Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl 7-9B

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Reasons for selection and synopsis:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is perhaps Roald Dahl’s best-known story. The story of Charlie Bucket, the five Golden Tickets, the Oompa-Loompas and the amazing Mr Willy Wonka has become firmly embedded in our culture since it was first published in 1964. Conservative estimates suggest the original book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide; it is now available in 55 languages. 


Before reading…

Ask the children to look at the front cover.
– What do you think the book will be about?
– What things can you see on the front cover?
– What sort of story will it be?
– Who might enjoy it?



Here Comes Charlie AND Mr Willy Wonk’s Factory

– What is a ‘chocolatier’?
– What is an ‘inventor’?
– Why is the soup described as ‘watery’?
– Think of a synonym for ‘gorgeous’.

– What food did the family eat? Why did they only eat these foods?
– Why did they only get ‘second helpings’ on Sundays?
– Why would Charlie slow down when he walked past the chocolate factory?
– Why is Willy Wonka such an amazing chocolatier?
– Why did the family love George?

– Will the family stay poor?
– What will happen on Charlie’s birthday this year?
– What did the Prince do?

– What emotions do you feel towards Charlie and his family?
– What is the effect of the line ‘And oh, how he wished he could go inside the factory and
see what it was like!’? How is it ironic?
– What impression do we get of the chocolate factory?
– Why did Charlie always go into the room of his four grand

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