11+ Writing

Forums 2021 Autumn Courses 11+ Writing

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    • #19066
    • #19398

      Summary for Lesson 1

      In today’s lesson we began our work on 11+ writing, starting the lesson with some metaphor work to enable the students to practice and expand upon their use of figurative language. We then moved on to thinking about the structure of these lessons where every week we will be dissecting and studying a different piece of 11+ writing advice written by an 11+ examiner. Today we focused on character creation, thinking about how to use character archetypes, backstory, ideas regarding a character’s internal morality and thoughts on their character arc to create realistic, memorable and complex characters. We then considered how these characters could express themselves within the stories they inhabit, thinking about dialogue and the function it plays there. Everyone worked wonderfully today, I really loved hearing about the characters they had begun to invent during the lesson and thought the class’s ability to adapt their characters in response to various questions and prompts was excellent. Well done guys, I look forward to seeing you again next week! 😊

      Video on dialogue that we watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xx7bfcE9U0

      A video on character from the same series that could be really helpful revision (watch if you have a spare 5 mins!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGRyP3p-YPI



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    • #19431

      Dear Beth

      This is my homework.

      Thank you


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      • #19604

        Hi Albert,

        Dynamic work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19433

      Dear Beth

      This is my homework.

      John Davidson’s most exciting raid

      In the sea and on board a brig, was a person. His name is John Davidson and he served in the royal navy until he ran away to join a band of pirates: the raider’s brotherhood. John Davidson has an athletic body and he have a military haircut. He have no facial hair and a brown chin showed that he didn’t wore facial air for a long time. The pirate group robbed lots of ships and they are the most wanted organization in the world.

      Suddenly, the crew was awakened by the horns of one of those new cruisers. The annoying thing about new cruisers is that they are much faster than a pirate’s ship, but they are still going to try to rob it.

      “All hands on deck!” the captain roared, foam dripping out of his mouth, “Put on more sails!”

      John and his companions immediately climbed up the rigging as agile as a monkey and dragged the heavy, thick sail into place. Without hesitation, the wind tugged at the sail and dragged the ship toward the cruiser. Unbelievably, the ship was catching up with the cruiser! As the ship rocked near the cruiser, the crew jumped out and started slaughtering the passengers aboard the cruiser. A total profit of 2million pennies were made.


      Thank you


    • #19435

      My homework is attached below.

      By Jack

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      • #19606

        Hi Jack,

        Exciting work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19453

      Joy was aboard the ship of Anna’s Revolt as they celebrated with rum and wine for a good day of raiding. They danced and boasted about their strength and wealth. One of the men was Johann Erickson, he was French and Norwegian descendant and had a merciless soul. He was a berserk, and always had a cutlass and revolver. On that very night, he plunged his cutlass into the ship’s captain and held his head to his mates. It was on that very night everyone turned against him. The burn was bright yellow with sparkles in the water. Rum was everywhere on the ship near the coast of Jamaica, Caribbean. They had raided a ship with ten million pounds of Jamaican rum. By then Johann killed the captain and fled. He ran where there was no one in sight and took the captain’s gold, diamond encrusted cutlass. Rustling noises pounded through his ears and drunk voices echoed through the far away countryside. Then a band of pirates fired a gun as he plunged forward. He ran towards the trees and met the ringleader. He swiped from left to right and dodged the other’s swipe. He then pulled out his trusty gun and shot, gritting his teeth. He then back stabbed the other pirates. He looted their coins and weapons as he carried on crawling and creeping through the widespread jungle. He then was knocked back in the head as he saw moonlight.


      He managed to make out the blurred pictures upon the wobbly deck, a man he recognized stood in front of him, it was the captain’s best mate! He managed to untie the securely tied rope as he plunged with a cutlass and managed to loosen the mate’s grip, he directly swerved to the right and jumped onto him. He then shot a deafening bullet inside his head. The motionless corpse stood there with blood leaking from his head. He withdrew a match and set alight a fire to the gunpowder barrel that was kept for moments of self-destruction. He swam towards the coast as he found himself near a boat. He climbed aboard, ravenous, finding rum and a tin of biscuits. Moments later, he was washed up on shore, unconscious.


      Ten years later, blood leaking from his arm, he lie in his grave, he had a muscular body, blonde hair, and a small beard. Johann Erickson lies in a boat under the sea, never to be seen again…

      Linxi’s homework

      • #19608

        Hi Linxi,

        Brilliant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19455

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.

      Thank you


      Tracing circles in the sand, the young boy with choppy black hair stared blankly at the sun beginning to drop down the horizon. Only leaving a trail of orange behind to remind people of its existance before utter darkness crashed it like a mirror, replacing it with deep darkness that fell on everone’s shoulders like hard, brick walls, making it hard to breath. As the misty clouds parted, a pale, white moon looked down on the island, it’s cold light sending shivers down their spines. The sailors were busy fiddling with twigs and dry leaves, trying unsuccessfully to light a fire. The boy’s sapphire-like eyes stared down at the cold sea water hitting his bare toes and the sand beneth them. His nose sore and saliva forming under his tongue, he felt like crying. No tears fell. He had cried so many times on the ship that his tears were long dry. Chocking on his own spit, he coughed violently, the force sending him to his knees. He kneeled on the wet sand, hands drooping tiredly beside his small frame. His unkept bangs fell over his eyes, even though no effort was made in pushing them back. He prefered to have not seen this cruel world. Something snapped inside him. He dropped to the ground, shivering, as the sea water wetted his shirt and hair. He closed his eyes, a single tear rolled down his cheek, into his mouth. He curled up into a small ball, waiting for the rays of sunlight to arrive.

      • #19610

        Hi Eva,

        Fantastic work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19489

      Hi Beth,

      Here is my homework.

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      • #19612

        Hi Edward,

        Some nice work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19497

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.

