to stay with him without any doubt. Mikel was so happy about their choices. He chose to stop drinking and they chose to trust each other. They had a happy life.


      A happy life is depending on the right choices.

      • #22409

        Hi Renren,

        Entertaining work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22325

      Hi Beth, here’s my homework for this week.

      Thank you! 🙂

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      • #22411

        Hi Jessie,

        Compelling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22346

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework,

      Thanks for the lovely lesson 🙂


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      • #22413

        Hi Jiawei,

        Glad you enjoyed the lesson!

        Thrilling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22386

      Here’s my homework, thx.

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      • #22415

        Hi Winston,

        Great work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22423

      Summary for Lesson 4

      In today’s class we studied advanced literary techniques, working on how to use techniques such as symbolism and theme in writing. We began with an exploration of why literary techniques are important, considering the way in which they allow authors to manipulate the imagery a reader has in their mind, which the class tried out for themselves. We then moved on to speaking about the three types of symbolism (universal, repetitive, metaphorical) which the students all then used to flesh out their own stories. Finally, we worked on theme, discussing the ways in which it can drive a story forward and provide emotional weight to the narrative. Great work today everyone, really well done and I’ll see you next week 🙂

      Video we watched on descriptive writing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Jpy9dyXSs

      Video we watched on symbolism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIkeR83I8Ck&t=219s



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    • #22471

      Dear Beth,

      Below is my homework for the previous lesson



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      • #22583

        Hi Jiawei,

        Thrilling work this week, I’ve  attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22490

      Hi Beth, here’s my homework (The Storm).

      Thanks 🙂

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      • #22585

        Hi Jessie,

        Spectacular work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22513

      The storm


      The trees were rustling as a couple drove down to Texas in their new Mercedes feeling joyfully. The radio was turned on by a man called Dave, when suddenly when the weatherman started shouting there is the biggest storm ever recorded was two hundred miles away from their location. Dave said to his wife Patricia,

      the storms far by the time we get home it should be gone,

      the sky’s colour was as various as an Ikea shops wood selection.


      30 minutes later Patricia had heard whistling that was higher than an operetta singer. But Dave said it was nothing to worry about, but he was secretly incredibly anxious. But suddenly the rain started pouring like it was one thousand .pneumatic drills on the road. luckily, he beat his wife in an argument not to get a Cadillac, they would have been soaking!


      15 minutes later, they saw the storm they tried to drive away but the was a racer. It eventually caught on and abruptly tore the car bonnet straight of and forced into the windscreen that shattered instantaneously. They smacked the brake and stopped. They could hear the thunder it was as loud as an elephant’s fart. When suddenly they met a strike of lightning that burst through the back of the car, they felt like a killer was chasing them. A killer called nature. They waited out for a while as terrified as mice with a cat until eventually, the storm had ended. All the other cars had been flipped except for theirs, there was a news helicopter nearby, so they frantically waved like madmen catching the attention of the helicopter. They were on national news as storm Clarissa’s only survivors. they were picked up by the helicopter and after some therapy, they were both all right.


      • #22587

        Hi Renren,

        Delightful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22562

      Here is my homework for this lesson. Thx

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      • #22765

        Hi Winston,

        Great work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22598

      Summary for Lesson 5

      In today’s lesson we continued our work on 11+ writing, thinking specifically about creating suspense and why it is important for all genres, expressed through the dramatic question raised by the plot. We began by identifying the source of suspense in various stories and genres, before thinking about key suspenseful techniques such as secrets, plot twists, cliff hangers, time constraints and lies. The class then planned key sources and functions of suspense into stories they designed, before sharing these with each other and considering how genre and suspense intersected in their stories. Finally, we touched on plot twists and how to use structure to build tension. Amazing work everyone, you were all super adept at playing around with suspense inducing techniques. Keep it up and I’ll see you soon 😊

      Plot twist video to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SPcBeLZmiQ&t=401s

      Structural features video to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mod08aLaFNA&feature=emb_logo



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    • #22678

      Hello Beth, here’s my homework for this week.

      Thank You! 🙂

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      • #22767

        Hi Jessie,

        Incredible work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22683

      Dear Beth,

      Thanks for the lovely lesson,

      This is my homework.


