Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl 7-9A

Fantastic Mr Fox

Reasons for selection and synopsis

Boggis, Bunce and Bean are the meanest three farmers you could meet.

They are determined to get Mr Fox – but he has other plans!
Fantastic Mr Fox is a true classic that will have your children gripped and roaring with laughter.

Before reading…
Look at the front cover. What do you think the book will be about? What things can you see on the front cover?
What sort of story will it be? Who might enjoy it?Think of the title Fantastic Mr Fox. What might it tell you about the
Now read the blurb. What does this tell you about the story?
Make some predictions about what might happen in the story.
Look at the author Roald Dahl. Do you know any of his other
stories? Which ones can you name?


Chapter 1 and 2


What words on Page 1 show that the farmers aren’t very nice?
Find a word that means ‘short’ on Page 3. However, the word should not be to do with size, rather it should refer to patience.
What phrase shows that Mr Fox loves his wife?


Why is Boggis so fat?
How do you know Bunce is short?
Do you think Bunce’s diet is good for him? Explain your answer.
Why might Bean be so thin?
Do the children like the farmers?


Predict what will happen when the farmers hide outside the tree.
Explain Why might Roald Dahl have used alliteration for the farmers’names?
Do you think it’s right for Mr Fox to steal? Explain your answer fully.


How many farms were in the valley?
What were the farmers’ names?
What does Boggis keep?
What does Bunce farm?
What does Bean’s farm produce?
Where does Mr Fox live?
How did Mr Fox always avoid getting caught?


Use one word to describe each of the farmers. Explain your choice.
Summarise the farmers’ plan in twenty words or less.


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