      Thank you,


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      • #19614

        Hi Kate,

        Exquisite work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19554

      The Unexpected Adventure


      BOOM! CRASH!  It was a stormy night, young Captain Chistopher was out on an adventure to explore the world. However, he didn’t plan ahead about what he would do in a storm. Lightning sizzled in the sky, ripping the once clear night into two. The vicious wind gushed around Christopher, causing his ship to be out of control, spinning so fast that the ship looked blurry if you had looked at it from a distance.. He had now lost which direction he was going. It started pouring. It was much worse than raining cats and dogs. It had broken his map into soggy bits of scrolls.  Soon the vessel had stopped spinning but was now rocking violently.The unsure young man wasn’t prepared to face the challenges of a mighty storm. He had kept his food barrels outside on the poop, now they were pushed right and left.


      Suddenly, the ship was shaking, the boat was sinking fast. Captain Christopher had the only choice to throw down his food supplies into the sea for he had no other heavy items on board. Otherwise he would have to sacrifice his life to the malicious storm. He hopelessly threw the barrels down and they fell with a giant SPLASH! However the vessel still was filled with water and it reached the top of Christopher’s boots. Doing it for dear life, he got a giant bucket and began tipping all the water out as swiftly as he could ever do.


      After a while, the sea turned back calm as it used to be. It reflected the beautiful starry night once again. Christopher layed on the deck, feeling hopeless. He stared up at the smiling, glowing whole moon. Sitting on the moon, looked like his beloved grandparents. “Dear Christopher,” they said, “Even though we have passed away, our spirits and parts of us have not disappeared. We have been watching you up here, listening to your cries. Tonight we decided to help you. At the crack of dawn, head North immediately until you end up at a foreign, small island with palm trees surrounding it. The place will help you enormously to restore your supplies. Then it will be your wise choice to carry on sailing around the world or go back to your own family.” When Christopher was about to say thank you, his grandparents faded into mist.


      At sunrise, Captain Christopher headed off to the North as fast as he could. He trusted his grandparents and was very grateful. One hour later, he did find a wonderful, little island his relatives were talking about. Tall, lush palm trees grew surrounding it like guards protecting a country. The captain collected many coconuts, berries, fruit and treasures for his family. Jewels, big leafy fans and some fossils that were found on the island. When he finished, Christopher decided to go home, for he had enough disasters on his journey. He thanked his grandparents by crying out toward the sky, but didn’t know if they were listening.Then he set off on his ship towards home.

      • #19616

        Hi Jessie,

        Amazing work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19626

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework.
      Have a nice week!

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      • #19792

        Hi Yuexi,

        Fabulous work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19632

      Summary for Lesson 2

      In today’s lesson we continued our work on 11+ writing, focusing today on the examiner advice “base your story around one main plot event”. Working from this basis, we completed work on the definition and nature of plot, thinking about the seven archetypes and practicing using them in the context of an exam paper. We then moved on to thinking about elements such as pacing and dramatic conflict, both of which are crucial in building authentic, gripping and interesting plot lines. Finally, the class used an exam paper to put these ideas into practice, thinking about how to walk the fine line between making the scope of a story far too wide and also ensuring to pack as much interesting conflict and action in as possible. Everyone’s work today was wonderful- the class was super committed and energised which was fantastic to see and came up with some excellent ideas for how to pace a story in the context of an 11+ writing exam. Amazing job everyone, keep it up and I’ll see you next week 😊

      Video on plot archetypes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGLXQM74oME&t=81s



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    • #19672

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework,

      Thank You


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      • #19857

        Hi Albert,

        Fabulous work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19750

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework for Lesson number 2.

      Thank you


    • #19751

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework for Lesson number 2.

      Thank you


    • #19780

      my homework


    • #19781

      my homework

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      • #19859

        Hi Linxi,

        Charming work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19842

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework. Sorry it might have been a bit dramatic but I was trying really hard to be as descriptive as possible TwT.

      Thank you!

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      • #19861

        Hi Eva,

        No need to apologise for the drama: it was fab!

        Amazing work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19851

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework. Thank you!

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      • #19863

        Hi Yuexi,

        Brilliant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19877

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.

      Sorry it’s late.

      It’s a tragedy for the Light at the End of the Tunnel, but I didn’t get to the really  tragic part, where it turns out there isn’t a light.

      Thank you,


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      • #20117

        Hi Kate,

        No worries! That sounds like a fab idea if you ever wanted to expand this story outwards. Outstanding work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19879

      “Aaaaah!” Gregor cried. He had woken up one morning and looked at himself in the mirror. His leg was incredibly itchy. However he didn’t have his usual smooth leg. This time it was lumpy and as thin as a toothpick. His appearance was hideous and worse than you could ever imagine. Gregor was in an unbelievable state. He was red all over, with five black polka dots on his back. “What happened? Why am I a ladybird?” He was very nervous and confused.

      He crawled to his brother’s room, which was covered in animal posters, and explained what he thought. What would his friends say? They would definitely not believe him. Their mum, who loathed insects, said they would buzz around madly and steal their food. She would flick him out of the window. It would be a long story to tell. Soon the young boys were bored, so they decided to go out. However, this time they thought of something different, something special, something spectacular! They wanted to fly!

      When Gregor’s younger brother (Henry) hopped onto his back, he also shrank! Unsure about what would happen next, Gregor fluttered a few metres higher than the ground. Levitating in the light breeze was relaxing, despite all the weight he was carrying. Gregor thought being an insect was easy, in fact he was excited and overjoyed. They headed towards the busy town, shops and chaos everywhere. They swept past the friendly baker who spotted them but was confused. After the boys passed the baby, who had tried to catch them but failed because of the sharp turn Gregor the Ladybird made, they were more aware of dangers. Heading further into the town- which was restricted before- the boys were excited, with great hopes it will be the best time ever!