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      • #22769

        Hi Jiawei,

        You’re welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

        Brilliant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22772

      Summary for Lesson 6

      In today’s class we looked at descriptive writing, thinking about how description should be a tool in every piece of 11+ writing the students do. We considered what the class felt were most important for writing in this style, before looking at some key techniques to help them write in a way that infuses their work with meaning. We covered ideas of setting and also of word-choice and the importance of specificity. The class then conducted some in depth re-working of their initial ideas, using these notions to sharpen their descriptive tone and style, and thinking about balancing their narrative and description. Everyone worked wonderfully today, I really enjoyed watching the class develop their ideas over the course of the lesson and refine their writing through this process. Great job everyone- see you next week 🙂

      Word choice video (watch the rest of this if you can): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKoOxrcVnHM

      Setting video (watch the rest if you can): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORKI1h1xWLM



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    • #22824

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework for lesson 6,



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      • #22922

        Hi Jiawei,

        Some promising work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22845

      Hello Beth,

      Here is my homework attached below.

      Thank You! 🙂

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      • #22920

        Hi Jessie,

        My apologies, I thought your feedback was posted, but it must not have uploaded.

        Incredible work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22908

      Summary for Lesson 7

      In today’s class we focused on emotive writing, discussing why it is such an important skillset to master and thinking about some tips and tricks for writing honest and affecting stories. We thought about pieces of writing that the students had responded emotively to, ranging from Matilda to Journey to the Center of the Earth to My Family and Other Animals- discussing what the author had done to achieve this effect. The class discussed their own techniques for conveying emotion, such as word choice, figurative language and show don’t tell. Finally, they planned and revised their own emotive pieces, having watched a video full of tips on conveying emotion honestly. The students wrote some beautifully emotive pieces in response to the prompts and were able to adeptly consider how to influence the reader through techniques such as pathetic fallacy and symbolism. Well done everyone, you’ve all worked fantastically today 🙂

      Watch the whole of this video if you get a spare fifteen mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0CdOqgXljE



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    • #22941

      Dear Beth,

      Thank you for the previous lesson,

      This is my homework for Lesson 6,


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      • #23051

        Hi Jiawei,

        Fantastic work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #22963

      Hello Beth,

      Here’s my homework for last lesson.

      Hope you have great week,

      Jessie 🙂

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      • #23053

        Hi Jessie,

        Thank you, I hope you have a great week too!

        Thrilling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23055

      Summary for Lesson 8

      In today’s class we looked at the non-fiction formats that occasionally arise in 11+ exams, particularly focusing on persuasive writing. We began with our metaphor work, which the class completed wonderfully, before moving on to sketching out the central tenets of persuasive writing. We learned about pathos, ethos and logos- thinking about how the class can apply these concepts to their own writing, which the class then applied fantastically to their past paper questions. We also focused on particular persuasive phrases and ideas that can be used to steer the reader’s viewpoint towards your own. The class then poured all of this knowledge into planning out their arguments in response to the past papers. Fab work everyone- really great ideas and focus today, keep it up 🙂

      Rhetoric video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3klMM9BkW5o



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    • #23103

      Hello Beth,

      Here below is my completed homework.

      Thank you very much!

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      • #23189

        Hi Jessie,

        Brilliant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23119

      Dear Beth,

      Thank you for the last lesson,

      Below is my homework,


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      • #23191

        Hi Jiawei,

        Some fab work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23193

      Summary for Lesson 9

      In today’s lesson we completed our penultimate class, thinking about revising the core elements of our course over the past two months. We began by having a Q & A session where the students asked any questions they had, before moving on to identifying the key skillsets we have been learning about. The students used this to help them complete a self-evaluation, thinking about their areas of strength and of improvement, before writing a piece of free-writing off the back of their analysis, which they completed fantastically. Finally, we spoke about some key tips to help improve writing and the class wrote their own 11+ writing questions. Amazing work today everyone- you all worked really beautifully throughout our lesson and came up with some fantastic points about the course overall. Keep it up and good luck with your revision for next week! 🙂

      Writing exercises video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzi17WRMpN8



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    • #23251

      Hi Beth,

      Here is my homework attached below.

      Thank you for the lesson and have a great week


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      • #23343

        Hi Jessie,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23270

      Dear Beth,

      Sorry for the delay,

      This is my homework for the last lesson.


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      • #23346

        Hi Jiawei,

        No worries!

