

Jacob is a Philosophy major at Hamilton College, where he holds the highest
departmental GPA in his class and was the recipient of the 2019 Randall J. Harris Prize
for superior scholarship. From 2018 to 2019, Jacob worked as a peer consultant for
Hamilton’s Communications center, helping students write and prepare for oral
presentations, interviews, speeches, and exams. He served for 2 semesters as chair of the
Hamilton College Honor Court, where he investigated allegations of academic dishonesty
with the Dean of Students and rendered verdicts on charges of such dishonesty. Jacob is
currently Editor-in-Chief of The Monitor, a campus publication featuring students’
opinions on politics and current events. In 2019, Jacob received a grant with Professor
Manuel Barrantes to research and draft an academic article on climate change and the
philosophy of science. In the summer of 2019, he interned at the New York State
Supreme Court, where he assisted a judge by reading and taking notes on court
transcripts. As a student at Hamilton College, Jacob has also participated in Hamilton’s
Debate Society and Quiz Bowl.(该老师目前已经从哲学专业毕业,继续在法学专业深造)


As a student and as a tutor, I believe that the essence of good writing is clarity of
communication. A strong essay should be easy to read and easy to follow. As a tutor, I will work
with each student to improve his or her ability to construct clear, well-written, and logical
arguments. This means concentrating on skills such as:

  •  Developing thesis statements and supporting them with arguments and evidence
  •  Crafting helpful introductions and conclusions
  •  Using correct grammar and vocabulary 
  •  Avoiding passive voice and convoluted sentence structure 
  •  Revising and rewriting one’s written work
  • Cutting down on unnecessary sentences and claims

My approach will give attention to each of the listed areas and more. However, I will
also be mindful of the specific strengths and shortcomings of each student in order to direct
careful attention where it is most needed. Since the aim of the course is to provide the most
helpful feedback to each student, I make each student’s specific needs my top priority.



Is mathematics invented or discovered?

What makes you the same person you were 5-10 years ago?

When it comes to the morality of an action, do only the consequences matter or do intentions matter too?

What would happen if everyone could do whatever they wanted without getting caught?

Do we have an obligation to protect the environment?

Do you think that there are things that only men or only women can do? Why or why not?



Please watch above videos in philosophy. Then, write a short essay (about 3-5 paragraphs) responding to above questions.

In the first paragraph, begin by introducing the topic as well as the position that you are defending. Your first paragraph should contain at least one sentence that clearly states what position you will be arguing for (this is called the thesis statement). In the next few paragraphs, develop an argument defending that position.
I strongly recommend developing your argument in the following way: Start by giving the argument that supports your position. Then, summarize as charitably as possible one possible argument that an opponent might make in response to your argument. Then, explain why your opponent’s argument is not strong enough to refute your own argument. Then, in a concluding paragraph, briefly restate the argument you have made throughout your essay and
state any final thoughts you may have. This strategy is very effective, which is why it’s so common among professional philosophers! Don’t worry if you find it difficult to write your philosophical essay at first. We will practice this technique throughout this course.



What would you try to do if you knew that it was impossible for you to fail?
What is something you wish you could invent?
Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in space or time and why?
If you could meet one fictional character who would it be and why?


Please write a short essay (about 3-5 paragraphs) responding to above prompts.
Don’t worry about crafting a perfect argument, as this is your chance to develop your creative ideas and talents and to practice your narrative voice. Feel free to draw on personal experience,things you may have learned about in school, or even the ideas that have come up in this course. However, this is not an excuse to say or writing anything that you want. I expect all answers to respond to the prompt, and for you to give reasons for why you answered the way that you did. You don’t have to write with a specific audience in mind, but you should write under the assumption that your work will be read and others. Always ask yourself: what do I want the reader to get out of reading my writing?

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