      Henry and Gregor flew into the area. It ended about just being a lavender meadow. A dozen of young, immature children were catching butterflies. “Oh no,” thought Gregor, “ It is very dangerous over here. We could get caught!” Looking back at the view, Gregor was distracted. Henry screamed.”Greg, look!” He had flown into a net! Immediately, the young child covered the entrance they came in.“ Help!” they cried, “We will never get home!” As they whined, it sounded like muffled squeaking to the kids. Probably because they were tiny. The children crowded around staring at them full of bewilderment. “Did you hear it talk?” they muttered to each other. “ What is that on it? A human?”

      Henry felt hopeless. He blabbed, “ Yes, I am a human. Somehow my big brother has turned into a ladybird right here. We are residents of nineteen Hilltop Crescent. Can you please let us out?”

      We live on that road as well! Okay, we will let you out but you have to promise to play with us on Friday.”

      The request was agreed and poor Gregor and Henry exhaustedly headed home. On the way, Gregor said, “Being a ladybird isn’t so good after all!” Henry giggled. Over the next few days, Gregor was sent to the nearby magician who said the spell would cast after twenty-four hours. He also turned Henry back to normal size, which felt more comfortable for him. Relieved, Henry and the actual Gregor played with the kids down the street and were very good friends.

      • #20119

        Hi Jessie,

        Lovely work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19880

      Hi Beth

      It seems Jack’s homework was not attached. Can you please kindly mark it.



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      • #20121

        Hi Jack,

        Fab work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19891

      Here is my homework


      Thanks, Ed

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      • #20125

        Hi Edward,

        Wonderful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #19922

      Summary for Lesson 3

      In today’s lesson we continued our work on 11+ writing, focusing today on the examiner advice “use sophisticated structure”. Working from this basis, we covered a lot of ground thinking about how structure is both micro (sentence structure, paragraph structure, punctuation, grammar etc.) and macro (plot structure, perspective, openings and endings etc.). We analysed an extract from Pepys’ diary for structural features, studied juxtaposition (which the class then used in their own writing beautifully) and spoke about why structuring a short story is particularly important. We considered the idea of story-writing being an exercise in architecture and spoke briefly about complex punctuation and how to use it to interesting effect (i.e. using dashes in a character’s speech to suggest anxiety “I- I- um- I guess not…” or using long sentences with lots of commas to increase the pace of the action). Everyone was fantastic today, this lesson was super content packed and the class kept up with it wonderfully and were able to apply it to their own work. Really amazing job today everyone, have a look back over the PowerPoint before you do your homework and remind yourself of the most important parts. Fab work everyone, keep it up! 🙂

      Juxtaposition video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KXVPS3FYkQ



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    • #20010

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework. Thank you.


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      • #20161

        Hi Albert,

        Amazing work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20021

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework. Thank you.


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      • #20163

        Hi Jack,

        Fabulous work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20049

      Here is my homework



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      • #20165

        Hi Edward,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20057

      The Havoc Invention

      “Now children, here at Oakwood Primary, we are going to have an invention competition. Our local charity would be much obliged for more of you to join in with the fun.“Mrs Robson (the lively, talkative headteacher) blabbed.“ Deadline is next Friday, where we will be presenting our inventions at the square. Mayor McBeagle will be there so give it your best shot!” Once the principal finished announcing, everyone was exhilarated by this fun project. Danny wanted to attend, however he didn’t feel like he would do well.

      After that tiresome school day, Danny decided to go to his Grandpa garage. Grandad Oakly was bonkers. He always had a peculiar invention in mind. However, the flaw with him is that he would never finish his latest invention but move on to the next. On his journey, he smelt a sweet dessert. It was pancakes – Danny had inspiration. He ran off to the garage as fast as his lightning speed feet would take him. Over the past few days, the spirited young boy would spend two precious hours in the garage tweaking and drilling with Grandpa, turning old bits into something amazing.

      On Friday, Danny headed to the city square with the pancake machine confidently. He waited for what felt like years at the snail-pace explanations by other children. Finally it was Danny’s turn. He saw Grandpa Oakly beaming positively, waving a banner saying, “Go Danny, go!”  “ So this is my invention.” Danny explained, his voice quite shaky. “It is a pancake making robot. You just communicate about what you want…” After a few seconds, the robot interrupted, making an odd rattling sound. “Oh no!” murmmed Danny to himself. “ Don’t break, don’t break!” Danny’s heart thumped as if it would leap out of his throat. Suddenly, it went BANG! On the other hand, the robot blew ashes into everyone’s faces. Was it alive? Danny felt full of bewilderment.

      Unexpectedly, the mechanical invention walked down the stage, past the judges table and started crashing into the crowds. It was charging around, scaring all the children. It ran into the sweet shop, throwing candy everywhere like confetti. The robot pulled the blooming flowers out of the flowerbeds and ran into the school. Danny saw it. He swiftly followed it. It turned on the fan. It blew viciously against the school boy’s face as he tried to step towards it. As if it was enjoying itself, Danny’s creation turned the fan to the highest level! It was a billion times worse than a snowstorm. Struggling, Danny slowly approached the robot. Just when Danny was going to turn the switch button off, the robot marched out of the building, to the high street. Chaos was in the air. It was a catosphe.


      One by one, Danny’s friends begin coursing down the pancake-making machine. Eventually, it started slowing down. Then finally, BOOM! It exploded and pancakes started raining down from the air. The Mayor swaggered towards Danny. Was he in trouble?…



      • #20167

        Hi Jessie,

        Terrific work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20063

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my week 3 homework.

      Thank you so much.

      Best wishes,


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      • #20169

        Hi Kate,

        Incredible work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20068

      Dear Beth,

      This my homework.

