The Hunger Games 4
#Amber# The air was murky, as always in District 12. Like in District 13. But there was no District 13, at least not after the bombing. ...
George’s Marvellous Medicine
#Chloe (373) It all began when George’s frail grandma got to the age where she needed to be looked after. Because of this, they needed ...
The BFG2
(Jessica) A few months after the Queens anniversary, Sophie lay conscious on a humongous, silky velvet blanket which lay quietly on a ...
Northern Lights 3
The Northern Lights Writing Sequence: Amber-Ray-Anna #Amber# Part One A monkey scuttled along an oak tree’s long branch. He was ...
朋友圈有1000多位家长,目测十个娃里有七八个在学钢琴或者大小提琴,不论人在中国还是英美。聪明如我自然不会去跟家长辩论学乐器的必要性和重要性,那是极其危险的事情。换个角度,如果不让娃学乐器,你会让娃干点啥。 ...
Northern Lights 2
Alicia Esmè and her dæmon, now in the shape of a panther, tiptoed down the silent hall. If anyone found them, they were going to be ...
Watership Down 3
Watership Down #Amber# If anything is more of a threat to an unseeing, low-land and burrowing creature, it’s humans. Any day, they ...
Watership Down 2
#Haoming (Writer 1: Hazel Writer 2: Holly Writer 3: Fiver) Note: Writers may change ...