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23349

      Summary for Lesson 10

      In today’s class we completed our mock exam, finishing up all our work on 11+ writing to allow the students to show off all they have learned so far. We began the class with a quick Q&A session, ironing out all the important details, before the class moved on to writing their exam pieces, finishing with a self-evaluation. Fantastically focused and diligent work today class- you all worked really hard and it was wonderful to see! I really look forward to reading your pieces and well done for all of your great work over the past two months. You are all excellent writers and should be proud of your achievements! See you soon 🙂



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    • #23351

      The Fire


      It was a frosty winter night the moon sparkling bright, but the children camping were still cold and hungry some children had supplies for a fire. So, they all agreed to light a fire. But they were still hungry, so three of them went to find a deer. But all they found was a couple of rabbits strangled by them. So, they brought the rabbits back and made a rabbit carrot stew. The fire living ablaze, flames rising higher and higher the warmth filling all the children with a delicious bubbling stew the children happy and laughing talking like nothing happened. When suddenly the flame rose unlike before it muttered gently impeccably it mumbled you have made me big now, I will become great. And just as he said the fire and its flames were whisked away into the night sky . the children were sad, but they knew they created it and wished it their best.

      • #23473

        Hi Renren,

        Some nice work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23352

      The Fire


      the cave an empty shelter of smarts and wisdom was a mysterious killer of people hoping to leave but couldn’t

    • #23353

      Mock test

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      • #23475

        Hi Winston,

        Exciting work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23355

      My Mock!

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>The Fire</p>

      It tangled its way up the wooden houses like ivy clinging onto walls. Its flames flickered maliciously in the pitch black sky, the supporters of the hell blazed ferociously at the innocent tar blackboard. Crash! Boom! The dwelling collapsed into a blur of dust and then burnt sticks. I looked back. It was the Piers’ dwelling that was beaten by the flames,  the only slight part of optimism in this unfortunate scenario that pleased me. All my life, the wealthy but selfish bundle always bullied us.

      “Charlotte, Charlotte, get back here,” cried my mum, “No time for poking your nose everywhere, we must get away from this great fire!”

      I hurried back to the reassuring comfort of mum, Felix  Mary and I swiftly hurried across the town. On the left, I could see a helpless mother trying to persuade her son to run but her son, whose name was Tom, was a pious boy and was in the middle of a prayer. Behind us, a plethora of flames teamed up and was charging towards us.  I bit my lip tight so hard I thought it was bleeding. I wanted to rush back home and go to my safe corner in my bedroom, but unfortunately, our house was burnt down too.

      Dad guided us to the bay. We followed, occasionally pausing for a breath and then carrying on with the run. To me, I thought we looked like an horrendous herd of elephants charging angrily at an unpleasant trespasser.

      Eventually, deafening my ears, I heard the comforting roar of the overlapping layers of the dark sapphire. We were almost there. Finally, dad found a suitable boat and loaded out barrels of food. One by one, we jumped inside. First dad then Mary then Felix, then mum and then it was my turn. I took one final glance at my partly demolished hometown, now splashed by the water which was victoriously defeated by the fire, gave a sigh and then stepped into the boat. Gradually, London grew smaller and smaller until it was never to be seen again.

      Metaphor Work: The motorbike cartwheeled down the bare street, the only boisterous clown in such a long distance.

      • #23477

        Hi Jessie,

        Brilliant work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23356

      The Fire

      Clouds had now assembled on the sky, forming a grey and undistinguishable smudged blob that looked nothing more than a random swipe of dirty grey which closely resembled a shapeless mould. A heavy wind was roaring in my ear as slept with the window left over. I just had a very pleasant dream but next, the constant whistling and occasional billow of wind brought me to my senses. Cursing under my breath, I got to my feet, still fuming, attempted to close the open window. Then, I froze suddenly, midway between closing the window. Something had flashed red when I absent-mindedly looked around at the scenery below. Searching, I finally saw it: a flame had risen somewhere in the east, about 20 meters away! My heartbeat seemed to falter and stop as I took in the full plain event that will happen here- fire.

      By now more people seemed to have realised; they were screaming and shouting now, scurrying around like an army of ants. All the blood seemed to drain out of me, as I hurried downstairs and grab the most essential things to me: my phone, my computer, a couple of books, my purse and all my library cards, oyster card, bank account etc all packed into a suitcase lying around in the corner. Then, without looking over my shoulder, I tore up the street in the opposite direction of the fire. I might just not be too late.

      However, my hopes were sucking out of me now; the fires were way faster than I had expected. The wild wind seemed to be an assistant to it – it was blowing away cheerfully, dancing along with the merry, crackling fire. It has a sense of aura around it: it seemed to spread fear without trying to, and it never faltered; never disrupted by an oncoming building. I could see no way out; it was gaining on me now, and exhaustion began to crawl up my body. Then, the smell of acrid smoke choked me, and I fell with a blood-curdling scream.

      Metaphor: The eye of Odin is the door to wisdom

      • #23479

        Hi Jiawei,

        Excellent work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #23357
      Henry xue

      My mock writing.

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      • #23481

        Hi Henry,

        Terrific work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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