      Thank you.

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      • #20171

        Hi Eva,

        Great work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20149

      Dear Beth
      Here is my homework,
      Thank you for the magnificent class! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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      • #20292

        Hi Yuexi,

        Super work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20159

      Summary for Lesson 4

      In today’s lesson we focused on figurative language, following the examiner’s advice about using it carefully and thinking about how to expand our knowledge of more high level techniques. We started by completing work on metaphor, discussing how to allude to certain connotations and link two otherwise unrelated topics with figurative language (i.e., the ocean and an actor). We then moved on to thinking about the purpose of figurative language and the students completed group work on three high-level advanced techniques: allusion, allegory and motif. Finally we touched on symbolism and theme, thinking about how it could help each student’s writing in different ways. Excellent work today guys, I was especially impressed by how well you all worked together and how focused and engaged you were. Really well done for today 😊

      Khan Academy video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzKj-bLvrYQ



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    • #20195

      Dear Beth,

      Attached below is my homework.

      Thank you.


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      • #20298

        Hi Jack,

        Super work this week,  I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20210

      The door creaked and throbbed as I stepped in. The floorboards were flexible and feeble, the air swerved as a poltergeist entered my timid body. There was a staircase, the wooden lining was molded like a expired potato. There was dust on the walls as the eight-legged insects crawled over their silk-like home, as dead creatures sleep there in their graves.


      There was a broken cupboard eaten away by dust and a coach stood there with miserable frown on it. I gasped in horror as a drawing moved in my eyesight as I stepped in the dining room, faded wax candles already withering to it’s death. Rusty metal handles froze my hand as the ghostly spirit drenched me. The table was half broken, with woodlice munching away in it. A broken-glassed chandelier,dead, hanged over my head ready to hunt me down. It’s evil grin muttered and grumbled in satisfaction.


      The kitchen was a burnt stove permeating the ash that had been in there since day one. The shelves,slanted with a tired back, leaning on it’s couch. The sink was old and grimy with grey,black mold slanting undo the rain with it’s umbrella. The pipes,broken was dripping with old slimy water, probably from the sewers. The terrible odour infested the house as cracks and brick fell of the broken wall as I entered the door, The garden was abandoned and overtaken by trees and wild animals.


      Upstairs wasn’t any better. Their was a cramped room that had space for only a bed. The window glass was wrecked there was no curtains nor place to put one. The attic was above that one room, old oil painting reached out their skeletal hands for help. The other rooms were locked cold,stiff, unable to get through.


      There I walk out a sad frown stuck on me, as I went out of the house. I turned back and went off down the road.


      Linxi’s homework


      • #20300

        Hi Linxi,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20228

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.

      Thank You


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      • #20302

        Hi Albert,

        Fantastic work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20237

      My homework



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      • #20304

        Hi Edward,

        Gorgeous work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20239

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.

      I tried to do motif, with the recurring problem of everyone sneering and hating the main character, but I’m not sure if it actually worked.

      Thank you,


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      • #20306

        Hi Kate,

        Such superb work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20273

      The New House

      Splash! It was pouring. My face was crestfallen. I tried to bear my tears but the state was unpleasant. The house in front of me was extremely unwelcoming. Black birds lingered above on the rooftops and looked as if it was warning me not to go inside. CRASH! A log of wood slipped off the roof. It had been half a year wishing for something not worth it. I had been hoping for a new, spacious dwelling but sadly my parents bought an abandoned mansion. I would rather our previous house. It was colourful, fun, nice-conditioned and was actually perfect.We had travelled over to the other side of the world in a tiny car. It was an tremendously long journey, taking three weeks! Mum and Dad didn’t enjoy this house either, but we had to stay because of Dad’s new job which sounded extremely monotonous.

      The outside of our new home was dark-coloured and partly broken. I loathed it. I stepped inside. I inhaled a pungent scent, it was extremely stinky, a million times worse than rotten cheese. The kitchen was original, apart from the mouldy stains on the table and the fridge not working. The living room wasn’t much either. Just a ripped and ragged sofa and a TV in front. Over the past sunny but tedious days, I spent my time writing in my diary.  My bedroom was tiny. It was half the size of my old bedroom. The walls were dirty, in a filthy, vomiting-like yellow colour. Inside my bedroom was an orange sleeping bag and a chest of clothes. Mum said that the moving truck would arrive on Thursday. How would I spend the rest of my life here? I cried. It is unutterably ghastly here!

      • #20308

        Hi Jessie,

        Superb work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20279

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework,
      See you!

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      • #20310

        Hi Yuexi,

        Captivating work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20283

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.

      Thank you.


      I lay motionlessly in the back seat of the car, cramped together with dozens of cardboard boxes and suitecases. My arm stuck out at a weird angle as a box full of clothes fell on to my legs, it was extremly uncomfortable. I groaned in frustration as I tried to pry the things off me but was unsuccessful. I started kicking and punching at things angrily, and soon tears rolled down my cheeks. Why did we have to leave in the first place! Didn’t they know leaving our town meant me saying farewell to all my friends?

      “Sit still, will you?” scolded my mother, rubbing her temples.

      “No,” I wailed, “I would not and will not sit still!”

      It started to rain as a certain thunderstorm roared in my chest. I felt miserable as a stack of books tumbled from above and hit me hard on the head. Ugh. What an unlucky day.

      I looked down and, to my dismay, the flowers in my farewll-bouquet were drooping tiredly and petals fell from them on to my lap. Devastated, I threw it into the pele-mele beside me. Silent droplets of tears rolled continuouly down my already rosy cheeks. My head was swimming from crying too much and my eyes were red and puffy.

      “We have arrived,” my father said, out of the blue, in a hoarse croak. I pulled myself together and nursed my eyes into looking out of the water-stained window. The house was a handsome, victorian styled mansion with a dark green front porch. It didn’t look that bad. But I still hated it with all my heart.

      • #20312

        Hi Eva,

        Stunning work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20318

      Summary for Lesson 5

      In today’s class we focused on thinking creatively, looking at methods and tactics that the students can use to help them ‘think outside the box’. We began with our work on metaphor before moving on to the criteria attached to this week’s paper that advised the students of what the examiner was expecting from their work. We then began planning a story as suggested by the exam prompt. The students then had to take their story and morph it, using several advanced narrative devices (unreliable narrator, breaking the 4th wall, perspective of an innocent) to make their writing a little more unusual. They then had to think about writing constraints such as writing in future tense, 2nd person or backwards to help push their imagination even futher. Everyone worked beautifully today and came up with some really fantastically creative responses- well done guys, keep up the great work! 🙂

      Here is that TED talk on creative thinking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEusrD8g-dM



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    • #20331

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.

      Thank You,


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20481

        Hi Albert,

        Superb work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20345

      Dear Beth,

      Attached below is my homework from lesson 5

      Thank you. 🙂




      side note: sorry I was late 🙁

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20486

        Hi Jack,

        Wonderful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20347

      As dawn set, as the shimmering, mesmerizing sunshine shone up. He woke, with eyelids about to drop. With gritted teeth, grumbling and murmuring with dissatisfaction. This was the start of a  legendary journey that will be remembered for decades…


      His back was aching, especially the straw marks he had when taking his clothes of, his eyes were drooping down at the floor. This was what he felt when puny, impudent start gobbling about. A irritating chatter would spread like wildfire. He slung his pure leather belt on, it had the strength of a giant. His sword that was crafted by the God of Goblins himself. His mail armor was light and swift for the storks up in the sky had given it to him as a gift. Finally was his boots of swiftness and helmet of immunity. These were given to him all by the people above the skies.


      He set off on his winged horse, Pegasus, who had leashes of unbreakable gold. He rode on him and sent into the direction of the East to Nawarka in the mainland of the sky land above. As he urged his horse to fly up into the clouds and swift and dash, leaving trails of cloud. He covered his eyes to find out the guardian of Nawarka had come. His greetings were a brief ground rules of not entering the mystical island. He ignored him by slashing him with his sword. Panic-stricken, he nudged out of the way, through the clouds.


      As he entered, a gazelle-headed being appeared and charged towards him, they struggled and grunted with swords clanging upon each other. The being started to run straight at him. He dodged and started to stab him with his horns. He started to cut, but it seemed as if he can’t do anything. Then he used his belt to bend them together as the creature fell down to his knees, begging for mercy. He laid there. Silence. He started to collect the horns and went back to his travelling.


      This time, the God of the skies challenged him. He used the clouds to entwine him and intermingle with his “feeble” soul. He summoned Pegasus to flap, it reflected into the eyes of the inhumane being. Then with his force, he plunged both his horns, from the gazelle, into the creature. He howled, and at that moment he got jolted by the wind and blew him down.


      Linxi’s homework 🙂


      The God fell down with him as he landed there, with no life, it seemed he had been slain. In his place was a pair of golden paws, this was the treasure he was looking for! He put it gently on his hands, the creatures and beasts above the clouds, even the cloud and wind itself, bowed before him. He called them upon him, and as they came, they turned into mystic,magical jade. They all gathered into the gauntlet and burst with a deafening silence…


      Even today, if you collect all the pieces of the gauntlet. You can control the world…

      • #20488

        Hi Linxi,

        Magical work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20415

      here is my homework

      I wrote it backwards by the way,



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      • #20492

        Hi Edward,

        Creative work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20439

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.

      Sorry if it is a bit too dramatic.



      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20494

        Hi Kate,

        Spectacular  work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
        • #20502

          Thank you for the comments! I did try to’break the fourth wall’ on paragraph 6, the last sentence, with ‘you really have no idea what it was like’, but it probably didn’t really show a lot.

    • #20461

      The Journey

      Hello reader. You probably are thinking of skipping this introduction but don’t. This is a warning. This is an unfortunate book with a disastrous ending. If you like happy endings, then this isn’t the right story you would like to read. But if you are a curious explorer, a daredevil even, carry on and have a great mission.

      Followed by three highly-trained NASA astronauts, I (who hadn’t experienced training) swaggered confidently on stage. I was going to be famous, I could just imagine it. A dozen minutes later, I would be the first child into space! I jumped into the rocket and precisely examined all the functions and machines for I was the spacecraft engineer. I gave my crew an “I’m ready glare”, threw my suit on and buckled on my seatbelts. Beaming merrily but also half nervous, I looked outside. I could see my family waving emotionally, and the great punter started chanting the countdown. The world was probably looking for something extraordinary to happen. Like a fierce but courageous lion, the engine roared on, the captain said good luck and we blasted into space.

      We had made it! We were in the galaxy! We hurtled past many constellations and a plethora of zooming stars. The violet diamonds were like fairies shining in the sky. They were the only light in the pitch darkness. Little moon rocks floated around in the atmosphere and then I remembered my memorandum to pick a space rock to prove I had been to space. As we got further away from our home planet, Earth was a pea. Everything was utterly fascinating. I felt so lucky to have this opportunity.I wanted to get out and float in the warm breeze. However, I wouldn’t be able to get out. Our mission was to get to the red dustball, Mars. It would be one intense but tedious journey, for it takes one year to get there!

      CRASH, RUTTLE! (Now, reader this is the part I was talking about). Soon the Adventure ST-V4 started to rumble. It made a hollow, deep rumbling sound.

      “Oh dear!” I muttered to myself. Then I suddenly blurted out boldly “I forgot to look at the boosters!”Everyone gave me a shocked look, then screamed. It felt as if they were shouting their heads off for hours.

      A moment later, we spun in multiple directions and crashed onto a miniature, dwarf planet. Pete, Nina, Arthur and I stepped out. Our rocket was partly demolished. Helplessly, we tried to fix it but every time we tried we would end up floating up into the air. How long would this take? Would we ever get back to Earth? This could take months, years even, possibly a decade!

      • #20496

        Hi Jessie,

        Exciting work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20483

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework, have a supper nice week, and,
      HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎃🎃🎃🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇👻👻👻👻👻👻🍬🍭🍬🍭🍫🍬🍭🍭🍫🍫

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20498

        Hi Yuexi,

        Happy Halloween to you too!

        Fab work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20485

      ♥️❤️P.S Sorry if I put too much emojies, but I wish you a really sweet halloween❤️♥️

    • #20597

      Hi Beth,

      Sorry for submitting it so late. This thing took me forever and I was having trouble with finding the site.

      Thank you.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20724

        Hi Eva,

        No worries!

        Fabulous work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20730

      Summary for Lesson 6

      In today’s lesson we looked at the notion of writing with ‘economy of language’, in other words, spending your words wisely and thinking about how to pack a lot of meaning into only a few words or sentences. We began with our weekly work on metaphor which the class are making leaps and bounds of progress with (well done guys!) and then moved on to discussing the importance of economy of language and what the term means in practice. We analysed a passage from Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire, considering the ways in which light imagery, colour imagery and symbolism were used to give the class strong and powerful impressions of the character Blanche. We then considered Hemingway’s famous six word story (for sale: baby shoes. never worn) which the class wrote their own fantastically potent and poignant versions of. Amazing work everyone, I really really enjoyed hearing all your thoughts today. Keep it up and well done 🙂

      Video on concision you should watch before doing the homework: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-rql1WFQ6k



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    • #20764

      This is my homework

      thank you


    • #20765

      Sorry I didn’t upload it

      here it is

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20767

      Sorry that is the wrong one

      here it is

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20905

        Hi Edward,

        Thrilling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20772

      Dear Beth

      This is my homework.

      Thank you,


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20907

        Hi Albert,

        Fabulous  work this week, I’ve attached  your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20790

      My homework 🙂

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20909

        Hi Linxi,

        Gorgeous work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20793

      Dear Beth,

      this is my homework

      thank you

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20911

        Hi Eva,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below.  See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20796

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework,
      Have an pure-fect week!

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20913

        Hi Yuexi,

        Lovely work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20816

      The View from the Street

      “Come on! Look at the amazing view!”

      “Wait up, wait up!” Mary and John stared down at the city below them with surprised faces.

      It was tea time on Christmas Day, the clear, starry sky darkened and a breezy gust blew in the air. Supermarkets and stores started to close down as beaming families (who held many shopping bags) greeted and reunited with friends and neighbours. Up above their heads, bundles of mistletoe and holly wreaths were wrapped in fluorescent lights hung from buildings to the opposite side. They were creating a canopy of decorations in the lively atmosphere. Everyone was in a happy mood. People. Trees. Clocks. Almost dead trees were gratefully wrapped around with scarves, brightening up their spirits.

      The mayor-who wore a jet black puffy coat- boldly chimed the traditional, rusty bell a dozen times, gathering everyone together. Citizens dangled different patterned baubles on the branches of the Christmas tree as it smiled back to them. Sparkling brightly, tinsel was diagonally looped around the thriving evergreen tree but the pious star that shone brighter was the iconic figure. Linking hands together, the villagers made a circle and began to sing. Wishes and thanks were made as the heavens opened and snowflakes gradually started the fun.

      Buckled up tightly, wearing thick woolly coats and boats, children scattered everywhere like immature puppies straying in every direction. They ran and leapt in the snow, opening their mouths to feel the sensation of letting a delicate snowflake melt on their tongue. It was the most wonderful time of the year. Ecstatic children played, building snowmans, rolling balls of snow. Snowball fights and made snow angels. Down from the high slope, others skied down and sleded. Daredevils skated over the frozen lake. It was a memorable time for Mary and John to remember the joy of playing in December, when they were in their youth.

      • #20915

        Hi Jessie,

        Atmospheric work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20898

      Dear Beth,

      My homework is attatched below.

      I used a metaphor fromo a previous lesson. I hope that is okay.



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      • #20932

        Hi Kate,

        Triumphant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20900

      Dear Beth,

      Attached below is my homework.

      Thank you 🙂

      PS: sorry I did it late.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #20934

        Hi Jack,

        Great work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #20948

      Summary for Lesson 7

      In today’s lesson we completed our only lesson of the course on persuasive writing, reflective of the fact that it occasionally comes up in 11+ exams. We focused on the examiner tip ‘have an opinion’, speaking about why it is important to position yourself as an authoritative voice when writing persuasively and not to sit on the fence. We went on to speak about tone and the importance of matching your tone to your content, why awareness of audience is crucial and how to structure a piece of persuasive writing for the 11+. Finally we drew up a ‘road map’ to follow in exams, outlining the process of approaching a question such as the ones on this week’s exam paper. Everyone worked beautifully today, I was particularly impressed by the one sentence argument summaries they came up with (which can be a really tricky task!). Amazing work everyone, keep it up 😊

      Changing minds video to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58jHhNzUHm4



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      • #21078

        Hi Beth 🙋

        Thank you for the feedback. 😃

        Can you please give me my mark?

        Thank you. 🙏


        • #21106

          Hi Jack,

          Of course, my apologies for missing that out!

          You got 15/20, well done 🙂

    • #20959

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework.


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21107

        Hi Albert,

        Fantastic  work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20980

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.




      One sentence summary: The Land of Stories is the best series you’ll ever read – it’s a literature smoothie of all genres imaginable; horror, romance, adventure, comedy, tragedy, voyage and return, quest, overcoming the monster, rags to riches… it fits into all of these categories!

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21109

        Hi Kate,

        Magnificent work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20988

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.

      Thanl you

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20990

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework.

      Thank you

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21111

        Hi Eva,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #20999

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework,
      ♥️ I wish you a beautiful week♥️
      Best Wishes,

    • #21000

      Sorry, here it is…

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21113

        Hi Yuexi,

        Some good work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon  🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21085

      Dear Beth,

      Attached Below is my homework.

      I’ve also added a rating (my opinion) to it.

      Thank you,


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21115

        Hi Jack,

        Super work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you  soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21091

      Book Review for School Newspaper

      Written by J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (from the Harry Potter series) is an adventurous, cliff-hanging book. Although it is extremely long, it is rewarding and worth reading. It is most suitable for ages seven to ten year olds, but really all ages enjoy these narratives. Personally, I adored reading this fabulous book a lot. Tension is created clearly and vividly, it is so suspenseful, I felt like I was there at Hogwarts watching all of this happen.

      The best thing about this book is there are no unnecessary or uninteresting parts. Instead, it goes with the flow and each chapter is symbolic and proof to next parts of the book. This makes it one of a kind and unique.

      The narrative is about Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Through romance and smarky schemes, there is one big event, the Triwizard Tournament, which is hosted in Hogwarts. It is the main plot but included with lots of punishments and twists. Once you attend by writing your name in the Goblet of Fire that is it. There is no turning back. That is why only students above the age of seventeen are allowed to enter.

      Throughout the vicious term, various characters, like Hermione Granger, change personalities and do their best to protect and side with Harry. Professor Albus Dumbeldore seeks the future and the past, trying to inform Harry Potter with his yearly task and horrible incidents which will soon make sense…

      However, during the school year, Professor Trelawney’s prophecy is coming untangled. The Dark Lord -Voldermort- has returned. Unexpectedly, Harry (who is only fifteen) gets his name picked out of Goblet of fire. He must not surrender but suffer through three threatening tasks including meeting dark wizards, even “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named”. He will need to be careful of creatures and people lurking around. Will Harry Potter make it through, alive?…

      Additionally, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire is my favorite tale out of them all. The ending is very emotional and reveals many unbelievable secrets. I recommend it to all magic fans and courageous readers. Similarly, this book (as well as the whole series) includes changing from the muggle world, “ the planet of non-magical people”, to the Witch and Wizarding World. The plot is quite similar to Narnia and ‘The Worst Witch’. I rate this book five out of five and hope you all enjoy it.

      • #21117

        Hi Jessie,

        Compelling work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21096

      Dear Beth

      here is my homework

      PS : sorry it’s late

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21119

        Hi Edward,

        No worries!

        Amazing work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21139

      Summary for Lesson 8

      In today’s lesson we completed our eighth session on 11+ writing, focusing on the prompt ‘take inspiration’ to help us think about how to inspire different forms and styles of writing. We began by discussing the authors that the class take inspiration from, thinking about what it was about each writer that inspired them and what they would borrow from their writing to use in their own. We then discussed how important choosing the right language can be and considered why more flashy words are not always better, and that it is important to focus on the connotations of language first and foremost. Finally, we looked at an extract from Sherlock Holmes, analysing the writer’s style and thinking about how to use that analysis to continue the story, as in an 11+ exam. Everyone worked beautifully today and were full of gorgeous ideas and contributions. For the homework, the class can choose between continuing the stories of either paper attached below. Well done for your hard work today class, see you soon 😊

      Video on the power of simplicity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLJicmE8fK0Eib5y-bh4RVFvg492OIwpg8&v=Dz8E8UOBFJQ&feature=emb_logo



      Call of the Wild Paper. The question is “Continue this story. What do you think happens next? Remember to consider the writing style and how to match it.”: https://www.highgateschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/English-11-Sample-Paper-A.pdf

      The other paper you can choose is attached below:

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21176

      Dear Beth,

      This is my homework. I hope it’s good.

      Thank You


    • #21177

      Sorry, here it is.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21293

        Hi Albert,

        Super work  this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21179

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework,
      Have an awesome week.

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21295

        Hi Yuexi,

        Beautiful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. Thank you; I hope you have an awesome week too, see you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21193

      my homework 🙂 🙂


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21297

        Hi Linxi,

        Wonderful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21195

      Dear Beth,

      Attached below is my homework for Week 8.

      Also, in the Highgate paper, the extract was from White Fang, not Call of the Wild.

      Thank you, and have a wonderful week! 🙂


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21299

        Hi Jack,

        Spectacular work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21242

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my story.

      I hope it’s not late.

      Thank you

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21301

        Hi Eva,

        Triumphant work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21261

      19th November 2019

      Dear Diary,

      Today, I had a big but weary day. I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains, blinding my eyes. It reminded me of the day ahead of me. Guess what? I was going to be part of a concert, in the O2 Arena, Young Voices show! Going with my class, I felt perturbed at first. I didn’t want to sing. Also, I had a solo to sing. A very long, awkward one too! What if I sang in the wrong parts at the wrong times? I would ruin everything!

      We took the train to London. My stomach gurgled. Why did I ever choose to sign up? Couldn’t we postpone this to another day? As Ms Luke announced that we were almost there, I was numb and paralysed with fear. It was a tidal wave crashing over me. Isla tried to cheer me up and I started smiling for a bit.

      Once we arrived, the manager trailed us behind, leading us to our seats. My eyes swept over them, gazing in horror. Unfortunately, the smile dropped from my face. I thought we would get the top seats (where no one looks) but instead the first ones! The audience would be devastated if we put on a tedious show (I can still remember watching a monotonous concert). We had to do it.

      At four thirty the concert started. Crowds and families started thronging in. Behind the velvet, violet curtains I took a deep breath. I hoped that I could do it. As the violinist led the concert’s melody, the choir began to join in. At the front, I observed mum and dad smiling and cheering in my direction. I decided to impress them and everyone. I opened my mouth and sang my solo beautifully -that’s what my teacher said but I’m not sure. The notes ordered themselves into the right tune and once I sang, I felt free. All my worries drifted away!

      Oh Diary, I actually felt amazing. My eyes danced with excitement, my feet shifted from one to another. At the end, I gave a fathomless, hearty shout of joy that echoed around in the Arena. I was proud but did not show it notably. I have found another hobby. It was utterly fantastic. Icould go on writing pages and pages. But no. Diary, it’s time to go. Mum’s calling for dinner. She’ll go up the wall if I don’t go down. Same time, same place tomorrow Diary. See you later.

      Best Wishes,


      • #21476

        Hi Jessie,

        Fantastic work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21284

      Sorry if it’s late again.

      Thank you


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21478

        Hi Edward,

        Imaginative work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21308

      Dear Beth,

      Here is my homework. Sorry it is late.



      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21480

        Hi Kate,

        Gorgeous work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21324

      Summary for Lesson 9

      In our penultimate lesson we completed an 11+ writing workshop, using this hour to unpick any final questions, queries or concerns that the students have about the exam. We completed our metaphor work and then the students had half an hour to ask questions about 11+ writing, the exam and the eight pieces of examiner’s advice we have studied over this course. We revised some key components of the past eight weeks and then completed work on self-evaluating each student’s progress, which the class then had to put to the test in writing a quick-fire 11+ writing question, thinking specifically about how to action the improvements they had said they wanted to make to their writing. Finally, we looked at a checklist of what examiners are looking for in 11+ writing, closely comparing the writing they just did with the mark scheme provided and helping them to consider the ways in which they could focus their writing through tools such as genre, advanced vocab and planning & editing. Amazing work today everyone, it was a fantastic lesson with you all today and you should all be super proud of your work. Keep it up and well done 🙂

      P.S. Remember to revise for the mock! Good luck



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    • #21382

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my homework. See you next week!
      best magnificent wishes,

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21484

        Hi Yuexi,

        Graceful work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21395

      This is my homework 🙂 🙂 🙂

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21486

        Hi Linxi,

        Exciting work this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21400


      “Oh that exasperating, filthy idiotic imbecile!” smeared Mr Bothersome.“I’ve had enough of his unacceptable behaviour!”

      “Mr Bothersome, I’ve told you that you can have a confidential talk with the boy once he’s ready,” gently replied the feeble, weak headteacher – Mr Perrot as he strolled away down the corridor, leaving Mr Bothersome to calm himself down.

      I woke up. Secluded in the cold, julbation-taking office of Mr Bothersome, my mind was still racing. Another hour of detention. Where was Benjamin? Harry, too, wasn’t here. My brain, who clearly saw Mr Bothersome as my nemesis and boldly the world’s worst teacher, was once again rewinding back to the incident that happened half an hour. Half-wittedly, I had fallen asleep in Mr Bothersome’s (or as I like to see Mr Annoying’s) an irritating, irrelevant lecture about Napoleon’s favourite pair of socks. Useless. But making these foolish actions, it wasn’t my first time. I had casted tricks and multiple pranks on him throughout my years at Tiresome Grammar. He was indeed going to trounce the rest of me.

      My heart thumped various times, quicker than a shrew’s. Mr Annoying had given me dark, depressing and dull punishments. How could he do worse? Only on Monday, he demanded that I arrange all (and I mean all) his books. By the end I finished it was five o clock. The evening had already carpeted the afternoon in pitch darkness. It really was worse than the worst. I crossed my fingers, even my feet. The world was on my shoulders…

      • #21482

        Hi Jessie,

        Amazing work  this week, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #21449

      Dear Beth,

      this is my homework.

      thank you

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21569

        Hi Eva,

        Superb work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21467

      Dear Beth,

      Attached below is my updated version of my last homework.

      Hope you think it’s good! 🙂


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21571

        Hi Jack,

        Excellent work, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂


        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21490

      Here is my mock.

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      • #21583

        Hi Edward,

        Brilliant work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21492


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      • #21585

        Hi Eva,

        Wonderful work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21494

      Dear Beth,
      Here is my mock…Thanks!
      Best wishes,

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      • #21587

        Hi Yuexi,

        Splendid work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #21496

      my mock !!! :):):)


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      • #21589

        Hi Linxi,

        Fabulous work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #21498

      me mock

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      • #21591

        Hi Albert,

        Great work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

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    • #21500

      Summary for Lesson 10

      In today’s lesson we completed our mock writing exam, using the first few minutes of the lesson to quickly go over some key points to remember and for the class to ask any questions they had. The class then spent thirty minutes completing their writing, using an additional five minutes to plan. They all worked fantastically today, everyone was really engaged, focused and mature throughout the exam. Well done class, it’s been a joy to teach you over the autumn term! Remember to be original and unique in your answers and keep being as creative as you already are now and I am sure you will all achieve amazing marks in any writing exams or tests you take. Have a lovely next few weeks and I hope to see you all soon! Keep up the great work 🙂



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    • #21502

      Mock exam

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      • #21597

        Hi Kate,

        Magnificent work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21504

      Thank you for the ten week course! Here is my work…

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      • #21599

        Hi Jessie,

        You’re welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed them!

        Beautiful work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #21506

      Dear Beth,

      This is my mock exam writing.

      Thank you.


      You must be logged in to view attached files.
      • #21601

        Hi Jack,

        Great work on your mock, I’ve attached your feedback below. See you soon 🙂

        You must be logged in to view attached files.
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